Having been suppressed and bullied for so many years, Ji Tianqi became a serf today and started singing, which made his heart feel so happy.

Just when a few children were making a fuss, the keen little Chenghuan suddenly noticed that there was an extra person behind them. When he turned around, he saw that it was a middle-aged man with a tall and tall figure, so powerful that people could only look up to him.

Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin also discovered this person. Suddenly a stranger appeared. Ji Tianlin was immediately startled. He pulled several children behind him and asked warily: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man had piercing eyes and a resolute face. However, when he looked at the children, a kind smile immediately appeared on his face. Although this man was very strange, this kind of smile was familiar to them. This kind of smile reminded them of Nie Nie. Alluring smile.

"Uncle, who are you?" Little Chenghuan didn't feel scared at all, and he even stepped forward and asked.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You can't call me uncle, you have to call me grandpa."

"Call me grandpa? But aren't grandpas all old men with white beards? You don't have a white beard, and you still want us to call you grandpa. Are you taking advantage of us?" Ji Tianqi said a little unhappy.

That's right, first of all, we don't know you, and secondly, you are not very old. Calling you uncle already gives you a lot of face. You also want us to call you grandpa and treat us as grandsons. What is this if not taking advantage?

The middle-aged man was kind to little Chenghuan, but he didn't have a good look towards Ji Tianqi. He glared and said, "You little brat, if I ask you to call me grandpa, you can call me grandpa, or not?"

What a ghost. Ji Tianqi was still a little angry in his heart and was about to curse when he opened his mouth. But when he saw the middle-aged man staring, he immediately withered. He felt that this man was too majestic. If he didn't obey him, It is the crime of treason.

"Just scream, why are you so angry?"

Ji Tianqi shrank his neck and shouted with reluctance on his face: "Master... Master!"

"Hey...my good grandson!"

The middle-aged man grinned happily, touched Ji Tianqi's head, then raised his eyebrows at Ji Tianlin next to him, and said: "And you bastard, call me grandpa quickly, or I'll whip you!"

Ji Tianlin almost fainted. Damn, where did this weird old man come from? Just open your mouth and let people call you grandpa. Are everyone in the world your grandson?

But like Ji Tianqi, he felt unhappy, but he didn't dare to explode, so he called him "grandpa" honestly.

And the strange thing is that after he finished calling, he didn't seem so angry anymore. He felt that calling the old man grandpa was the right thing to do.

Seeing Ji Tianlin, they all called out, and the other two girls also called them grandpa. They felt that although the old man was a little more fierce, he made them feel very kind, just like Nie Qingcheng made them feel.

Several children called Grandpa, and the middle-aged man smiled happily, his eyes narrowed to a slit.

The Ji Mansion was heavily guarded. As soon as a few children made a fuss, the whereabouts of the middle-aged man was immediately discovered. He rushed over with a sharp aura and said sternly: "Who are you?"

A stranger broke in, which also alerted Ji Wufeng. He rushed over quickly and was stunned when he saw the middle-aged man. The feeling was very strange, but he was sure that he must have memories of this man.

Being connected by blood is unnecessary

Verification, the feeling of certainty.

The middle-aged man ignored the guards at Ji Mansion and strode up to Ji Wufeng. Excitement appeared on his resolute face, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes. He reached out to touch Ji Wufeng's face, but after his palm paused for a moment, Falling onto Ji Wufeng's shoulder.

Ji Wufeng instinctively wanted to resist, but he did not dodge. He could feel that this man only had kindness and kindness towards him.

The palm of his hand fell on Ji Wufeng's shoulder with a very heavy force. The middle-aged man sighed and said, "You are really good!"

It was very strange that although Lu Shuangshuang and others had never seen this middle-aged man, they were able to guess his identity in an instant.

Instantly, everyone became excited, was it him? It must be him, there is no need to verify, you can tell from the look he looked at Ji Wufeng, it must be him, he is not dead!

The middle-aged man looked at Ji Tianlin and others, grinned and said: "They are very good!"

He looked at Lu Shuangshuang and others again, and nodded: "They are also very good."


Lu Shuangshuang called her uncle, but it didn't feel right. Just when she was about to change her title, the middle-aged man smiled directly at them and said, "Do you mind pouring me a cup of tea?"

"Uh... um... okay, please wait a moment!"

Lu Shuangshuang seemed at a loss and wanted to leave immediately, but after a moment of hesitation, he winked at the others, and everyone immediately left, leaving only the middle-aged man and Ji Wufeng in the yard.

They are not stupid people and feel that they should be given time alone together.

Ji Wufeng was still in a daze. Losing his memory did not mean that he had become a fool. He could clearly feel that this person must be his blood relative, because he felt the restlessness of the blood in his body.

"Are you my father?" Ji Wufeng asked stupidly.

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Ji Hongtu said very unhappily: "Apart from me, who else in the world can give birth to such a superb son as you!"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Even if you are my father, I was not born by you, okay? I was born by my mother!"

"Little bastard, could your mother have given birth to you by herself without me?"

Ji Hongtu stared, his eyes dimmed instantly, and he said slowly: "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your aunt, and I'm even more sorry for your mother."

"What's wrong? Are you raising wild women outside?" Ji Wufeng lost his memory and was very curious about where Ji Hongtu's guilt came from.

If this old guy is really raising a mistress outside and abandoning his wife and children, he is indeed a bastard.

"I'm not as good as you when it comes to finding women!" Ji Hongtu said angrily.

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "They all say she is my wife, but I don't really believe it. Am I really that handsome when so many beauties are crying and clamoring to marry me?"

Ji Hongtu had a black line on his head and even lost his memory, yet he was still so shameless. However, this seemed to be the fine tradition of their family, an inheritance in their bones that could not be changed.

"I have suffered so much for you for so many years."

Ji Hongtu reached out and touched Ji Wufeng's head. His eyes were full of kindness. Ji Wufeng enjoyed it very much. The palm on his head was very generous and powerful, but he also felt surprisingly safe. Having been suppressed and bullied for so many years, Ji Tianqi became a serf today and started singing, which made his heart feel so happy.

Just when a few children were making a fuss, the keen little Chenghuan suddenly noticed that there was an extra person behind them. When he turned around, he saw that it was a middle-aged man with a tall and tall figure, so powerful that people could only look up to him.

Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin also discovered this person. Suddenly a stranger appeared. Ji Tianlin was immediately startled. He pulled several children behind him and asked warily: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man had piercing eyes and a resolute face. However, when he looked at the children, a kind smile immediately appeared on his face. Although this man was very strange, this kind of smile was familiar to them. This kind of smile reminded them of Nie Nie. Alluring smile.

"Uncle, who are you?" Little Chenghuan didn't feel scared at all, and he even stepped forward and asked.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You can't call me uncle, you have to call me grandpa."

"Call me grandpa? But aren't grandpas all old men with white beards? You don't have a white beard, and you still want us to call you grandpa. Are you taking advantage of us?" Ji Tianqi said a little unhappy. .??.

That's right, first of all, we don't know you, and secondly, you are not very old. Calling you uncle already gives you a lot of face. You also want us to call you grandpa and treat us as grandsons. What is this if not taking advantage?

The middle-aged man was kind to little Chenghuan, but he didn't have a good look towards Ji Tianqi. He glared and said, "You little brat, if I ask you to call me grandpa, you can call me grandpa, or not?"

What a ghost. Ji Tianqi was still a little angry in his heart and was about to curse when he opened his mouth. But when he saw the middle-aged man staring, he immediately withered. He felt that this man was too majestic. If he didn't obey him, It is the crime of treason.

"Just scream, why are you so angry?"

Ji Tianqi shrank his neck and shouted with reluctance on his face: "Master... Master!"

"Hey...my good grandson!"

The middle-aged man grinned happily, touched Ji Tianqi's head, then raised his eyebrows at Ji Tianlin next to him, and said: "And you bastard, call me grandpa quickly, or I'll whip you!"

Ji Tianlin almost fainted. Damn, where did this weird old man come from? Just open your mouth and let people call you grandpa. Are everyone in the world your grandson?

But like Ji Tianqi, he felt unhappy, but he didn't dare to explode, so he called him "grandpa" honestly.

And the strange thing is that after he finished calling, he didn't seem so angry anymore. He felt that calling the old man grandpa was the right thing to do.

Seeing Ji Tianlin, they all called out, and the other two girls also called them grandpa. They felt that although the old man was a little more fierce, he made them feel very kind, just like Nie Qingcheng made them feel.

Several children called Grandpa, and the middle-aged man smiled happily, his eyes narrowed to a slit.

The Ji Mansion was heavily guarded. As soon as a few children made a fuss, the whereabouts of the middle-aged man was immediately discovered. He rushed over with a sharp aura and said sternly: "Who are you?"

A stranger broke in, which also alerted Ji Wufeng. He rushed over quickly and was stunned when he saw the middle-aged man. The feeling was very strange, but he was sure that he must have memories of this man.

Being connected by blood is unnecessary

Verification, the feeling of certainty.

The middle-aged man ignored the guards at Ji Mansion and strode up to Ji Wufeng. Excitement appeared on his resolute face, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes. He reached out to touch Ji Wufeng's face, but after his palm paused for a moment, Falling onto Ji Wufeng's shoulder.

Ji Wufeng instinctively wanted to resist, but he did not dodge. He could feel that this man only had kindness and kindness towards him.

The palm of his hand fell on Ji Wufeng's shoulder with a very heavy force. The middle-aged man sighed and said, "You are really good!"

It was very strange that although Lu Shuangshuang and others had never seen this middle-aged man, they were able to guess his identity in an instant.

Instantly, everyone became excited, was it him? It must be him, there is no need to verify, you can tell from the look he looked at Ji Wufeng, it must be him, he is not dead!

The middle-aged man looked at Ji Tianlin and others, grinned and said: "They are very good!"

He looked at Lu Shuangshuang and others again, and nodded: "They are also very good."


Lu Shuangshuang called her uncle, but it didn't feel right. Just when she was about to change her title, the middle-aged man smiled directly at them and said, "Do you mind pouring me a cup of tea?"

"Uh... um... okay, please wait a moment!"

Lu Shuangshuang seemed at a loss and wanted to leave immediately, but after a moment of hesitation, he winked at the others, and everyone immediately left, leaving only the middle-aged man and Ji Wufeng in the yard.

They are not stupid people and feel that they should be given time alone together.

Ji Wufeng was still in a daze. Losing his memory did not mean that he had become a fool. He could clearly feel that this person must be his blood relative, because he felt the restlessness of the blood in his body.

"Are you my father?" Ji Wufeng asked stupidly.

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Ji Hongtu said very unhappily: "Apart from me, who else in the world can give birth to such a superb son as you!"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Even if you are my father, I was not born by you, okay? I was born by my mother!"

"Little bastard, could your mother have given birth to you on her own without me?"

Ji Hongtu stared, his eyes dimmed instantly, and he said slowly: "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your aunt, and I'm even more sorry for your mother."

"What's wrong? Are you raising wild women outside?" Ji Wufeng lost his memory and was very curious about where Ji Hongtu's guilt came from.

If this old guy is really raising a mistress outside and abandoning his wife and children, he is indeed a bastard.

"I'm not as good as you when it comes to finding women!" Ji Hongtu said angrily.

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "They all say she is my wife, but I don't really believe it. Am I really that handsome when so many beauties are crying and clamoring to marry me?"

Ji Hongtu had a black line on his head and even lost his memory, yet he was still so shameless. However, this seemed to be the fine tradition of their family, an inheritance in their bones that could not be changed.

"I have suffered so much for you for so many years."

Ji Hongtu reached out and touched Ji Wufeng's head. His eyes were full of kindness. Ji Wufeng enjoyed it very much. The palm on his head was very generous and powerful, but he also felt surprisingly safe.

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