Concern leads to chaos. No matter how anxious Ji Wufeng is at this moment, he must not act rashly. He knows Gu Tianyang too well. If Tong Xin falls into Gu Tianyang's hands, she will definitely be alive.

Gu Tianyang will not let go of any tool that can deal with Ji Wufeng, Ye Linglong is the same, and so is Gu Mingyue!

"The next step will be extremely dangerous, leave everything to me." Ji Wufeng looked at Ji Qingzi and said.

Something had happened to Tong Xin. If something happened to Ji Qingzi again, Ji Wufeng was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer.

Ji Qingzi said: "You think I'm not as good as Tong Xin?"

Ji Wufeng said: "This is not a matter of who is inferior to the other, but I don't want anything to happen to any of you!" ??

"I'm just complaining." Ji Qingzi pouted.

Ji Wufeng took Ji Qingzi's hand and said, "Don't leave, let's go back to the hotel together in the evening."

Ji Qingzi shook her head and said: "Not yet. I have already established an online relationship with the three major families. Recently, the three major families will have secret negotiations with some conservatives in the Sakura Temple. How can I leave at this time?"

"Women don't need to interfere in men's affairs!" Ji Wufeng said very domineeringly.

"I'm not your woman, you have no control over what I do!" Ji Qingzi glared at him and turned to leave.

Ji Wufeng looked at Ji Qingzi's twisting waist behind him, and felt angry, and said: "Just wait, I will push you down sooner or later. Why are you pulling me when I see it?"

Not to mention whether Ji Qingzi would listen to him or not, even if Ji Qingzi wanted to get away at this time, it would probably be too late. With Gu Tianyang's methods, it was impossible not to know about Ji Qingzi's existence. Now he had to make a desperate move.

At this time, An Jiling finally got up from the ground, rubbed his hands and said: "Brother, it's rare for you to come to Tianjing, why don't we go around? Take a good look at our Eastern style!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "What bullshit style? Isn't it just visiting the brothel and playing with the brothel girl?"

An Jiling was unhappy and said: "Brother, what you said is wrong. How can you call me Sister Yao? They are dedicators of great art. They used their bodies and youth to perform one movie after another. It’s a love action movie... Why are you kicking me?"

Ji Wufeng did not bring An Jiling back. Ji Qingzi was in contact with the three major families and needed An Jiling's assistance. Moreover, An Jiling was the commander of the guards of the Sakura Temple. His master was the former commander of the guards of the Sakura Temple and is now the elder. , has a very high status, and if used properly, it will play a great role.

It was already early in the morning when we returned to the hotel, but Shangguan Yao and the three of them were still awake because a guest had arrived, and the guest's current situation was not good.

His hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured.

"Helu!" Ji Wufeng did not expect that Helu would appear here.

Helu, an international superstar, a legend in the global music scene, the goddess in the hearts of all men, the eldest princess of the Great Britain, Alina, the close guard of Cameronna.

When Alina came to China, she formed a romantic relationship with Ji Wufeng. She thought they would never meet again, but when Ji Wufeng returned, Alina appeared again.

During the battle at Tongtian Peak, Alina once proposed to have her own bodyguards participate in the battle, but was rejected by Ji Wufeng. Alina's identity is not simple. She is a member of the British royal family and represents the entire British royal family. How can she have such a sensitive identity? light

Easy to join the war.

After that, he lost contact with Alina.

"Master Wufeng, please save the princess!" When Helu saw Ji Wufeng, he rushed over and knelt down. Maybe he was too excited, which affected the injury and caused blood to spurt out in big mouthfuls.

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly, he supported Helu, input a burst of true energy to stabilize his injury, and said: "Don't be anxious yet, slowly speak clearly."

Although Helu's injury was serious, it was not fatal. After Shangguan Yao's simple treatment, combined with Ji Wufeng's true energy, the injury was temporarily stabilized.

"What's going on?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"It's Usef, the Lord of the Mountains of Gods!"

The Mountain of the Gods, the legendary mountain of gods in Northern Europe, is home to the gods in the mythology behind it. With the development of the times, the theory of gods and demons no longer exists, but these so-called gods are undoubtedly a group of strong men.

The Mountain of the Gods has a supreme status in the Nordic spiritual world. It is equivalent to the Heavenly Palace in China, the Cherry Blossom Temple in Dongyang and other holy places. It is supreme and sacrosanct!

However, the Gods Mountain still claims to be a god, and the owner of the Gods Mountain is revered as the God Lord. Usef is the God Lord of the Gods Mountain at this time!

"Why is Usef going against Alina?"

The Mountain of Gods is beyond the world of mortals. How could it attack Alina? Does it covet the British royal family?

"Because Usef wants to marry Princess Alina!" Helu said.

"What did you say? Usef wants to marry Alina?" Ji Wufeng's eyes widened.

"The new Usef is very young, only in his early thirties. He is also a fan of Princess Elena, even to the point of obsession!" Helu said.

Ji Wufeng understood. Logically speaking, Usef would never marry an ordinary woman, but this Usef was too young. The so-called youth is in vain if he is not romantic. Alina is so stunning, how could Usef not? What about being tempted?

In addition, Elena is a member of the royal family, the eldest princess of Great Britain, and may become the Queen of Great Britain in the future. Her status is extremely respected, and she is indeed worthy of Usef's status.

"That's good. We are well-matched. If Alina becomes the mistress of the Mountain of the Gods and becomes the queen in the future, it will be of great help in consolidating the power of the royal family and can completely reverse the sluggish situation of the royal family being suppressed by the cabinet. .”

The Queen of England is only a nominal monarch, and the real power is actually in the hands of cabinet ministers. The royal family is just a symbol and does not have much real power.

If Alina becomes queen and relies on the Mountain of the Gods to regain power, the cabinet will have no choice but to step aside.

"But Princess Elena refused." Helu said anxiously.

"Why refuse?" Ji Wufeng asked in shock.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess said that she already has someone she likes and will not marry him unless he is in her life, which made Usef give up!"

"Do you have someone you like?"

Ji Wufeng pondered for a long time, then pointed at his nose and asked stupidly: "Could that person be me?"

"It's you, Master Wufeng, and Her Royal Highness the Princess said it in public!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly darkened and he almost fainted. He could already imagine what would happen next.

Usef, the god-like being of the Mountain of Gods, was able to snatch away the woman he finally fell in love with. Concern leads to chaos. No matter how anxious Ji Wufeng is at this moment, he must not act rashly. He knows Gu Tianyang too well. If Tong Xin falls into Gu Tianyang's hands, she will definitely be alive.

Gu Tianyang will not let go of any tool that can deal with Ji Wufeng, Ye Linglong is the same, and so is Gu Mingyue!

"The next step will be extremely dangerous, leave everything to me." Ji Wufeng looked at Ji Qingzi and said.

Something had happened to Tong Xin. If something happened to Ji Qingzi again, Ji Wufeng was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer.

Ji Qingzi said: "You think I'm not as good as Tong Xin?"

Ji Wufeng said: "This is not about who is inferior to the other, but I don't want anything to happen to any of you!"

"I'm just complaining." Ji Qingzi pouted.

Ji Wufeng took Ji Qingzi's hand and said, "Don't leave, let's go back to the hotel together in the evening."

Ji Qingzi shook her head and said: "Not yet. I have already established an online relationship with the three major families. Recently, the three major families will have secret negotiations with some conservatives in the Sakura Temple. How can I leave at this time?"

"Women don't need to interfere in men's affairs!" Ji Wufeng said very domineeringly. .??.??

"I'm not your woman, you have no control over what I do!" Ji Qingzi glared at him and turned to leave.

Ji Wufeng looked at Ji Qingzi's twisting waist behind him, and felt angry, and said: "Just wait, I will push you down sooner or later. Why are you pulling me when I see it?"

Not to mention whether Ji Qingzi would listen to him or not, even if Ji Qingzi wanted to get away at this time, it would probably be too late. With Gu Tianyang's methods, it was impossible not to know about Ji Qingzi's existence. Now he had to make a desperate move.

At this time, An Jiling finally got up from the ground, rubbed his hands and said: "Brother, it's rare for you to come to Tianjing, why don't we go around? Take a good look at our Eastern style!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "What bullshit style? Isn't it just visiting the brothel and playing with the brothel girl?"

An Jiling was unhappy and said: "Brother, what you said is wrong. How can you call me Sister Yao? They are dedicators of great art. They used their bodies and youth to perform one movie after another. It’s a love action movie... Why are you kicking me?"

Ji Wufeng did not bring An Jiling back. Ji Qingzi was in contact with the three major families and needed An Jiling's assistance. Moreover, An Jiling was the commander of the guards of the Sakura Temple. His master was the former commander of the guards of the Sakura Temple and is now the elder. , has a very high status, and if used properly, it will play a great role.

It was already early in the morning when we returned to the hotel, but Shangguan Yao and the three of them were still awake because a guest had arrived, and the guest's current situation was not good.

His hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured.

"Helu!" Ji Wufeng did not expect that Helu would appear here.

Helu, an international superstar, a legend in the global music scene, the goddess in the hearts of all men, the eldest princess of the Great Britain, Alina, the close guard of Cameronna.

When Alina came to China, she formed a romantic relationship with Ji Wufeng. She thought they would never meet again, but when Ji Wufeng returned, Alina appeared again.

During the battle at Tongtian Peak, Alina once proposed to have her own bodyguards participate in the battle, but was rejected by Ji Wufeng. Alina's identity is not simple. She is a member of the British royal family and represents the entire British royal family. How can she have such a sensitive identity? light

Easy to join the war.

After that, he lost contact with Alina.

"Master Wufeng, please save the princess!" When Helu saw Ji Wufeng, he rushed over and knelt down. Maybe he was too excited, which affected the injury and caused blood to spurt out in big mouthfuls.

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly, he supported Helu, input a burst of true energy to stabilize his injury, and said: "Don't be anxious yet, slowly speak clearly."

Although Helu's injury was serious, it was not fatal. After Shangguan Yao's simple treatment, combined with Ji Wufeng's true energy, the injury was temporarily stabilized.

"What's going on?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"It's Usef, the Lord of the Mountains of Gods!"

The Mountain of the Gods, the legendary mountain of gods in Northern Europe, is home to the gods in the mythology behind it. With the development of the times, the theory of gods and demons no longer exists, but these so-called gods are undoubtedly a group of strong men.

The Mountain of the Gods has a supreme status in the Nordic spiritual world. It is equivalent to the Heavenly Palace in China, the Cherry Blossom Temple in Dongyang and other holy places. It is supreme and sacrosanct!

However, the Gods Mountain still claims to be a god, and the owner of the Gods Mountain is revered as the God Lord. Usef is the God Lord of the Gods Mountain at this time!

"Why is Usef going against Alina?"

The Mountain of Gods is beyond the world of mortals. How could it attack Alina? Does it covet the British royal family?

"Because Usef wants to marry Princess Alina!" Helu said.

"What did you say? Usef wants to marry Alina?" Ji Wufeng's eyes widened.

"The new Usef is very young, only in his early thirties. He is also a fan of Princess Elena, even to the point of obsession!" Helu said.

Ji Wufeng understood. Logically speaking, Usef would never marry an ordinary woman, but this Usef was too young. The so-called youth is in vain if he is not romantic. Alina is so stunning, how could Usef not? What about being tempted?

In addition, Elena is a member of the royal family, the eldest princess of Great Britain, and may become the Queen of Great Britain in the future. Her status is extremely respected, and she is indeed worthy of Usef's status.

"That's good. We are well-matched. If Alina becomes the mistress of the Mountain of the Gods and becomes the queen in the future, it will be of great help in consolidating the power of the royal family and can completely reverse the sluggish situation of the royal family being suppressed by the cabinet. .”

The Queen of England is only a nominal monarch, and the real power is actually in the hands of cabinet ministers. The royal family is just a symbol and does not have much real power.

If Alina becomes queen and relies on the Mountain of the Gods to regain power, the cabinet will have no choice but to step aside.

"But Princess Elena refused." Helu said anxiously.

"Why refuse?" Ji Wufeng asked in shock.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess said that she already has someone she likes and will not marry him unless he is in her life, which made Usef give up!"

"Do you have someone you like?"

Ji Wufeng pondered for a long time, then pointed at his nose and asked stupidly: "Could that person be me?"

"It's you, Master Wufeng, and Her Royal Highness the Princess said it in public!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly darkened and he almost fainted. He could already imagine what would happen next.

Usef, the god-like being of the Mountain of Gods, was able to snatch away the woman he finally fell in love with.

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