
Kagura Liuying knelt in front of Kagura Chiai and said: "I beg you to accept Brother Ji's proposal, because other than this, the Kagura family has no other way to survive."

This time, no one pounded the table or stool anymore. Their faces were full of sorrow and anger, because they knew that Kagura Liuying was telling the truth. The only way to avoid being exterminated by the Sakura Temple was to need the protection of a powerful person. .

But besides Ji Wufeng, who else is powerful enough to compete with the Sakura Temple? Loyalty to Ji Wufeng is the only hope for the Kagura family.

They rejected Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng also rejected them. Ji Wufeng had just said that they were not friends. If they were not friends, would they be enemies?

Gu Tianyang could destroy them, and Ji Wufeng could do the same. It was not that they had heard of Ji Wufeng's methods, and they could not beg Ji Wufeng to be so merciful to their methods.

Only Kagura Liuying and Ji Wufeng were left. Ji Wufeng did not speak, and Kagura Liuying did not dare to speak. She was not Ji Wufeng's opponent in the past, but she just felt the pressure, but now she cannot see through Ji Wufeng, but once Ji Wufeng Exposing her aura, she no longer felt just pressure, but deep fear.

"Aren't you willing to give in?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Kagura Liuying smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that I'm unwilling, it's just that I didn't expect it."

"What can you do even if you are willing? You know very well that I have been very kind to the Kagura family." Ji Wufeng said very rudely.

"I know, you could have showed up later!"

They appeared even later, even if it was just a few minutes. With the killing speed of the two powerful young men, how many people in the Kagura family could be left alive?

Will Ji Wufeng care? Of course he doesn't care, as long as the Kagura family still exists. What he needs is the Kagura family's influence in Dongyang, not the Kagura family's combat power.

Even if all the powerful members of the Kagura family died, he wouldn't care at all.

"What are you going to do next?" Kagura Liuying knew more clearly that if the Kagura family wanted to survive, they had to rely on Ji Wufeng.

"This is Gu Tianyang's home court. If I want to win, I must not let him take the advantage. Now that he has made a move, I must make it faster than him!"

Kagura Liuying was shocked and said: "Do you want to completely accept the three major families?"

"You think I can't do it?"

Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "Don't forget, just now the Kagura family declared their allegiance to me. I believe the other two families are not idiots either."

Kagura Liuying smiled bitterly. She understood what Ji Wufeng meant. He wanted to attack the three major families before Gu Tianyang. The other two families were no less arrogant than the Kagura family, so they would never compromise easily. Their Kagura Liukage has already foreseen the outcome.

After leaving Kagura's house, Nie Tianfeng, Shangguan Yao and Catherine were waiting there with eight dark paladins. Unexpectedly, Kagura Liuying knew Catherine and knew the existence of dark paladins, and was shocked.

This made her feel that being attacked by the Sakura Temple before was not a bad thing. At least she did not bear Ji Wufeng's blow, because these eight dark paladins were able to destroy the Kagura family without Ji Wufeng's action.

Although the three major families are powerful, they are still far behind the Holy Land-level forces and are not on the same level.


"What should we do next?" Catherine asked.

"I believe Gu Tianyang has received the news, so now we have to divide our forces into three groups to handle the matter as quickly as possible." Ji Wufeng said.

The Kagura family has been captured, and there are only two families left. Why should the army be divided into three groups?

Ji Wufeng asked Kagura Liuying: "You should know where the Sakura Temple is dedicated, right?"

"Are you going to the Sakura Temple?" Kagura Liuying and Catherine were both shocked.

The Sakura Temple is the ancestral hall of the Sakura Temple, which enshrines the ancestors of the Sakura Temple and those who have made outstanding contributions to the Sakura Temple. However, because of the influence of the Sakura Temple on Dongyang Wulin, the Sakura Temple is also regarded as a sacred place of worship by Dongyang Wulin. place.

The people enshrined in the temple are heroes to the Sakura Temple, but they are heinous people to the Chinese martial arts. Their achievements in the Sakura Temple were forged by the massacre of the Chinese martial arts people.

Not long ago, many people entered the Sakura Temple, and these people were all the executioners who killed many Chinese martial arts people in the Battle of Tongtian Peak.

"Catherine, I've left the Cao Pheasant family to you. I believe you can handle it well." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Catherine snorted coldly and left with the Dark Paladin.

Ji Wufeng said to Nie Tianfeng again: "Brother Tianfeng, take Ayao and take down the Baqi family as quickly as possible."

Nie Tianfeng nodded and left with Shangguan Yao. They were competing for time with Gu Tianyang.

The Sakura Temple is a sacred and inviolable place for the Dongyang Wulin, where their ancestors and heroes are enshrined, but for the Shenzhou Wulin, it is a filthy place full of sin and filth.

Ji Wufeng did not choose to go in directly, but took a taxi and rushed there slowly. In order to facilitate the worship of martial arts people, the Sakura Temple was not built in the Sakura Temple, but was built in a place where ordinary people can easily enter and exit. This will gather more incense.

After the taxi stopped, Ji Wufeng looked around and saw that it was a hundred-meter-high building with Buddhist characteristics and very similar to China in terms of religious beliefs.

There are many guards outside the Sakura Temple. In addition to the heavily armed security personnel targeting ordinary people, there are also many martial arts experts secretly. Ji Wufeng observed that there were four kingly warriors and two half-step saint realm experts. , and a strong man at the holy level.

If ordinary people cause trouble here, they will be immediately beaten into a hornet's nest by the security personnel. If a warrior breaks in, they will be immediately besieged by many experts.

It can be said that it is heavily guarded and has an iron wall!

As soon as Ji Wufeng and Kagura Liuying approached, security personnel immediately stepped forward to stop them and said, "Please show your IDs and we will undergo security inspection."

The tone of the security personnel was very polite. After all, Ji Wufeng was a bitch-looking, and Kagura Liuying was even more beautiful.

"Do you have to show your ID to come to this ruined temple?" Ji Wufeng said very unhappy.

The expressions of the two security guards changed because they heard Ji Wufeng speaking in Chinese and said in a deep voice: "This place is not open to Chinese people, please leave immediately!"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said nothing. Kagura Liuying knew that it was time for him to appear, so he stepped forward and showed his ID. The two security personnel did not recognize Kagura Liuying, but when they saw that the last name was Kagura, their faces were filled with respect. "grandfather."

Kagura Liuying knelt in front of Kagura Chiai and said: "I beg you to accept Brother Ji's proposal, because other than this, the Kagura family has no other way to survive."

This time, no one pounded the table or stool anymore. Their faces were full of sorrow and anger, because they knew that Kagura Liuying was telling the truth. The only way to avoid being exterminated by the Sakura Temple was to need the protection of a powerful person. .

But besides Ji Wufeng, who else is powerful enough to compete with the Sakura Temple? Loyalty to Ji Wufeng is the only hope for the Kagura family.

They rejected Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng also rejected them. Ji Wufeng had just said that they were not friends. If they were not friends, would they be enemies?

Gu Tianyang could destroy them, and Ji Wufeng could do the same. It was not that they had heard of Ji Wufeng's methods, and they could not beg Ji Wufeng to be so merciful to their methods.

Only Kagura Liuying and Ji Wufeng were left. Ji Wufeng did not speak, and Kagura Liuying did not dare to speak. She was not Ji Wufeng's opponent in the past, but she just felt the pressure, but now she cannot see through Ji Wufeng, but once Ji Wufeng Exposing her aura, she no longer felt just pressure, but deep fear.

"Aren't you willing to give in?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Kagura Liuying smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that I'm unwilling, it's just that I didn't expect it."

"What can you do even if you are willing? You know very well that I have been very kind to the Kagura family." Ji Wufeng said very rudely.

"I know, you could have showed up later!"

They appeared even later, even if it was just a few minutes. With the killing speed of the two powerful young men, how many people in the Kagura family could be left alive?

Will Ji Wufeng care? Of course he doesn't care, as long as the Kagura family still exists. What he needs is the Kagura family's influence in Dongyang, not the Kagura family's combat power.

Even if all the powerful members of the Kagura family died, he wouldn't care at all.

"What are you going to do next?" Kagura Liuying knew more clearly that if the Kagura family wanted to survive, they had to rely on Ji Wufeng.

"This is Gu Tianyang's home court. If I want to win, I must not let him take the advantage. Now that he has made a move, I must make it faster than him!"

Kagura Liuying was shocked and said: "Do you want to completely accept the three major families?"

"You think I can't do it?"

Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "Don't forget, just now the Kagura family declared their allegiance to me. I believe the other two families are not idiots either."

Kagura Liuying smiled bitterly. She understood what Ji Wufeng meant. He wanted to attack the three major families before Gu Tianyang. The other two families were no less arrogant than the Kagura family, so they would never compromise easily. Their Kagura Liukage has already foreseen the outcome.

After leaving Kagura's house, Nie Tianfeng, Shangguan Yao and Catherine were waiting there with eight dark paladins. Unexpectedly, Kagura Liuying knew Catherine and knew the existence of dark paladins, and was shocked.

This made her feel that being attacked by the Sakura Temple before was not a bad thing. At least she did not bear Ji Wufeng's blow, because these eight dark paladins were able to destroy the Kagura family without Ji Wufeng's action.

Although the three major families are powerful, they are still far behind the Holy Land-level forces and are not on the same level.


"What should we do next?" Catherine asked.

"I believe Gu Tianyang has received the news, so now we have to divide our forces into three groups to handle the matter as quickly as possible." Ji Wufeng said.

The Kagura family has been captured, and there are only two families left. Why should the army be divided into three groups?

Ji Wufeng asked Kagura Liuying: "You should know where the Sakura Temple is dedicated, right?"

"Are you going to the Sakura Temple?" Kagura Liuying and Catherine were both shocked.

The Sakura Temple is the ancestral hall of the Sakura Temple, which enshrines the ancestors of the Sakura Temple and those who have made outstanding contributions to the Sakura Temple. However, because of the influence of the Sakura Temple on Dongyang Wulin, the Sakura Temple is also regarded as a sacred place of worship by Dongyang Wulin. place.

The people enshrined in the temple are heroes to the Sakura Temple, but they are heinous people to the Chinese martial arts. Their achievements in the Sakura Temple were forged by the massacre of the Chinese martial arts people.

Not long ago, many people entered the Sakura Temple, and these people were all the executioners who killed many Chinese martial arts people in the Battle of Tongtian Peak.

"Catherine, I've left the Cao Pheasant family to you. I believe you can handle it well." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Catherine snorted coldly and left with the Dark Paladin.

Ji Wufeng said to Nie Tianfeng again: "Brother Tianfeng, take Ayao and take down the Baqi family as quickly as possible."

Nie Tianfeng nodded and left with Shangguan Yao. They were competing for time with Gu Tianyang.

The Sakura Temple is a sacred and inviolable place for the Dongyang Wulin, where their ancestors and heroes are enshrined, but for the Shenzhou Wulin, it is a filthy place full of sin and filth.

Ji Wufeng did not choose to go in directly, but took a taxi and rushed there slowly. In order to facilitate the worship of martial arts people, the Sakura Temple was not built in the Sakura Temple, but was built in a place where ordinary people can easily enter and exit. This will gather more incense.

After the taxi stopped, Ji Wufeng looked around and saw that it was a hundred-meter-high building with Buddhist characteristics and very similar to China in terms of religious beliefs.

There are many guards outside the Sakura Temple. In addition to the heavily armed security personnel targeting ordinary people, there are also many martial arts experts secretly. Ji Wufeng observed that there were four kingly warriors and two half-step saint realm experts. , and a strong man at the holy level.

If ordinary people cause trouble here, they will be immediately beaten into a hornet's nest by the security personnel. If a warrior breaks in, they will be immediately besieged by many experts.

It can be said that it is heavily guarded and has an iron wall!

As soon as Ji Wufeng and Kagura Liuying approached, security personnel immediately stepped forward to stop them and said, "Please show your IDs and we will undergo security inspection."

The tone of the security personnel was very polite. After all, Ji Wufeng was a bitch-looking, and Kagura Liuying was even more beautiful.

"Do you have to show your ID to come to this ruined temple?" Ji Wufeng said very unhappy.

The expressions of the two security guards changed because they heard Ji Wufeng speaking in Chinese and said in a deep voice: "This place is not open to Chinese people, please leave immediately!"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said nothing. Kagura Liuying knew that it was time for him to appear, so he stepped forward and showed his ID. The two security personnel did not recognize Kagura Liuying, but when they saw that the last name was Kagura, their faces were filled with respect.

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