Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1854 Gu Mingyue, the next Sakura God

Shangguan Yao couldn't stop laughing along the way. She was laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten up while holding her stomach.

"Just laugh, I'd better laugh you to death!" Ji Wufeng said with a dark face and a very unhappy expression.

"Don't tell me, although I haven't seen it yet, if you take it, I will definitely support it, and I promise to become your die-hard fan." Shangguan Yao said with a wink.

"Okay, I can shoot it, but the heroine is you. Let's buy a D-camera and go back to the hotel to shoot it ourselves!" Ji Wufeng said thiefly.

"Get out!"

Finally getting that bastard away, the two of them found a quiet place and sat down. Shangguan Yao leaned lightly on Ji Wufeng's shoulder, looking at the cherry blossom rain falling in the wind, and said, "I really wish we could always be together." Sit like this!"

Ji Wufeng said very seriously: "It won't take long. When Linglong and Mingyue are found, I can sit with you every day when we return to China."

Shangguan Yao laughed with satisfaction, stood up and said, "Then you go, I know the way back."

Ji Wufeng felt that Shangguan Yao's anger was getting less and less, which was a good thing.

After Shangguan Yao left, a man and a woman came over. As soon as the man saw Ji Wufeng, he rushed over, hugged his thigh and screamed: "Brother, you are here, you don't even know that I have been here all these years." I miss you so much, look how haggard I am? I have lost weight!"

"Get out!"

The corner of Ji Wufeng's mouth twitched and he kicked up. The man flew out and rolled on the ground several times.

Turning to look at the delicate-looking woman, Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Why have you lost weight?"

The woman chuckled and said, "But I am very fulfilled!"

Ji Wufeng felt distressed and said, "I have worked hard for you these years."

Seeing Ji Wufeng like this, Ji Qingzi sighed and said, "I have already dealt with the matter of Tongtian Peak."

knew! "

The man is An Jiling, but his true identity is the Abe Yuling of the Dongyang Abe family, and the woman is Ji Qingzi. The former Chiba Haruko, when the Nine-Headed Insect and the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court's army came to attack, Ji Wufeng was already I expected that sooner or later I would come to Dongyang.

Since it had been anticipated, there should be an advance army. An Jiling and Ji Qingzi had Eastern backgrounds and were undoubtedly the best candidates.

Following the two of them back to Dongyang, there were also a large number of elite killers from the Snake Cave. These powers were handed over to Ji Qingzi by Shangguan Yao. With her assistance, An Jiling has basically taken control of the Abe family and became the Sakura Temple. The commander of the guards.

Complementing each other, under the cover of An Jiling, Snake Cave developed vigorously in Dongyang and grew stronger day by day, making Shangguan Yao become the queen of assassination!

"What's the situation now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ji Qingzi said: "Gu Yunfei brought a small group of masters back to the Sakura Temple. This time, the Sakura Temple's vitality and strength were greatly damaged, and its prestige in the Dongyang Wulin also plummeted. This made the three major families in Dongyang think that this It’s an excellent time to rise up and even replace the Sakura Temple!”

More than 80% of the masters in the Sakura Temple were left at Tongtian Peak forever. Because Nie Chongxiao and the Goddess wanted to fight the strongest, it is estimated that at this time, like Nie Changkong, their skills collapsed.

As you can imagine, the damage to the Sakura Temple this time was so great that it was so severe that it broke your muscles and bones!

It is completely reasonable that all three major families see this as an opportunity.

"Hmph, they're just three clowns, it's hard to make a difference!" Ji Wufeng sneered.

Even if Sakura Shrine and Nine

All the people in the Head Bug were dead, but no matter whether Gu Yunfei, Gu Tianyang or Qianye Yunying were still alive, they would never have a chance to rise.

"It's not that there are no opportunities. The conservatives of Sakura Temple are also extremely dissatisfied with the extent of the damage. Someone is already secretly having an affair with the three major families!" Ji Qingzi said.

"In that case, I would consider taking advantage of it, but the most important thing now is the movements of Gu Yunfei and his son and Qianye Yunying!"

Ji Wufeng still cares about these three people the most, they are the real thorns in his heart.

"The Sakura Temple is too heavily guarded, and our people have no chance to get close. However, through the news brought by the three major families, Qianye Yunying has returned seriously injured and has been in seclusion. Gu Yunfei and his son are no longer around. I’ve seen traces of them!”

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes, but there was no movement at all. This was absolutely impossible. Gu Yunfei would not give in, and Gu Tianyang would not give in!

He suddenly had a very strange idea. Is the reason why Gu Tianyang didn't make any movement because he was waiting for him?

"In addition, there are two important news, but neither of them is good news." Ji Qingzi looked at Ji Wufeng and hesitated whether to say it.

"Say it."

"Someone saw the bright moon!"

"Where?" Ji Wufeng suddenly became excited.

"In the Sakura Temple!"

Ji Qingzi frowned slightly and said: "And the Sakura Temple also sent out news that Mingyue will become the next Sakura God!"

Ji Wufeng's heart suddenly sank. The next Sakura God? How could Mingyue be the Sakura Goddess?

Ji Wufeng immediately realized that this was definitely a conspiracy, but so what? Even though he knew it was a conspiracy, he still had to go!

"What's the other news?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

"Gu Tianyang is getting married!"

"with who?"

"Ye Linglong!"


Ji Wufeng punched a big hole in the wall with one punch, and his violent anger burst out. Gu Tianyang actually wanted to marry Ye Linglong, and he wanted to marry his Ji Wufeng's woman!

"Gu Tianyang, you are looking for death!"

Ji Wufeng said with an evil look on his face: "When will you get married?"

"Ten days later, it will be the day when Mingyue crowns the Sakura God. This news should spread throughout Dongyang tomorrow!" Ji Qingzi said.

"You mean it hasn't been announced publicly yet?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"No, the three major families only got the news today!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed again. On the same day, Mingyue crowned the Cherry God, and Gu Tianyang married Ye Linglong. Why didn't it happen earlier, and why did it wait until he came to Dongyang?

Ji Wufeng has determined that Gu Tianyang already knows that he has arrived. This is a trap full of murderous intentions. He is waiting for Ji Wufeng to enter the trap himself. He is still unwilling to give in!

Ji Qingzi added: "There is another news, that is, Tong Xin has lost contact!"

Tong Xin, who was once the Snow Dragon envoy among the eight generals of Tianlong, followed Weilong and joined Ji Wufeng, and had a deep love for Ji Wufeng. However, it was a pity that Ji Wufeng was unwilling to incur any more love debt.

When Ji Wufeng sent people to Dongyang, probably because he wanted to stay away from Ji Wufeng, Tong Xin followed him secretly alone.

Ji Wufeng's heart suddenly sank, and Tong Xin actually lost contact.

Although he and Tong Xin treat each other with respect, their friendship is by no means an ordinary friend. If there is danger, he will never stand idly by.

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