Knowing that Xiao Nizi is not simple, Jiang Xinyue was still a little dizzy when she heard her words. Such a big manor is just ordinary. Is your home a royal palace?

Not to mention, the majestic Holy Land Jialuo Temple is really not much different from the imperial palace. It is normal for Xiao Chenghuan to look down on it.

Xiao Chenghuan and Ji Wufeng didn't clean up much in the past two days, and they were very dirty. Jiang Xinyue immediately asked someone to arrange a bath for them, and also prepared suitable clothes.

Although it was a strange place, Xiao Chenghuan did not regard himself as an outsider at all, saying: "I don't want a shower, I want flower petals in the tub, rose-flavored, freshly picked!" .??.

Jiang Xinyue was speechless for a while and said, "Do you always take a bath like this at home?"

Xiao Chenghuan nodded and said: "Yes, I am a beautiful woman, so of course I have to wash it like this, otherwise I will lose face if I tell anyone."

Jiang Xinyue smiled bitterly and shook her head. With the abilities of the Jiang family, this was quite satisfying.

After the two of them finished washing and walked out, Jiang Xinyue's eyes suddenly lit up. Ji Wufeng was still Ji Wufeng, but his eyes were a little dull and lacked the sharpness before, but it made Jiang Xinyue's heart warm.

When Ji Wufeng pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger, he pretended to be as dull as he is now.

However, what surprised her even more was Xiao Chenghuan. Before, she just thought she was pretty and cute. But after Xiao Chenghuan washed up and put on neat clothes, an ethereal temperament was revealed. She could only be described by the word elf. She did.

Jiang Xinyue herself is a great beauty, and she has seen many beauties, many of whom are stunning in the world.

However, she can conclude that when little Chenghuan grows up, she will definitely surpass all the other beauties and become the most stunning beauty!

After marveling, Jiang Xinyue said: "You must not have eaten enough at the restaurant just now, right? I asked the kitchen to prepare some food for you, try it first!"

Xiao Chenghuan turned his head and looked at a table, only to see that the table was already filled with exquisite food.

Delicious food with all colors, flavors and tastes.

Xiaodu's eyes suddenly shone, and he rushed over and said: "Great, I was only three-thirds full after eating just now, and now I can finally fill up my belly. Silly uncle, come quickly, let's eat together!"

Ji Wufeng smiled stupidly and walked over. The next scene almost made Jiang Xinyue's eyes darken and she fainted.

I saw Xiao Nizi kicking her legs, jumping onto the table, grabbing a piece of steak with one hand, and picking up a squab with the other hand, wolfing it down. Ji Wufeng was not polite. He ate the meat without spitting out the bones. A table full of dishes was almost wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Little Chenghuan held a roasted leg in his mouth and said, "Sister, are there any more? Let's serve one more table, no, two tables!"

Two...two tables?

Jiang Xinyue felt dizzy and forced a smile: "I'll tell the kitchen to prepare it!"

The news that the eldest daughter of the Jiang family brought a man and a little girl home quickly spread throughout the Jiang family. Now that Jiang Xinyue is the head of the Jiang family, her every move has attracted much attention.

Finally, the two super ricers, one big and one small, were full. After settling them down, Jiang Xinyue was immediately called over by a group of elders from the Jiang family.

Ever since Jiang Xinyue took charge of the Jiang family five years ago, Mr. Jiang has stopped interfering in the affairs of the Jiang family. Jiang Xinyue is in charge of everything, and some elders of the Jiang family are responsible for assisting.

"Second Grandpa, do you have anything to do with me?" Jiang Xinyue asked as she entered the inner hall.

It's really a big battle. The second old man of the Jiang family, all the uncles and fathers, and everyone who has a say in the Jiang family are there.

"Xinyue, I heard that you brought a man and a child back?" Jiang Huicheng, the second oldest son of the Jiang family, asked.

"Yes, Second Grandpa, that's my friend." Jiang Xinyue accidentally tried to hide Ji Wufeng's identity.

An old man on the side shook his head and said: "Xinyue, of course there is nothing wrong with you making friends, but be careful about your identity. Not just anyone can bring you to the Jiang family."

This old man's name is Jiang Huifeng, the fourth eldest son of the Jiang family, and the person who was most opposed to Jiang Xinyue in the past. Several assassinations should be related to him, but no evidence can be found.

In addition, Wu Liang is a grandnephew of Jiang Huifeng's wife.

Jiang Xinyue smiled slightly and said, "Fourth Grandpa, I just brought a friend back. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"Of course you have to pay attention. You are now the head of the Jiang family. You have to pay attention to your image at all times. If outsiders see you bringing wild men back, how will the Jiang family's face be saved?" Jiang Huifeng frowned and said .

Jiang Xinyue immediately became angry and said, "Fourth Grandpa, should this be what an elder should say to his grandniece?"

As an uncle, saying that his grandniece brought a wild man home was so stupid that even Jiang Huicheng looked displeased.

"Cousin Xinyue, my uncle is saying that you are no longer suitable to control the Jiang family." A discordant voice suddenly broke in.

A young man strode in, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed slightly. Jiang Xinyue said coldly: "Wu Liang, you shouldn't be here, get out!"

This is the conference room of the Jiang family. Only the powerful people of the Jiang family can enter. Outsiders are not qualified at all, not even Jiang Xinyue's younger brothers.

Wu Liang is just a relative, and it is taboo to come here.

Not only Jiang Xinyue, but also some other elders of the Jiang family were full of anger, but Jiang Huicheng looked at Jiang Huifeng coldly and said in a deep voice: "Fourth, what are you going to do?"

if not

It was Jiang Huifeng's instruction. Wu Liang would never be able to enter. I'm afraid he would have been blocked by the guards before he could enter.

"Haha, second brother, can't you see what I'm going to do?" Jiang Huifeng sneered.

A middle-aged man stood up, pointed at Jiang Huifeng and said angrily: "Jiang Huifeng, do you want to rebel?"

That's right, Jiang Huifeng's behavior clearly shows that he wants to rebel!

A black shadow shot out from behind Wu Liang. It was a young man with a pale face. He rushed in front of the middle-aged man and slapped him with a palm, causing his head to become pulpy.

Everyone was immediately frightened and screamed. Some elderly people with poor heart conditions started twitching on the spot and kept searching for medicine on their bodies.

Not only that, the young man grabbed the headless corpse, and the corpse suddenly twitched, and the water was drained instantly, turning into a shriveled mummy.

Jiang Xinyue's expression changed immediately. No one else had seen it, but she had seen the immortal warrior with her own eyes.

"Jiang Huifeng, you are so brave, you dare to collude with evil heretics!" Jiang Xinyue said sternly.

"Hmph, you little stinky little girl, what can you understand?"

Jiang Huifeng said with a cold look on his face: "Ji Wufeng is dead. If the Nine-Headed Insect comes back, it will definitely be the Lord's world in the future. I just want to find a way for the Jiang family to survive."

"Jiang Huifeng, you are not saving a way for the Jiang family, you are pushing the Jiang family to a dead end!" Jiang Xinyue said angrily.

She is very aware of what the Nine-Headed Insect has done. Since she has taken a liking to the Jiang family, it must be because the Jiang family is valuable. With the cruel methods of the Nine-Headed Insect, once the Jiang family loses its use value, the Jiang family will be destroyed. .

But suddenly, she found that everyone who was as angry as her at first had hesitant expressions on their faces, and even Jiang Huicheng was thinking for a while.

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