Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1873 Are you attracted to me?

Hardison suddenly had black lines all over his head. Do you think the whole world is full of brainless idiots?

As soon as he entered the door, someone came out to greet him. What he saw was a handsome and delicate young man, full of nobility. However, although there was a smile on his face, Ji Wufeng felt that this boy must not be holding back anything good.

On the other hand, the girl next to the young man looks very eye-catching. She has a slender figure, a standard Dongyang bun, a youthful and delicate face, and a small face that is as soft as tofu that can be broken by blowing. It makes people want to take a bite. .

And when this little girl looked at Ji Wufeng, her eyes were filled with enthusiasm and her expression was filled with excitement, just like a loyal fan who saw the idol he admired.

In this way, Ji Wufeng certainly felt very useful. How could a big shot like him not have fans when he appeared? And she also has beautiful fans.

"I think this must be the gambling king, Mr. Ji Wufeng, right?" The young man stepped forward and said enthusiastically.

"It's me, who are you?" Ji Wufeng showed his courtesy with a smile on his face.

Hardison stepped forward and introduced: "This is His Royal Highness Prince Mu Tianxiao Yu of Dongyang!"

"Ah, it turns out he is a prince, sorry." Ji Wufeng said pretending to be surprised.

"Mr. Ji Wufeng, please don't bully me. I know very well that Mr. Ji Wufeng never cares about the status of the prince in China." Mu Tianxiaoyu said.

Gu Tianyang was respected as the prince in China, but wasn't he still driven to Dongyang by Ji Wufeng like a bereaved dog?

"Prince, this is a bit flattering to me. Those fake princes are all called by others, but you are the real prince, it's different!" Ji Wufeng waved his hand quickly.

Hardison pointed at Mu Tianwanyu and said, "This is Her Royal Highness Princess Mu Tianwanyu!"

Ji Wufeng turned his head and said: "It turns out she is a princess. I never expected that Princess Wanyu would turn out to be a peerless beauty who has captivated the country!"

"Mr. Ji Wufeng...Hello!" Mu Tian Wanyu said very politely, but Ji Wufeng felt that the princess seemed to be very excited, so he just forced himself to stay calm.

Instantly, Ji Wufeng felt a sinister gaze, and even without looking back, he knew it was from that kid Mu Tianxiaoyu.

"His Royal Highness Usef and His Highness Princess Alina are coming inside. It's best not to keep them waiting," Mu Tianxiaoyu said.

The four of them walked through the garden and walked into the harem. The banquet was placed directly in the courtyard. Sitting on the huge dining table was a tall and tall guy with long golden hair down to his waist and a face as delicate and handsome as a knife. This guy The guy was putting vegetables on Alina's plate and said softly: "You have to eat more and don't make yourself too thin. I don't like thin women."

If it were anyone else, Ji Wufeng would definitely be moved by that man. Who doesn't like a slim figure these days? This guy let his woman eat like this. I really love him.

But Ji Wufeng's body exuded a sharp aura, and he clearly felt that when this guy was picking up food, a wisp of hostile energy had locked onto him.

"Mr. Ji, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Usef. Although it is the first time that we have met, we are both good friends. I believe that the two of us will become good friends." Mu Tianxiaoyu said with a look on his face He smiled enthusiastically.

Ji Wufeng looked at it

Mu Tianxiaoyu glanced at him, this guy is so unreasonable, Ussef had already announced in public that he wanted to kill him, and he still introduced it like this, where is He Xini?

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming, Alina's delicate body trembled slightly and she looked over, but Ji Wufeng looked over with a slight smile. Their eyes met, and Alina immediately calmed down.

"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." Usef patted Alina's shoulder gently, and then stood up. The sharp light in his eyes was like two sharp swords directed at Ji Wufeng.

"Ji Wufeng?"

Ji Wufeng looked directly into Usef's eyes without giving in at all, and said calmly: "Usef?"


Violent coercion burst out from Usef's body, pressing towards Ji Wufeng like a violent storm. The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed. Mu Tianxiaoyu and others who were relatively close all retreated, and the Dongyang guards responsible for safety immediately Rush out and protect Mu Tianxiaoyu and others in front.

These guards were all carefully selected, the strongest among the strong. However, faced with such terrible pressure, their faces turned pale and their teeth clenched. They felt as if a mountain was about to collapse, crush them, and shatter them into pieces.

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face and did not move at all. A domineering aura rose up from his body. In an instant, Ji Wufeng's body was like a mountain standing there. No matter how much pressure Usef slapped on his body, he could not shake it!

The two looked at each other, standing proudly, competing with each other in momentum!

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face, but there was a secret shock in his heart. He had never underestimated Usef. He became the God Lord of the Gods Mountain in his early thirties, which was enough to prove his strength.

But after actually getting in touch with him, he felt that he had underestimated Usef after all. His strength was still slightly higher than that of Gu Tianyang during the battle of Tongtian Peak.

There is no doubt, this is definitely a ridiculously powerful enemy!

The aura between the two of them was still rising. It was so terrifying that the royal guards were about to be unable to hold on.

"Your Highness, it's not safe here. Please leave immediately!" the guard leader said with a look of horror.

The auras on the two of them were so terrifying that once it broke out, not to mention the prince and princess who had no martial arts skills, even so-called masters like them would not be able to withstand it.

Suddenly, all the aura on Usef's body dissipated, and he laughed and said: "Haha... It's really extraordinary. It seems that this time I come eastward, it will be very meaningful."

"The Mountain of Gods is well-deserved!" Ji Wufeng exclaimed.

Turning to look at Alina, I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart, "Who the hell am I provoking?" Such an outrageously strong bastard appeared out of nowhere and wanted to cause trouble for me.

Alina's face was calm, but there was a trace of apology between her brows.

But what Ji Wufeng found strange was that when Mu Tian Wanyu looked at him, there was a hint of worry in her expression.

What's wrong with this little girl? We don’t know each other, why are you so worried about me? Could it be that you have a crush on me? It must be true. I am so gorgeous. How many girls in the world can escape my capture? Even the golden princess is no exception!

Relatively speaking, Mu Tianxiaoyu was far behind his sister. Although he did not run away, under the strong aura of the two of them just now, his face turned pale and he was trembling with fright. Seeing that the two did not fight in the end. , and then breathed a sigh of relief. Hardison suddenly had black lines all over his head. Do you think the whole world is full of brainless idiots?

As soon as he entered the door, someone came out to greet him. What he saw was a handsome and delicate young man, full of nobility. However, although there was a smile on his face, Ji Wufeng felt that this boy must not be holding back anything good.

On the other hand, the girl next to the young man looks very eye-catching. She has a slender figure, a standard Dongyang bun, a youthful and delicate face, and a small face that is as soft as tofu that can be broken by blowing. It makes people want to take a bite. .

And when this little girl looked at Ji Wufeng, her eyes were filled with enthusiasm and her expression was filled with excitement, just like a loyal fan who saw the idol he admired.

In this way, Ji Wufeng certainly felt very useful. How could a big shot like him not have fans when he appeared? And she also has beautiful fans.

"I think this must be the gambling king, Mr. Ji Wufeng, right?" The young man stepped forward and said enthusiastically.

"It's me, who are you?" Ji Wufeng showed his courtesy with a smile on his face.

Hardison stepped forward and introduced: "This is His Royal Highness Prince Mu Tianxiao Yu of Dongyang!"

"Ah, it turns out he is a prince, sorry." Ji Wufeng said pretending to be surprised.

"Mr. Ji Wufeng, please don't bully me. I know very well that Mr. Ji Wufeng never cares about the status of the prince in China." Mu Tianxiaoyu said.

Gu Tianyang was respected as the prince in China, but wasn't he still driven to Dongyang by Ji Wufeng like a bereaved dog?

"Prince, this is a bit flattering to me. Those fake princes are all called by others, but you are the real prince, it's different!" Ji Wufeng waved his hand quickly.

Hardison pointed at Mu Tianwanyu and said, "This is Her Royal Highness Princess Mu Tianwanyu!"

Ji Wufeng turned his head and said: "It turns out she is a princess. I never expected that Princess Wanyu would turn out to be a peerless beauty who has conquered the country!"

"Mr. Ji Wufeng...Hello!" Mu Tian Wanyu said very politely, but Ji Wufeng felt that the princess seemed to be very excited, so he just forced himself to stay calm.

Instantly, Ji Wufeng felt a sinister gaze, and even without looking back, he knew it was from that kid Mu Tianxiaoyu.

"His Royal Highness Usef and His Royal Highness Princess Alina are coming inside. It is best not to keep them waiting for a long time." Mu Tianxiaoyu said.

The four of them walked through the garden and walked into the harem. The banquet was placed directly in the courtyard. Sitting on the huge dining table was a tall and tall guy with long golden hair down to his waist and a face as delicate and handsome as a knife. This guy The guy was putting vegetables on Alina's plate and said softly: "You have to eat more and don't make yourself too thin. I don't like thin women."

If it were anyone else, Ji Wufeng would definitely be moved by that man. Who doesn't like a slim figure these days? This guy let his woman eat like this. I really love him.

But Ji Wufeng's body exuded a sharp aura, and he clearly felt that when this guy was picking up the vegetables, a wisp of hostile energy had locked onto him.

"Mr. Ji, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Usef. Although it is the first time that we have met, we are both good friends. I believe that the two of us will become good friends." Mu Tianxiaoyu said with a look on his face He smiled enthusiastically.

Ji Wufeng looked at it

Mu Tianxiaoyu glanced at him and said, this kid is so unreasonable. Usef has already announced in public that he wants to take his head, and he still introduces it like this, where is He Xini?

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming, Alina's delicate body trembled slightly and she looked over, but Ji Wufeng looked over with a slight smile. Their eyes met, and Alina immediately calmed down.

"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." Usef patted Alina's shoulder gently, and then stood up. The sharp light in his eyes was like two sharp swords directed at Ji Wufeng.

"Ji Wufeng?"

Ji Wufeng looked directly into Usef's eyes without giving in at all, and said calmly: "Ussef?"


Violent coercion burst out from Usef's body, pressing towards Ji Wufeng like a violent storm. The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed. Mu Tianxiaoyu and others who were relatively close all retreated, and the Dongyang guards responsible for safety immediately Rush out and protect Mu Tianxiaoyu and others in front.

These guards were all carefully selected, the strongest among the strong. However, faced with such terrible pressure, their faces turned pale and their teeth clenched. They felt as if a mountain was about to collapse, crush them, and shatter them into pieces.

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face and did not move at all. A domineering aura rose up from his body. In an instant, Ji Wufeng's body was like a mountain standing there. No matter how much pressure Usef slapped on his body, he could not shake it!

The two looked at each other, standing proudly, competing with each other in momentum!

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face, but there was a secret shock in his heart. He had never underestimated Usef. He became the God Lord of the Gods Mountain in his early thirties, which was enough to prove his strength.

But after actually getting in touch with him, he felt that he had underestimated Usef after all. His strength was still slightly higher than that of Gu Tianyang during the battle of Tongtian Peak.

There is no doubt, this is definitely a ridiculously powerful enemy!

The aura between the two of them was still rising. It was so terrifying that the royal guards were about to be unable to hold on.

"Your Highness, it's not safe here. Please leave immediately!" the guard leader said with a look of horror.

The auras on the two of them were so terrifying that once it broke out, not to mention the prince and princess who had no martial arts skills, even so-called masters like them would not be able to withstand it.

Suddenly, all the aura on Usef's body dissipated, and he laughed and said: "Haha... It's really extraordinary. It seems that this time I come eastward, it will be very meaningful."

"The Mountain of Gods is well-deserved!" Ji Wufeng exclaimed.

Turning to look at Alina, I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart, "Who the hell am I provoking?" Such an outrageously strong bastard appeared out of nowhere and wanted to cause trouble for me.

Alina's face was calm, but there was a trace of apology between her brows.

But what Ji Wufeng found strange was that when Mu Tian Wanyu looked at him, there was a hint of worry in her expression.

What's wrong with this little girl? We don’t know each other, why are you so worried about me? Could it be that you have a crush on me? It must be true. I am so gorgeous. How many girls in the world can escape my capture? Even the golden princess is no exception!

Relatively speaking, Mu Tianxiaoyu was far behind his sister. Although he did not run away, under the strong aura of the two of them just now, his face turned pale and he was trembling with fright. Seeing that the two did not fight in the end. , and then breathed a sigh of relief.

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