Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1794 The old man gets into a fight

"Wu Liang, how dare you!" No matter how determined Jiang Xinyue is, she is still terrified at this moment. No woman can remain calm at this time!

"Why don't I dare, bitch? I can't bear to see you pretending to be aloof!" Wu Liang said sternly.

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Xinyue's clothes.

But suddenly, an extremely cold and terrifying evil force came overwhelmingly, and the few undead warriors who followed Wu Liang moved instantly.

A tall body rushed over and punched out in the air. The bodies of several undead warriors were immediately exploded and turned into a pile of debris. The debris immediately caught fire after it hit the ground!

Everyone was immediately startled, what happened?

The figure of the visitor came down, and after seeing clearly, Jiang Xinyue's face was filled with surprise.

Jiang Huifeng and some other old people from the Jiang family jumped up with panic on their faces. Wu Liang took a closer look at the person who came, and he recognized that it was the stinky beggar who robbed his restaurant. He just changed into clean clothes, but But it made Wu Liang look very familiar.

"You!" Wu Liang screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Five years ago, Ji Wufeng was invincible. Who didn't recognize him as long as he had some status? Even if you haven't seen him, you have definitely seen his photos, especially since the Jiang family has an extraordinary relationship with Ji Wufeng and they are even more familiar with him. Now that Ji Wufeng has washed up, he is instantly recognized.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with trembling evil aura, and his body was bursting with cold and murderous intent. He was obviously a living person standing there, but no one felt that he was a person, more like a statue. Demon!

Even Jiang Xinyue was frightened and couldn't help but retreat, feeling trembling from the depths of her heart.

"Sister Xinyue!" Ji Wufeng made a dry voice.

" have recovered your memory?" Jiang Xinyue said in shock.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "It's just a little unstable."

A little unstable? What's the meaning?

"Let's talk about it later."

Ji Wufeng turned to look at the group of people from the Jiang family, with a strange sneer on his face, and said, "I don't care who the Jiang family wants to take refuge in, but if you dare to touch my friends, Ji Wufeng, you will die!"

Although the aura on Ji Wufeng's body now was very scary, Jiang Xinyue felt unusually warm after hearing these words. Ji Wufeng didn't care about the Jiang family, he only cared about her, Jiang Xinyue.

Without giving everyone in the Jiang family a chance to reply, Ji Wufeng swung out a palm, and traces of demonic energy rushed out like demonic dragons, sweeping over everyone present, and they suddenly howled miserably.

In an instant, all the living people in the room, except Jiang Xinyue, turned into mummies on the ground. It was extremely terrifying!

At this moment, a milky voice came up and said, "What are you doing? If someone bangs the table and a stool when someone is sleeping, don't you know that it is very immoral to disturb other people's sleep?"

It was Xiao Chenghuan, and Xiao Nizi walked in sleepily. In an instant, the terrifying aura on Ji Wufeng disappeared, and his terrifying eyes immediately became dull.

If Ji Wufeng, the murderer before, was a demon king, now he is a dull and foolish big man!

At the same time, Jiang Xinyue noticed that Ji Wufeng's gaze towards her changed again.

You have become a stranger, and you don’t even know who you are anymore?

Seeing little Chenghuan come in, Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, then stepped forward and hugged little Chenghuan and strode out, saying: "It's nothing, these old men were playing cards and cheating, and finally got into a fight!"

"Uh... is there an old man fighting? Let me see it. Come on, let me see it!" Xiao Nizi shouted excitedly.

"What fun can there be in a fight between bad old men? It's not a fight between handsome guys and beautiful women. Let's go to bed!"

"Yes, you are still fighting when you are dozens of years old. What should you do if your old arms and legs are broken? But I can't sleep now!" Xiao Nizi pouted and said unhappily.

"You have to sleep even if you can't!" Ji Wufeng, who had always been dull, suddenly became serious, with a dignified expression on his face.

A wonderful thing happened. Seeing Ji Wufeng's face, Xiao Chenghuan actually felt a little scared, and whispered: "Then I want you to sleep with me, hold me to sleep!"

"Okay, I'll sleep with you in my arms." Ji Wufeng grinned, still looking silly.

Ji Wufeng's current state made Jiang Xinyue feel very strange, but she had no time to think about this problem.

Although she had been one of the most powerful women in the past five years, almost all the powerful people in the Jiang family were killed overnight, which still made her feel trembling and helpless.

However, she did not become the queen for nothing. Although she was saddened by the fate of the Jiang family, she was not at the mercy of grief at the moment. The nine-headed insect had returned again. Once crushed, the behemoth of the Jiang family would be destroyed in an instant. .

Holding back the reluctance in her heart, she finally dialed a number and said: "Shuangshuang, he is still alive!"

One night, just one night, no, not even one night, which made Jiang Xinyue extremely disappointed, but she knew that she could no longer be selfish. She had to return Ji Wufeng to the person who should have him.

The war at Ji Mansion also ended, and an explosive news spread throughout the world. The Nine-Headed Insect made a comeback and appeared again.

The tragedy of the battle at the Japanese Mansion and the horror of the undead warriors were also known to everyone in the world with this news. It was really terrible, so terrible that everyone's heart trembled. For a moment, everyone's heart was filled with a wave of fear. A haze of fear hung over me.

In order to rush to the Ji Mansion for a wedding banquet, more than half of the young elites were attacked. Among the four young masters including Kong Ming, only Kong Ming and Lin Tiannan were safe and sound. Shi Yiren's whereabouts were unknown, and Xia Luofeng was seriously injured and her life was hanging by a thread. !

After Ji Gongguan, almost all the major sects in the Wulin were attacked to varying degrees. Facing the almost invincible immortal warriors, they all suffered heavy blows!

Five years later, this catastrophe finally struck again!

Just when many people were scared to death, another piece of news broke, it was Gu Yunfei!

The Nine-Headed Insect will soon dominate the world. Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish!

He was really overbearing and arrogant, and the entire Chinese martial arts community was scolded!

However, just when everyone felt that Gu Yunfei was too arrogant, the Xingyi Sect was attacked. Hundreds of disciples in the sect were not alive. The head of the sect leader was hung directly on the mountain gate!

Immediately, the Beggar Clan encountered an attack, and more than half of the dozen branch helms were wiped out overnight. This was mainly because there were too many disciples of the Beggar Clan and they could not be killed at once. Otherwise, they would be like the Xingyi Sect. A living mouth! "Wu Liang, how dare you!" No matter how determined Jiang Xinyue is, she is still terrified at this moment. No woman can remain calm at this time!

"Why don't I dare, bitch? I can't bear to see you pretending to be aloof!" Wu Liang said sternly.

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Xinyue's clothes.

But suddenly, an extremely cold and terrifying evil force came overwhelmingly, and the few undead warriors who followed Wu Liang moved instantly.

A tall body rushed over and punched out in the air. The bodies of several undead warriors were immediately exploded and turned into a pile of debris. The debris immediately caught fire after it hit the ground!

Everyone was immediately startled, what happened? ??

The figure of the visitor came down, and after seeing clearly, Jiang Xinyue's face was filled with surprise.

Jiang Huifeng and some other old people from the Jiang family jumped up with panic on their faces. Wu Liang took a closer look at the person who came, and he recognized that it was the stinky beggar who robbed his restaurant. He just changed into clean clothes, but But it made Wu Liang look very familiar.

"You!" Wu Liang screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Five years ago, Ji Wufeng was invincible. Who didn't recognize him as long as he had some status? Even if you haven't seen him, you have definitely seen his photos, especially since the Jiang family has an extraordinary relationship with Ji Wufeng and they are even more familiar with him. Now that Ji Wufeng has washed up, he is instantly recognized.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with trembling evil aura, and his body was bursting with cold and murderous intent. He was obviously a living person standing there, but no one felt that he was a person, more like a statue. Demon!

Even Jiang Xinyue was frightened and couldn't help but retreat, feeling trembling from the depths of her heart.

"Sister Xinyue!" Ji Wufeng made a dry voice.

" have recovered your memory?" Jiang Xinyue said in shock.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "It's just a little unstable."

A little unstable? What's the meaning?

"Let's talk about it later."

Ji Wufeng turned to look at the group of people from the Jiang family, with a strange sneer on his face, and said, "I don't care who the Jiang family wants to take refuge in, but if you dare to touch my friends, Ji Wufeng, you will die!"

Although the aura on Ji Wufeng's body now was very scary, Jiang Xinyue felt unusually warm after hearing these words. Ji Wufeng didn't care about the Jiang family, he only cared about her, Jiang Xinyue.

Without giving everyone in the Jiang family a chance to reply, Ji Wufeng swung out a palm, and traces of demonic energy rushed out like demonic dragons, sweeping over everyone present, and they suddenly howled miserably.

In an instant, all the living people in the room, except Jiang Xinyue, turned into mummies on the ground. It was extremely terrifying!

At this moment, a milky voice came up and said, "What are you doing? If someone bangs the table and a stool when someone is sleeping, don't you know that it is very immoral to disturb other people's sleep?"

It was Xiao Chenghuan, and Xiao Nizi walked in sleepily. In an instant, the terrifying aura on Ji Wufeng disappeared, and his terrifying eyes immediately became dull.

If Ji Wufeng, the murderer before, was a demon king, now he is a dull and foolish big man!

At the same time, Jiang Xinyue noticed that Ji Wufeng's gaze towards her changed again.

You have become a stranger, and you don’t even know who you are anymore?

Seeing little Chenghuan come in, Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, then stepped forward and hugged little Chenghuan and strode out, saying: "It's nothing, these old men were playing cards and cheating, and finally got into a fight!"

"Uh... is there an old man fighting? Let me see it. Come on, let me see it!" Xiao Nizi shouted excitedly.

"What fun can there be in a fight between bad old men? It's not a fight between handsome guys and beautiful women. Let's go to bed!"

"Yes, you are still fighting when you are dozens of years old. What should you do if your old arms and legs are broken? But I can't sleep now!" Xiao Nizi pouted and said unhappily.

"You have to sleep even if you can't!" Ji Wufeng, who had always been dull, suddenly became serious, with a dignified expression on his face.

A wonderful thing happened. Seeing Ji Wufeng's face, Xiao Chenghuan actually felt a little scared, and whispered: "Then I want you to sleep with me, hold me to sleep!"

"Okay, I'll sleep with you in my arms." Ji Wufeng grinned, still looking silly.

Ji Wufeng's current state made Jiang Xinyue feel very strange, but she had no time to think about this problem.

Although she had been one of the most powerful women in the past five years, almost all the powerful people in the Jiang family were killed overnight, which still made her feel trembling and helpless.

However, she did not become the queen for nothing. Although she was saddened by the fate of the Jiang family, she was not at the mercy of grief at the moment. The nine-headed insect had returned again. Once crushed, the behemoth of the Jiang family would be destroyed in an instant. .

Holding back the reluctance in her heart, she finally dialed a number and said: "Shuangshuang, he is still alive!"

One night, just one night, no, not even one night, which made Jiang Xinyue extremely disappointed, but she knew that she could no longer be selfish. She had to return Ji Wufeng to the person who should have him.

The war at Ji Mansion also ended, and an explosive news spread throughout the world. The Nine-Headed Insect made a comeback and appeared again.

The tragedy of the battle at the Japanese Mansion and the horror of the undead warriors were also known to everyone in the world with this news. It was really terrible, so terrible that everyone's heart trembled. For a moment, everyone's heart was filled with a wave of fear. A haze of fear hung over me.

In order to rush to the Ji Mansion for a wedding banquet, more than half of the young elites were attacked. Among the four young masters including Kong Ming, only Kong Ming and Lin Tiannan were safe and sound. Shi Yiren's whereabouts were unknown, and Xia Luofeng was seriously injured and her life was hanging by a thread. !

After Ji Gongguan, almost all the major sects in the Wulin were attacked to varying degrees. Facing the almost invincible immortal warriors, they all suffered heavy blows!

Five years later, this catastrophe finally struck again!

Just when many people were scared to death, another piece of news broke, it was Gu Yunfei!

The Nine-Headed Insect will soon dominate the world. Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish!

He was really overbearing and arrogant, and the entire Chinese martial arts community was scolded!

However, just when everyone felt that Gu Yunfei was too arrogant, the Xingyi Sect was attacked. Hundreds of disciples in the sect were not alive. The head of the sect leader was hung directly on the mountain gate!

Immediately, the Beggar Clan encountered an attack, and more than half of the dozen branch helms were wiped out overnight. This was mainly because there were too many disciples of the Beggar Clan and they could not be killed at once. Otherwise, they would be like the Xingyi Sect. A living mouth!

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