Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1810 The bird is gone and the bow is hidden

Lucas's eyes were full of wildness, and murderous intent was evident in his eyes. He fought back crazily, his body burning with a raging fire like divine punishment, trying to reverse this situation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

However, Ji Wufeng's attack was too fierce, fierce and domineering, and could not be resisted. The golden fist seemed to penetrate the sky, with the power to open up the world.

The fierce collision is like two gods of war dueling, suppressing the sky, and like the Milky Way tilting, the vast earth is about to face a collision!

Ji Wufeng's golden fist seemed to be fused with the heaven and earth. Every time it was struck, the void trembled and the ground cracked. .??.

It’s unimaginable how powerful it is!

Lucas is arrogant. Among the young generation, it is almost impossible to find an opponent with such fighting power. It is a pity that he met the monster Ji Wufeng.

One is burning the power of blood, and the other is trying his best, both exerting their respective powers to the extreme and competing against each other. Their battle is thrilling and makes the whole world shake.

Lucas was completely at a disadvantage, but he was not worried at all. Even Qianye Yu who was watching the battle could see that Ji Wufeng was committing a suicidal attack, desperately burning the power of his blood. Once Ji Wufeng's blood was burned out, If it is exhausted, it will immediately become vulnerable.

Lucas had to hold on. As long as he did, Ji Wufeng would definitely die.

But how long can Lucas last? Ji Wufeng's strength was too overbearing. He might have been killed by Ji Wufeng before his bloodline was exhausted.


Lucas waved his hand, and his body suddenly rose into the air. The Gang Qi on his body surged, and the evil energy shot out in all directions.

The terrifying sword energy descended from the sky and struck Ji Wufeng. The sound of the sword light penetrating the space was like a sharp roar. At this moment, murderous intent was everywhere in the sky and the earth. The sword light rose into the sky like a volcano that had been nurtured for millions of years. Suddenly it exploded and shot through the sky.

Archangel Sword!


If Si wants to block Ji Wufeng's crazy attack, he must use the Archangel Sword!

At this time, Lucas is no longer the same person he was five years ago. He is extraordinary and holy, and his combat power is extremely strong. Looking around, the sky is filled with sword energy, sharp and dazzling.

"I admit that you are indeed very strong, but it is a pity that you are destined to be a loser and become the bones that I will step on when I climb to the top!" Lucas was furious, his blond hair was windless and he was exuding a fierce murderous intention.

Before the words could be finished, Lucas had already moved, waving his golden wings, turning into a golden aurora and rushing towards Ji Wufeng. The sharp sword energy rose up into the sky, overwhelming Ji Wufeng.

The energy emitted by a strong man in the Holy Realm is enough to destroy monuments and crack rocks. An ordinary person would have been swallowed up by the sword energy all over the sky and would be minced directly. However, Ji Wufeng was not an ordinary person.

However, he also suffered terrible injuries. His body was covered with wounds cut by the sword energy, and his muscles were split, revealing the meridians and bones inside, which was shocking.

"The blood of the Nie family is indeed extraordinary, but how long can you keep it?"

Lucas' tone was cold, and the Archangel Sword took action again. The sword lights intertwined to form a dragnet, and Ji Wufeng could not escape even if he had wings!

Ji Wufeng's muscles were tearing and his bones were shattering. He could no longer hold on any longer and was about to be hit by Lucas's sword light. He endured the heartbreaking pain, and Ji Wufeng roared angrily.


Dots of golden light burst out from Ji Wufeng's body, and he punched out in the air. Like divine punishment, a golden divine dragon sprang out from his arm and roared towards Lucas!


There was a violent explosion, and the sword energy in the sky was disintegrated. Lucas flew backwards, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was obviously severely injured, but

Ji Wufeng was even worse. He knelt on the ground with one knee, his body was riddled with holes, and half of his life was taken away.

The two did not distinguish between life and death, but Lucas was seriously injured, but Ji Wufeng faced death.

"If I were in my heyday, you would have been a dead person!" Ji Wufeng shouted sternly.

Lucas was not a fool. Although he was proud in his heart, it did not mean that he did not know how high the sky was. He sneered and said with a cold smile: "So what? The result is that I will live, but today you will die here!"


Qianye Yu moved. At this time, Ji Wufeng was already exhausted. The power of his bloodline was burned out. His death was approaching. He would not let go of this God-given opportunity.


The sharp palm penetrated straight through the chest, blood spurted out, and the heart was forcibly removed. No one could survive such a severe injury.

Lucas had a dull look on his face, looking at the palm that penetrated his chest and his heart that was still beating vigorously, he didn't quite believe what was happening.

Even Ji Wufeng did not expect that Qianye Yu did not miss such a God-given opportunity, but instead of attacking him, he chose to kill Lucas. What was he doing? Aren't they allies?

"You...why is this?"

Lucas had a look of pain on his face. He felt like he was going to die soon, but he never understood that Qianye Yu would actually attack him. Although he hated Qianye Yu, he never regarded him as an enemy. He never thought that he would die in Qianye Yu's hands.

Qianye Yu had a sneer on his face and said: "Idiot, don't you know the principle of hiding the bird behind the bow? Your value has been used up, what's the use of keeping you?"

Lucas finally understood that Qianye Yu had been using him from the beginning, and now because of the battle between him and Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng's life force had been exhausted, and it was easy

You can get rid of him, but you are indeed of no use anymore.

Although the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court are allies, they are both Holy Lands. Who doesn’t want to be the best in the world? Therefore, one day the relationship will become hostile. Getting rid of the strongest successor of the Holy Court can be a huge blow to the Holy Court, because you can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate the strongest successor.

At least, in the next twenty years, it is impossible for the Holy Court to find disciples who can rival the Sakura Temple.


Qianye Yu's eyes were cold, and his fist struck out straight, hitting Lucas's head like a watermelon being hit by a hammer.

One of the most powerful disciples of the Holy Court, one of the most sacred places, was destined to become one of the strongest people in the world in the future, but he did not expect to die so early. It is really sad and deplorable!

"Ji Wufeng, you are destined to be unable to fly today." After dealing with Lucas, Qianye Yu looked at Ji Wufeng with murderous intent.

Ji Wufeng was smiling and said: "I thought you would attack him only after I died, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient."

Now Ji Wufeng looked bloodless, his lips were black and blue, and he looked even more dead than an undead warrior. He was kneeling on the ground with one knee, his body was shaking constantly, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Why should I wait until you are dead before taking action? Your life is mine, you must die in my hands!" Qianye Yu was filled with hatred.

Like Lucas, Qianye Yu was conceited. Not only was he defeated at the hands of Ji Wufeng, he was also humiliated at the hands of Ji Wufeng and became a huge laughing stock.

He is different from Lucas. Lucas wants to avenge his past humiliation, but Qianye Yu hates Ji Wufeng to the core. If he cannot kill Ji Wufeng, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of his life.

"Besides, you only have one life left now. Killing you is as easy as squeezing an ant to death."

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