Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1846 Father and son join forces

That's right, he knew Gu Tianyang too well. He was too proud, so proud that he lost to himself, making him a loser. There was no way he would compromise with Ji Wufeng just to survive. That would be a coward!

A person who is proud to the core would rather die than let himself become a coward!

"You can leave!" Ji Wufeng turned around and left.

He knew that he couldn't kill Gu Tianyang today because he had to save the lives of Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue.

No one thought that Ji Wufeng was fully capable of killing Gu Tianyang, but they let him leave. They didn't understand, but no one asked why. ??


Ji Wufeng rushed into the Sakura Temple army, waved his hand with Ghost Cry, and the head of a strong man at the holy level was chopped off, so casually!

At this time, Ji Wufeng's strength was definitely higher than that of ordinary Saint Realm masters. Killing these people was like a piece of cake. No one in the entire battlefield was Ji Wufeng's opponent. Wherever he passed, there must be Saint Realm level experts killed by him. .

In an instant, not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Nine-Headed Insect and the Saint Realm powerhouse who came from the Holy Court were killed by Ji Wufeng in half. There seemed to be no suspense about the outcome of this battle.

The Sakura God of the generation was once famous all over the world and was far above Nie Qingcheng. Unfortunately, at this time, he could not stop the power of the Sword Immortal. He was full of monster aura and was cut away by Nie Qingcheng's sword.

Nie Juexian is a master of demonic skills, and Hong Yanling, an evil woman who was no weaker than the five heroes at that time, is also not a good person. The two are evenly matched!


Chu Tianshu was knocked away by Xiao Pojun's punch. He was bleeding in the air. He knelt on the ground with one knee, his face twisted in pain and said: "Brother Xiao..."

He couldn't let go of the guilt he had felt for so many years. The old brotherhood made it impossible for him to kill Xiao Pojun, even though he knew that he was no longer the fourth brother Xiao before.

Ji Wufeng said: "Fifth Uncle Chu, he is not Fourth Uncle Xiao. If Fourth Uncle Xiao has a spirit under the spring and kills his brother with his own hands, I am afraid he will not be able to rest in peace. For him, death may be the solution!"

He can kill Xiao Pojun, but he cannot take action. Xiao Pojun has always been a knot in the hearts of Chu Tianshu and his brothers. This knot must be solved by themselves.

Chu Tianshu looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "That's right, for him death is the only escape!"


A violent momentum rose into the sky, and Chu Tianshu was filled with fighting spirit!


Yun Feiyang's fist struck Gabriel in the air, and Gabriel was blown away. Yun Feiyang stepped forward, grabbed Gabriel's ankle with one hand, and directly picked it up and hit it hard. on the ground.


A huge human-shaped pit was smashed on the ground. Gabriel's blond hair was messy. He rose to the sky angrily and shouted sternly: "Yun Feiyang, I want your life!"


Just as he rushed out, Yun Feiyang stomped him back and said in a deep voice: "An arrogant waste like you, if you were really capable, would you wait until today?"

Back then, when it came to fighting alone, the Five Heroes were already hard to beat, and now they are even more invincible!

boom! boom! boom!

The two figures in the void were like two dragons colliding fiercely. The space was shaking, the void was tearing apart, and the roaring sound made the sky collapse!

The two fell to the ground, and the mountains and rivers were overturned. Gu Yunfei's white clothes were covered in blood, his hair was disheveled, and his face was pale!

Ji Hongtu's condition became even worse. His chest was severely collapsed and his left arm was deformed. For ordinary people,

To a human, this is already a fatal wound, but Ji Hongtu stood upright, upright!

"You lost, aren't you willing to just stop?" Ji Hongtu said coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Yunfei smiled crazily, his face full of unwillingness and said: "Why? Why do I keep losing to you? How are you better than me? Where do I lose?"

Originally from the same lineage, with the same experience, and in terms of strength, Ji Hongtu was not necessarily stronger than Gu Yunfei.

"Don't you understand yet? You didn't lose to me, but to yourself!"

Ji Hongtu shouted: "If evil does not prevail over good, you will lose because you have stepped into the devil's path!"


Gu Yunfei shouted sternly: "You owe me this originally, and now I want to get it back. This is a matter of course!"

Ji Wufeng flew forward and said: "It is natural to kill innocent people arbitrarily for your own personal grudges. Over the years, so many people have died for your personal grudges. Do they owe you again?"


Gu Yunfei snorted coldly and said: "The law of the jungle is always the law of the jungle. Since I am stronger, I should dominate everything. They are just a group of ants. Apart from being enslaved by me, their only fate is destruction!"

Ji Wufeng looked solemn and stepped forward: "Your ancestors may have been right back then, but you did something wrong. What is the responsibility of the Longwei family? It is to protect the land of China, but now you are going in the opposite direction. You are not worthy. Become a descendant of the Longwei family, Demon Dragon!" Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Yunfei was furious and said: "Who do you think you are? Why do you call me a magic dragon!"

Nearly two thousand years have passed, and the grudges of the past are no longer important, but the crime of the demon dragon was committed back then, which is a shame for Gu Yunfei.

"Just because I am the patriarch of the Longwei family now, the Dragon Summoning Order is in my hands!" Ji Wufeng said.

"You want to die!"

Gu Yunfei's terrifying aura suddenly rushed toward Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's Ghost Cry slashed out, Gu Yunfei was fearless, Ji Hongtu flew into the air and blasted at Gu Yunfei!

Gu Yunfei and Ji Hongtu were evenly matched, and now Ji Wufeng was added to the mix. Together, the father and son were no match at all.

Ji Hongtu blocked Gu Yunfei's attack. Ji Wufeng's Ghost Cry struck Gu Yunfei in the chest. He was sent flying horizontally and blood spurted out. This knife almost split him into two pieces. If it weren't for the powerful force in his body, The Nie family bloodline may have been killed by Ji Wufeng.

"I'm not willing to give in. I've been planning for so many years, but I didn't expect that I would be defeated in the hands of a junior like you in the end!" Gu Yunfei stared at Ji Wufeng and roared ferociously.

That's right, Gu Yunfei had been planning for many years, and the plan had been completed, but because of Ji Wufeng's appearance, everything was finally reversed.

"You are wrong again, I am not the one who made you fail."

Ji Wufeng pointed at the people below who were still fighting fiercely and said: "The righteous way of the world has made you fail. How can an individual be omnipotent when people are so poor?"

Although he is the key to victory or defeat, without so many passionate helpers, what can Ji Wufeng do no matter how strong he is?

"Hand over Ye Linglong and Mingyue, and I will give you a pleasure!" Ji Wufeng said with murderous intent.

"Jie Jie, do you think this is possible?" Gu Yunfei sneered.

"Then there's nothing more to say, go to hell!"

Ji Wufeng became furious, raised his Ghost Cry and killed him. Ji Hongtu followed closely, and the father and son joined forces. That's right, he knew Gu Tianyang too well. He was too proud, so proud that he lost to himself, making him a loser. There was no way he would compromise with Ji Wufeng just to survive. That would be a coward!

A person who is proud to the core would rather die than let himself become a coward!

"You can leave!" Ji Wufeng turned around and left.

He knew that he couldn't kill Gu Tianyang today because he had to save the lives of Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue.

No one thought that Ji Wufeng was fully capable of killing Gu Tianyang, but they let him leave. They didn't understand, but no one asked why.


Ji Wufeng rushed into the Sakura Temple army, waved his hand with Ghost Cry, and the head of a strong man at the holy level was chopped off, so casually!

At this time, Ji Wufeng's strength was definitely higher than that of ordinary Saint Realm masters. Killing these people was like a piece of cake. No one in the entire battlefield was Ji Wufeng's opponent. Wherever he passed, there must be Saint Realm level experts killed by him. .

In an instant, not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Nine-Headed Insect and the Saint Realm powerhouse who came from the Holy Court were killed by Ji Wufeng in half. There seemed to be no suspense about the outcome of this battle.

The Sakura God of the generation was once famous all over the world and was far above Nie Qingcheng. Unfortunately, at this time, he could not stop the power of the Sword Immortal. He was full of monster aura and was cut away by Nie Qingcheng's sword.

Nie Juexian is a master of demonic skills, and Hong Yanling, an evil woman who was no weaker than the five heroes at that time, is also not a good person. The two are evenly matched!


Chu Tianshu was knocked away by Xiao Pojun's punch. He was bleeding in the air. He knelt on the ground with one knee, his face twisted in pain and said: "Brother Xiao..."

He couldn't let go of the guilt he had felt for so many years. The old brotherhood made it impossible for him to kill Xiao Pojun, even though he knew that he was no longer the fourth brother Xiao before.

Ji Wufeng said: "Fifth Uncle Chu, he is not Fourth Uncle Xiao. If Fourth Uncle Xiao has a spirit under the spring and kills his brother with his own hands, I am afraid he will not be able to rest in peace. For him, death may be the solution!"

He can kill Xiao Pojun, but he cannot take action. Xiao Pojun has always been a knot in the hearts of Chu Tianshu and his brothers. This knot must be solved by themselves.

Chu Tianshu looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "That's right, for him death is the only escape!"


A violent momentum rose into the sky, and Chu Tianshu was filled with fighting spirit!


Yun Feiyang's fist struck Gabriel in the air, and Gabriel was blown away. Yun Feiyang stepped forward, grabbed Gabriel's ankle with one hand, and directly picked it up and hit it hard. on the ground.


A huge human-shaped pit was smashed on the ground. Gabriel's blond hair was messy. He rose to the sky angrily and shouted sternly: "Yun Feiyang, I want your life!"


Just as he rushed out, Yun Feiyang stamped him back and said in a deep voice: "An arrogant waste like you, if you were really capable, would you wait until today?"

Back then, when it came to fighting alone, the Five Heroes were already hard to beat, and now they are even more invincible!

boom! boom! boom!

The two figures in the void were like two dragons colliding fiercely. The space was shaking, the void was tearing apart, and the roaring sound made the sky collapse!

The two fell to the ground, and the mountains and rivers were overturned. Gu Yunfei's white clothes were covered in blood, his hair was disheveled, and his face was pale!

Ji Hongtu's condition became even worse. His chest was severely collapsed and his left arm was deformed. For ordinary people,

To a human, this is already a fatal wound, but Ji Hongtu stood upright, upright!

"You lost, aren't you willing to just stop?" Ji Hongtu said coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Yunfei smiled crazily, his face full of unwillingness and said: "Why? Why do I keep losing to you? How are you better than me? Where do I lose?"

Originally from the same lineage, with the same experience, and in terms of strength, Ji Hongtu was not necessarily stronger than Gu Yunfei.

"Don't you understand yet? You didn't lose to me, but to yourself!"

Ji Hongtu shouted: "If evil does not prevail over good, you will lose because you have stepped into the devil's path!"


Gu Yunfei shouted sternly: "You owe me this originally, and now I want to get it back. This is a matter of course!"

Ji Wufeng flew forward and said, "It is natural to kill innocent people arbitrarily for your own personal grudges. Over the years, so many people have died for your personal grudges. Do they owe you again?"


Gu Yunfei snorted coldly and said: "The law of the jungle is always the law of the jungle. Since I am stronger, I should dominate everything. They are just a group of ants. Apart from being enslaved by me, their only fate is destruction!"

Ji Wufeng looked solemn and stepped forward: "Your ancestors may have been right back then, but you did something wrong. What is the responsibility of the Longwei family? It is to protect the land of China, but now you are going in the opposite direction. You are not worthy. Become a descendant of the Longwei family, Demon Dragon!" Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Yunfei was furious and said: "Who do you think you are? Why do you call me a magic dragon!"

Nearly two thousand years have passed, and the grudges of the past are no longer important, but the crime of the demon dragon was committed back then, which is a shame for Gu Yunfei.

"Just because I am the patriarch of the Longwei family now, the Dragon Summoning Order is in my hands!" Ji Wufeng said.

"You want to die!"

Gu Yunfei's terrifying aura suddenly rushed toward Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's Ghost Cry slashed out, Gu Yunfei was fearless, Ji Hongtu flew into the air and blasted at Gu Yunfei!

Gu Yunfei and Ji Hongtu were evenly matched, and now Ji Wufeng was added to the mix. Together, the father and son were no match at all.

Ji Hongtu blocked Gu Yunfei's attack. Ji Wufeng's Ghost Cry struck Gu Yunfei in the chest. He was sent flying horizontally and blood spurted out. This knife almost split him into two pieces. If it weren't for the powerful force inside his body, Ji Hongtu blocked Gu Yunfei's attack. The Nie family bloodline may have been killed by Ji Wufeng.

"I'm not willing to give in. I've been planning for so many years, but I didn't expect that I would be defeated in the hands of a junior like you in the end!" Gu Yunfei stared at Ji Wufeng and roared ferociously.

That's right, Gu Yunfei had been planning for many years, and the plan had been completed, but because of Ji Wufeng's appearance, everything was finally reversed.

"You are wrong again, I am not the one who made you fail."

Ji Wufeng pointed at the people below who were still fighting fiercely and said: "The righteous way of the world has made you fail. How can an individual be omnipotent when people are so poor?"

Although he is the key to victory or defeat, without so many passionate helpers, what can Ji Wufeng do no matter how strong he is?

"Hand over Ye Linglong and Mingyue, and I will give you a pleasure!" Ji Wufeng said with murderous intent.

"Jie Jie, do you think this is possible?" Gu Yunfei sneered.

"Then there's nothing more to say, go to hell!"

Ji Wufeng became furious, raised his Ghost Cry and killed him. Ji Hongtu followed closely, and the father and son joined forces.

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