Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Is Gu Yunfei also a member of the Nie family? how can that be possible?

However, the elders of the Cherry Blossom Temple looked calm, and obviously did not feel the slightest surprise about this secret. As for Crazy Blade, Zou Huairen and other elders, they also looked up to the sky and sighed.

This is a secret that has been preserved for nearly two thousand years. No one has studied the truth of a thousand years ago, only a general conclusion.

I only know that 1,800 years ago, the Nie family was a very prosperous and noble family, hiding in the world of mortals to protect China, and was called the Longwei family. But one day, 1,800 years ago, something happened to the Nie family. , Youcheng became a traitor, was identified as a demon heretic, and was called the Demon Dragon Clan.

The Demonic Dragon Clan was expelled from China and would never be allowed to enter China forever.

This period of secrecy has been too long. It has been so long that many people do not believe that the Demonic Dragon Clan actually exists. It has been so long that many people believe that the Demonic Dragon Clan has perished long ago. ??

However, in the battle nearly sixty years ago, many people knew how tragic the battle was. More than half of the hundreds of prestigious Dragon Guards died in the battle, but Kuang Dao, Zou Huairen and other witnesses of the battle that year Everyone knows that those strong men almost all died at the hands of the same person.

No one knows who that person is, but they only know that that person also possesses the power of the Nie family's blood.

Everyone was shocked. How could this be possible? How could the Longwei family turn around and attack China?

Nie Changkong took action in time. When he revealed the lineage of the demon dragon, everyone knew that the legend was true.

It turns out that the Demon Dragon Clan was expelled from China, but they did not go far. Instead, they were thinking about how to make a comeback and enter China again!

Eighteen hundred years ago, Dongyang was just an uninhabited desert island, not too far from China, and became the best habitat for the Demonic Dragon Clan at that time.

After 1,800 years of development, Dongyang is no longer the desert island it was before, but has become a rapidly developing eastern power. However, the Demonic Dragon Clan has always been the supreme master of Dongyang secretly.

The reason why Dongyang people worship the Eastern Dragon is also influenced by the Demonic Dragon clan.

The Demonic Dragon Clan has not forgotten the millennium of ancestral training, and has never lost its desire for revenge. The Demonic Dragon Clan has been behind Dongyang’s several hostile attacks on China, with the sole purpose of setting foot on the land of China again.

Although the battle back then was tragic, and although the Demon Dragon Clan was unparalleled in strength, Nie Changkong was equally invincible. No one has forgotten the battle between the two of them. The sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, and the rivers were overturned.

In the end, the Death State won the battle, but the Demonic Dragon Clan and Nie Changkong disappeared at the same time.

Gu Yunfei was only a few years old back then, but he was the only remaining bloodline of the Demonic Dragon Clan. In order to take revenge, he traveled across the ocean and sneaked into China at a young age, just waiting for today.

His plan was undoubtedly successful. With the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court outside, and the Nine-Headed Insect in his hands inside, he was absolutely unstoppable!

"But you can never change the fact that you are from the Nie family!" Ji Hongtu said.

"you are wrong!"

Gu Yunfei said loudly: "My surname is not Nie, nor am I surnamed Gu. I am the only one in heaven and on earth. I am the Dragon Emperor who dominates everything!"


Gu Yunfei's voice shook the sky, the ground trembled, Tongtian Peak was crumbling, and everyone's hearts were shaking. He was so arrogant, he actually dared to call himself the Dragon Emperor!

Yun Feiyang

The only illusion in his heart was shattered, his eyes gradually became colder, and he said slowly: "Second brother, it seems that this is the last time I will be worthy of your brother."

Gu Yunfei said: "No, as long as the eldest brother is willing, even if I am the Dragon Emperor, I am still my eldest brother. If we brothers are of the same mind, not only China, but the entire world will become our possession."

Yun Feiyang shook his head slightly and said: "Gu Yunfei, you are acting against heaven. As a descendant of the Yun family, it is what I should do to act on behalf of heaven!"

Ji Hongtu's body was full of fighting spirit, and Chu Tianshu's murderous intention was fierce. The former brothers finally came to a life-and-death fight.

"Hahahaha... Since today is the last reunion of our brothers, how can anyone be absent?"

Gu Yunfei suddenly laughed wildly, waved his hand, and a tall body came across the sky and landed in front of everyone. It exuded a ghastly and terrifying aura, its cheeks were as pale as a dead person, and its eyes were hollow and could not feel any breath of life. , only the overwhelming death energy!

This person doesn't look like a living person, but a corpse that can stand and walk.

However, when they saw the person in front of them, Yun Feiyang, Ji Hongtu and Chu Tianshu's faces suddenly became dull, with disbelief on their faces!

"Fourth!" Yun Feiyang yelled.

Yes, this person is Xiao Pojun, who has been dead for more than 20 years, but how is this possible? How could a person who had been dead for more than twenty years still appear in front of everyone?

"Fourth brother!"

"Fourth brother!"

Ji Hongtu and Chu Tianshu fell to their knees on the ground at the same time and roared sadly, tears of blood falling down.

"Gu Yunfei, you really deserve to die...fourth brother!"

Chu Tianshu's body was filled with murderous aura, and he burst into tears looking at Xiao Pojun.

"God slave, you actually turned the fourth child into a God slave!" Yun Feiyang shouted sternly.

It turned out to be a corpse slave. No wonder Xiao Pojun is still alive until now. It turns out that he is not a living person at all, but was refined by Gu Yunfei into a corpse slave, an unconscious walking corpse, a machine that only knows how to kill with blood!

"Shouldn't you be grateful to me? It was me who allowed us five brothers to reunite again after so many years!"

"Gu Yunfei, you will never be redeemed by death..." Yun Feiyang shed tears of blood and roared to the sky.

Ji Hongtu, who was kneeling on the ground, clenched his fists, and blood continued to flow from his fingers.

They fell into Gu Yunfei's trick and personally killed Xiao Pojun, who was as close as a brother. This incident made them feel guilty for life, but Gu Yunfei was so cruel that he stole Xiao Pojun's body and refined it into a corpse slave!

Everyone else was filled with horror when they learned that this man full of evil aura was actually Xiao Pojun, who had been dead for more than 20 years. They had heard of the Corpse Slave in the Sakura Temple, which was an extremely evil method of refining corpses. .

Use secret methods to control a powerful person's mind, memory and emotions... everything is wiped out during his lifetime, only the physical instinct is retained, and the only belief is loyalty.

The walking dead, slaves, this is the zombie slave!

Now Xiao Pojun is no longer one of the five heroes back then, but a tool in Gu Yunfei's hands, a murderous weapon!

No one expected that Gu Yunfei would be so heartless and crazy, not even sparing his former brothers, leaving Xiao Pojun with no peace after his death, which made people feel chilled in their hearts.

"You don't have to be so excited. The fourth child is not the only one to be surprised!" Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Is Gu Yunfei also a member of the Nie family? how can that be possible?

However, the elders of the Cherry Blossom Temple looked calm, and obviously did not feel the slightest surprise about this secret. As for Crazy Blade, Zou Huairen and other elders, they also looked up to the sky and sighed.

This is a secret that has been preserved for nearly two thousand years. No one has studied the truth of a thousand years ago, only a general conclusion.

I only know that 1,800 years ago, the Nie family was a very prosperous and noble family, hiding in the world of mortals to protect China, and was called the Longwei family. But one day, 1,800 years ago, something happened to the Nie family. , Youcheng became a traitor, was identified as a demon heretic, and was called the Demon Dragon Clan.

The Demonic Dragon Clan was expelled from China and would not be allowed to set foot in China forever.

This period of secrecy has been too long. It has been so long that many people do not believe that the Demonic Dragon Clan actually exists. It has been so long that many people believe that the Demonic Dragon Clan has perished long ago.

However, in the battle nearly sixty years ago, many people knew how tragic the battle was. More than half of the hundreds of prestigious Dragon Guards died in the battle, but Kuang Dao, Zou Huairen and other witnesses of the battle that year Everyone knows that those strong men almost all died at the hands of the same person.

No one knows who that person is, but they only know that that person also possesses the power of the Nie family's blood.

Everyone was shocked. How could this be possible? How could the Longwei family turn around and attack China?

Nie Changkong took action in time. When he revealed the lineage of the demon dragon, everyone knew that the legend was true.

It turns out that the Demon Dragon Clan was expelled from China, but they did not go far. Instead, they were thinking about how to make a comeback and enter China again!

Eighteen hundred years ago, Dongyang was just an uninhabited desert island, not too far from China, and became the best habitat for the Demonic Dragon Clan at that time.

After 1,800 years of development, Dongyang is no longer the desert island it was before, but has become a rapidly developing eastern power. However, the Demonic Dragon Clan has always been the supreme master of Dongyang secretly.

The reason why Dongyang people worship the Eastern Dragon is also influenced by the Demonic Dragon clan.

The Demonic Dragon Clan has not forgotten the thousand-year ancestral training and has never lost its desire for revenge. The Demonic Dragon Clan has been behind Dongyang’s several hateful attacks on China, with the sole purpose of setting foot on the land of China again.

Although the battle back then was tragic, and although the Demonic Dragon Clan was unrivaled, Nie Changkong was equally invincible. No one has forgotten the battle between the two of them. The sky was shattering, the earth was shattering, and rivers were overturning.

In the end, the Death State won the battle, but the Demonic Dragon Clan and Nie Changkong disappeared at the same time.

Gu Yunfei was only a few years old back then, but he was the only remaining bloodline of the Demon Dragon Clan. In order to take revenge, he traveled across the ocean and sneaked into China at a young age, just waiting for today.

His plan was undoubtedly successful. With the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court outside, and the Nine-Headed Insect in his hands inside, he was absolutely unstoppable!

"But you can never change the fact that you are from the Nie family!" Ji Hongtu said.

"you are wrong!"

Gu Yunfei said loudly: "My surname is not Nie, nor am I surnamed Gu. I am the only one in heaven and on earth. I am the Dragon Emperor who dominates everything!"


Gu Yunfei's voice shook the sky, the ground trembled, Tongtian Peak was crumbling, and everyone's hearts were shaking. He was so arrogant, he actually dared to call himself the Dragon Emperor!

Yun Feiyang

The only illusion in his heart was shattered, his eyes gradually became colder, and he said slowly: "Second brother, it seems that this is the last time I will be worthy of your brother."

Gu Yunfei said: "No, as long as the eldest brother is willing, even if I am the Dragon Emperor, I am still my eldest brother. If we brothers are of the same mind, not only China, but the entire world will become our possession."

Yun Feiyang shook his head slightly and said: "Gu Yunfei, you are acting against heaven. As a descendant of the Yun family, it is what I should do to act on behalf of heaven!"

Ji Hongtu's body was full of fighting spirit, and Chu Tianshu's murderous intention was fierce. The former brothers finally came to a life-and-death fight.

"Hahahaha... Since today is the last reunion of our brothers, how can anyone be absent?"

Gu Yunfei suddenly laughed wildly, waved his hand, and a tall body came across the sky and landed in front of everyone. It exuded a ghastly and terrifying aura, its cheeks were as pale as a dead person, and its eyes were hollow and could not feel any breath of life. , only the overwhelming death energy!

This person doesn't look like a living person, but a corpse that can stand and walk.

However, when they saw the person in front of them, Yun Feiyang, Ji Hongtu and Chu Tianshu's faces suddenly became dull, with disbelief on their faces!

"Fourth!" Yun Feiyang yelled.

Yes, this person is Xiao Pojun, who has been dead for more than 20 years, but how is this possible? How could a person who had been dead for more than twenty years still appear in front of everyone?

"Fourth brother!"

"Fourth brother!"

Ji Hongtu and Chu Tianshu fell to their knees on the ground at the same time and roared sadly, tears of blood falling down.

"Gu Yunfei, you really deserve to die...fourth brother!"

Chu Tianshu's body was filled with murderous aura, and he burst into tears looking at Xiao Pojun.

"God slave, you actually turned the fourth child into a God slave!" Yun Feiyang shouted sternly.

It turned out to be a corpse slave. No wonder Xiao Pojun is still alive until now. It turns out that he is not a living person at all, but was refined by Gu Yunfei into a corpse slave, an unconscious walking corpse, a machine that only knows how to kill with blood!

"Shouldn't you be grateful to me? It was me who allowed us five brothers to reunite again after so many years!"

"Gu Yunfei, you will never be redeemed by death..." Yun Feiyang shed tears of blood and roared to the sky.

Ji Hongtu, who was kneeling on the ground, clenched his fists, and blood continued to flow from his fingers.

They fell into Gu Yunfei's trick and personally killed Xiao Pojun, who was as close as a brother. This incident made them feel guilty for life, but Gu Yunfei was so cruel that he stole Xiao Pojun's body and refined it into a corpse slave!

Everyone else was filled with horror when they learned that this man full of evil aura was actually Xiao Pojun, who had been dead for more than 20 years. They had heard of the Corpse Slave in the Sakura Temple, which was an extremely evil method of refining corpses. .

Use secret methods to control a powerful person's mind, memory and emotions... everything is wiped out during his lifetime, only the physical instinct is retained, and the only belief is loyalty.

The walking dead, slaves, this is the zombie slave!

Now Xiao Pojun is no longer one of the five heroes back then, but a tool in Gu Yunfei's hands, a murderous weapon!

No one expected that Gu Yunfei would be so heartless and crazy, not even sparing his former brothers, leaving Xiao Pojun with no peace after his death, which made people feel chilled in their hearts.

"Don't be so excited, the fourth child is not the only one to be surprised!"

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