Tell me, where does this put his face? Does he still have face? Does he still want to lose face?

"He must want to chop me up now, right?" Ji Wufeng covered his face and said with a bitter smile.

"Usef said that he must cut off your head as a wedding gift to Elena!" Helu said.

Ji Wufeng said that he could understand it. If the horse he was interested in was snatched away by others, he would probably chop up that bastard.

"So how is Alina doing now?" What he was most concerned about now was Alina's situation.

He has a good relationship with Alina. She is a super beauty, an international superstar, and the eldest princess of the royal family. In addition, the two of them have a romantic relationship. How can Ji Wufeng not be tempted? It's just that the friendship between the two is far from rising to the level of love.

He should have stayed out of Alina's private life, but now he was involved. Since Usef had spoken out, for the sake of face, the two of them would definitely have a fight.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he just wanted to jump up and scold his mother for provoking such a powerful enemy for no reason!

"Then what's going on with you? It wouldn't be like this if you just reported it!" Ji Wufeng asked.

Heru was attacked, and the people they attacked were all killers. Someone wanted to take Helu's life, but since Usef had promised to come to Ji Wufeng, how could he kill Helu who came to report the news?

"Elina is imprisoned by the royal family."

This is not difficult to explain. The royal family would not dare to lose the woman Usef liked even if she was killed.

"And there are people who want to assassinate the princess secretly!"

It turned out that Helu had never thought of coming to report to Ji Wufeng, because since Usef had already spoken, Ji Wufeng would hear it sooner or later, but Alina was assassinated!

"Do you know who he is?" Ji Wufeng looked cold.

Even if he and Alina are not lovers, they are still good friends. Since someone is attacking Alina, even if Usef doesn't come, he has to intervene.

"We don't know yet, but what is certain is that the other party wants to cause the illusion of Her Royal Highness committing suicide!" Helu said.

The sharpness in Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly burst out, and he immediately understood the other party's purpose of assassinating Alina.

Ussef wanted to marry Alina, but Alina was unwilling. She also said that she already had someone she liked. This made Usef very embarrassed. The royal family imprisoned Alina. If Alina died, and it was... If you commit suicide, what will be the result?

All I can say is that Usef drove Alina to death. She couldn't resist Usef, and she couldn't sleep with her beloved, so she could only commit suicide to protest.

What will happen to Usef? If the beloved woman dies, and she has the reputation of driving Elena to death, she will probably be furious, right?

Of course, if there is anger, it must be unleashed. The best target is Ji Wufeng, and he has no reason to let Ji Wufeng go.

This was specifically aimed at Ji Wufeng, and was intended to stir up hatred between Usev and Ji Wufeng. The conspiracy was so vicious!

You must know that Usef is already the God Lord of the Mountain of Gods, not just a successor like Qianye Yu and Lucas. There is a big difference between the two. He is definitely on the same level as Gu Tianyang adversary.

Ji Wufeng's first reaction was that this was Gu Tianyang's conspiracy again. This possibility was too great, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence? As soon as he arrived in Dongyang, news came that Gu Tianyang and Ye Linglong were getting married. Gu Mingyue was going to get married.

For the news about Sakura God, and the news that Usef is coming.

It's too much of a coincidence, as if it had been discussed long ago, but according to the news from Ji Qingzi and An Jiling, no masters from Sakura Temple have gone out recently. So who can have such a big deal?

Before, Ji Wufeng refused Alina's intervention because he didn't want to involve the British royal family. Now, it's better. The British royal family didn't involve it, but a more ruthless one came. The history of the Gods Mountain is very long, and its strength is not inferior to that of the Heavenly Palace. Its foundation is even stronger Probably still above the Holy Court.

In the chic courtyard, the three members of the Gu family sat together quietly. Facing Gu Yunfei's question, Gu Tianyang remained silent.

Be a beast?

It was such a humiliating topic, but Gu Tianyang knew that Gu Yunfei was right. Gu Yunfei was acting like a beast to attack his good brother. What about Gu Tianyang?

Gu Mingyue is not his biological sister, but the brother-sister relationship between the two is real. Wouldn't he use it in the same way?

"why do not you answer me?"

Gu Yunfei suddenly asked with a fierce look on his face: "Do you find it difficult to speak up? Do you think we are beasts? Are you ashamed?"

Why aren't you ashamed? Gu Tianyang was successful as a young man, and now he had to use such despicable methods. His arrogance was shattered, and he was in great pain!

"Not enough, this is far from enough, it's too far behind!" Gu Yunfei shook his head and said with a disappointed look on his face.

Gu Tianyang got angry and said, "Is it really still far behind?"

"if not?"

Gu Yunfei said with a sneer: "I've been waiting for you from the beginning. I've been waiting for a day, a month, three months, and now why are you willing to take action? What are you afraid of? Or are you saying Can’t you do it at all?”

Gu Tianyang was shocked and said, "You already knew?"

"Although your poison is colorless and odorless, you can't hide it from me."

Nie Juexian's expression suddenly changed. Gu Yunfei waved his hand and said, "But don't worry, I have indeed been poisoned."

"Why do you still drink it when you know it's poisonous?" Nie Juexian didn't believe it.

Gu Yunfei sighed and said: "It's almost fifty years, half a century, it's too long, I'm too tired, what he said is right, if you can't do it, then make way, someone will do better." .”

Gu Tianyang was silent again. The child Gu Yunfei was talking about was himself, a child who was only six years old. He tried hard to survive, walked on thin ice to become friends and brothers with his enemies, and then cruelly raised his butcher knife.

As long as he is still a living person, he will definitely have humanity. Does Gu Yunfei really have no humanity at all? Maybe he is gone now, but where is Gu Yunfei when he was a boy?

Didn't it really leave any trace in his heart when the brothers stood side by side and were in high spirits?

Gu Yunfei was in pain. The humanity hidden in his bones made him suffer, so he had to give up his humanity. A person who abandons his humanity will not feel guilty no matter what kind of evil things he does, and will he feel uneasy?

Therefore, he regarded Gu Tianyang as a tool, his children as tools, and everyone as tools. He would continue to use those that were valuable, and discard those that were worthless!

As long as the goal can be achieved, no matter what the price is, it is worth it!

But unfortunately, he failed in the end! Tell me, where does this put his face? Does he still have face? Does he still want to lose face?

"He must want to chop me up now, right?" Ji Wufeng covered his face and said with a bitter smile.

"Usef said that he must cut off your head as a wedding gift to Elena!" Helu said.

Ji Wufeng said that he could understand it. If the horse he was interested in was snatched away by others, he would probably chop up that bastard.

"So how is Alina doing now?" What he was most concerned about now was Alina's situation.

He has a good relationship with Alina. She is a super beauty, an international superstar, and the eldest princess of the royal family. In addition, the two of them have a romantic relationship. How can Ji Wufeng not be tempted? It's just that the friendship between the two is far from rising to the level of love.

He should have stayed out of Alina's private life, but now he was involved. Since Usef had spoken out, for the sake of face, the two of them would definitely have a fight.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he just wanted to jump up and scold his mother for provoking such a powerful enemy for no reason!

"Then what's going on with you? It wouldn't be like this if you just reported it!" Ji Wufeng asked.

Heru was attacked, and the people they attacked were all killers. Someone wanted to take Helu's life, but since Usef had promised to come to Ji Wufeng, how could he kill Helu who came to report the news?

"Elina is imprisoned by the royal family."

This is not difficult to explain. The royal family would not dare to lose the woman Usef liked even if she was killed.

"And there are people who want to assassinate the princess secretly!"

It turned out that Helu had never thought of coming to report to Ji Wufeng, because since Usef had already spoken, Ji Wufeng would hear it sooner or later, but Alina was assassinated!

"Do you know who he is?" Ji Wufeng looked cold.

Even if he and Alina are not lovers, they are still good friends. Since someone is attacking Alina, even if Usef doesn't come, he has to intervene.

"We don't know yet, but what is certain is that the other party wants to cause the illusion of Her Royal Highness committing suicide!" Helu said.

The sharpness in Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly burst out, and he immediately understood the other party's purpose of assassinating Alina.

Ussef wanted to marry Alina, but Alina was unwilling. She also said that she already had someone she liked. This made Usef very embarrassed. The royal family imprisoned Alina. If Alina died, and it was... If you commit suicide, what will be the result?

All I can say is that Usef drove Alina to death. She couldn't resist Usef, and she couldn't sleep with her beloved, so she could only commit suicide to protest.

What will happen to Usef? If the beloved woman dies, and she has the reputation of driving Elena to death, she will probably be furious, right?

Of course, if there is anger, it must be unleashed. The best target is Ji Wufeng, and he has no reason to let Ji Wufeng go.

This was specifically aimed at Ji Wufeng, and was intended to stir up hatred between Usev and Ji Wufeng. The conspiracy was so vicious!

You must know that Usef is already the God Lord of the Mountain of Gods, not just a successor like Qianye Yu and Lucas. There is a big difference between the two. He is definitely on the same level as Gu Tianyang adversary.

Ji Wufeng's first reaction was that this was Gu Tianyang's conspiracy again. This possibility was too great, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence? As soon as he arrived in Dongyang, news came that Gu Tianyang and Ye Linglong were getting married. Gu Mingyue was going to get married.

For the news about Sakura God, and the news that Usef is coming.

It's too much of a coincidence, as if it had been discussed long ago, but according to the news from Ji Qingzi and An Jiling, no masters from Sakura Temple have gone out recently. So who can have such a big deal?

Before, Ji Wufeng refused Alina's intervention because he didn't want to involve the British royal family. Now, it's better. The British royal family didn't involve it, but a more ruthless one came. The history of the Mountain of Gods is very long, and its strength is not inferior to that of the Heavenly Palace. Its foundation is even stronger. Probably still above the Holy Court.

In the chic courtyard, the three members of the Gu family sat together quietly. Facing Gu Yunfei's question, Gu Tianyang remained silent.

Be a beast?

It was such a humiliating topic, but Gu Tianyang knew that Gu Yunfei was right. Gu Yunfei was acting like a beast to attack his good brother. What about Gu Tianyang?

Gu Mingyue is not his biological sister, but the brother-sister relationship between the two is real. Wouldn't he use it in the same way?

"why do not you answer me?"

Gu Yunfei suddenly asked with a fierce look on his face: "Do you find it difficult to speak up? Do you think we are beasts? Are you ashamed?"

Why aren't you ashamed? Gu Tianyang was successful as a young man, and now he had to use such despicable methods. His arrogance was shattered, and he was in great pain!

"Not enough, this is far from enough, it's too far behind!" Gu Yunfei shook his head and said with a disappointed look on his face.

Gu Tianyang got angry and said, "Is it really still far behind?"

"if not?"

Gu Yunfei said with a sneer: "I've been waiting for you from the beginning. I've been waiting for a day, a month, three months, and now why are you willing to take action? What are you afraid of? Or are you saying Can’t you do it at all?”

Gu Tianyang was shocked and said, "You already knew?"

"Although your poison is colorless and odorless, you can't hide it from me."

Nie Juexian's expression suddenly changed. Gu Yunfei waved his hand and said, "But don't worry, I have indeed been poisoned."

"Why do you still drink it when you know it's poisonous?" Nie Juexian didn't believe it.

Gu Yunfei sighed and said: "It's almost fifty years, half a century, it's too long, I'm too tired, what he said is right, if you can't do it, then make way, someone will do better." .”

Gu Tianyang was silent again. The child Gu Yunfei was talking about was himself, a child who was only six years old. He tried hard to survive, walked on thin ice to become friends and brothers with his enemies, and then cruelly raised his butcher knife.

As long as he is still a living person, he will definitely have humanity. Does Gu Yunfei really have no humanity at all? Maybe he is gone now, but where is Gu Yunfei when he was a boy?

Didn't it really leave any trace in his heart when the brothers stood side by side and were in high spirits?

Gu Yunfei was in pain. The humanity hidden in his bones made him suffer, so he had to give up his humanity. A person who abandons his humanity will not feel guilty no matter what kind of evil things he does, and will he feel uneasy?

Therefore, he regarded Gu Tianyang as a tool, his children as tools, and everyone as tools. He would continue to use those that were valuable, and discard those that were worthless!

As long as the goal can be achieved, no matter what the price is, it is worth it!

But unfortunately, he failed in the end!

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