Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1809 The Holy Court is the Strongest

Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp and he struck out with his palm, sending a mountain peak flying straight up.

Ji Wufeng was flying in the sky, and his arrogant fist struck down. The entire mountain was pressed against Lucas, annihilating him in an instant.


Lucas let out a long roar, his blond hair stood on end, and he blasted out a huge golden fist, blasting into the void with a loud noise that shook the sky and stirred up a hundred miles in radius!

The huge mountain was shattered by Lucas' punch and shattered in the void.

After disintegrating Ji Wufeng's attack, Lucas was filled with fighting spirit, his body was shining with golden light, and a pair of golden wings on his back were waving, like a huge golden-winged roc, spreading its wings to hit the nine heavens!

In an instant, Lucas was like a god in golden armor, his whole body was dazzling, as if it were cast from gold, and his whole body was bursting with explosive divine power like divine punishment.

The golden wings reached the sky and directly smashed several mountain peaks. The violent power surged like the fire of divine punishment burning.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The clouds in all directions were dispersed by Lucas's golden wings. It was unstoppable and invincible. Everything in its path was turned into flying ash, and the mountains, rivers and earth were shattered by it!

There was a flash of golden light, and Lucas' figure disappeared. Ji Wufeng's heart suddenly tightened.

Ji Wufeng was wary and stepped on the Sky Steps repeatedly, but in the end he was a step too late, and a golden wing struck across the sky.

Lucas does not have an archangel sword in his hand, but with his combat power reaching this level, it no longer matters whether he has a sword in his hand or not. As long as he wants, his hands, feet, and even his golden wings can be turned into indestructible divine swords.

A golden wing turned into a golden blade, its sharp edge was revealed, and it instantly struck Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng passively attacked, his golden fist flew up into the air, hitting the golden wings with a sharp sound that penetrated the gold and cracked the stone, shaking for nearly a hundred miles.


Although Ji Wufeng dodged the sharp blow, he was still hit in the back by another golden wing and was blasted hundreds of meters away.

Lucas was incredibly fast. He turned into countless shadows and kept attacking, killing Ji Wufeng's body.

boom! boom! boom!

Lucas' speed was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to capture his real body. Ji Wufeng couldn't stop it, and his body was hit by repeated bombardments. He hit high in the sky and then fell to the ground. He slid quickly on the ground, and his feet made deep cuts. ravine, and finally the body crashed directly into the mountain, and the mountain peak collapsed!

Ji Wufeng had just broken through and his strength had not reached its peak. If it weren't for his strong physique, Lucas's series of attacks would have been enough to kill him!

Looking at Ji Wufeng, whose mouth was bleeding, Lucas looked cold and said: "I have said before that I am the strongest among my peers, and you can only be a stepping stone for me to reach the top!"

At this time, in his opinion, the current Ji Wufeng was simply vulnerable and no match for him. If he used the Archangel Sword, he would take Ji Wufeng's head.

"Wait until you kill me before you say such things." Ji Wufeng said.

"Hmph, the Longwei family was destroyed in my hands, you should feel honored!"

After Lucas finished speaking, he punched Ji Wufeng mercilessly. He felt that Ji Wufeng was too weak now and was already on the chopping block, so he could let him be his prey!


Suddenly Ji Wufeng spurted out a mouthful of blood. At the moment when the blood spurted out, tyrannical power burst out and struck him with a punch.

r\u003e The two fists collided hard, and Lucas flew backwards, but Ji Wufeng was spitting out blood.

After landing, Lucas looked shocked, and soon a sneer appeared on his face, saying: "I want to know how much blood you still have to shed!"

He felt that the reason why Ji Wufeng's strength suddenly increased so much was because he was burning the power of his bloodline. This was no longer entirely Ji Wufeng's power, but the power hidden in his bloodline.

When the blood finally runs out, how long can Ji Wufeng last?

"You don't need to leave too much, just enough to kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's tone was cold, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. He was extremely fast, even faster than Lucas before. As soon as the figure flashed in front of him, he was already in front of Lucas, and punched Lucas. On his face, a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.


Lucas was shocked. He never expected that Ji Wufeng's suicidal attack would be so powerful, so he could only retreat.

However, Ji Wufeng really seemed to burn the small universe. He launched a series of attacks with his fists, and his body was as fast as thunder. He slashed down directly and bombarded his head.


This was an almost powerful blow. Lucas's body was shaken violently and his head was buzzing. Fortunately, his physique was tough enough. Others would have been completely destroyed physically and mentally.

His blond hair was spread out, making him look very embarrassed. His body shook and he almost fell from the sky.


Ji Wufeng's golden fist came over and hit him hard, sending him flying away like a scarecrow. Ji Wufeng seemed to be in a state of madness, pressing down on Lucas and punching him hard, and his fist It hit him like iron, and blood flew and spurted out of Lucas' mouth.


Lucas went crazy, shouting to the sky, his long hair flying, and demonic nature seemed to appear on his strong body, sending out terrifying waves like turbulent waves, trying to reverse the situation of the battle.

The golden wings waved behind him, but he did not turn around. The golden wings swept behind him, and his arms sank like mountains, crushing the void. It was hard to imagine how powerful this force was.


Ji Wufeng's golden fist struck out and hit Lucas' sweeping arm, making a harsh golden sound like striking iron.

Their physical bodies are comparable to gold and stone, and their strength has reached an incredible level. Waving their arms can distort space, which is an extreme level of strength.

The moment Lucas turned around, Ji Wufeng's golden fist struck out, like a mountain pressing down.

This blow was so terrifying. The fist was like a fist made of gold, full of destructive power. The space it pressed made a roaring sound with an overwhelming force.


Unable to dodge at all, this fist directly locked the sky, bombarded down, and hit Lucas firmly on the body.

Ji Wufeng had the upper hand, so naturally he would not be given a chance to reverse the situation, and he launched a series of powerful killing techniques.


The golden fist flew down across the sky, blocking the way forward. If you take the lead, you will take the initiative step by step. This kind of offensive came out one after another, completely locking Lucas and not giving him any chance.

Lucas was furious, waving the golden wings behind him, trying to interrupt Ji Wufeng's attack. The attack was fierce. This sharp slash and the dazzling golden light made the entire space dim. Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp and he struck out with his palm, sending a mountain peak flying straight up.

Ji Wufeng was flying in the sky, and his arrogant fist struck down. The entire mountain was pressed against Lucas, annihilating him in an instant.


Lucas let out a long roar, his blond hair stood on end, and he blasted out a huge golden fist, blasting into the void with a loud noise that shook the sky and stirred up a hundred miles in radius!

The huge mountain was shattered by Lucas' punch and shattered in the void.

After disintegrating Ji Wufeng's attack, Lucas was filled with fighting spirit, his body was shining with golden light, and a pair of golden wings on his back were waving, like a huge golden-winged roc, spreading its wings to hit the nine heavens! ??

In an instant, Lucas was like a god in golden armor, his whole body was dazzling, as if it were cast from gold, and his whole body was bursting with explosive divine power like divine punishment.

The golden wings reached the sky and directly smashed several mountain peaks. The violent power surged like the fire of divine punishment burning.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The clouds in all directions were dispersed by Lucas's golden wings. It was unstoppable and invincible. Everything in its path was turned into flying ash, and the mountains, rivers and earth were shattered by it!

There was a flash of golden light, and Lucas' figure disappeared. Ji Wufeng's heart suddenly tightened.

Ji Wufeng was wary and stepped on the Sky Steps repeatedly, but in the end he was a step too late, and a golden wing struck across the sky.

Lucas does not have an archangel sword in his hand, but with his combat power reaching this level, it no longer matters whether he has a sword in his hand or not. As long as he wants, his hands, feet, and even his golden wings can be turned into indestructible divine swords.

A golden wing turned into a golden blade, its sharp edge was revealed, and it instantly struck Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng passively attacked, his golden fist flew up into the air, hitting the golden wings with a sharp sound that penetrated the gold and cracked the stone, shaking for nearly a hundred miles.


Although Ji Wufeng dodged the sharp blow, he was still hit in the back by another golden wing and was blasted hundreds of meters away.

Lucas was incredibly fast. He turned into countless shadows and kept attacking, killing Ji Wufeng's body.

boom! boom! boom!

Lucas' speed was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to capture his real body. Ji Wufeng couldn't stop it, and his body was hit by repeated bombardments. He hit high in the sky and then fell to the ground. He slid quickly on the ground, and his feet made deep cuts. ravine, and finally the body crashed directly into the mountain, and the mountain peak collapsed!

Ji Wufeng had just broken through and his strength had not reached its peak. If it weren't for his strong physique, Lucas's series of attacks would have been enough to kill him!

Looking at Ji Wufeng, whose mouth was bleeding, Lucas looked cold and said: "I have said before that I am the strongest among my peers, and you can only be a stepping stone for me to reach the top!"

At this time, in his opinion, the current Ji Wufeng was simply vulnerable and no match for him. If he used the Archangel Sword, he would take Ji Wufeng's head.

"Wait until you kill me before you say such things." Ji Wufeng said.

"Hmph, the Longwei family was destroyed in my hands, you should feel honored!"

After Lucas finished speaking, he punched Ji Wufeng mercilessly. He felt that Ji Wufeng was too weak now and was already on the chopping block, so he could let him be his prey!


Suddenly Ji Wufeng spurted out a mouthful of blood. At the moment when the blood spurted out, tyrannical power burst out and struck him with a punch.

r\u003e The two fists collided hard, and Lucas flew backwards, but Ji Wufeng was spitting out blood.

After landing, Lucas looked shocked, and soon a sneer appeared on his face, saying: "I want to know how much blood you still have to shed!"

He felt that the reason why Ji Wufeng's strength suddenly increased so much was because he was burning the power of his bloodline. This was no longer entirely Ji Wufeng's power, but the power hidden in his bloodline.

When the blood finally runs out, how long can Ji Wufeng last?

"You don't need to leave too much, just enough to kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's tone was cold, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. He was extremely fast, even faster than Lucas before. As soon as the figure flashed in front of him, he was already in front of Lucas, and punched Lucas. On his face, a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.


Lucas was shocked. He never expected that Ji Wufeng's suicidal attack would be so powerful, so he could only retreat.

However, Ji Wufeng really seemed to burn the small universe. He launched a series of attacks with his fists, and his body was as fast as thunder. He slashed down directly and bombarded his head.


This was an almost powerful blow. Lucas's body was shaken violently and his head was buzzing. Fortunately, his physique was tough enough. Others would have been completely destroyed physically and mentally.

His blond hair was spread out, making him look very embarrassed. His body shook and he almost fell from the sky.


Ji Wufeng's golden fist came over and hit him hard, sending him flying away like a scarecrow. Ji Wufeng seemed to be in a state of madness, pressing down on Lucas and punching him hard, and his fist It hit him like iron, and blood flew and spurted out of Lucas' mouth.


Lucas went crazy, shouting to the sky, his long hair flying, and demonic nature seemed to appear on his strong body, sending out terrifying waves like turbulent waves, trying to reverse the situation of the battle.

The golden wings waved behind him, but he did not turn around. The golden wings swept behind him, and his arms sank like mountains, crushing the void. It was hard to imagine how powerful this force was.


Ji Wufeng's golden fist struck out and hit Lucas' sweeping arm, making a harsh golden sound like striking iron.

Their physical bodies are comparable to gold and stone, and their strength has reached an incredible level. Waving their arms can distort space, which is an extreme level of strength.

The moment Lucas turned around, Ji Wufeng's golden fist struck out, like a mountain pressing down.

This blow was so terrifying. The fist was like a fist made of gold, full of destructive power. The space it pressed made a roaring sound with an overwhelming force.


Unable to dodge at all, this fist directly locked the sky, bombarded down, and hit Lucas firmly on the body.

Ji Wufeng had the upper hand, so naturally he would not be given a chance to reverse the situation, and he launched a series of powerful killing techniques.


The golden fist flew down across the sky, blocking the way forward. If you take the lead, you will take the initiative step by step. This kind of offensive came out one after another, completely locking Lucas and not giving him any chance.

Lucas was furious, waving the golden wings behind him, trying to interrupt Ji Wufeng's attack. The attack was fierce. This sharp slash and the dazzling golden light made the entire space dim.

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