The Wu family is powerful in Tiannan, and naturally they have many experts. Once a large number of people arrive, they will capture Ji Wufeng and slowly kill them!

The eldest young master was beaten, and the Wu family immediately came out with all their skills, roaring in and surrounding Ji Wufeng.

Wu Liang took a gun, walked up to Ji Wufeng, raised the gun and said to Ji Wufeng with a vicious face: "You bastard, you are very arrogant, but I promise, I won't let you die in a while." I know, take it away!”

A group of people rushed up, and a cold light flashed in Ji Wufeng's eyes, but at this moment, a clear voice shouted: "Stop!"

A beautiful woman in black walked over with a cold face. Everyone's expressions changed immediately. They were very familiar with this woman. Although it was the first time they saw her, she could be seen everywhere in major news media. figure.

"Cousin Xinyue!"

When Wu Liang saw this woman, he immediately trotted over and said, "It's just a small matter, how can I bother you to come in person?"

The woman in black just looked at Wu Liang indifferently, and then said to the masters of the Wu family: "Get out of here right away!" ??

Upon hearing this, the masters of the Wu family turned around and left immediately without any hesitation.

Although Wu Liang is their master, they know very well that even the entire Wu family relies on Jiang Xinyue. If the elders of the Wu family are here, they will definitely carry out Jiang Xinyue's orders unconditionally.

Wu Liang was confused. What was going on?

The woman in black turned around and walked towards Ji Wufeng. She suddenly became excited. Even the long hair on her forehead was trembling. Her eyes were red and she said, "You are finally back."

Although Jiang Xinyue is almost the queen of Tiannan now, her happiest memory is the time she spent at Yuzhou Tianxiang Group, because she had her friends there and even met Ji Wufeng.

Before, she was pestered by a dandy named Luo Hui, and Ji Wufeng stepped forward. She even said that she would protect Ji Wufeng, but now she just makes her laugh a little when she thinks about it.

r\u003e But it is precisely because of their sincere mutual concern that they have created an unwavering friendship and allowed the Jiang family to have the glory it has today.

Ji Wufeng looked at Jiang Xinyue with indifference in his eyes, scratched his head and said in a naive voice: "Do you know me?"

He felt that the beautiful woman in front of him was familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was.

Jiang Xinyue looked stunned, while little Chenghuan jumped over and said, "Big sister, big sister, do you two know each other? That's great. He seems to have broken his brain and lost his memory. He doesn't even know who he is." Know."

Jiang Xinyue was speechless for a moment. It seemed that this was not the first time Ji Wufeng had lost his memory. Could it be possible that the problem of amnesia could recur?

But no matter what, as long as the person is found, everything will be fine. She knelt down and looked at Xiao Chenghuan and said with a smile: "Little sister, what is your name?"

"My name is Chenghuan." Xiao Chenghuan said.

Jiang Xinyue glanced at Wu Liang and said, "Then tell eldest sister what happened here just now, okay?"

Xiao Chenghuan immediately became unhappy, pouted and said, "We just came to eat, and they beat us. It's so abominable. A beautiful woman like me can actually do it!"

Everyone in the restaurant was stunned. If you only came to eat, who would beat you for no reason? Why didn't you say you didn't want to pay for the meal?

But although they thought Nizi was hateful, no one dared to say it.

"Well, they can attack a beautiful woman like you. They don't know how to show mercy to her. How do you want me to punish them?" Jiang Xinyue asked with a smile.

Xiao Chenghuan thought for a while and said: "Let's forget it. Beauties are all generous, so I won't spank them. I'll just punish them by making good food for me to eat."

But no money is allowed! "

Although Xiao Nizi is quirky, she is still very pure in heart. If she were a little cruel, Wu Liang's words of "little bitch" would probably make her reluctant to let him go!

Jiang Xinyue nodded and said: "Okay, then this restaurant will be yours from now on. The first thing they have to do is to prepare delicious food for you!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then Jiang Xinyue turned to Wu Liang and said, "I want to transfer this restaurant to my little sister's name. You don't have any objections, do you?"

Everyone was immediately dumbfounded. Transferred to this little girl's name? Are you giving this hotel to her?

This hotel is of high quality, and the building is located in a prime commercial location. It is definitely worth hundreds of millions. It was actually used by Jiang Xinyue as a gift for the children.

Wu Liang's face suddenly turned green. No matter how rich he was, it was as if he had lost a piece of his flesh. He was heartbroken. What made him even more unbearable was that this stinky girl had slapped him several times just now. I haven't even avenged my revenge, but in the end I have to give away my family and property to others.

When Jiang Xinyue saw that Wu Liang did not express his position, she said, "If you have any objections, just pretend that I didn't say it. I believe that many restaurants under the Jiang family will not be worse than this hotel."

"Cousin Xinyue, what are you talking about? It's just a hotel. It's worthless. How could I have any objections?" Wu Liang laughed, but there was a hint of sinisterness in his eyes.

The reason why the Wu family has been able to prosper is entirely due to the power of the Jiang family. Not to mention Jiang Xinyue just wants one restaurant, even if she wants two or ten restaurants, the Wu family has to give it!

So, just a few days after leaving home, little Chenghuan transformed into the owner of a high-end hotel and a rich woman worth over 100 million.

Immediately, Jiang Xinyue asked Ji Wufeng and the others to get in the car and drove directly to Jiang's house.

Sitting in the car, seeing Ji Wufeng with confusion in his eyes, Jiang Xinyue suddenly dialed the number

Her number was cut off, and she actually felt that if Ji Wufeng really didn't remember anything, it might not be a bad thing.

After Jiang Xinyue and his party left, the lobby manager walked up to him tremblingly and said, "Mr. Wu, this hotel is really..."


Wu Liang slapped the lobby manager with a big slap, knocking him to the ground. Then he rushed over and stomped his feet a few times, and said sternly: "You useless piece of shit!"

Wu Liang walked out of the hotel with a face full of rage. After getting into the car, Wu Liang became more and more angry as he thought about it. After hesitating for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a mysterious number.

After the call was connected, a deep voice came from the other end: "Finally figured it out?"

Wu Liang's expression became respectful and he said: "Master Lu, can you really guarantee that the Wu family can replace the Jiang family in the future?"

"Are you questioning me or the prince?"

"No, of course I don't dare to question you and the prince. I have figured it out." Wu Liang said quickly.

"Then just wait for me to contact you."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Liang trembled all over as he recalled how scary that person was, but when he thought of everything he would get in the future, his eyes couldn't help but be filled with resentment: "Jiang Xinyue, you forced me to do this, look. You can still be arrogant for a few days!

The car drove into the Jiang family. The Jiang family's courtyard was very majestic. It was like a huge manor. This was a wealthy family, which was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Sister, is this your home?" Xiao Chenghuan asked.

"Do you like it here?" Jiang Xinyue asked with a smile.

She didn't know who this little Chenghuan was, but she could see Ji Wufeng's love for this little girl from his eyes. It was also for this reason that Jiang Xinyue gave Chenghuan a big gift as soon as they met.

Xiao Chenghuan nodded and said: "It's just so-so, it's okay to make do!"

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