At this time, Gu Yunfei was too powerful, and Yun Jianxin was seriously injured. The attacks all over the sky couldn't stop that energy, which shot straight at Yun Jianxin!

Yun Jian's heart can't be stopped, his life hangs by a thread!

"My good son-in-law, is this how you treat your elders?" The old but powerful voice resounded in everyone's ears!

Everyone's heart suddenly shook, and just one voice made people feel a huge pressure, like a big mountain pressing down on them.

"It's him..." Nie Juexian trembled all over.

Just when Yun Jianxin was about to be hit by the Qi Jin, the overwhelming force came down, and the Qi Jin was like a flying leaf in the storm, and was instantly annihilated.

A rickety but mighty body fell on the spot!

This is a bad old man. The folds on his face can kill flies. His hair is as yellow as a pile of straw and his teeth are yellow. ??

If it weren't for the fact that his clothes looked relatively clean, everyone would have thought he was an old beggar who had appeared out of nowhere.

The old man had a smile on his face, and his expression was as if he immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Good Samaritans, please give me some money to spend. Old man, I haven't had enough to eat in several days."

But when the holy realm experts from several major holy places saw this old man, their eyes instantly froze, and their expressions showed fear.

Yun Jianxin looked at the old man and couldn't help but tremble all over. Then he turned around. A strong man in the Holy Realm had a toughness of mind that could not be compared with ordinary people. However, Yun Jianxin still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

The old man looked at Yun Jianxin and sighed: "Jianxin, it's been so many years, do you still remember your grudge?"

Big brother?

He is actually Yun Jianxin's eldest brother?

Ying Yue on the side snorted coldly: "Hmph, why don't you hold grudges? If you, a bad old man, hadn't stopped her in person, would she have been expelled from the Yun family?"

Everyone was immediately shocked. He turned out to be Yun Jianxin's eldest brother, and he was the one who drove Yun Jianxin out of the Yun family.

The old man sighed, turned around and said calmly to Gu Yunfei: "We are of the same lineage after all, so let's stop here!"

Gu Yunfei smiled coldly and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

"It's really impossible!"

The old man nodded. No matter who had reached this point, there was no way he could stop. He suddenly struck Gu Yunfei with a palm from the air.

This palm seemed plain and weak, probably not even able to kill mosquitoes, but suddenly Gu Yunfei's eyes became sharp. In an instant, everything around him seemed to be still, and he could only see the old man's palm moving.


There was an inaudible explosion, and Gu Yunfei and the old man who were controlling Ji Wufeng retreated violently at the same time.

There was no earth-shaking scene, but everyone clearly saw that the flowers, trees, and rocks around the two of them seemed to have been invaded by thousands of years of wind and sand, and turned into powder bit by bit.


This was the unanimous thought in everyone's mind at this time. Such an ordinary collision actually erupted with such terrifying destructive power!

"In terms of talent, ambition, and understanding, you, Gu Yunfei, are unparalleled. You two belong to the same lineage. This is a great blessing for China, but it is also a great misfortune!" The old man shook his head helplessly.

His feelings are also the feelings of everyone. Both of them are geniuses and belong to the same lineage. If they can join forces, who can be the enemy in the world?

\u003e However, the two of them are fighting each other for life and death, which makes people helpless and even more regrettable.

"But what must end must end!"

The old man's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a wild aura erupted from his body, mixed with cold murderous intent.

"Yun Zhen, I am your opponent!" An old but equally powerful voice sounded.

That's right, this old man who looks like a beggar is none other than one of the most powerful men in China, the head of the Yun Family in the Holy Land...Yun Zhen!

A golden light suddenly appeared, even eclipsing the scorching sun in the sky. A body appeared in the golden light, revealing the supreme power of the sacred. At that moment, if there were any Holy Court believers present, they would definitely kneel down and shout Holy Spirit!

After the person landed, the golden light dissipated. It was a Western old man with almost all his hair falling out. He was wearing a cane and his stature was so stooped that his head was even with his knees...

Being so old, he should have an aura of decay all over his body, but this old Western man is different. He has a blazing golden light on his body. He seems to have run out of gas, but his aura is boundless, which makes people feel even more stressed.

Yun Zhen showed his yellow teeth and grinned: "Michael, you yellow-haired old ghost, you are not dead yet. I thought you died long ago, and I am planning to go to your grave in a few days to burn some for you. toilet paper."

Everyone's faces suddenly filled with black lines. Whether they were warriors from China or enemies of other holy lands, they all respected Yun Zhen, a powerful man who once fought in heaven and earth, but they did not expect that his words would be so damaging.

Where can I go to someone's grave and burn toilet paper?

But when they heard the name Yun Zhen said, everyone was shocked, Michael?

Michael, who was the most powerful man in the Holy Court at that time, was also the former Holy Lord of the Holy Court, the master of the current Holy Lord Gabriel, and was revered as the Supreme Holy God?

Old Michael shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I have obsessions in my heart, and I can't die even if I want to!"

"Do you think you won't have any obsessions after today?"

Yun Zhen curled his lips and said, "You couldn't do it back then, and you can't do it now!"

Michael looked a little sad and said: "How can you know if it will work if you haven't tried it? Besides, when someone entrusts you, you should be loyal to them and do your best!"

Yun Zhen laughed and said: "It seems that Nie Chongxiao has really grown up, and even you can be accepted as a lackey."

Old Michael's cloudy eyes revealed a gleam of light, and said: "Do you mean this?"

"Of course it makes sense. I am humiliating you and deliberately irritating you, so that you will receive a 10,000-point critical hit mentally before you are beaten by me!" Yun Zhen said with a grin.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but you still like to show off your rhetoric!" A very harsh voice sounded.

Before everyone could react, a figure suddenly appeared strangely next to Michael. It was an old woman with the same stooped figure. Like Michael, she had a gloomy head and no teeth.

But the old woman exuded a strange and sinister aura, which sent a chill from the soles of her feet straight to her forehead.

Yun Zhen chuckled and said: "It seems that Nie Chongxiao is planning to spend a lot of money this time, and he even pulled out an old lady like you!"

Hearing this, the man from the Sakura Temple became extremely angry. He stamped his feet and cursed: "How shameless, Yun Zhen. You are also a Holy Lord of the generation. How can you be so shameless?"

The identity of this old woman is not simple. She has the same identity as Michael. She is the former Sakura God of the Sakura Temple and the mentor of the Sakura God Chiba Yunying. She is now revered as the Goddess Mother! At this time, Gu Yunfei was too powerful, and Yun Jianxin was seriously injured. The attacks all over the sky couldn't stop that energy, which shot straight at Yun Jianxin!

Yun Jian's heart can't be stopped, his life hangs by a thread!

"My good son-in-law, is this how you treat your elders?" The old but powerful voice resounded in everyone's ears!

Everyone's heart suddenly shook, and just one voice made people feel a huge pressure, like a big mountain pressing down on them.

"It's him..." Nie Juexian trembled all over.

Just when Yun Jianxin was about to be hit by the Qi Jin, the overwhelming force came down, and the Qi Jin was like a flying leaf in the storm, and was instantly annihilated.

A rickety but mighty body fell on the spot!

This is a bad old man. The folds on his face can kill flies. His hair is as yellow as a pile of straw and his teeth are yellow.

If it weren't for the fact that his clothes looked relatively clean, everyone would have thought he was an old beggar who had appeared out of nowhere.

The old man had a smile on his face, and his expression was as if he immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Good Samaritans, please give me some money to spend. Old man, I haven't had enough to eat in several days."

But when the holy realm experts from several major holy places saw this old man, their eyes instantly froze, and their expressions showed fear.

Yun Jianxin looked at the old man and couldn't help but tremble all over. Then he turned around. A strong man in the Holy Realm had a toughness of mind that could not be compared with ordinary people. However, Yun Jianxin still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

The old man looked at Yun Jianxin and sighed: "Jianxin, it's been so many years, do you still remember your grudge?"

Big brother?

He is actually Yun Jianxin's eldest brother?

Ying Yue on the side snorted coldly: "Hmph, why don't you hold grudges? If you, a bad old man, hadn't stopped her in person, would she have been expelled from the Yun family?"

Everyone was immediately shocked. He turned out to be Yun Jianxin's eldest brother, and he was the one who drove Yun Jianxin out of the Yun family.

The old man sighed, turned around and said calmly to Gu Yunfei: "We are of the same lineage after all, so let's stop here!"

Gu Yunfei smiled coldly and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

"It's really impossible!"

The old man nodded. No matter who had reached this point, there was no way he could stop. He suddenly struck Gu Yunfei with a palm from the air.

This palm seemed plain and weak, probably not even able to kill mosquitoes, but suddenly Gu Yunfei's eyes became sharp. In an instant, everything around him seemed to be still, and he could only see the old man's palm moving.


There was an inaudible explosion, and Gu Yunfei and the old man who were controlling Ji Wufeng retreated violently at the same time.

There was no earth-shaking scene, but everyone clearly saw that the flowers, trees, and rocks around the two of them seemed to have been invaded by thousands of years of wind and sand, and turned into powder bit by bit.


This was the unanimous thought in everyone's mind at this time. Such an ordinary collision actually erupted with such terrifying destructive power!

"In terms of talent, ambition, and understanding, you, Gu Yunfei, are unparalleled. You two belong to the same lineage. This is a great blessing for China, but it is also a great misfortune!" The old man shook his head helplessly.

His feelings are also the feelings of everyone. Both of them are geniuses and belong to the same lineage. If they can join forces, who can be the enemy in the world?

\u003e However, the two of them are fighting each other for life and death, which makes people helpless and even more regrettable.

"But what must end must end!"

The old man's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a wild aura erupted from his body, mixed with cold murderous intent.

"Yun Zhen, I am your opponent!" An old but equally powerful voice sounded.

That's right, this old man who looks like a beggar is none other than one of the most powerful men in China, the head of the Yun Family in the Holy Land...Yun Zhen!

A golden light suddenly appeared, even eclipsing the scorching sun in the sky. A body appeared in the golden light, revealing the supreme power of the sacred. At that moment, if there were any Holy Court believers present, they would definitely kneel down and shout Holy Spirit!

After the person landed, the golden light dissipated. It was a Western old man with almost all his hair falling out. He was wearing a cane and his stature was so stooped that his head was even with his knees...

Being so old, he should have an aura of decay all over his body, but this old Western man is different. He has a blazing golden light on his body. He seems to have run out of gas, but his aura is boundless, which makes people feel even more stressed.

Yun Zhen showed his yellow teeth and grinned: "Michael, you yellow-haired old ghost, you are not dead yet. I thought you died long ago, and I am planning to go to your grave in a few days to burn some for you. toilet paper."

Everyone's faces suddenly filled with black lines. Whether they were warriors from China or enemies of other holy lands, they all respected Yun Zhen, a powerful man who once fought in heaven and earth, but they did not expect that his words would be so damaging.

Where can I go to someone's grave and burn toilet paper?

But when they heard the name Yun Zhen said, everyone was shocked, Michael?

Michael, who was the most powerful man in the Holy Court at that time, was also the former Holy Lord of the Holy Court, the master of the current Holy Lord Gabriel, and was revered as the Supreme Holy God?

Old Michael shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I have obsessions in my heart, and I can't die even if I want to!"

"Do you think you won't have any obsessions after today?"

Yun Zhen curled his lips and said, "You couldn't do it back then, and you can't do it now!"

Michael looked a little sad and said: "How can you know if it will work if you haven't tried it? Besides, when someone entrusts you, you should be loyal to them and do your best!"

Yun Zhen laughed and said: "It seems that Nie Chongxiao has really grown up, and even you can be accepted as a lackey."

Old Michael's cloudy eyes revealed a gleam of light, and said: "Do you mean this?"

"Of course it makes sense. I am humiliating you and deliberately irritating you, so that you will receive a 10,000-point critical hit mentally before you are beaten by me!" Yun Zhen said with a grin.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, and you still like to show off your rhetoric!" A very harsh voice sounded.

Before everyone could react, a figure suddenly appeared strangely next to Michael. It was an old woman with the same stooped figure. Like Michael, she had a gloomy head and no teeth.

But the old woman exuded a strange and sinister aura, which sent a chill from the soles of her feet straight to her forehead.

Yun Zhen chuckled and said: "It seems that Nie Chongxiao is planning to spend a lot of money this time, and he even pulled out an old lady like you!"

Hearing this, the man from the Sakura Temple became extremely angry. He stamped his feet and cursed: "How shameless, Yun Zhen. You are also a Holy Lord of the generation. How can you be so shameless?"

The identity of this old woman is not simple. She has the same identity as Michael. She is the former Sakura God of the Sakura Temple and the mentor of the Sakura God Chiba Yunying. She is now revered as the Goddess Mother!

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