Mu Tian Wanyu and Ji Qingzi naturally had a deep conversation when they met, but they did not delay for too long. They both knew that Ji Wufeng should have something very important to do now.

With Ji Qingzi by her side, Mu Tian Wanyu seemed to have more confidence, saying: "If you want to succeed, Mu Tian Xiaoyu must handle it properly."

If Mu Tian Wanyu wants to become the female emperor, then Mu Tian Wanyu must be eliminated, and she must be dealt with properly so that the whole Dongyang will be convinced and no gossip will be allowed.

Moreover, Mu Tianxiaoyu's evil deeds cannot be publicized under any circumstances. If the royal family wants to regain real power, it must maintain its image in the eyes of the people.

"Hmph, just kill this kind of beast, what else can be done?" Ji Qingzi snorted coldly.

She herself had a similar experience and naturally hated Mu Tian Xiaoyu deeply, but she was luckier than Mu Tian Wanyu and met Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng sneered: "If he dies like this, it will only be easier for him. I will make him suffer even more than death!"

Mu Tian Wanyu hesitated to speak, but Ji Qingzi, who knew her well, said angrily: "Wanyu, are you still thinking about the relationship between brother and sister in your heart? Is such a beast worth your pity for him?"

"But he is always my only relative."

Mu Tian Wanyu hated Mu Tian Xiaoyu, but as she said, he was always her only relative. It was difficult for her to be cruel with her kind heart.

"He treats you as a relative..." Ji Qingzi was angry.

Ji Wufeng interrupted Ji Qingzi and said, "Don't worry, I will spare his life when the time comes and leave it to you to deal with."

Mu Tian Xiaoyu was brought in, and when he saw Mu Tian Wanyu, he cursed viciously, saying: "Mu Tian Wanyu, you bitch, you dare to do this to me, let me go quickly, or I want you Life is worse than death..."


Ji Qingzi couldn't stand listening anymore, so she rushed over and slapped Mu Tianxiaoyu on the face with a big mouth, so hard that Mu Tianxiaoyu's mouth was filled with blood.

"Wanyu, you have seen that this kind of inhuman beast does not deserve your sympathy at all." Ji Qingzi pointed at Mu Tianxiaoyu and said to Mu Tianwanyu.

There was pain in Mu Tian Wanyu's eyes. She thought about the last trace of family affection, but Mu Tian Xiaoyu's words just now completely wiped out the last trace of hope in her heart.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you, no, I won't kill you, I'm going to make your life worse than death..." Mu Tianxiaoyu roared.

Ji Wufeng sneered: "I have seen idiots, but I have never seen an idiot like you. You are so arrogant even when you are about to die?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu gritted his teeth and said: "You are about to die, right? Don't forget, now you have become a useless person, Gu Tianyang will not let you go, if you kneel down to me now and admit your mistake, swear Be my slave, and maybe I will beg Gu Tianyang to spare your life!"

"You took me in privately, do you think Gu Tianyang will let you go?" Ji Wufeng said.

Mu Tianxiaoyu said proudly: "Of course, don't forget, after all, he is still from China. If he wants to completely control Dongyang, he needs a spokesperson. I am his best choice, even if he knows that I will not do anything to him." He is loyal, and as long as I pose no threat to him, he is worth using.

, naturally they won’t kill me. "

No wonder Mu Tianxiaoyu was so confident. He had originally planned to be Gu Tianyang's dog, but he was right. After all, Gu Tianyang was from China. If he wanted to control Dongyang, he had to find a spokesperson.

Qianye Yu is the spokesperson of Dongyang Lin, and as a prince, Mu Tianxiaoyu is the most suitable puppet in the world. He does still have a lot of value to Gu Tianyang.

"You are valuable to him, and it is indeed possible to keep you, but you are of little value to me." Ji Wufeng said with a cold look in his eyes.

Mu Tianxiaoyu was stunned for a moment and said, "If you dare to kill me, Gu Tianyang will definitely not let you go."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "You are called an idiot, but you still feel wronged. Is there any possibility of resolving the grudge between me and Gu Tianyang? If I don't kill you, will he let me go?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu was immediately dumbfounded. Yes, the hatred between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang was endless, but he still used Gu Tianyang to threaten Ji Wufeng. What else could he be if he wasn't an idiot?

" can't kill me yet. Now you are a useless person. Gu Tianyang will not let you go. Only I can save you." Mu Tianxiaoyu finally panicked.

"Can you save me? A waste like you is qualified to say such things to me?" Ji Wufeng sneered.

Mu Tianxiaoyu knew that Ji Wufeng had murderous intentions, so he knelt down in front of Ji Wufeng and said: "Don't... don't kill me. I am the prince and the future emperor of Dongyang. Please spare me..."

Ji Wufeng was a little depressed. Mu Tianxiaoyu was still a prince anyway, why was he so weak-minded?

"Wanyu, now I will hand him over to you, and you will decide his life or death!" Ji Wufeng said.

When Mu Tian Xiaoyu, a weakling, heard that his life and death was actually in the hands of Mu Tian Wanyu, he immediately changed his direction and fell at Mu Tian Wanyu's feet, saying: "Wanyu, Wanyu, please let me go." I am your brother, your biological brother, and your only relative now. If I die, how can you treat your father and the queen?"

Mu Tian Wanyu had completely given up on Mu Tian Xiaoyu. After hearing his words, her face instantly turned full of resentment and said, "You still have the nerve to mention your father and mother to me? Have you forgotten what you did to your father?" What? Have you forgotten what you and your mother have done?"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu knew that his crime was unpardonable, so he kowtowed directly in front of Mu Tian Wanyu and cried: "Wanyu, sister, I already know that I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. Please forgive me." Me, I will never dare to do it again, I am your last relative..."

Mu Tian Wanyu, however, looked indifferent and said, "Have you really ever considered me your relative?"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu saw that Mu Tian Wanyu had completely given up on him, and his expression was full of sternness, and he said: "Bitch, even if I die, you won't be easy. Do you still remember those videos? I promise, as long as I As soon as he dies, those videos will be uploaded to the Internet immediately. Think about it, a noble and pure princess is so dirty and mean behind the scenes..."

Mu Tian Wanyu's face suddenly changed. Mu Tian Xiaoyu was a pervert. He not only abused himself as a slave, but also made many videos. Once these videos were leaked, it would be worse than killing Mu Tian. Wanyu is even scarier!

"You... bastard, beast, I'm going to kill you!" Mu Tian Wanyu and Ji Qingzi naturally had a deep conversation when they met, but they didn't delay for too long. They both knew that Ji Wufeng should have something very important now. Things to do.

With Ji Qingzi by her side, Mu Tian Wanyu seemed to have more confidence, saying: "If you want to succeed, Mu Tian Xiaoyu must handle it properly."

If Mu Tian Wanyu wants to become the female emperor, then Mu Tian Wanyu must be eliminated, and she must be dealt with properly so that the whole Dongyang will be convinced and no gossip will be allowed.

Moreover, Mu Tianxiaoyu's evil deeds cannot be publicized under any circumstances. If the royal family wants to regain real power, it must maintain its image in the eyes of the people.

"Hmph, just kill this kind of beast, what else can be done?" Ji Qingzi snorted coldly.

She herself had a similar experience and naturally hated Mu Tian Xiaoyu deeply, but she was luckier than Mu Tian Wanyu and met Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng sneered: "If he dies like this, it will only be easier for him. I will make him suffer even more than death!"

Mu Tian Wanyu hesitated to speak, but Ji Qingzi, who knew her well, said angrily: "Wanyu, are you still thinking about the relationship between brother and sister in your heart? Is such a beast worth your pity for him?"

"But he is always my only relative."

Mu Tian Wanyu hated Mu Tian Xiaoyu, but as she said, he was always her only relative. It was difficult for her to be cruel with her kind heart.

"He treats you as a relative..." Ji Qingzi was angry.

Ji Wufeng interrupted Ji Qingzi and said, "Don't worry, I will spare his life when the time comes and leave it to you to deal with."

Mu Tian Xiaoyu was brought in, and when he saw Mu Tian Wanyu, he cursed viciously, saying: "Mu Tian Wanyu, you bitch, you dare to do this to me, let me go quickly, or I want you Life is worse than death..."


Ji Qingzi couldn't stand listening anymore, so she rushed over and slapped Mu Tianxiaoyu on the face with a big mouth, so hard that Mu Tianxiaoyu's mouth was filled with blood.

"Wanyu, you have seen that this kind of inhuman beast does not deserve your sympathy at all." Ji Qingzi pointed at Mu Tianxiaoyu and said to Mu Tianwanyu.

There was pain in Mu Tian Wanyu's eyes. She thought about the last trace of family affection, but Mu Tian Xiaoyu's words just now completely wiped out the last trace of hope in her heart.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you, no, I won't kill you, I'm going to make your life worse than death..." Mu Tianxiaoyu roared.

Ji Wufeng sneered: "I have seen idiots, but I have never seen an idiot like you. You are so arrogant even when you are about to die?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu gritted his teeth and said: "You are about to die, right? Don't forget, now you have become a useless person, Gu Tianyang will not let you go, if you kneel down to me now and admit your mistake, swear Be my slave, and maybe I will beg Gu Tianyang to spare your life!"

"You took me in privately, do you think Gu Tianyang will let you go?" Ji Wufeng said.

Mu Tianxiaoyu said proudly: "Of course, don't forget, after all, he is still from China. If he wants to completely control Dongyang, he needs a spokesperson. I am his best choice, even if he knows that I will not do anything to him." He is loyal, and as long as I pose no threat to him, he is worth using.

, naturally they won’t kill me. "

No wonder Mu Tianxiaoyu was so confident. He had originally planned to be Gu Tianyang's dog, but he was right. After all, Gu Tianyang was from China. If he wanted to control Dongyang, he had to find a spokesperson.

Qianye Yu is the spokesperson of Dongyang Lin, and as a prince, Mu Tianxiaoyu is the most suitable puppet in the world. He does still have a lot of value to Gu Tianyang.

"You are valuable to him, and it is indeed possible to keep you, but you are of little value to me." Ji Wufeng said with a cold look in his eyes.

Mu Tianxiaoyu was stunned for a moment and said, "If you dare to kill me, Gu Tianyang will definitely not let you go."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "You are called an idiot, but you still feel wronged. Is there any possibility of resolving the grudge between me and Gu Tianyang? If I don't kill you, will he let me go?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu was immediately dumbfounded. Yes, the hatred between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang was endless, but he still used Gu Tianyang to threaten Ji Wufeng. What else could he be if he wasn't an idiot?

" can't kill me yet. Now you are a useless person. Gu Tianyang will not let you go. Only I can save you." Mu Tianxiaoyu finally panicked.

"Can you save me? A waste like you is qualified to say such things to me?" Ji Wufeng sneered.

Mu Tianxiaoyu knew that Ji Wufeng had murderous intentions, so he knelt down in front of Ji Wufeng and said: "Don't... don't kill me. I am the prince and the future emperor of Dongyang. Please spare me..."

Ji Wufeng was a little depressed. Mu Tianxiaoyu was still a prince anyway, why was he so weak-minded?

"Wanyu, now I will hand him over to you, and you will decide his life or death!" Ji Wufeng said.

When Mu Tian Xiaoyu, a weakling, heard that his life and death was actually in the hands of Mu Tian Wanyu, he immediately changed his direction and fell at Mu Tian Wanyu's feet, saying: "Wanyu, Wanyu, please let me go." I am your brother, your biological brother, and your only relative now. If I die, how can you treat your father and the queen?"

Mu Tian Wanyu had completely given up on Mu Tian Xiaoyu. After hearing his words, her face instantly turned full of resentment and said, "You still have the nerve to mention your father and mother to me? Have you forgotten what you did to your father?" What? Have you forgotten what you and your mother have done?"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu knew that his crime was unpardonable, so he kowtowed directly in front of Mu Tian Wanyu and cried: "Wanyu, sister, I already know that I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. Please forgive me." Me, I will never dare to do it again, I am your last relative..."

Mu Tian Wanyu, however, looked indifferent and said, "Have you really ever considered me your relative?"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu saw that Mu Tian Wanyu had completely given up on him, and his expression was full of sternness, and he said: "Bitch, even if I die, you won't be easy. Do you still remember those videos? I promise, as long as I As soon as he dies, those videos will be uploaded to the Internet immediately. Think about it, a noble and pure princess is so dirty and mean behind the scenes..."

Mu Tian Wanyu's face suddenly changed. Mu Tian Xiaoyu was a pervert. He not only abused himself as a slave, but also made many videos. Once these videos were leaked, it would be worse than killing Mu Tian. Wanyu is even scarier!

"You...bastard, beast, I'm going to kill you!"

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