Since someone has put down the burden, someone must pick it up again.

In the backyard, Nie Changkong was getting older day by day, very fast. During the battle at Tongtian Peak, he restored himself to his peak state for the sake of peak combat power, but after all, he was too old to truly become younger.

As his body was aging, Ji Wufeng felt that Nie Changkong's aura was weakening little by little, and his power was dissipating.

"Grandpa, you..." Ji Wufeng was shocked.

Nie Changkong, however, didn't take it seriously and glared: "What are you making all the fuss about? This is the price that should be paid."

Restoring to the peak state consumes not only the skill, but also the original vitality. In the battle at Tongtian Peak, Nie Changkong consumed too much. Not only the skill was exhausted, but the life time was also greatly reduced.

But Nie Changkong didn't take it seriously at all. He took Ji Tianqi and a group of children to play every day. He was smiling and happy all day long.

Although he didn't know much, Ji Wufeng knew that Nie Changkong had participated in many wars not long after Ji Hongtu was born. When Ji Hongtu was a child, his grandmother died of a serious illness. Nie Changkong felt so guilty that he eventually sent Nie Changkong to the Ji family for foster care. Then he disappeared during the war.

It can be said that he has spent his whole life in endless wars, conquering the world and being invincible, but he has never enjoyed the joy of life.

Now that he has become an ordinary old man, he can enjoy the happiness of a family, which is considered a blessing in life.

Ying Yue did not go back to the Jialuo Temple, but followed Li Potian to the Nie family to visit Xiao Chenghuan. Like Nie Changkong, his appearance had become extremely old and his whole body power had collapsed, but the two of them also didn't care.

The old Li family had been abandoned long ago. Ji Wufeng ordered the rebuilding of the Li family to restore its former glory, but Li Potian stopped him. He simply built a separate courtyard and moved Ying Yue in.

This pair of lovers who had been separated for nearly sixty years finally came together when they were gray-haired, but it was only God who could stay together until they were gray-haired.

Since Ji Hongtu's return, Qin Yi has stayed in his own small courtyard without ever taking a step forward. Ji Hongtu, on the other hand, appears in front of the courtyard at sunrise every day and leaves at sunset without ever taking a step forward.

Everyone was secretly concerned, but remained silent.

When Ji Hongtu disappeared, Qin Yi faced the pressure of the Qin family alone. Not only did she drive her mother and son out of the Qin family, but she even wanted their mother and son's lives for her own personal gain.

The hardships involved cannot be expressed in words. No one can feel the pain in Qin Yi's heart, but everyone knows how much Ji Hongtu owes her.

At the beginning, everyone was filled with indignation and hatred for Ji Hongtu. Ji Wufeng even thought that he would never forgive him in his life.

But now that the truth has gradually been revealed, who can blame Ji Hongtu?

Although he had failed Qin Yi and his mother, Ji Hongtu had sacrificed his life and blood for China and was not afraid of life and death. He gave up his family for the sake of righteousness!

Everyone feels worthless for Qin Yi, but everyone admires what Ji Hongtu has done. He is a well-deserved unparalleled hero!

Qin Yi was unwilling to face Ji Hongtu, but Ji Hongtu was relieved and felt guilty and did not dare to face Qin Yi.

But it has been several months, and there is no way to remain in such a stalemate. Ji Wufeng and the others are scratching their heads anxiously.

At this moment, Ji Tianqi and Xiao Chenghuan staggered in, and Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Qin Yi

The most important thing is his family, and the same goes for Ji Hongtu. If he wants to break this deadlock, he must use someone he values ​​​​for both of them.

At the entrance of Qin Yi's courtyard, Ji Hongtu stood motionless.

"Grandpa, grandpa..." Xiao Chenghuan ran over happily.


Ji Hongtu smiled and held little Chenghuan in his arms, like a treasure.

"Grandpa, are you tired of standing here every day?" Xiao Chenghuan asked.

"Grandpa is not tired." Ji Hongtu shook his head and smiled.

"It's good that Grandpa isn't tired. I just don't know if Grandma is hungry. It's been so long. She's probably finished eating the food in the yard." Xiao Chenghuan said.

Ji Hongtu was shocked when he heard this and said, "What should we do?"

As he spoke, he wanted to rush into the small courtyard. Qin Yi was not a martial artist and had a weak constitution. If he had no food, he would definitely starve.

But as soon as he reached the door, he stopped again, put down little Chenghuan and said, "Huanhuan, go in and take a look first. If grandma doesn't have anything to eat, ask your father to bring some."

"Then why don't you go in?" Xiao Chenghuan asked.

Ji Hongtu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Your grandma is angry with me. If I go in, she will probably be even more angry."

"Oh, then I'll go in and take a look." Xiao Chenghuan walked into the small courtyard in a sensible manner.

In the yard, Qin Yi was sitting quietly under the tree. Xiao Chenghuan ran over and shouted: "Grandma, grandma..."

Seeing little Chenghuan, Qin Yi immediately opened his arms and held her in his arms, saying, "Baby, why are you here?"

"You haven't come out for such a long time. I was afraid that you wouldn't have anything to eat, so I came over to see you." Xiao Chenghuan said.

"Oh, my dear, you still love grandma." Qin Yi hugged little Chenghuan and it hurt so much.

Xiao Chenghuan continued: "I didn't think of it at first, but grandpa thought of it and let me in."

After hearing this, Qin Yi's expression suddenly froze.

"Don't worry, baby, grandma has something to eat and you're not hungry," Qin Yi said.

"That's it..."

There was a trace of disappointment on Xiao Chenghuan's face. It was obvious that Qin Yi's reaction made her very dissatisfied.

Suddenly, Xiao Chenghuan's expression changed, his expression revealed pain, and a violent aura spread from his body.

Qin Yi was immediately startled and shouted: "Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Hongtu sensed the aura emanating from Xiao Chenghuan outside the door and immediately asked loudly: "What happened?"

Qin Yi was worried that something happened to Xiao Chenghuan, but she didn't know what was going on, so she immediately shouted: "You bastard, why don't you come in quickly!"


Ji Hongtu was also anxious, kicked the door into pieces, and rushed in.

Seeing the pain on Xiao Chenghuan's face, he immediately rushed forward and asked, "How could this happen?"

Qin Yi said angrily: "How do I know? Aren't you very capable? Show me quickly. If she loses a hair, I will chop you off!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll check right away. I guarantee she'll be fine." Ji Hongtu hurriedly reached out to check on little Chenghuan.

But Xiao Chenghuan's expression changed, and the violent aura on his body disappeared. He grabbed Ji Hongtu's stretched out hand and put it on Qin Yi's face. Since someone has put down the burden, someone must pick it up again.

In the backyard, Nie Changkong was getting older day by day, very fast. During the battle at Tongtian Peak, he restored himself to his peak state for the sake of peak combat power, but after all, he was too old to truly become younger.

As his body was aging, Ji Wufeng felt that Nie Changkong's aura was weakening little by little, and his power was dissipating.

"Grandpa, you..." Ji Wufeng was shocked.

Nie Changkong, however, didn't take it seriously and glared: "What are you making all the fuss about? This is the price that should be paid."

Restoring to the peak state consumes not only the skill, but also the original vitality. In the battle at Tongtian Peak, Nie Changkong consumed too much. Not only the skill was exhausted, but the life time was also greatly reduced.

But Nie Changkong didn't take it seriously at all. He took Ji Tianqi and a group of children to play every day. He was smiling and happy all day long.

Although he didn't know much, Ji Wufeng knew that Nie Changkong had participated in many wars not long after Ji Hongtu was born. When Ji Hongtu was a child, his grandmother died of a serious illness. Nie Changkong felt so guilty that he eventually sent Nie Changkong to the Ji family for foster care. Then he disappeared during the war.

It can be said that he has spent his whole life in endless wars, conquering the world and being invincible, but he has never enjoyed the joy of life.

Now that he has become an ordinary old man, he can enjoy the happiness of a family, which is considered a blessing in life.

Ying Yue did not go back to the Jialuo Temple, but followed Li Potian to the Nie family to visit Xiao Chenghuan. Like Nie Changkong, his appearance had become extremely old and his whole body power had collapsed, but the two of them also didn't care.

The old Li family had been abandoned long ago. Ji Wufeng ordered the rebuilding of the Li family to restore its former glory, but Li Potian stopped him. He simply built a separate courtyard and moved Ying Yue in.

This pair of lovers who had been separated for nearly sixty years finally came together when they were gray-haired, but it was only God who could stay together until they were gray-haired.

Since Ji Hongtu's return, Qin Yi has stayed in his own small courtyard without ever taking a step forward. Ji Hongtu, on the other hand, appears in front of the courtyard at sunrise every day and leaves at sunset without ever taking a step forward.

Everyone was secretly concerned, but remained silent.

When Ji Hongtu disappeared, Qin Yi faced the pressure of the Qin family alone. Not only did she drive her mother and son out of the Qin family, but she even wanted their mother and son's lives for her own personal gain.

The hardships involved cannot be expressed in words. No one can feel the pain in Qin Yi's heart, but everyone knows how much Ji Hongtu owes her.

At the beginning, everyone was filled with indignation and hatred for Ji Hongtu. Ji Wufeng even thought that he would never forgive him in his life.

But now that the truth has gradually been revealed, who can blame Ji Hongtu?

Although he had failed Qin Yi and his mother, Ji Hongtu had sacrificed his life and blood for China and was not afraid of life and death. He gave up his family for the sake of righteousness!

Everyone feels worthless for Qin Yi, but everyone admires what Ji Hongtu has done. He is a well-deserved unparalleled hero!

Qin Yi was unwilling to face Ji Hongtu, but Ji Hongtu was relieved and felt guilty and did not dare to face Qin Yi.

But it has been several months, and there is no way to remain in such a stalemate. Ji Wufeng and the others are scratching their heads anxiously.

At this moment, Ji Tianqi and Xiao Chenghuan staggered in, and Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Qin Yi

The most important thing is his family, and the same goes for Ji Hongtu. If he wants to break this deadlock, he must use someone he values ​​​​for both of them.

At the entrance of Qin Yi's courtyard, Ji Hongtu stood motionless.

"Grandpa, grandpa..." Xiao Chenghuan ran over happily.


Ji Hongtu smiled and held little Chenghuan in his arms, like a treasure.

"Grandpa, are you tired of standing here every day?" Xiao Chenghuan asked.

"Grandpa is not tired." Ji Hongtu shook his head and smiled.

"It's good that Grandpa isn't tired. I just don't know if Grandma is hungry. It's been so long. She's probably finished eating the food in the yard." Xiao Chenghuan said.

Ji Hongtu was shocked when he heard this and said, "What should we do?"

As he spoke, he wanted to rush into the small courtyard. Qin Yi was not a martial artist and had a weak constitution. If he had no food, he would definitely starve.

But as soon as he reached the door, he stopped again, put down little Chenghuan and said, "Huanhuan, go in and take a look first. If grandma doesn't have anything to eat, ask your father to bring some."

"Then why don't you go in?" Xiao Chenghuan asked.

Ji Hongtu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Your grandma is angry with me. If I go in, she will probably be even more angry."

"Oh, then I'll go in and take a look." Xiao Chenghuan walked into the small courtyard in a sensible manner.

In the yard, Qin Yi was sitting quietly under the tree. Xiao Chenghuan ran over and shouted: "Grandma, grandma..."

Seeing little Chenghuan, Qin Yi immediately opened his arms and held her in his arms, saying, "Baby, why are you here?"

"You haven't come out for such a long time. I was afraid that you wouldn't have anything to eat, so I came over to see you." Xiao Chenghuan said.

"Oh, my dear, you still love grandma." Qin Yi hugged little Chenghuan and it hurt so much.

Xiao Chenghuan continued: "I didn't think of it at first, but grandpa thought of it and let me in."

After hearing this, Qin Yi's expression suddenly froze.

"Don't worry, baby, grandma has something to eat and you're not hungry," Qin Yi said.

"That's it..."

There was a trace of disappointment on Xiao Chenghuan's face. It was obvious that Qin Yi's reaction made her very dissatisfied.

Suddenly, Xiao Chenghuan's expression changed, his expression revealed pain, and a violent aura spread from his body.

Qin Yi was immediately startled and shouted: "Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Hongtu sensed the aura emanating from Xiao Chenghuan outside the door and immediately asked loudly: "What happened?"

Qin Yi was worried that something happened to Xiao Chenghuan, but she didn't know what was going on, so she immediately shouted: "You bastard, why don't you come in quickly!"


Ji Hongtu was also anxious, kicked the door into pieces, and rushed in.

Seeing the pain on Xiao Chenghuan's face, he immediately rushed forward and asked, "How could this happen?"

Qin Yi said angrily: "How do I know? Aren't you very capable? Show me quickly. If she loses a hair, I will chop you off!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll check right away. I guarantee she'll be fine." Ji Hongtu hurriedly reached out to check on little Chenghuan.

But Xiao Chenghuan's expression changed, and the violent aura on his body disappeared. He grabbed Ji Hongtu's stretched out hand and put it on Qin Yi's face.

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