Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1839 The strong man sixty years ago

It's just that the Goddess Mother is too old and has not appeared for decades. Many people have only heard of her name but have never seen her. Some even think that the Goddess Mother does not exist at all and is just a fabrication of the Sakura Temple. There are only cherry blossoms. Only the older generation of powerful men in the temple knew of her existence.

"It's been almost sixty years. It's time to settle this score." The goddess said coldly.

At this time, another wild and domineering aura rose across the sky, and a mighty man with a body like an iron tower came through the air. He looked at the goddess and said arrogantly: "Nie Baixue, Nie Chongxiao himself does not dare to come. Just push you out to die?"

Nie Baixue, this is the true name of the Goddess!

"Li Potian, the Li family was destroyed sixty years ago, but you, a fish that slipped through the net, escaped, but today you are unable to fly!" The goddess snorted coldly.

"Then stop talking nonsense, I want to see who is unable to fly today!"

Li Potian was furious, and the aura on his body suddenly surged. It was obviously a body of flesh and blood, but it seemed that it suddenly turned into a big mountain!

The goddess stamped her foot on the ground, and the fierce aura on her body suddenly exploded. The dry skin on her face cracked, her silver hair fell off to the ground, and her rickety body straightened up.

Just like a dying tree, but suddenly glowing with life, the Goddess is no longer an old woman, but a beautiful middle-aged woman with black hair and a slender figure!

The fierce battle is about to begin, and everyone will fight with their strongest attitude!

Yun Zhen turned to look at Michael and said, "Old Huangmao, they have an eye for each other, let's get together as a couple."

Almost at the same moment, the joints on both men's bodies made snapping sounds. The old and withered skin was peeling off, and the rotten and hunched bodies stood upright.

The nearly exhausted bodies of the two men suddenly glowed with endless vitality. The two old men who were more than half dead instantly turned into two mighty and upright middle-aged men. This is the strongest strength of Yunzhen and Michael. attitude.

Yunzhen's body was full of wild aura, which was a fighting spirit to fight against heaven and earth. Michael also turned into a blond man, with golden light shining all over his body, and the three pairs of golden wings behind him were dazzling!

"You are still so good at pretending. Do you think you can pass yourself off as a birdman if you grow a few chicken wings?" Yun Zhen scolded with disdain.

Michael became angry and said: "Bastard..."


Before he could curse the words behind him, Yun Zhen suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind Michael. He grabbed one of Michael's wings and pulled hard!


Michael was like a broken sack being picked up high by Yun Zhen, and then smashed to the ground brutally. Cracks appeared on the ground, Tongtian Peak was collapsing, and Michael was lying in a deep pit, looking miserable and miserable!

"Yun Zhen, I'll kill you!"

Michael was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He waved his golden wings behind his back, golden light suddenly appeared, and charged towards Yun Zhen.

"Bah, I'll kill your uncle!"

Yun Zhen opened his mouth and cursed, spitting and flying out, directly hitting Michael who was rushing over.

The situation in front of the squadron was extremely serious, but everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel weak in their legs and almost fell to the ground.

Damn it, you are also a famous Holy Lord, an unparalleled hero in the eyes of future generations, and the most powerful man in the world. How can you not have the right way?

What about virtue?

If you start a fight with someone and start a sneak attack, do you have the demeanor of a master?

It's just a sneak attack, but you're still spitting on someone, and you don't even want to lose your face?


Of course, that spittle couldn't hurt Michael. Before he could get close, the energy emitted by him had evaporated away. However, this made Michael feel extremely humiliated. He jumped on his feet and yelled: "Yun Zhen, you damn bastard, I will fight you to the death today!"

Before he finished speaking, the golden wings waved behind him, and the golden light was dazzling. Behind Michael, a golden body of more than ten meters tall appeared. With a slight movement, it burst out with endless pressure. A huge golden palm covered the sky and the sun. It shrouded down and bombarded Yunzhen.

Michael was completely angry, and he was serious about it.

"Humph, who is fighting with you to the death? Do you want to depend on me for life and death? You are ugly, but you think you are pretty!"

Yun Zhen snorted coldly, opened his palm and struck upward violently. The burning energy formed a huge light palm in the air, which collided with the golden palm, blocking Michael's attack.


The collision between the two was so fierce that the raging energy swept downwards, and the undead warriors were destroyed into ashes. Even some strong men in the holy realm could not resist and retreated violently. .

"Yun Zhen, do you dare to open a new battlefield?" Michael shouted.

"Why don't you dare? Since you are so afraid that I will beat you in front of your disciples and make you look embarrassed, I will be a good person and help you once. After all, you are about to die." Yun Zhen agreed readily.

The strength of the two was too strong, and a fierce battle broke out, affecting too many people. Michael was afraid of hurting the people in the Holy Court, and Yun Zhen was also afraid of hurting his own people.

"Then you come and die!" Michael flashed his golden wings and flew into the distance.

"I didn't kill you back then, but today I will chop off your chicken wings and pluck all your chicken feathers!" Yun Zhen stomped on the ground and caught up in the air.

The battle between Li Potian and the Goddess also broke out, which also affected many people.

"Old woman, I think we should change places. I'm afraid that all your disciples and grandchildren will die later." Li Potian said.

"You shameless person!"

The goddess was furious, and Li Potian spit on an old woman. This was no different from Yun Zhen spitting on Michael, and it was equally unbearable.

"Hehe, let's not talk about it. Although you are a bit old, you look really good now. Your skin is white and tender. No man can maintain it so well for so many years. Why don't we find a place where no one is around to have some privacy? Let’s talk down below?”

After Li Potian finished speaking, he flew away in the air, and the goddess chased him angrily.

The people below all have black lines on their heads. Why are these legendary strong men more wretched than the last? Are they becoming less serious as they get older?

"Gu Yunfei, let him go!" Nie Qingcheng slashed Qianye Yunying away with one sword and shouted angrily at Gu Yunfei.

Everyone finally reacted at this time. Damn it, Ji Wufeng was still in Gu Yunfei's hand. A group of old guys were just enjoying themselves fighting. Could it be that they had forgotten Ji Wufeng?

The person who was probably the most angry was Ji Wufeng. He couldn't open his mouth to speak because he was already scolding him in his heart.

"I bought a watch last year. Can you old bastards be more reliable? Can't you save me and then go fight?" It's just that the goddess is too old and hasn't shown up for decades. Many people just listen. They have heard of her name, but have never seen her. Some people even think that the Mother Goddess does not exist at all and is just a fabrication of the Sakura Temple. Only the older generation of powerful people in the Sakura Temple know of her existence.

"It's been almost sixty years. It's time to settle this score." The goddess said coldly.

At this time, another wild and domineering aura rose across the sky, and a mighty man with a body like an iron tower came through the air. He looked at the goddess and said arrogantly: "Nie Baixue, Nie Chongxiao himself does not dare to come. Just push you out to die?"

Nie Baixue, this is the true name of the Goddess!

"Li Potian, the Li family was destroyed sixty years ago, but you, a fish that slipped through the net, escaped, but today you are unable to fly!" The goddess snorted coldly.

"Then stop talking nonsense, I want to see who is unable to fly today!"

Li Potian was furious, and the aura on his body suddenly surged. It was obviously a body of flesh and blood, but it seemed that it suddenly turned into a big mountain!

The goddess stamped her foot on the ground, and the fierce aura on her body suddenly exploded. The dry skin on her face cracked, her silver hair fell off to the ground, and her rickety body straightened up.

Just like a dying tree, but suddenly glowing with life, the Goddess is no longer an old woman, but a beautiful middle-aged woman with black hair and a slender figure!

The fierce battle is about to begin, and everyone will fight with their strongest attitude!

Yun Zhen turned to look at Michael and said, "Old Huangmao, they have an eye for each other, let's get together as a couple."

Almost at the same moment, the joints on both men's bodies made snapping sounds. The old and withered skin was peeling off, and the rotten and hunched bodies stood upright.

The nearly exhausted bodies of the two men suddenly glowed with endless vitality. The two old men who were more than half dead instantly turned into two mighty and upright middle-aged men. This is the strongest strength of Yunzhen and Michael. attitude.

Yunzhen's body was full of wild aura, which was a fighting spirit to fight against heaven and earth. Michael also turned into a blond man, with golden light shining all over his body, and the three pairs of golden wings behind him were dazzling!

"You are still so good at pretending. Do you think you can pass yourself off as a birdman if you grow a few chicken wings?" Yun Zhen scolded with disdain.

Michael became angry and said: "Bastard..."


Before he could curse the words behind him, Yun Zhen suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind Michael. He grabbed one of Michael's wings and pulled hard!


Michael was like a broken sack being picked up high by Yun Zhen, and then smashed to the ground brutally. Cracks appeared on the ground, Tongtian Peak was collapsing, and Michael was lying in a deep pit, looking miserable and miserable!

"Yun Zhen, I'll kill you!"

Michael was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He waved his golden wings behind his back, golden light suddenly appeared, and charged towards Yun Zhen.

"Bah, I'll kill your uncle!"

Yun Zhen opened his mouth and cursed, spitting and flying out, directly hitting Michael who was rushing over.

The situation in front of the squadron was extremely serious, but everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel weak in their legs and almost fell to the ground.

Damn it, you are also a famous Holy Lord, an unparalleled hero in the eyes of future generations, and the most powerful man in the world. How can you not have the right way?

What about virtue?

If you start a fight with someone and start a sneak attack, do you have the demeanor of a master?

It's just a sneak attack, but you're still spitting on someone, and you don't even want to lose your face?


Of course, that spittle couldn't hurt Michael. Before he could get close, the energy emitted by him had evaporated away. However, this made Michael feel extremely humiliated. He jumped on his feet and yelled: "Yun Zhen, you damn bastard, I will fight you to the death today!"

Before he finished speaking, the golden wings waved behind him, and the golden light was dazzling. Behind Michael, a golden body of more than ten meters tall appeared. With a slight movement, it burst out with endless pressure. A huge golden palm covered the sky and the sun. It shrouded down and bombarded Yunzhen.

Michael was completely angry, and he was serious about it.

"Humph, who is fighting with you to the death? Do you want to depend on me for life and death? You are ugly, but you think you are pretty!"

Yun Zhen snorted coldly, opened his palm and struck upward fiercely. The burning energy formed a huge light palm in the air, which collided with the golden palm, blocking Michael's attack.


The collision between the two was so fierce that the raging energy swept downwards, and the undead warriors were destroyed into ashes. Even some strong men in the holy realm could not resist and retreated violently. .

"Yun Zhen, do you dare to open a new battlefield?" Michael shouted.

"Why don't you dare? Since you are so afraid that I will beat you in front of your disciples and make you look embarrassed, I will be a good person and help you once. After all, you are about to die." Yun Zhen agreed readily.

The strength of the two was too strong, and a fierce battle broke out, affecting too many people. Michael was afraid of hurting the people in the Holy Court, and Yun Zhen was also afraid of hurting his own people.

"Then you come and die!" Michael flashed his golden wings and flew into the distance.

"I didn't kill you back then, but today I will chop off your chicken wings and pluck all your chicken feathers!" Yun Zhen stomped on the ground and caught up in the air.

The battle between Li Potian and the Goddess also broke out, which also affected many people.

"Old woman, I think we should change places. I'm afraid that all your disciples and grandchildren will die later." Li Potian said.

"You shameless person!"

The goddess was furious, and Li Potian spit on an old woman. This was no different from Yun Zhen spitting on Michael, and it was equally unbearable.

"Hehe, let's not talk about it. Although you are a bit old, you look really good now. Your skin is white and tender. No man can maintain it so well for so many years. Why don't we find a place where no one is around to have some privacy? Let’s talk down below?”

After Li Potian finished speaking, he flew away in the air, and the goddess chased him angrily.

The people below all have black lines on their heads. Why are these legendary strong men more wretched than the last? Are they becoming less serious as they get older?

"Gu Yunfei, let him go!" Nie Qingcheng slashed Qianye Yunying away with one sword and shouted angrily at Gu Yunfei.

Everyone finally reacted at this time. Damn it, Ji Wufeng was still in Gu Yunfei's hand. A group of old guys were just enjoying themselves fighting. Could it be that they had forgotten Ji Wufeng?

The person who was probably the most angry was Ji Wufeng. He couldn't open his mouth to speak because he was already scolding him in his heart.

"I bought a watch last year. Can you old bastards be more reliable and stop fighting after you save me?"

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