"The Lord has an order. Once the primary mission target is out of control, kill it with all your strength on the spot!" The girl in white suddenly said sternly.

When the group of undead warriors who were still afraid heard these words, the cold evil energy on their bodies suddenly increased sharply, and the expressions on their faces also changed accordingly, revealing an extremely cold murderous intention.


All the undead warriors moved again, overwhelmingly attacking Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin.

Ji Tianqi grabbed Luo Luo's arm, which was out of control, and swung it out with force. He threw Luo Luo directly in the direction of Nie Qingcheng. He rushed forward with one step, raised his fist and smashed the head of an undead warrior, burning it to ashes!

Ji Tianlin was also angry and roared: "Catch my wife, beat my brother, you all go to hell!"

The young man's body suddenly rose up. Although he was young, he had easily defeated a master at the peak of his powers before. Furthermore, he was so gifted in physique that his true combat power could not be inferred by common sense. .??.

Ji Tianlin's body rotated in the air and suddenly swooped down, just like the autumn wind sweeping down fallen leaves. Wherever it passed, raging flames ignited!

Ji Tianqi's movements are not as fancy as Ji Tianlin's. They are very simple and direct attack moves, but they are extremely lethal. No one who can get close to him will survive if he touches him!

A group of undead warriors rushed towards the brothers like crazy, completely ignoring the other people around them and turning a blind eye to Wu Chang and others, as if they only had eyes for the Ji Tianlin brothers.

At this moment, a burly black figure rushed over with a roar. It was not a person, but a, no, a dog, it was Dahei.

At this time, Dahei was even more powerful than when he was teaching Zhuo Zhengping a lesson outside the door. He was full of evil aura and spread his fangs like a giant beast from the wild!

In the past five years, he, the brothers Ji Tianlin and Luo Luo have been living together day and night. Now the three little masters are besieged by a group of people. Dahei is completely angry. He comes over with a roar, opens his claws and slaps

An undead warrior flew!

Everyone was frightened, knowing that this big black dog was not a simple person. Back then, Dahei had made a great show at the Huajing Genting Hotel.

But a dog is still a dog, and there is no need to question its loyalty, but its IQ is definitely not comparable to that of humans. Although Dahei is magical, his strength is about the same as that of a strong master.

There were many master-level experts present, but none of them could do anything to the immortal warrior, but it was able to fly away with one claw, which was a bit strange.

After the undead warrior was knocked away by Da Hei, before he could get up from the ground, the wound on his chest that Da Hei scratched actually caught fire, and a bang spread all over his body. It was very similar to Ji Tianlin's and Ji Tianqi's attacks. In a moment, Burned to ashes.

Everyone was stunned at this moment. Ji Tianqi and his brother had special physiques. After all, there was a monster father there. They could understand it, but did a dog have to be so awesome? I don’t know how many young heroes present who were originally proud and arrogant felt that they were not even as good as a dog at this time!

Dahei was too ferocious. He opened his fangs and began to bite, and his sharp claws clawed wildly. Wherever he passed, human figures flew around and were burned to ashes.

Wu Chang, who was usually serious about his speech, stammered to Nie Qingcheng: "Auntie, what's going on with this big black guy? Is he really a bitch?"

Nie Qingcheng's eyes lit up and he said: "I understand. The origin of the power of these undead warriors comes from the blood of the Nie family. No matter how powerful they are, people with the blood of the Nie family have a natural feeling of being suppressed. Therefore, , the Ji Tianlin brothers, Dahei, and everyone with the blood of the Nie family are their nemesis!"

Gu Yunfei began to develop undead warriors many years ago, and the power of the undead warriors originally came from the blood of Ji Hongtu.

The bloodline is the bloodline of the Nie family, so the bloodline of the Nie family will inevitably suppress the undead warriors.

No wonder these immortal warriors regard the Ji Tianqi brothers as mission targets. It turns out there is another key point. If they cannot catch the brothers, they must destroy them!

"But what about Dahei?" Xiao Feng asked.

Nie Qingcheng shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. I'm afraid only Xiaofeng knows the reason. Maybe he used some method to let Dahei have the power of the Nie family's blood."

It's not surprising that the Ji Tianlin brothers are from the Nie family, but Dahei is a dog.

Ji Wufeng must have used a method. The blood of the Nie family can transform people into immortal warriors, and naturally it can also transform a dog into an immortal war dog!

Dahei is just a very common native dog, but judging from its intelligence, size and strength, it is even more terrifying than a liger!

Everyone has seen the terror of the undead warriors. Although they are no match for the strong ones in the holy realm, if there are tens of thousands of them, even the strong ones in the holy realm will be annihilated. The Nie family bloodline is the nemesis of the undead warriors. If Gu Yunfei wants to If we want to rely on immortal warriors to dominate the world, we must eliminate the Nie family.

Nie Qingcheng immediately ordered that everyone give up participating in the battle and stand on one side to sweep the formation, leaving the battlefield to the two brothers Ji Tianqi and Dahei. She also wondered how high the potential of these two brothers was.

As for the other enemies, it won't be too late to wait until the brothers are in trouble before taking action. Participating in the war now will only increase casualties needlessly!

The attacks of the Ji Tianqi brothers and Dahei had a fatal effect on the undead warriors. The feet of the two brothers and the dog were already filled with ashes. If these ashes were reduced to corpses, they would probably be buried alive.

Everyone was horrified. These two brothers are too tyrannical, and they are still so young. Wait a few years, and there will definitely be another one.

Ji Hongtu is another Ji Wufeng, no, he may even be more powerful than them!

The girl in white looked at all this with cold eyes, and an undead warrior rushed over and said: "The mission is about to fail, no one can stop them!"

Almost half of the thousands of undead warriors had been killed by these two brothers and Dahei. They were all reduced to ashes, and the rest could not last too long.

"'Mission failure' does not exist in our dictionary. They must die today!" the girl in white said coldly.

"All die!"

Ji Tianlin roared wildly and rushed out like thunder. Wherever he touched, all the undead warriors he touched were knocked up and burned into ashes.

Ji Tianqi roared, his small body leaped high into the air, screaming loudly, and punched an undead warrior on the head. The violent fist force raged, and the affected undead warrior's body was instantly on fire, and he screamed miserably.

Dahei was even more ferocious. He opened his bloody mouth and bit off the head of an undead warrior. He opened his front claws and the undead warrior was torn into pieces in the flames!

In the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, in the transparent container, I watched the naked young man roaring wildly, his whole body covered with monstrous demonic energy. The container was shaking, and the entire base was shaking.

A man in a white coat exclaimed: "Young Master, your energy index is about to exceed the limit!"

Gu Tianyang's eyes were filled with hot divine light, and he said: "Start the experiment immediately!"

The man immediately pressed the button in front of him, and a huge pipe above the transparent container suddenly produced a huge suction force. The demonic energy on the naked young man was instantly sucked away. His skin and flesh cracked bit by bit, and traces of blood seeped out. .

The other end of the pipe was connected to an ice coffin, and the demonic energy and blood threads were all input into the ice coffin along the pipe.

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