Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1795 It’s almost sixty years

The Li family, the Han family and the Ren family of the eight major martial arts families were attacked at the same time. Except for some young elites who were desperately escorted out by the family's nearly 100-year-old elder, no one survived!

Zhengqi Sect, the mountain gate was directly destroyed, and more than half of the nearly a thousand members of the sect were killed or injured. If the sect leader and several elders had not chosen to self-destruct, they would have been wiped out on the spot!

In an instant, all the scoldings stopped abruptly, because no one dared to continue scolding, because they were all scared. Which of these sects of the aristocratic families that suffered heavy casualties was not a behemoth?

But it was so vulnerable to the crushing force of the Nine-Headed Insect. From this, it can be seen that the Nine-Headed Insect was already unstoppable!

They may still place their hopes on the Golden Dragon Temple, Kunlun Mountain, Shennong Valley and Tiangong, but they know that their enemies are not only the Nine-Headed Insect, but also the Holy Land Sakura Temple and the Holy Court, both of which are not inferior to the Nine-Headed Insect. The terrifying power of insects!

Some people are gradually wavering, because they have to waver. The Nine-Headed Insect has made a comeback this time, unstoppable and unstoppable. Gu Yunfei will surely rule the world. If he doesn't waver, Gu Yunfei will fulfill his promise... By the way Those who rebel against me will perish!

Sure enough, masters from the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court soon appeared in China, and the two holy places finally took action again after five years.

Those who were still hesitating immediately made a decision to surrender to the Nine-Headed Worm!

This behavior may be shameful, but no one stands to blame. When faced with life and death, no one has the right to accuse others of lack of integrity.

For many people, living is the most important thing!

Soon, almost half of the forces in the entire Shenzhou martial arts world had defected to the Nine-Headed Insect. Even if the remaining sects with integrity could stop the Nine-Headed Insect?

The general trend of the world is now determined, and Gu Yunfei's wild words to dominate the world are about to come true.

A group of old monsters sat together, and the grumpy Kuangdao jumped and cursed: "What the hell are you waiting for? They have already beaten us at the door of our house, do they have to wait for us to poop and pee on our heads?" Just take action?"

Zou Yan was holding a big pipe in his mouth, puffing out smoke, squinting his eyes and saying, "Why are you so anxious? How can you be so frizzy and restless like you?"

Crazy Blade glared and said, "Smoking Man, you still want to fight me at this time, don't you?"

"If I don't fight, you are no match for me. Even beating you is no longer novel!" Zou Yan said with narrowed eyes.

"Your grandfather's..."

Ying Yue didn't care at all how these two old bastards were making trouble, but looked at Li Laodao with a cold face: "I don't care what you think, but my disciple and granddaughter are missing, I have to look for it, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do! "

The Nine-Headed Insect once again made trouble. Apart from Ji Gongguan, the Jialuo Temple was the first to be attacked. The saint was kidnapped from the temple. This was a huge shame for a holy place.

But Yingyue no longer cares about shame, nor does she care about the agreement she made back then. Little Chenghuan is her lifeblood, and if she makes a comparison, no one in the world may be able to compare with little Chenghuan.

Boss Li was speechless for a while and said: "You don't have to be too anxious. We already know about the Jialuo Temple. Those two old ghosts have confessed before that there will be no problem with your sweetheart. It's just her destiny." It’s just arrived!”

Yingyue raised her eyebrows and understood immediately.

What, a fate that is destined, besides blood, what kind of fate can be called destiny?

She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. As long as Xiao Nizi was safe, everything would be fine, but this also made her furious. She stamped her feet and cursed: "Old bastard Li, I don't care what you old guys are fighting about." Idea, if anyone dares to set his sights on little Chenghuan, the old woman will fight him even if she puts her own life on the line!"

I have worked so hard to raise the old woman to such a big age, and provide her with elixirs every day. How much is the investment? If you just kidnapped me with just one word, wouldn't it mean that I was trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain?

Being treated coldly by Ying Yue all the time, Boss Li felt that he had had enough. He glared and said, "Can you stop making unreasonable troubles? I have a relationship with you when father and daughter get together?"

"Why doesn't it matter? She is a disciple of my Jialuo Temple!"

"She is a descendant of the Nie family!"

"Her mother is from the Jialuo Temple!"

"Her father is from the Nie family!"

Their faces were red and their necks were thick, and they were facing each other. Neither of them gave in to the other, and their saliva was sprayed into each other's faces.

"Old bastard Li, you have grown up, how dare you do something right with me!" Ying Yue was furious.

"Then what's the matter? Didn't I just not pick you up back then? Didn't I break the law if I didn't pick you up?" Boss Li really exploded. He had been holding back for such a long time because of the guilt in his heart, but now he is really holding back. Can't stand it anymore!

"Li Potian, I'm going to kill you!"


An unparalleled aura burst out from Ying Yue's body, and her long gray hair flew instantly. The strange thing is that the gray hair actually changed, gradually turning into jet black, and finally, her head was covered with gray. The silk becomes a head of black and shiny hair.

It wasn't just Yingyue's hair that changed. Her wrinkled, dry cheeks seemed to be instantly replenished with moisture, becoming rosy, white and shiny, and her rickety body straightened up.

A moment ago, she was an old woman who was about to die. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a beautiful middle-aged woman in her thirties who still retains her charm.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would be frightened and think she was a monster.

But in the eyes of Zou Yan and others, although they were moved for a while, there was no surprise on their expressions. Wasn't it the same with Yun Jianxin back then?

A warrior has reached the extreme. The powerful strength can not only strengthen the body, but also keep the body radiant with vitality for a long time. Yingyue and Yun Jianxin both have youthful looks, but they are just unwilling to show it.

Seeing Ying Yue regaining her youth, Boss Li suddenly became honest and murmured with a dull look on his face: "It's been almost sixty years and you are still as good-looking as before!"


The boxing tyrant on the side was drinking tea. When he heard Boss Li's words, he immediately spit out a sip of tea, all over Ao Jian's face. Ao Jian jumped up in anger and said: "Old Fist, what do you mean? ?”

Hearing Boss Li's almost teasing words, Ying Yue was stunned for a moment. The sharp aura on her body immediately weakened a lot, but she still said angrily: "Old Ghost Li, you... bastard!"

"Ha ha……"

Boss Li suddenly laughed loudly, and the joints on his body made a sound like popping beans. His old and rickety body became taller, his gray hair also gradually turned black, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared little by little. The Li family, the Han family and the Ren family of the eight major martial arts families were attacked at the same time. Except for some young elites who were desperately escorted out by the family's nearly 100-year-old elder, no one survived!

Zhengqi Sect, the mountain gate was directly destroyed, and more than half of the nearly a thousand members of the sect were killed or injured. If the sect leader and several elders had not chosen to self-destruct, they would have been wiped out on the spot!

In an instant, all the scoldings stopped abruptly, because no one dared to continue scolding, because they were all scared. Which of these sects of the aristocratic families that suffered heavy casualties was not a behemoth?

But it was so vulnerable to the crushing force of the Nine-Headed Insect. From this, it can be seen that the Nine-Headed Insect was already unstoppable!

They may still place their hopes on the Golden Dragon Temple, Kunlun Mountain, Shennong Valley and Tiangong, but they know that their enemies are not only the Nine-Headed Insect, but also the Holy Land Sakura Temple and the Holy Court, both of which are not inferior to the Nine-Headed Insect. The terrifying power of insects!

Some people are gradually wavering, because they have to waver. The Nine-Headed Insect has made a comeback this time, unstoppable and unstoppable. Gu Yunfei will surely rule the world. If he doesn't waver, Gu Yunfei will fulfill his promise... By the way Those who rebel against me will perish!

Sure enough, masters from the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court soon appeared in China, and the two holy places finally took action again after five years.

Those who were still hesitating immediately made a decision to surrender to the Nine-Headed Worm!

This behavior may be shameful, but no one stands to blame. When faced with life and death, no one has the right to accuse others of lack of integrity. ??

For many people, living is the most important thing!

Soon, almost half of the forces in the entire Shenzhou martial arts world had defected to the Nine-Headed Insect. Even if the remaining sects with integrity could stop the Nine-Headed Insect?

The general trend of the world is now determined, and Gu Yunfei's wild words to dominate the world are about to come true.

A group of old monsters sat together, and the grumpy Kuangdao jumped and cursed: "What the hell are you waiting for? They have already beaten us at the door of our house, do they have to wait for us to poop and pee on our heads?" Just take action?"

Zou Yan was holding a big pipe in his mouth, puffing out smoke, squinting his eyes and saying, "Why are you so anxious? How can you be so frizzy and restless like you?"

Crazy Blade glared and said, "Smoking Man, you still want to fight me at this time, don't you?"

"If I don't fight, you are no match for me. Even beating you is no longer novel!" Zou Yan said with narrowed eyes.

"Your grandfather's..."

Ying Yue didn't care at all how these two old bastards were making trouble, but looked at Li Laodao with a cold face: "I don't care what you think, but my disciple and granddaughter are missing, I have to look for it, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do! "

The Nine-Headed Insect once again made trouble. Apart from Ji Gongguan, the Jialuo Temple was the first to be attacked. The saint was kidnapped from the temple. This was a huge shame for a holy place.

But Yingyue no longer cares about shame, nor does she care about the agreement she made back then. Little Chenghuan is her lifeblood, and if she makes a comparison, no one in the world may be able to compare with little Chenghuan.

Boss Li was speechless for a while and said: "You don't have to be too anxious. We already know about the Jialuo Temple. Those two old ghosts have confessed before that there will be no problem with your sweetheart. It's just her destiny." It’s just arrived!”

Yingyue raised her eyebrows and understood immediately.

What, a fate that is destined, besides blood, what kind of fate can be called destiny?

She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. As long as Xiao Nizi was safe, everything would be fine, but this also made her furious. She stamped her feet and cursed: "Old bastard Li, I don't care what you old guys are fighting about." If anyone dares to set his sights on little Chenghuan, the old woman will fight him even if she puts her own life on the line!"

I have worked so hard to raise the old woman to such a big age and provide her with elixirs every day. How much investment is there? If you just kidnapped me with just one word, wouldn't it mean that I was trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain?

Being treated coldly by Ying Yue all the time, Boss Li felt that he had had enough. He glared and said, "Can you stop making unreasonable troubles? I have a relationship with you when father and daughter get together?"

"Why doesn't it matter? She is a disciple of my Jialuo Temple!"

"She is a descendant of the Nie family!"

"Her mother is from the Jialuo Temple!"

"Her father is from the Nie family!"

Their faces were red and their necks were thick, and they were facing each other. Neither of them gave in to the other, and their saliva was sprayed into each other's faces.

"Old bastard Li, you have grown up, how dare you do something right with me!" Ying Yue was furious.

"Then what's the matter? Didn't I just not pick you up back then? Didn't I break the law if I didn't pick you up?" Boss Li really exploded. He had been holding back for such a long time because of the guilt in his heart, but now he is really holding back. Can't stand it anymore!

"Li Potian, I'm going to kill you!"


An unparalleled aura burst out from Ying Yue's body, and her long gray hair flew instantly. The strange thing is that the gray hair actually changed, gradually turning into jet black, and finally, her head was covered with gray. The silk becomes a head of black and shiny hair.

It wasn't just Yingyue's hair that changed. Her wrinkled, dry cheeks seemed to be instantly replenished with moisture, becoming rosy, white and shiny, and her rickety body straightened up.

A moment ago, she was an old woman who was about to die. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a beautiful middle-aged woman in her thirties who still retains her charm.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would be frightened and think she was a monster.

But in the eyes of Zou Yan and others, although they were moved for a while, there was no surprise on their expressions. Wasn't it the same with Yun Jianxin back then?

A warrior has reached the extreme. The powerful strength can not only strengthen the body, but also keep the body radiant with vitality for a long time. Yingyue and Yun Jianxin both have youthful looks, but they are just unwilling to show it.

Seeing Ying Yue regaining her youth, Boss Li suddenly became honest and murmured with a dull look on his face: "It's been almost sixty years and you are still as good-looking as before!"


The boxing tyrant on the side was drinking tea. When he heard Boss Li's words, he immediately spit out a sip of tea, all over Ao Jian's face. Ao Jian jumped up in anger and said: "Old Fist, what do you mean? ?”

Hearing Boss Li's almost teasing words, Ying Yue was stunned for a moment. The sharp aura on her body immediately weakened a lot, but she still said angrily: "Old Ghost Li, you... bastard!"

"Ha ha……"

Boss Li suddenly laughed loudly, and the joints on his body made a sound like popping beans. His old and rickety body became taller, his gray hair also gradually turned black, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared little by little.

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