Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1822 I am also a Nie family member

A man in white clothes looked at Gu Yunfei and said, "Third brother, now is your last chance!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the two people appearing, with extremely excited expressions on everyone's face.

Hong Yanling curled her lips and said, "Why aren't these two bastards dead yet?"

Nie Qingcheng murmured: "I knew you would definitely come back."

Nie Juexian also stopped attacking and looked at the two men, their expressions changing rapidly, from joy, shock, resentment... The originally beautiful cheeks were distorted by the complex and extreme expressions, making them look like ghosts.

Gu Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Haha... I really didn't expect that in the past, our five brothers were unparalleled and invincible in the world, but today we will actually meet again!"

It is said that human nature is good at first. No matter how crazy and devoid of humanity a person is, before he completely embarks on the road of no return, there will always be the softest place deep in his heart, which is a pure and flawless holy land.

Gu Yunfei's life was full of intrigues and extremely vicious. However, when he was a boy, the passionate passion of the five brothers who conquered the world side by side, as well as his youthful love for Nie Qingcheng, are undoubtedly his most cherished memories of youth.

It's just that the past is just the past, the past that can never go back.

Gu Yunfei roared loudly, and all the combatants stopped attacking. Everyone's eyes were focused on the four people, their faces full of horror and admiration.

The five heroes of China were so dazzling that they dominated an entire era. They were unparalleled and had no one to challenge them!

Back then, the Sakura Temple invaded on a large scale, and only five people were able to hold off the army. Despite the appearance of the traitor Gu Yunfei, the Sakura Temple army still suffered heavy casualties and was severely weakened, forcing them to retreat.

The Holy Court followed in the footsteps of the Sakura Temple and stared covetously at China. However, after the massive setback of the Sakura Temple, no one from the Holy Court dared to step into China, and they shrank for more than twenty years.

More than fifty years ago, the Four Heavenly Kings led the Dragon Guard in a bloody battle thousands of miles away, which shocked the whole world. However, it was so long ago that some young people did not know about this past event. Relatively speaking, the five heroes who lived more recently were even more shocking. Because their achievements are so brilliant, they are like myths.

In the Sakura Temple, the Nine-Headed Insect and Holy Court masters looked at Yun Feiyang and others with fear on their faces, while the Chinese warriors had faces full of fanaticism. Even Zou Huairen and others who were rescued by Nie Qingcheng were already furious, but The two altars still exude splendor.

They are an unparalleled generation of heroes, and they are the invincible peak combat power of an entire era!

"They are still alive. They are really alive. How is that possible? How can they die?" Someone's eyes turned red with excitement.

The Five Heroes of China have dominated an entire era and can be said to be the idols worshiped by everyone. When the news came that Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang died in battle, too many people shed tears of regret, but there are still some people who firmly believe in their hearts. The invincible God of War will never die.

Finally, they all returned alive and did not disappoint everyone who believed in them!

Ji Hongtu strode towards Nie Qingcheng, with complex expressions in his eyes, including joy, guilt, but full of love!

When Hongtu and his sister were separated, he was fostered in the Ji family, and Nie Juexian was sent to the Yun family. Only Nie Qingcheng was living outside. He was the one who suffered the most among the three brothers and sisters, but he was also the one who suffered the most.

Kind and the most cheerful person.

When they met again as teenagers, Ji Hongtu once vowed to love and protect this sister. However, unfortunately, he was confused for several years and then left his hometown, leaving Nie Qingcheng seriously injured and tortured for more than ten years.

Ji Hongtu took Nie Qingcheng's hand, without a warm hug or too many words. Blood is thicker than water. There is no need to be too deliberate about anything. They already know each other's feelings.

Seeing that Ji Hongtu was so tender towards Nie Qingcheng but turned a blind eye to him, Nie Juexian's eyes burst out with anger and he said in a ferocious voice: "You bitch..."

Gu Yunfei's face was calm, but the aura on his body was gradually getting colder. He and Ji Hongtu would never be able to go back to the past, and the same was true with Nie Qingcheng.

Yun Feiyang sighed and said: "Second brother, turn back. No matter what you want, this is enough now. Have you really forgotten the oath that the five of us brothers made?"

Among the five heroes, Ji Hongtu is the most sharp-edged and unrivaled, Gu Yunfeiyun is gentle but unparalleled, Xiao Pojun is the most low-key, and Chu Tianshu is the most mysterious.

Yun Feiyang is the oldest, but the most straightforward and heroic. He is the leader of the Five Heroes and the eldest brother who values ​​friendship the most. Even though he knows everything, he still fantasizes that Gu Yunfei can turn around.

Gu Yunfei shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "No matter when the time comes, you will be my eldest brother, so I will never deceive you. Do you think there is still a way for me to turn back?"

Yun Feiyang's face darkened, and there was a hint of sadness and anger in his eyes. Yes, after Gu Yunfei did such a thing, is there any place for him in the world? How could he turn around?

"What's more!"

Gu Yunfei's eyes were sharp and he said: "Why should I look back? All this is what I should get. I am just getting back what belongs to me!"

"I don't know what the truth was back then, but enough is enough!" Ji Hongtu said coldly.


Gu Yunfei laughed loudly and said with a ferocious expression: "Ji Hongtu, what are you so superior about? Do you think that only your Nie family is truly orthodox? From now on, the Longwei family will be completely destroyed, and I am the only one who can It is the only bloodline of dragon!"

Ji Hongtu frowned slightly and said: "Is it really that important? So what if you succeed? You still bleed the same blood as me, and you will always be burdened with the eternal infamy of bullying your master and destroying your ancestors!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, Ji Hongtu, don't you know this truth?"

Gu Yunfei said sternly: "We are from the same lineage, but you are the prestigious Dragon Guard family, and we are the Demonic Dragon Clan. Why? From now on, I am the Dragon Emperor of China, and you are all rebellious Dragon Clan , nailed to the pillar of shame for life after life!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. Why did they feel something was wrong? Gu Yunfei and Ji Hongtu seemed to have some deep connection with each other.

"If you do too much injustice, you will be killed. If you do the wrong thing, I'm afraid your final outcome will be eternal disaster!" Ji Hongtu said coldly.

"Hahaha...Ji Hongtu, stop talking nonsense!"

"Eighteen hundred years, a whole eighteen hundred years, from the moment I knew that I was also a member of the Nie family, I made a solemn oath that one day I would trample the Nie family under my feet and destroy the Longwei family. Trample it under your feet, trample the entire China under your feet!" A man in white clothes looked at Gu Yunfei and said: "Third brother, now is your last chance!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the two people appearing, with extremely excited expressions on everyone's face.

Hong Yanling curled her lips and said, "Why aren't these two bastards dead yet?"

Nie Qingcheng murmured: "I knew you would definitely come back."

Nie Juexian also stopped attacking and looked at the two men, their expressions changing rapidly, from joy, shock, resentment... The originally beautiful cheeks were distorted by the complex and extreme expressions, making them look like ghosts.

Gu Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Haha... I really didn't expect that in the past, our five brothers were unparalleled and invincible in the world, but today we will actually meet again!"

It is said that human nature is good at first. No matter how crazy and devoid of humanity a person is, before he completely embarks on the road of no return, there will always be the softest place deep in his heart, which is a pure and flawless holy land.

Gu Yunfei's life was full of intrigues and extremely vicious. However, when he was a boy, the passionate passion of the five brothers who conquered the world side by side, as well as his youthful love for Nie Qingcheng, are undoubtedly his most cherished memories of youth.

It's just that the past is just the past, the past that can never go back. .??.

Gu Yunfei roared loudly, and all the combatants stopped attacking. Everyone's eyes were focused on the four people, their faces full of horror and admiration.

The five heroes of China were so dazzling that they dominated an entire era. They were unparalleled and had no one to challenge them!

Back then, the Sakura Temple invaded on a large scale, and only five people were able to hold off the army. Despite the appearance of the traitor Gu Yunfei, the Sakura Temple army still suffered heavy casualties and was severely weakened, forcing them to retreat.

The Holy Court followed in the footsteps of the Sakura Temple and stared covetously at China. However, after the massive setback of the Sakura Temple, no one from the Holy Court dared to step into China, and they shrank for more than twenty years.

More than fifty years ago, the Four Heavenly Kings led the Dragon Guard in a bloody battle thousands of miles away, which shocked the whole world. However, it was so long ago that some young people did not know about this past event. Relatively speaking, the five heroes who lived more recently were even more shocking. Because their achievements are so brilliant, they are like myths.

In the Sakura Temple, the Nine-Headed Insect and Holy Court masters looked at Yun Feiyang and others with fear on their faces, while the Chinese warriors had faces full of fanaticism. Even Zou Huairen and others who were rescued by Nie Qingcheng were already furious, but The two altars still exude splendor.

They are an unparalleled generation of heroes, and they are the invincible peak combat power of an entire era!

"They are still alive. They are really alive. How is that possible? How can they die?" Someone's eyes turned red with excitement.

The Five Heroes of China have dominated an entire era and can be said to be the idols worshiped by everyone. When the news came that Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang died in battle, too many people shed tears of regret, but there are still some people who firmly believe in their hearts. The invincible God of War will never die.

Finally, they all returned alive and did not disappoint everyone who believed in them!

Ji Hongtu strode towards Nie Qingcheng, with complex expressions in his eyes, including joy, guilt, but full of love!

When Hongtu and his sister were separated, he was fostered in the Ji family, and Nie Juexian was sent to the Yun family. Only Nie Qingcheng was living outside. He was the one who suffered the most among the three brothers and sisters, but he was also the one who suffered the most.

Kind and the most cheerful person.

When they met again as teenagers, Ji Hongtu once vowed to love and protect this sister. However, unfortunately, he was confused for several years and then left his hometown, leaving Nie Qingcheng seriously injured and tortured for more than ten years.

Ji Hongtu took Nie Qingcheng's hand, without a warm hug or too many words. Blood is thicker than water. There is no need to be too deliberate about anything. They already know each other's feelings.

Seeing that Ji Hongtu was so tender towards Nie Qingcheng but turned a blind eye to him, Nie Juexian's eyes burst out with rage and he said in a ferocious voice: "You bitch..."

Gu Yunfei's face was calm, but the aura on his body was gradually getting colder. He and Ji Hongtu would never be able to go back to the past, and the same was true with Nie Qingcheng.

Yun Feiyang sighed and said: "Second brother, turn back. No matter what you want, this is enough now. Have you really forgotten the oath that the five of us brothers made?"

Among the five heroes, Ji Hongtu is the most sharp-edged and unrivaled, Gu Yunfeiyun is gentle but unparalleled, Xiao Pojun is the most low-key, and Chu Tianshu is the most mysterious.

Yun Feiyang is the oldest, but the most straightforward and heroic. He is the leader of the Five Heroes and the eldest brother who values ​​friendship the most. Even though he knows everything, he still fantasizes that Gu Yunfei can turn around.

Gu Yunfei shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "No matter when the time comes, you will be my eldest brother, so I will never deceive you. Do you think there is still a way for me to turn back?"

Yun Feiyang's face darkened, and there was a hint of sadness and anger in his eyes. Yes, after Gu Yunfei did such a thing, is there any place for him in the world? How could he turn around?

"What's more!"

Gu Yunfei's eyes were sharp and he said: "Why should I look back? All this is what I should get. I am just getting back what belongs to me!"

"I don't know what the truth was back then, but enough is enough!" Ji Hongtu said coldly.


Gu Yunfei laughed loudly and said with a ferocious expression: "Ji Hongtu, what are you so superior about? Do you think that only your Nie family is truly orthodox? From now on, the Longwei family will be completely destroyed, and I am the only one who can It is the only bloodline of dragon!"

Ji Hongtu frowned slightly and said: "Is it really that important? So what if you succeed? You still bleed the same blood as me, and you will always be burdened with the eternal infamy of bullying your master and destroying your ancestors!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, Ji Hongtu, don't you know this truth?"

Gu Yunfei said sternly: "We are from the same lineage, but you are the prestigious Dragon Guard family, and we are the Demonic Dragon Clan. Why? From now on, I am the Dragon Emperor of China, and you are all rebellious Dragon Clan , nailed to the pillar of shame for life after life!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. Why did they feel something was wrong? Gu Yunfei and Ji Hongtu seemed to have some deep connection with each other.

"If you do too much injustice, you will be killed. If you do the wrong thing, I'm afraid your final outcome will be eternal disaster!" Ji Hongtu said coldly.

"Hahaha...Ji Hongtu, stop talking nonsense!"

"Eighteen hundred years, a whole eighteen hundred years, from the moment I knew that I was also a member of the Nie family, I made a solemn oath that one day I would trample the Nie family under my feet and destroy the Longwei family. Trample it under your feet, trample the entire China under your feet!"

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