"What's the name of this sword?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Howl!" Gu Tianyang said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, crying and howling. The two of them were really tit-for-tat enemies.

He named his sword Guiwai because he wanted to kill all the demons and ghosts in the world. Did Gu Tianyang name the magic sword Shenhou because he wanted to kill the gods?

Gu Tianyang took action, and the divine howl in his hand was slashed out. The sharp edge instantly tore through the void, and the entire valley was filled with dense demonic energy.

Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, his body suddenly rose up, and the ghost cry in his hand emitted a burning golden light, and rushed away like golden dragons.


The ghost cry and the divine howl collided, erupting into two dazzling rays of light, one gold and one black. The valley suddenly became violently windy, and the sky was covered with sand and dust.

Everyone's expression changed. Although the battle between the two had attracted much attention, after all, as juniors, their power could not be compared to the battle between Ji Hongtu and Gu Yunfei. However, they realized that they had thought wrong. The fierce battle between the two was equally astonishing.

Gu Tianyang's expression turned ferocious, and shadows erupted from his body. In just a moment, five Gu Tianyang appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, stationed in all directions of Ji Wufeng, surrounding him in the middle. ??

This is the incarnation of one of the highest mystical arts of the Demon Sect: Fighting Demons. Gu Tianyang gave up his previous fierce and domineering Mystical Gong and switched to practicing the Demon Sect's Mystical Gong. In a short period of time, he has actually achieved great success.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly erupted with two rays of light, one golden and one black, the eyes of gods and demons. He wanted to see Gu Tianyang's true form clearly, so he raised his ghost cry and rushed towards him!

The steps he took were as fast as lightning, leaving behind a trail of afterimages. He wanted to defeat the enemy with speed!

Gu Tianyang shouted, and the five war demon incarnations held divine howls and slashed at Ji Wufeng at the same time, but Ji Wufeng was too fast and only used the afterimages left behind to lure the enemy, and they reached Gu Tianyang's true body in an instant.

With a backhand slash of the sword, Ji Wufeng was knocked away. Looking back, Gui Cry slashed at Gu Tianyang with a sky-cleaving stance.

The bright light flashed, and the two of them were moving at extremely high speeds like lightning. The ghost cries and divine howls collided, stimulating the divine light and magic light.



The weapons in their hands struck each other hundreds of times like lightning, and then they yelled at the same time, each slashing at the other with their strongest strength!


There was a loud noise, and boundless air waves surged in all directions. Countless boulders flew up into the air, flew into the air, collided with each other, and exploded into pieces.

The violent power surged around, and the mighty force knocked people who were not too far away to the ground. Everyone immediately retreated quickly in fear.

A battle of this level can completely affect the entire battle situation. The Shenzhou Martial Arts side is in a great momentum. Yuwen Tiancheng and others are not afraid of the undead army. They launch a series of crazy attacks, sweeping away fallen leaves like an autumn wind and sweeping across the entire battlefield. The undead army has lost its threat. .

Murong Wuji and Wu Chang were both so handsome that even women would envy them. They were originally feminine, but at this moment they were the craziest. They were like possessed by a god of death, targeting the Nine-Headed Insect, the Cherry Blossom Temple and the Saint Realm powerhouses in the Holy Court. .

The two of them were almost seriously injured and dying, but after being rescued, their physiques changed drastically. Five years later, they had broken through to the level of the Holy Realm. Their terrifying combat power was beyond the comparison of ordinary Holy Realm experts.

The two of them were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, the kingly warrior and the half

A strong man in the Bu Sheng Realm could hardly block the blow. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, pointing directly at the strong man in the Holy Realm!

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong's eyes flashed sharply, and they followed closely. They were still far away from the Holy Realm, but they had the same mind, and the skills they practiced were also unparalleled in combat power. Together, they were not weaker than the Holy Realm. Murong Wuji and Wu Chang are different. Naturally, their target will not be the powerful ones in the Saint Realm, but those below the Saint Realm level!

The flying knife of the wind took action and locked onto a Saint Realm strongman. The Saint Realm strongman dodged sideways. The flying knife did not stop there. It passed through the chests of two royal warriors and inserted straight into the chest of a half-step Holy Realm warrior. , half a step away from the holy realm, he was nailed to the mountain wall.

"Kill me!"

Fang Tianhua roared loudly. He had already entered the realm of transformation with his martial arts training. In addition, his own bloodline treasure house was opened. At this time, he was simply made of steel and iron. He rushed all the way without deliberately making moves. He was a A sharp weapon!

The two swords of Nie Hu and Mingzhe are combined. The two swords are two indestructible weapons. The sword light is bright and the flesh and blood fly!

Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng, Lu Tiangang, Li Tianqi...each one looked like the god of death from hell, holding a sickle in his hand, and blood flowed like a river with his hand!

In an instant, the Nine-Headed Insect and other three strong men were frightened. Who are these people? Still so young, but already so terrifying, even a strong man in the Holy Realm can't help but feel cold from the bottom of his heart!

Ji Wufeng violently slapped a palm with his left hand, and the boundless power surged up into the sky like a torrential river, sweeping across the entire world with a radiant divine light.

Gu Tianyang punched out, and the radiance full of demonic energy collided with the unparalleled divine radiance. It seemed like a thunderbolt was struck in mid-air. The violent energy storm raged everywhere, and the world trembled.

Both of them rose from the ground, fists collided with fists, knives collided with swords, they fought on top of each other, they fought on high altitudes, and the situation changed!

After a fierce exchange of blows, the two of them retreated at the same time. Ji Wufeng's face was pale, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his body was covered with a large number of wounds. He was injured by the divine howl!

Gu Tianyang was not having a good time either. His white clothes had already been dyed blood red, his eyes were scarlet, his hair was disheveled, and he looked like a madman. His chest was hit by a ghost cry, and he could see the bones!

"Bless you!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

The two collided in a series. They were evenly matched and could not tell the difference, but Gu Tianyang knew that Ji Wufeng was right and he had already lost.

Because he does not have the blood power of the Nie family, although his self-healing ability is still very strong, it cannot be compared to Ji Wufeng.

When the two are inseparable, whoever can stand to the end will be the final winner. Gu Tianyang's self-healing ability is not as good as Ji Wufeng, so his defeat is certain!

"Yes, I am sure." Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of blood and sinister, and his expression was full of loneliness.

"Hand over Mingyue and Ye Linglong, this is your last chance to survive."

Ji Wufeng had 10,000 reasons to kill Gu Tianyang on the spot, but he knew that he could not do so. Gu Mingyue and Ye Linglong were still in Gu Tianyang's hands.

One is the infinite affection that he has been bound to for thousands of years, and the other is unparalleled kindness to him, no matter who he is, he can't let go.

"You should know that I will never compromise because of threats." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng's eyes showed murderous intent, and the fighting spirit of the Ghost Cry in his hand soared. His cold eyes wanted to chop Gu Tianyang into pieces, but he forced himself to calm down. "What's the name of this sword?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Howl!" Gu Tianyang said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, crying and howling. The two of them were really tit-for-tat enemies.

He named his sword Guiwai because he wanted to kill all the demons and monsters in the world. Did Gu Tianyang name the magic sword Shenhou because he wanted to kill the gods?

Gu Tianyang took action, and the divine howl in his hand was slashed out. The sharp edge instantly tore through the void, and the entire valley was filled with dense demonic energy.

Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, his body suddenly rose up, and the ghost cry in his hand emitted a burning golden light, and rushed away like golden dragons.


The ghost cry and the divine howl collided, erupting into two dazzling rays of light, one gold and one black. The valley suddenly became violently windy, and the sky was covered with sand and dust.

Everyone's expression changed. Although the battle between the two had attracted much attention, after all, as juniors, their power could not be compared to the battle between Ji Hongtu and Gu Yunfei. However, they realized that they had thought wrong. The fierce battle between the two was equally astonishing.

Gu Tianyang's expression turned ferocious, and shadows erupted from his body. In just a moment, five Gu Tianyang appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, stationed in all directions of Ji Wufeng, surrounding him in the middle.

This is the incarnation of one of the highest mystical arts of the Demon Sect: Fighting Demons. Gu Tianyang gave up his previous fierce and domineering Mystical Gong and switched to practicing the Demon Sect's Mystical Gong. In a short period of time, he has actually achieved great success.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly erupted with two rays of light, one golden and one black, the eyes of gods and demons. He wanted to see Gu Tianyang's true form clearly, so he raised his ghost cry and rushed towards him!

The steps he took were as fast as lightning, leaving behind a trail of afterimages. He wanted to defeat the enemy with speed!

Gu Tianyang shouted, and the five war demon incarnations held divine howls and slashed at Ji Wufeng at the same time, but Ji Wufeng was too fast and only used the afterimages left behind to lure the enemy, and they reached Gu Tianyang's true body in an instant.

With a backhand slash of the sword, Ji Wufeng was knocked away. Looking back, Gui Cry slashed at Gu Tianyang with a sky-cleaving stance.

The bright light flashed, and the two of them were moving at extremely high speeds like lightning. The ghost cries and divine howls collided, stimulating the divine light and magic light.



The weapons in their hands struck each other hundreds of times like lightning, and then they yelled at the same time, each slashing at the other with their strongest strength!


There was a loud noise, and boundless air waves surged in all directions. Countless boulders flew up into the air, flew into the air, collided with each other, and exploded into pieces.

The violent power surged around, and the mighty force knocked people who were not too far away to the ground. Everyone immediately retreated quickly in fear.

A battle of this level can completely affect the entire battle situation. The Shenzhou Martial Arts side is in a great momentum. Yuwen Tiancheng and others are not afraid of the undead army. They launch a series of crazy attacks, sweeping away fallen leaves like an autumn wind and sweeping across the entire battlefield. The undead army has lost its threat. .

Murong Wuji and Wu Chang were both so handsome that even women would envy them. They were originally feminine, but at this moment they were the craziest. They were like possessed by a god of death, targeting the Nine-Headed Insect, the Cherry Blossom Temple and the Saint Realm powerhouses in the Holy Court. .

The two of them were almost seriously injured and dying, but after being rescued, their physiques changed drastically. Five years later, they had broken through to the level of the Holy Realm. Their terrifying combat power was beyond the comparison of ordinary Holy Realm experts.

The two of them were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, the kingly warrior and the half

A strong man in the Bu Sheng Realm could hardly block the blow. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, pointing directly at the strong man in the Holy Realm!

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong's eyes flashed sharply, and they followed closely. They were still far away from the Holy Realm, but they had the same mind, and the skills they practiced were also unparalleled in combat power. Together, they were not weaker than the Holy Realm. Murong Wuji and Wu Chang are different. Naturally, their target will not be the powerful ones in the Saint Realm, but those below the Saint Realm level!

The flying knife of the wind took action and locked onto a Saint Realm strongman. The Saint Realm strongman dodged sideways. The flying knife did not stop there. It passed through the chests of two royal warriors and inserted straight into the chest of a half-step Holy Realm warrior. , half a step away from the holy realm, he was nailed to the mountain wall.

"Kill me!"

Fang Tianhua roared loudly. He had already entered the realm of transformation with his martial arts training. In addition, his own bloodline treasure house was opened. At this time, he was simply made of steel and iron. He rushed all the way without deliberately making moves. He was a A sharp weapon!

The two swords of Nie Hu and Mingzhe are combined. The two swords are two indestructible weapons. The sword light is bright and the flesh and blood fly!

Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng, Lu Tiangang, Li Tianqi...each one looked like the god of death from hell, holding a sickle in his hand, and blood flowed like a river with his hand!

In an instant, the Nine-Headed Insect and other three strong men were all frightened. Who are these people? Still so young, but already so terrifying, even a strong man in the Holy Realm can't help but feel cold from the bottom of his heart!

Ji Wufeng violently slapped a palm with his left hand, and the boundless power surged up into the sky like a torrential river, sweeping across the entire world with a radiant divine light.

Gu Tianyang punched out, and the radiance full of demonic energy collided with the unparalleled divine radiance. It seemed like a thunderbolt was struck in mid-air. The violent energy storm raged everywhere, and the world trembled.

Both of them rose from the ground, fists collided with fists, knives collided with swords, they fought on top of each other, they fought on high altitudes, and the situation changed!

After a fierce exchange of blows, the two of them retreated at the same time. Ji Wufeng's face was pale, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his body was covered with a large number of wounds. He was injured by the divine howl!

Gu Tianyang was not having a good time either. His white clothes had already been dyed blood red, his eyes were scarlet, his hair was disheveled, and he looked like a madman. His chest was hit by a ghost cry, and he could see the bones!

"Bless you!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

The two collided in a series. They were evenly matched and could not tell the difference, but Gu Tianyang knew that Ji Wufeng was right and he had already lost.

Because he does not have the blood power of the Nie family, although his self-healing ability is still very strong, it cannot be compared to Ji Wufeng.

When the two are inseparable, whoever can stand to the end will be the final winner. Gu Tianyang's self-healing ability is not as good as Ji Wufeng, so his defeat is certain!

"Yes, I am sure." Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of blood and sinister, and his expression was full of loneliness.

"Hand over Mingyue and Ye Linglong, this is your last chance to survive."

Ji Wufeng had 10,000 reasons to kill Gu Tianyang on the spot, but he knew that he could not do so. Gu Mingyue and Ye Linglong were still in Gu Tianyang's hands.

One is the infinite affection that he has been bound to for thousands of years, and the other is unparalleled kindness to him, no matter who he is, he can't let go.

"You should know that I will never compromise because of threats." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng's eyes showed murderous intent, and the fighting spirit of the Ghost Cry in his hand soared. His cold eyes wanted to chop Gu Tianyang into pieces, but he forced himself to calm down.

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