Brothers Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi have a natural affinity with Xiao Chenghuan. Even though these two brats are flying centipedes, no one except Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang takes them seriously.

But he was completely obedient to little Chenghuan. He would give her whatever she wanted and help her with whatever she wanted. It was simply obedience.

Especially Ji Tianqi, who is about the same age as Xiao Chenghuan. When everyone was joking, they were asking him to be married to a baby from an early age like Ji Tianlin and Luo Luo.

However, everyone discovered that the Ji Tianlin brothers' love for Xiao Chenghuan was almost in their bones, and it did not go from stranger to familiarity, it seemed to be innate, like family love buried in the blood.

Because they are similar in age, Xiao Chenghuan and Ji Tianqi hang out together all day long. This little girl is an eccentric guy at first glance, but she also behaves strangely in front of Ji Tianqi, and keeps following Ji Tianqi's butt. " He kept shouting "brother" and kept asking all kinds of strange questions.

Whenever Ji Tianqi answered her question, her face was always full of admiration, she clapped her hands and shouted, "Brother is so awesome, he even knows this."

In her eyes, Ji Tianqi seemed to be omnipotent.

The adults were watching carefully. Isn't it what a brother should do when a boy loves a girl? .??.

In the eyes of girls, boys are omnipotent, outstanding, and the most outstanding person. Isn't this the normal emotion a sister has towards her brother?

No one confirmed Xiao Chenghuan's identity, but everyone agreed that Xiao Chenghuan was Ji Wufeng's daughter and Ji Tianqi's biological sister, because except for this possibility, no one could explain Xiao Chenghuan's feelings for Ji Wufeng and his son.

"Huanhuan, where do you live? What are your parents' names?" Lu Shuangshuang stepped forward and hugged little Chenghuan, asking with a kind smile.

Xiao Chenghuan thought for a moment and seemed to be struggling a lot in his heart. He said with aggrieved face: "Mom Shuangshuang, can I tell a lie?"

For some reason, when she heard Ji Tianqi calling Lu Shuangshuang's mother, she couldn't help but follow him. She felt that she should also call him whatever Ji Tianqi called him.

Everyone couldn't help but be amused. How could any child ask permission before telling a lie?

Lu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Children can't lie, but if Huanhuan doesn't want to tell you, then I won't ask you."

Seeing that Lu Shuangshuang stopped asking, Xiao Chenghuan said with a very serious face: "Thank you, Lu Shuangshuang's mother. My mother also told me that children cannot lie, but my grandma said again that our family's affairs must not be disclosed casually. So I’m in a dilemma!”

Seeing that little Chenghuan's expression was like that of a young adult when he spoke, he burst out laughing again, but Lu Shuangshuang was moved in her heart and asked, "Your mother said you can't lie, so what did your father tell you?"

Little Chenghuan's head immediately dropped. He looked very unhappy and said with a sense of grievance: "Huanhuan doesn't have a father. Both mother and grandma said that Huanhuan doesn't have a father."

As he said this, little Chenghuan suddenly became very angry and said, "But how is that possible? I'm not a monkey. Without a father, could I just jump out of a crack in the stone?"

Everyone couldn't help but want to laugh, but Lu Shuangshuang glanced at Jiang Ruoshui, who was the most thoughtful person.

Almost at the same time, people concluded that Xiao Chenghuan was Ji Wufeng's daughter.

"You don't have a father, but I do. From now on, my father will be your father." Ji Tianqi said very generously.

"Are you serious?"

Xiao Chenghuan's eyes suddenly shone, he nodded and said, "Although uncle is a little stupid, having a stupid dad is better than having no dad at all."

Seeing that Xiao Chenghuan agreed, Ji Tianqi was overjoyed and jumped up and said: "Haha, from now on I also have a younger sister. The boss has a wife as a helper. He bullies me when he has nothing to do. I also have a helper now. Let's see how I can hurt him in the future. !”

As expected, when Xiao Chenghuan heard this, his pitiful look disappeared instantly, he stared and said, "How dare you bully my brother? Come on, let's go cut him down together!"

Immediately, Ji Tianlin's miserable howl came from the yard: "Ji Laoer, do you want to rebel? You actually challenged me... little girl... Ouch... don't scratch my face... you thought I didn't dare to beat you. Is it? hurts, let go quickly, no, let go quickly...I was wrong..."

Ji Wufeng's figure appeared at the door, and Lu Shuangshuang and others immediately gathered around him. Since Ji Wufeng came back, none of them had been alone with him.

This time Nie Qingcheng took Ji Wufeng out, but none of them followed. Although they were suffering, they knew that Ji Wufeng was Nie Qingcheng's only blood relative.

"Xiao Feng, where is aunt?"

No one saw Nie Qingcheng come back, but they saw the expression of disappointment on Ji Wufeng's face.

The sensitive Lu Shuangshuang was shocked, and the others quickly guessed what was going on, and their expressions suddenly became panicked.

Although they all stay in Ji Gongguan, they all know the news about the outside very clearly, and they all know what is happening outside, especially Tongtian Peak.

When the news came, the broken sword that had disappeared for five years in Nie Qingcheng's hand reappeared. Nie Qingcheng stayed up all night. Although the broken sword was broken, it was not rusty, but it gave Lu Shuangshuang a lot of scratches. One night.

What she wants to wipe off is not the rust on the broken sword, but the edge that has been hidden for five years!

She had some scruples and worries before, but now that Ji Wufeng is back, she can leave.

"I want to get my aunt back!"

Yu Chuchu cried and wanted to chase him out. Hua Yutong and Chen Tienan also walked towards the door.


Lu Shuangshuang shouted loudly, and the three of them immediately stopped. Although she had never shown off her power in front of the sisters, her prestige in Ji Mansion was unquestionable.

No one moved, but everyone's eyes were red.

After five years of getting along with each other, they have formed a deep relationship with Nie Qingcheng. Lu Shuangshuang treats them like his nephews and descendants, and has long won their respect.

They are not relatives, but they are better than relatives, and they are anxious in their hearts.

Lu Shuangshuang's tone became softer and said, "Actually, you all should know that we can't stop her."

Everyone hesitated to speak. Indeed, they could not stop what Nie Qingcheng wanted to do.

The four children were still fighting in the backyard. At first, Ji Tianqi and Xiao Chenghuan were fighting against Ji Tianlin and Luo Luo. However, when Luo Luo saw that Ji Tianlin was being dealt with, not only did he not help Ji Tianlin, but he also helped and cheered. Brothers Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi have a natural affinity with Xiao Chenghuan. Even though these two brats are flying centipedes, no one except Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang takes them seriously.

But he was completely obedient to little Chenghuan. He would give her whatever she wanted and help her with whatever she wanted. It was simply obedience.

Especially Ji Tianqi, who is about the same age as Xiao Chenghuan. When everyone was joking, they were asking him to be married to a baby from an early age like Ji Tianlin and Luo Luo.

However, everyone discovered that the Ji Tianlin brothers' love for Xiao Chenghuan was almost in their bones, and it did not go from stranger to familiarity, it seemed to be innate, like family love buried in the blood.

Because they are similar in age, Xiao Chenghuan and Ji Tianqi hang out together all day long. This little girl is an eccentric guy at first glance, but she also behaves strangely in front of Ji Tianqi, and keeps following Ji Tianqi's butt. " He kept shouting "brother" and kept asking all kinds of strange questions.

Whenever Ji Tianqi answered her question, her face was always full of admiration, she clapped her hands and shouted, "Brother is so awesome, he even knows this."

In her eyes, Ji Tianqi seemed to be omnipotent.

The adults were watching carefully. Isn't it what a brother should do when a boy loves a girl? ??

In the eyes of girls, boys are omnipotent, outstanding, and the most outstanding person. Isn't this the normal emotion a sister has towards her brother?

No one confirmed Xiao Chenghuan's identity, but everyone agreed that Xiao Chenghuan was Ji Wufeng's daughter and Ji Tianqi's biological sister, because except for this possibility, no one could explain Xiao Chenghuan's feelings for Ji Wufeng and his son.

"Huanhuan, where do you live? What are your parents' names?" Lu Shuangshuang stepped forward and hugged little Chenghuan, asking with a kind smile.

Xiao Chenghuan thought for a moment and seemed to be struggling a lot in his heart. He said with aggrieved face: "Mom Shuangshuang, can I tell a lie?"

For some reason, when she heard Ji Tianqi calling Lu Shuangshuang's mother, she couldn't help but follow him. She felt that she should also call him what Ji Tianqi called her.

Everyone couldn't help but be amused. How could any child ask permission before telling a lie?

Lu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Children can't lie, but if Huanhuan doesn't want to tell you, then I won't ask you."

Seeing that Lu Shuangshuang stopped asking, Xiao Chenghuan said with a very serious face: "Thank you, Lu Shuangshuang's mother. My mother also told me that children cannot lie, but my grandma said again that our family's affairs must not be disclosed casually. So I’m in a dilemma!”

Seeing that little Chenghuan's expression was like that of a young adult when he spoke, he burst out laughing again, but Lu Shuangshuang was moved in her heart and asked, "Your mother said you can't lie, so what did your father tell you?"

Little Chenghuan's head immediately dropped. He looked very unhappy and said with a sense of grievance: "Huanhuan doesn't have a father. Both mother and grandma said that Huanhuan doesn't have a father."

As he said this, little Chenghuan suddenly became very angry and said, "But how is that possible? I'm not a monkey. Without a father, could I just jump out of a crack in the stone?"

Everyone couldn't help but want to laugh, but Lu Shuangshuang glanced at Jiang Ruoshui, who was the most thoughtful person.

Almost at the same time, people concluded that Xiao Chenghuan was Ji Wufeng's daughter.

"You don't have a father, but I do. From now on, my father will be your father." Ji Tianqi said very generously.

"Are you serious?"

Xiao Chenghuan's eyes suddenly shone, he nodded and said, "Although uncle is a little stupid, having a stupid dad is better than having no dad at all."

Seeing that Xiao Chenghuan agreed, Ji Tianqi was overjoyed and jumped up and said: "Haha, from now on I also have a younger sister. The boss has a wife as a helper. He bullies me when he has nothing to do. I also have a helper now. Let's see how I can hurt him in the future. !”

As expected, when Xiao Chenghuan heard this, his pitiful look disappeared instantly, he stared and said, "How dare you bully my brother? Come on, let's go cut him down together!"

Immediately, Ji Tianlin's miserable howl came from the yard: "Ji Laoer, do you want to rebel? You actually challenged me... little girl... Ouch... don't scratch my face... you thought I didn't dare to beat you. Is it? hurts, let go quickly, no, let go quickly...I was wrong..."

Ji Wufeng's figure appeared at the door, and Lu Shuangshuang and others immediately gathered around him. Since Ji Wufeng came back, none of them had been alone with him.

This time Nie Qingcheng took Ji Wufeng out, but none of them followed. Although they were suffering, they knew that Ji Wufeng was Nie Qingcheng's only blood relative.

"Xiao Feng, where is aunt?"

No one saw Nie Qingcheng come back, but they saw the expression of disappointment on Ji Wufeng's face.

The sensitive Lu Shuangshuang was shocked, and the others quickly guessed what was going on, and their expressions suddenly became panicked.

Although they all stay in Ji Gongguan, they all know the news about the outside very clearly, and they all know what is happening outside, especially Tongtian Peak.

When the news came, the broken sword that had disappeared for five years in Nie Qingcheng's hand reappeared. Nie Qingcheng stayed up all night. Although the broken sword was broken, it was not rusty, but it gave Lu Shuangshuang a lot of scratches. One night.

What she wants to wipe off is not the rust on the broken sword, but the edge that has been hidden for five years!

She had some scruples and worries before, but now that Ji Wufeng is back, she can leave.

"I want to get my aunt back!"

Yu Chuchu cried and wanted to chase him out. Hua Yutong and Chen Tienan also walked towards the door.


Lu Shuangshuang shouted loudly, and the three of them immediately stopped. Although she had never shown off her power in front of the sisters, her prestige in Ji Mansion was unquestionable.

No one moved, but everyone's eyes were red.

After five years of getting along with each other, they have formed a deep relationship with Nie Qingcheng. Lu Shuangshuang treats them like his nephews and descendants, and has long won their respect.

They are not relatives, but they are better than relatives, and they are anxious in their hearts.

Lu Shuangshuang's tone became softer and said, "Actually, you all should know that we can't stop her."

Everyone hesitated to speak. Indeed, they could not stop what Nie Qingcheng wanted to do.

The four children were still fighting in the backyard. At first, Ji Tianqi and Xiao Chenghuan were fighting against Ji Tianlin and Luo Luo. However, when Luo Luo saw that Ji Tianlin was being dealt with, not only did he not help Ji Tianlin, but he also helped and cheered.

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