Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1868 The Shame of China’s Wulin

"Miss Kagura, you can go in." The two security guards bowed respectfully to Kagura Liuying.

The three major families may not have as much influence in the world as the Sakura Temple, but they are still superior.

The two of them walked into the temple, even the basic security check was exempted because of Kagura Liuying's identity.

It was getting late, but there were still many people worshiping at the temple, most of them were martial arts people. Everyone's face was full of piety, and they showed infinite reverence to the temple's portraits and God's tablets!

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt endless evil aura, blood aura and resentment. He saw six long knives stuck across the temple hall, and those auras were emanating from these six swords.

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at the six swords, Kagura Liuying said: "These are the seven most famous swords in the Eastern martial arts. Each one is a magic weapon and has an extremely brilliant record."

Brilliant achievements? That is the enemy I have killed the most. No wonder these six knives are full of hostility. They have caused countless martial arts people in China to bleed. Because they drank too much blood, the souls of the dead under the swords are not dispersed, and the resentment is soaring. Demonic nature has appeared. .

In the Dongyang Wulin, the Seven Divine Swords are sacred weapons, but in Ji Wufeng's opinion, this is a shame to the Chinese Wulin!

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and he said, "Isn't it the Seven Divine Swords? Why are there only six of them? Where did the other one go?"

Kagura Liuying rolled his eyes at Ji Wufeng and said, "The name of that one is Muramasa. Where did you say it went?"


Ji Wufeng remembered that five years ago, Yingmu Ao went to China with a demon sword, but he took it away. After resolving his grievances, it turned into the sword Guiwei in his hand now. The demon sword seemed to be called Muramasa.

Directly under the Seven Divine Swords, there are some divine tablets. Ji Wufeng has never heard of any of them, but they are basically Qianye's surname.

"Who are these people?"

Kagura Liuying said: "These people are all people who have made great contributions to the Sakura Temple. Look at that Chiba Yuncen, the Sakura God of the previous generation, who fought in the Chinese martial arts more than 20 years ago and killed three holy realms with one person. The strong man, Qianye Kui, the master of Qianye Yuncen, killed four strong men in the holy realm in the Chinese martial arts world more than fifty years ago, and was thirteen strong men in the holy realm in half a step..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused, and murderous intent loomed. The so-called major contribution of these people was that they had killed many senior Chinese masters. He opened his palm and a magic sword flew into his hand.

In an instant, the magic sword trembled slightly, and overwhelming anger burst out. Ji Wufeng knew what this violent energy meant. They were the lonely souls who died under the sword back then, with overwhelming resentment that could not be wiped out.

Ji Wufeng gently stroked the blade and said: "Seniors, it won't be long before I take you back to China, and the fallen leaves will return to their roots."

"You bastard, put down the magic sword immediately!"

Ji Wufeng's actions were quickly discovered, and a group of security personnel rushed over with guns in their hands and murderous intent.

"What if I don't let him go?" Ji Wufeng said in a deep voice with murderous intention in his heart.

"Chinese people?"

The Chinese language spoken by Ji Wufeng immediately revealed his identity. The eyes of the security personnel were fierce. The other Dongyang people who came to worship were also furious and said: "What's going on? Those people outside are all Are you a loser? You actually let people from China sneak in!"

"Baga, put the knife down immediately!"

"Take your dirty hands away, you have defiled the divine sword and you will never be able to redeem it!"


In their hearts, the Seven Divine Swords are sacred weapons that cannot be desecrated and must not be touched at will.

A security guard raised his baton and hit Ji Wufeng on the head. Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he slapped him hard with a big mouth. The security guard flew out, spat out a mouthful of blood when he landed, and passed out.

"Asshole, kill him!"

A rapid siren sounded, and a large number of security personnel rushed in, raising their guns and pointing them at Ji Wufeng.

"Raise your hands immediately!" someone shouted sharply.

These security personnel are not ordinary security guards, they are all well-trained soldiers, and it can be seen from the murderous aura on their bodies.

When he saw the gun drawn out, he shouted viciously: "Why are you still dawdling? This Chinese man broke into the temple and defiled the divine sword. He will be executed immediately!"

The leader of the security personnel, with a murderous intent in his eyes, said coldly: "Kill on the spot!"


Under the gaze of a group of ferocious faces, sparks were ejected from the gun muzzle, and they seemed to have seen Ji Wufeng lying on the ground covered in blood.

But the moment sparks burst from the muzzle, Ji Wufeng disappeared. He disappeared in such a strange way. When he reappeared, Ji Wufeng had already appeared behind the leader of the security personnel, and pressed a palm on his head. On the head.

There was a cold edge in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he twisted it gently, just like twisting a Coke bottle.

There was a crisp sound!

The head of the leader of the security personnel rotated 180 degrees, and his body collapsed limply on the ground. His eyes were wide open, and there was an incredible look on his face. He was actually twisted without any reaction. neck.

The other security personnel were shocked. Their leader was not only an elite soldier, but also a warrior. He was killed so easily.

Everyone onlookers were also stunned. Just because Ji Wufeng's movements were too fast, everyone felt terrified and screamed: "Kill him quickly, shoot him together..."

Bang bang bang...

The security personnel immediately opened fire together, and Ji Wufeng's figure disappeared again, leaving an afterimage on the spot and rushing into the crowd. The security personnel were already crazy and no longer worried, aiming at Ji Wufeng's afterimage and shooting wildly.

But unfortunately, not only did they fail to injure a single hair of Ji Wufeng, those bullets instead hit the bodies of the onlookers, causing them to scream miserably. More than half of the onlookers were hit by stray bullets and died unjustly.

Ji Wufeng ducked in front of a guard and punched out. The guard's Tianling Gael was directly blown open, and blood and brains were sprayed everywhere.

It was so terrible that everyone felt the threat of death instantly.

The security personnel completely lost their minds and fired wildly with the guns in their hands. The onlookers who were watching the worship suffered a disaster, and many people were killed. The remaining people were frightened to the point of peeing, crying and running away, trying to escape from here. .

However, human legs cannot be faster than bullets. As soon as someone ran to the door, a bullet flew over and blew his head off. His body was lying at the door.

Kagura Liuying's body was trembling. In the past, she had stopped her, but now she didn't dare. She knew that Ji Wufeng was venting the anger in his heart. If she had stopped him, when Ji Wufeng actually took action, here would be I'm afraid there won't be a single living person left. "Miss Kagura, you can go in." The two security guards bowed respectfully to Kagura Liuying.

The three major families may not have as much influence in the world as the Sakura Temple, but they are still superior.

The two of them walked into the temple, even the basic security check was exempted because of Kagura Liuying's identity.

It was getting late, but there were still many people worshiping at the temple, most of them were martial arts people. Everyone's face was full of piety, and they showed infinite reverence to the temple's portraits and God's tablets!

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt endless evil aura, blood aura and resentment. He saw six long knives stuck across the temple hall, and those auras were emanating from these six swords.

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at the six swords, Kagura Liuying said: "These are the seven most famous swords in the Eastern martial arts. Each one is a magic weapon and has an extremely brilliant record."

Brilliant achievements? That is the enemy I have killed the most. No wonder these six knives are full of hostility. They have caused countless martial arts people in China to bleed. Because they drank too much blood, the souls of the dead under the swords are not dispersed, and the resentment is soaring. Demonic nature has appeared. .

In the Dongyang Wulin, the Seven Divine Swords are sacred weapons, but in Ji Wufeng's opinion, this is a shame to the Chinese Wulin!

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and he said, "Isn't it the Seven Divine Swords? Why are there only six of them? Where did the other one go?"

Kagura Liuying rolled his eyes at Ji Wufeng and said, "The name of that one is Muramasa. Where did you say it went?"


Ji Wufeng remembered that five years ago, Yingmu Ao went to China with a demon sword, but he took it away. After resolving his grievances, it turned into the sword Guiwei in his hand now. The demon sword seemed to be called Muramasa.

Directly under the Seven Divine Swords, there are some divine tablets. Ji Wufeng has never heard of any of them, but they are basically Qianye's surname.

"Who are these people?"

Kagura Liuying said: "These people are all people who have made great contributions to the Sakura Temple. Look at that Chiba Yuncen, the Sakura God of the previous generation, who fought in the Chinese martial arts more than 20 years ago and killed three holy realms with one person. The strong man, Qianye Kui, the master of Qianye Yuncen, killed four strong men in the holy realm in the Chinese martial arts world more than fifty years ago, and was thirteen strong men in the holy realm in half a step..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused, and murderous intent loomed. The so-called major contribution of these people was that they had killed many senior Chinese masters. He opened his palm and a magic sword flew into his hand.

In an instant, the magic sword trembled slightly, and overwhelming anger burst out. Ji Wufeng knew what this violent energy meant. They were the lonely souls who died under the sword back then, with overwhelming resentment that could not be wiped out.

Ji Wufeng gently stroked the blade and said: "Seniors, it won't be long before I take you back to China, and the fallen leaves will return to their roots."

"You bastard, put down the magic sword immediately!"

Ji Wufeng's actions were quickly discovered, and a group of security personnel rushed over with guns in their hands and murderous intent.

"What if I don't let him go?" Ji Wufeng said in a deep voice with murderous intention in his heart.

"Chinese people?"

The Chinese language spoken by Ji Wufeng immediately revealed his identity. The eyes of the security personnel were fierce. The other Dongyang people who came to worship were also furious and said: "What's going on? Those people outside are all Are you a loser? You actually let people from China sneak in!"

"Baga, put the knife down immediately!"

"Take your dirty hands away, you have defiled the divine sword and you will never be able to redeem it!"


In their hearts, the Seven Divine Swords are sacred weapons that cannot be desecrated and must not be touched at will.

A security guard raised his baton and hit Ji Wufeng on the head. Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he slapped him hard with a big mouth. The security guard flew out, spat out a mouthful of blood when he landed, and passed out.

"Asshole, kill him!"

A rapid siren sounded, and a large number of security personnel rushed in, raising their guns and pointing them at Ji Wufeng.

"Raise your hands immediately!" someone shouted sharply.

These security personnel are not ordinary security guards, they are all well-trained soldiers, and it can be seen from the murderous aura on their bodies.

When he saw the gun drawn out, he shouted viciously: "Why are you still dawdling? This Chinese man broke into the temple and defiled the divine sword. He will be executed immediately!"

The leader of the security personnel, with a murderous intent in his eyes, said coldly: "Kill on the spot!"


Under the gaze of a group of ferocious faces, sparks were ejected from the gun muzzle, and they seemed to have seen Ji Wufeng lying on the ground covered in blood.

But the moment sparks burst from the muzzle, Ji Wufeng disappeared. He disappeared in such a strange way. When he reappeared, Ji Wufeng had already appeared behind the leader of the security personnel, and pressed a palm on his head. On the head.

There was a cold edge in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he twisted it gently, just like twisting a Coke bottle.

There was a crisp sound!

The head of the leader of the security personnel rotated 180 degrees, and his body collapsed limply on the ground. His eyes were wide open, and there was an incredible look on his face. He was actually twisted without any reaction. neck.

The other security personnel were shocked. Their leader was not only an elite soldier, but also a warrior. He was killed so easily.

Everyone onlookers were also stunned. Just because Ji Wufeng's movements were too fast, everyone felt terrified and screamed: "Kill him quickly, shoot him together..."

Bang bang bang...

The security personnel immediately opened fire together, and Ji Wufeng's figure disappeared again, leaving an afterimage on the spot and rushing into the crowd. The security personnel were already crazy and no longer worried, aiming at Ji Wufeng's afterimage and shooting wildly.

But unfortunately, not only did they fail to injure a single hair of Ji Wufeng, those bullets instead hit the bodies of the onlookers, causing them to scream miserably. More than half of the onlookers were hit by stray bullets and died unjustly.

Ji Wufeng ducked in front of a guard and punched out. The guard's Tianling Gael was directly blown open, and blood and brains were sprayed everywhere.

It was so terrible that everyone felt the threat of death instantly.

The security personnel completely lost their minds and fired wildly with the guns in their hands. The onlookers who were watching the worship suffered a disaster, and many people were killed. The remaining people were frightened to the point of peeing, crying and running away, trying to escape from here. .

However, human legs cannot be faster than bullets. As soon as someone ran to the door, a bullet flew over and blew his head off. His body was lying at the door.

Kagura Liuying's body was trembling. In the past, she had stopped her, but now she didn't dare. She knew that Ji Wufeng was venting the anger in his heart. If she had stopped him, when Ji Wufeng actually took action, here would be I'm afraid there won't be a single living person left.

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