"Haha, you two are both outstanding men of a generation. It's a blessing to be able to cherish each other like this. Let me toast you two!" Mu Tianxiaoyu raised the wine glass in his hand after trying to calm himself down.

"It's hard to find an opponent, so I must drink this wine."

Usef raised his wine glass with a smile on his face and said to Ji Wufeng, "I think Brother Ji won't mind having a drink with me, right?"

"It's what I asked for."

Ji Wufeng said very cheerfully: "It is a blessing in life to be able to drink with you, but it seems that there is no place for me here, and my wine glass is not prepared."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Mu Tian Xiaoyu with a playful smile.

This guy is so ungrateful. You invited me to drink. There is no place or glass. Do you want to drink from your uncle?

"I didn't greet you well and neglected Brother Ji. Please forgive me and come!"

The person who spoke was Mu Tian Wanyu. After the location and wine glasses were arranged, Mu Tian Wanyu came over and said, "If you were disrespectful, I will pour the wine. You should apologize."


Ji Wufeng burst out laughing and said, "How dare I bother Her Majesty the Princess to pour the wine in person? It's really shameful."

But Mu Tian Wanyu smiled and shook her head: "Friends don't care about their status, and it is natural to pour wine for friends. Doesn't Brother Ji want to make Wanyu a friend?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly took a turn in his mind. Want to make friends with me? What is this little girl planning?

I have killed many masters in Dongyang. As a princess, even if you are not hostile to me, you should reject me. Now you are trying to get close to me. Are you crazy?

Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "How could it be possible? It would be a great honor for me to be a good friend of Her Royal Highness Princess Wanyu!"

After the wine was filled, Mu Tian Wanyu stepped back and gave the space to the three men.

"Come on, do it!"

The three of them drank the wine together. Usef wiped his mouth and said, "Drinking makes you a friend. If a friend wants your head, you won't be angry, right?"

Everyone was immediately shocked. Although Usef had long threatened to chop off Ji Wufeng's head, no one expected that he would say it in front of Ji Wufeng. Was this because he was going to break up after just meeting?

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "My view of friends is different from yours. Since we are friends, we should drink heavily together, eat big chunks of meat, and pick up the most beautiful horses. If we kill each other, we are no longer friends!"

Usef smacked his lips, thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It makes sense, but it's a pity that we can't be friends anymore."

"If you want to be friends with someone, but also want someone else's head, you can't have all the good things in the world by yourself, right?" Ji Wufeng said without being polite at all.

"Haha, that's right. I can't take advantage of all the good things in the world by myself."

Mu Tianxiaoyu was so frightened that he almost cried, and said: "Are you two serious? We are the same as the dragon and the phoenix in the world. We should cherish each other. Why are you talking about beheading? You can't say it, you can't say it."

It doesn't have much to do with him whether the two people fight or whether to behead them. He just hopes that the two of them will change places and not demolish the palace, as long as it affects him.

"Prince Xiaoyu, please don't worry, I won't kill him today!"

Usef turned his head and glanced at Alina, and said: "I heard that Brother Ji is not only unparalleled in martial arts, but also has superb gambling skills. If he doesn't learn from it, wouldn't he?"

What a pity? "

Ji Wufeng understood what Usef meant. It was easy to get a woman's body, just press the bully on the ground and use his bow.

But it is not easy to conquer a woman.

He wants to defeat Ji Wufeng in all aspects, and he wants to prove to Alina that he is stronger than Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng is not worthy of stealing women from him!

Another extremely arrogant guy!

"Indeed, it would be a pity if we couldn't compete." Ji Wufeng said very cheerfully.

Since there must be a gap, no matter what Usef does, Ji Wufeng must follow.

"It's wonderful. Since we are competing against the King of Gamblers, bets are inevitable." Usef said.


"Since I'm here for the beauty, how about we let the beauty make the decision?"

The beauty calls the shots? What beauty? Of course she is talking about Alina, and she is also a peerless beauty!

"If I lose, will I withdraw from the pursuit of Princess Alina?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"That's right!"

"If I quit my pursuit of Alina's princess, will you let me go?"

Usef shook his head and said: "No, there is a saying in China that is very reasonable. If you say something out, you can't take it back. I said I want to chop off your head, so I must chop you off." head of!"

Ji Wufeng was furious. He jumped up and pointed at Usef's nose and cursed: "Then why the hell should I bet with you? If you win or lose, you will chop off my head. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am a fool?" Would you agree to such an unfair bet? Do you have shit in your head? Otherwise, why would you make such a request? You..."

Except for Alina and Hardison, everyone in the audience was shocked. Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were open enough to fill a basket of eggs.

They all know Ji Wufeng's identity. He is the youth supreme in China. Even if he is hostile to Dongyang Wulin, he is definitely a hero of the generation!

But this guy who is jumping up and down, foaming at the mouth and swearing like a shrew, doesn't have any heroic demeanor at all?

"You're looking for death!" Usef's body was filled with cold murderous intent.

Usef, the Lord of the Holy Land, a being who transcends imperial power, is now being spitted on and yelled at with his nose pointed at him. This is too unimaginable.

"Are you angry? You want to kill me? But don't you just want to kill me in the first place? Why don't you come and do me if you dare!" Ji Wufeng raised his middle finger at Usef, his expression full of disdain.

Everyone had black lines on their heads, but the Alina brother and sister had smiles on their faces. They were too familiar with Ji Wufeng, and the scene in front of them would not surprise them in the slightest.

"Do I agree with our bet?" Usef said coldly.

"I disagree!" Ji Wufeng said cheerfully.

"Are you afraid of losing?" Usef said with a mocking look on his face.

"I'm afraid of your uncle!"

With an angry look on his face, Ji Wufeng pointed at Alina and said: "You said you love her, why the hell didn't you see that you loved her at all? That idiot put his beloved woman on the gambling table as a bet? That kind of thing People are not men, they are not even human beings in our country, they are scum and scum!"

"She is a person, she will not belong to anyone, because she only belongs to herself, and no one is qualified to use her as a bet!" "Haha, both of them are outstanding people of their generation. It is really a blessing to be able to cherish each other like this. Let me toast you two!" After Mu Tianxiaoyu tried to calm down, he raised the wine glass in his hand.

"It's hard to find an opponent, so I must drink this wine."

Usef raised his wine glass with a smile on his face and said to Ji Wufeng, "I think Brother Ji won't mind having a drink with me, right?"

"It's what I asked for."

Ji Wufeng said very cheerfully: "It is a blessing in life to be able to drink with you, but it seems that there is no place for me here, and my wine glass is not prepared."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Mu Tian Xiaoyu with a playful smile.

This guy is so ungrateful. You invited me to drink. There is no place or glass. Do you want to drink from your uncle?

"I didn't greet you well and neglected Brother Ji. Please forgive me and come!"

The person who spoke was Mu Tian Wanyu. After the location and wine glasses were arranged, Mu Tian Wanyu came over and said, "If you were disrespectful, I will pour the wine. You should apologize."


Ji Wufeng burst out laughing and said, "How dare I bother Her Majesty the Princess to pour the wine in person? It's really shameful."

But Mu Tian Wanyu smiled and shook her head: "Friends don't care about their status, and it is natural to pour wine for friends. Doesn't Brother Ji want to make Wanyu a friend?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly took a turn in his mind. Want to make friends with me? What is this little girl planning?

I have killed many masters in Dongyang. As a princess, even if you are not hostile to me, you should reject me. Now you are trying to get close to me. Are you crazy?

Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "How could it be possible? It would be a great honor for me to be a good friend of Her Royal Highness Princess Wanyu!"

After the wine was filled, Mu Tian Wanyu stepped back and gave the space to the three men.

"Come on, do it!"

The three of them drank the wine together. Usef wiped his mouth and said, "Drinking wine makes you a friend. If a friend wants your head, you won't be angry, right?"

Everyone was immediately shocked. Although Usef had long threatened to chop off Ji Wufeng's head, no one expected that he would say it in front of Ji Wufeng. Was this because he was going to break up after just meeting?

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "My view of friends is different from yours. Since we are friends, we should drink heavily together, eat big chunks of meat, and pick up the most beautiful horses. If we kill each other, we are no longer friends!"

Usef smacked his lips, thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It makes sense, but it's a pity that we can't be friends anymore."

"If you want to be friends with someone, but also want someone else's head, you can't have all the good things in the world by yourself, right?" Ji Wufeng said without being polite at all.

"Haha, that's right. I can't take advantage of all the good things in the world by myself."

Mu Tianxiaoyu was so frightened that he almost cried, and said: "Are you two serious? We are the same as the dragon and the phoenix in the world. We should cherish each other. Why are you talking about beheading? You can't say it, you can't say it."

It doesn't have much to do with him whether the two people fight or whether to behead them. He just hopes that the two of them will change places and not demolish the palace, as long as it affects him.

"Prince Xiaoyu, please don't worry, I won't kill him today!"

Usef turned his head and glanced at Alina, and said: "I heard that Brother Ji is not only unparalleled in martial arts, but also has superb gambling skills. If he doesn't learn from it, wouldn't he?"

What a pity? "

Ji Wufeng understood what Usef meant. It was easy to get a woman's body, just press the bully on the ground and use his bow.

But it is not easy to conquer a woman.

He wants to defeat Ji Wufeng in all aspects, and he wants to prove to Alina that he is stronger than Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng is not worthy of stealing women from him!

Another extremely arrogant guy!

"Indeed, it would be a pity if we couldn't compete." Ji Wufeng said very cheerfully.

Since there must be a gap, no matter what Usef does, Ji Wufeng must follow.

"It's wonderful. Since we are competing against the King of Gamblers, bets are inevitable." Usef said.


"Since I'm here for the beauty, how about we let the beauty make the decision?"

The beauty calls the shots? What beauty? Of course she is talking about Alina, and she is also a peerless beauty!

"If I lose, will I withdraw from the pursuit of Princess Alina?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"That's right!"

"If I quit my pursuit of Alina's princess, will you let me go?"

Usef shook his head and said: "No, there is a saying in China that is very reasonable. If you say something out, you can't take it back. I said I want to chop off your head, so I must chop you off." head of!"

Ji Wufeng was furious. He jumped up and pointed at Usef's nose and cursed: "Then why the hell should I bet with you? If you win or lose, you will chop off my head. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am a fool?" Would you agree to such an unfair bet? Do you have shit in your head? Otherwise, why would you make such a request? You..."

Except for Alina and Hardison, everyone in the audience was shocked. Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were open enough to fill a basket of eggs.

They all know Ji Wufeng's identity. He is the youth supreme in China. Even if he is hostile to Dongyang Wulin, he is definitely a hero of the generation!

But this guy who is jumping up and down, foaming at the mouth and swearing like a shrew, doesn't have any heroic demeanor at all?

"You're looking for death!" Usef's body was filled with cold murderous intent.

Usef, the Lord of the Holy Land, a being who transcends imperial power, is now being spitted on and yelled at with his nose pointed at him. This is too unimaginable.

"Are you angry? You want to kill me? But don't you just want to kill me in the first place? Why don't you come and do me if you dare!" Ji Wufeng raised his middle finger at Usef, his expression full of disdain.

Everyone had black lines on their heads, but the Alina brother and sister had smiles on their faces. They were too familiar with Ji Wufeng, and the scene in front of them would not surprise them in the slightest.

"Do I agree with our bet?" Usef said coldly.

"I disagree!" Ji Wufeng said cheerfully.

"Are you afraid of losing?" Usef said with a mocking look on his face.

"I'm afraid of your uncle!"

With an angry look on his face, Ji Wufeng pointed at Alina and said: "You said you love her, why the hell didn't you see that you loved her at all? That idiot put his beloved woman on the gambling table as a bet? That kind of thing People are not men, they are not even human beings in our country, they are scum and scum!"

"She is a person, she will not belong to anyone, because she only belongs to herself, and no one is qualified to use her as a bet!"

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