The war resumed, and the three of them shot into the void. Gu Yunfei couldn't stop him, his body almost disintegrated, and he was about to die on the spot!

At this moment, a broad palm struck from far away. It was really terrifying. It was just one palm, but it seemed to be able to collapse the sky, pressing hard against Ji Wufeng and his son.

Someone is attacking!

"Nie Chongxiao, you shameless old dog!" shouted angrily.

Another broad palm pressed down in the air and rushed towards the palm in front!


The two palms collided hard together in the air, and in an instant, a hole seemed to be punched in the sky.

Nie Changkong, dressed in black, came through the air. When he saw Gu Yunfei disappearing, he said angrily: "Damn it, we let him escape after all!"

That hand was not intended to sneak attack Ji Wufeng and his son, but to rescue Gu Yunfei. Also disappearing with Gu Yunfei were a dozen strong young men with Nie family blood.

Gu Yunfei was defeated, and the victory or defeat was determined. This battle was finally coming to an end. The nine-headed insects that were still fighting fiercely, the strong men from Sakura Temple and Holy Court were all shocked. They followed the leader of the three armies on the battlefield. The marshal has run away, so how can we fight this battle?

Qianye Yunying and Gabriel looked at each other, turned around and left.

The situation is now over and we must retreat immediately, otherwise we may not even be able to save our lives.


How could Nie Qingcheng and Yun Feiyang allow them to leave, so they immediately chased them. At this moment, a bright golden sword struck across them, and it was Michael.

"Michael, you golden-haired mangy dog, do you want to run away before you get beaten?" Yun Zhen chased after him.

A golden light suddenly appeared, and Michael stood in front of Qianye Yunying, Gabriel and the others. His expression was full of loneliness, and he said: "You go first!"

"Master!" Gabriel was shocked.


The golden light on Michael's body suddenly became brighter. Yun Zhen was shocked and said: "Damn it, you old guy is desperate for his life? Get out quickly!"

Everyone felt a strong sense of crisis and quickly retreated. Michael's body suddenly exploded, Yun Zhen rushed over, and Nie Changkong rushed over.

Just feeling an extremely strong air current, everyone was blown away.

Poof, poof!

Yun Zhen sat down on the ground, and Nie Changkong half-knelt down. Both of their faces were pale, and blood was flowing from their mouths.

Exploded, Michael actually blew himself up!

This is too scary. If Yun Zhen and Nie Changkong hadn't blocked it, the entire Tongtian Peak would have been destroyed.

There was no anger in Yun Zhen and Nie Changkong's eyes, but sighs. At this age, it was hard for them to find friends, and it was even harder to find opponents. Michael's death made them sigh with emotion.

Michael's self-destruction blocked everyone's footsteps, but Qianye Yunying, Gabriel, and other powerful men at the holy level took the opportunity to escape.

Li Potian also came back. He fought with the Goddess, but the outcome was not clear, and the Goddess retreated!

The result of this battle was too tragic. Almost three generations of the entire Chinese martial arts community were sacrificed. This was something that had not happened in thousands of years.

As for the Nine-Headed Insect, the Holy Court and the Sakura Temple were not much better. At least 90% of the masters who came to China were killed, and even the holy god Michael of the Holy Court was not able to return.

Although the battle was tragic, it was Shenzhou Martial Arts that won the victory after all. Ji Wufeng, Yun Shang, Tian Wuxin, Kong Ming... these young people have grown up and are capable of taking on important responsibilities.

There are also Yuwen Tiancheng, Xiao Feng, Lu Tiangang, Yuan Dongdong, Zhao Jiaolong, Murong Wuji, Wu Chang... These people are also amazing enough. Their future prospects are limitless, and they will definitely shine in the near future.

Everyone can foresee the future prosperity of the Chinese martial arts world!

The battle was won, but Ji Wufeng couldn't be happy. Gu Yunfei was not dead, Gu Tianyang was still alive, and that Nie Chongxiao was still alive, which was always a big problem.

Also, where are Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue? They must be found.

Although the three generations of the Nie family were the main force in this battle, everyone knew that the key to victory came from Ye Linglong's research. She was a person who took great credit, and her safety must be paid attention to by the righteous people in the world.

All forces used all their intelligence methods to find out the whereabouts of Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue. However, the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave has long been deserted. After nearly a month of full search, no traces were found.

It is now known that the Nine-Headed Insect's home base is in Dongyang, and it must have returned to Dongyang after retreating. At this time, the strength of the Chinese martial arts community was severely damaged, and it was impossible to fight in Dongyang in a short time. Everyone was helpless.

Although Ji Tianqi and a group of children were accompanying him, and Ji Wufeng was smiling, everyone knew that behind that smiling face was Gu Mingyue.

There is also Hong Yanling. After such a long search with no results, Ji Wufeng promised: "Aunt Hong, I will definitely find Linglong back."

"I have already said that she is your wife now. Whether she comes back or not is the Nie family's business." Hong Yanling said calmly.

Ji Wufeng remained silent. Indeed, Ye Linglong had paid too much for him, and it was his responsibility to get her back.

Battle in Dongyang!

This is the oath Ji Wufeng made to himself.

The lives of Crazy Sword, Zou Huairen and others were saved, but unfortunately their physical strength was completely useless. After recovering from their injuries, they were only stronger than ordinary old people, and they would never be able to use force again for the rest of their lives.

If Ji Wufeng's cultivation can return to the peak of the Immortal King, these will not be a problem. However, the earth's spiritual energy is lacking and it is too difficult to restore his cultivation. These people may not be able to wait until that time.

Seeing Ji Wufeng kneeling in front of him, Kuang Dao said with a nonchalant expression: "That's it, it's all so much. I'm exhausted. Now I can finally hide and relax."

"Then please seniors stay in the Nie family so that the younger generation can fulfill their filial piety. A hundred years later, I will die for you!"

Some of the surviving strong men were taken back by their own sect families, but there are still some who are alone. They have sacrificed too much. Future generations should always remember their achievements. Ji Wufeng respects them and treats them as My elders will support me.

"I think it's better to forget it. I'm old and have bad legs and feet. It's really not pleasing to my eyes to be with young people like you and see you flirting every day." Zou Huairen waved his hands.

Ji Wufeng still wanted to persuade him to stay, Kuang Dao said with a smile: "There is no need to force us to stay, we are already at this age, and we really can't live together with you young people. Old Ghost Yun has already reserved a place for us at the foot of the mountain, and we curse and fight every day. Doudou Landlord is much more comfortable than here."

In the end, this group of meritorious seniors left with ease in their steps, but Ji Wufeng's heart was heavy. The reason why they were able to walk so freely was because they finally let go of the heavy burden on their shoulders. The war resumed, and the three of them shot into the void. Gu Yunfei couldn't stop him, his body almost disintegrated, and he was about to die on the spot!

At this moment, a broad palm struck from far away. It was really terrifying. It was just one palm, but it seemed to be able to collapse the sky, pressing hard against Ji Wufeng and his son.

Someone is attacking!

"Nie Chongxiao, you shameless old dog!" shouted angrily.

Another broad palm pressed down in the air and rushed towards the palm in front!


The two palms collided hard together in the air, and in an instant, a hole seemed to be punched in the sky.

Nie Changkong, dressed in black, came through the air. When he saw Gu Yunfei disappearing, he said angrily: "Damn it, we let him escape after all!"

That hand was not intended to sneak attack Ji Wufeng and his son, but to rescue Gu Yunfei. Also disappearing with Gu Yunfei were a dozen strong young men with Nie family blood.

Gu Yunfei was defeated, and the victory or defeat was determined. This battle was finally coming to an end. The nine-headed insects that were still fighting fiercely, the powerful people from Sakura Temple and Holy Court were all shocked. They followed the leader of the three armies on the battlefield. The marshal has run away, so how can we fight this battle?

Qianye Yunying and Gabriel looked at each other, turned around and left.

The situation is now over and we must retreat immediately, otherwise we may not even be able to save our lives.


How could Nie Qingcheng and Yun Feiyang allow them to leave, so they immediately chased them. At this moment, a bright golden sword struck across them, and it was Michael.

"Michael, you golden-haired mangy dog, do you want to run away before you get beaten?" Yun Zhen chased after him.

A golden light suddenly appeared, and Michael stood in front of Qianye Yunying, Gabriel and the others. His expression was full of loneliness, and he said: "You go first!"

"Master!" Gabriel was shocked.


The golden light on Michael's body suddenly became brighter. Yun Zhen was shocked and said: "Damn it, you old guy is desperate for his life? Get out quickly!"

Everyone felt a strong sense of crisis and quickly retreated. Michael's body suddenly exploded, Yun Zhen rushed over, and Nie Changkong rushed over.

Just feeling an extremely strong air current, everyone was blown away.

Poof, poof!

Yun Zhen sat down on the ground, and Nie Changkong half-knelt down. Both of their faces were pale, and blood was flowing from their mouths.

Exploded, Michael actually blew himself up!

This is too scary. If Yun Zhen and Nie Changkong hadn't blocked it, the entire Tongtian Peak would have been destroyed.

There was no anger in Yun Zhen and Nie Changkong's eyes, but sighs. At this age, it was hard for them to find friends, and it was even harder to find opponents. Michael's death made them sigh with emotion.

Michael's self-destruction blocked everyone's footsteps, but Qianye Yunying, Gabriel, and other powerful men at the holy level took the opportunity to escape.

Li Potian also came back. He fought with the Goddess, but the outcome was not clear, and the Goddess retreated!

The result of this battle was too tragic. Almost three generations of the entire Chinese martial arts community were sacrificed. This was something that had not happened in thousands of years.

As for the Nine-Headed Insect, the Holy Court and the Sakura Temple were not much better. At least 90% of the masters who came to China were killed, and even the holy god Michael of the Holy Court was not able to return.

Although the battle was tragic, it was Shenzhou Martial Arts that won the victory after all. Ji Wufeng, Yun Shang, Tian Wuxin, Kong Ming... these young people have grown up and are capable of taking on important responsibilities.

There are also Yuwen Tiancheng, Xiao Feng, Lu Tiangang, Yuan Dongdong, Zhao Jiaolong, Murong Wuji, Wu Chang... These people are also amazing enough. Their future prospects are limitless, and they will definitely shine in the near future.

Everyone can foresee the future prosperity of the Chinese martial arts world!

The battle was won, but Ji Wufeng couldn't be happy. Gu Yunfei was not dead, Gu Tianyang was still alive, and that Nie Chongxiao was still alive, which was always a big problem.

Also, where are Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue? They must be found.

Although the three generations of the Nie family were the main force in this battle, everyone knew that the key to victory came from Ye Linglong's research. She was a person who took great credit, and her safety must be paid attention to by the righteous people in the world.

All forces used all their intelligence methods to find out the whereabouts of Ye Linglong and Gu Mingyue. However, the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave has long been deserted. After nearly a month of full search, no traces were found.

It is now known that the Nine-Headed Insect's home base is in Dongyang, and it must have returned to Dongyang after retreating. At this time, the strength of the Chinese martial arts community was severely damaged, and it was impossible to fight in Dongyang in a short time. Everyone was helpless.

Although Ji Tianqi and a group of children were accompanying him, and Ji Wufeng was smiling, everyone knew that behind that smiling face was Gu Mingyue.

There is also Hong Yanling. After such a long search with no results, Ji Wufeng promised: "Aunt Hong, I will definitely find Linglong back."

"I have already said that she is your wife now. Whether she comes back or not is the Nie family's business." Hong Yanling said calmly.

Ji Wufeng remained silent. Indeed, Ye Linglong had paid too much for him, and it was his responsibility to get her back.

Battle in Dongyang!

This is the oath Ji Wufeng made to himself.

The lives of Crazy Sword, Zou Huairen and others were saved, but unfortunately their physical strength was completely useless. After recovering from their injuries, they were only stronger than ordinary old people, and they would never be able to use force again for the rest of their lives.

If Ji Wufeng's cultivation can return to the peak of the Immortal King, these will not be a problem. However, the earth's spiritual energy is lacking and it is too difficult to restore his cultivation. These people may not be able to wait until that time.

Seeing Ji Wufeng kneeling in front of him, Kuang Dao said with a nonchalant expression: "That's it, it's all so much. I'm exhausted. Now I can finally hide and relax."

"Then please seniors stay in the Nie family so that the younger generation can fulfill their filial piety. A hundred years later, I will die for you!"

Some of the surviving strong men were taken back by their own sect families, but there are still some who are alone. They have sacrificed too much. Future generations should always remember their achievements. Ji Wufeng respects them and treats them as My elders will support me.

"I think it's better to forget it. I'm old and have bad legs and feet. It's really not pleasing to my eyes to be with young people like you and see you flirting every day." Zou Huairen waved his hands.

Ji Wufeng still wanted to persuade him to stay, Kuang Dao said with a smile: "There is no need to force us to stay, we are already at this age, and we really can't live together with you young people. Old Ghost Yun has already reserved a place for us at the foot of the mountain, and we curse and fight every day. Doudou Landlord is much more comfortable than here."

In the end, this group of meritorious seniors left with ease in their steps, but Ji Wufeng's heart was heavy. The reason why they were able to walk so freely was because they finally let go of the heavy burden on their shoulders.

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