Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1894 Controlling the Chiba Family

Ji Qingzi was so furious that he rushed over and punched and kicked Mu Tianxiaoyu. Mu Tianxiaoyu finally gave up and said in a ferocious voice with blood on his face: "Kill, kill me, just kill me. The video will be automatically uploaded to the Internet, bitch, haha... Even if I die, you will be damned."

Mu Tian Xiaoyu is really a beast, with no humanity at all. He is on the verge of death, but he still doesn't let Mu Tian Wanyu go.

But if those videos were really leaked, the damage to Mu Tian Wanyu would be too deep. If Ji Wufeng really cared about Mu Tian Wanyu, he really couldn't kill Mu Tian Xiaoyu.

"Do you think I won't dare to touch you? Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being." Ji Wufeng said.

When Mu Tianxiaoyu heard what Ji Wufeng said, he immediately became arrogant again and said with a proud smile: "That's right. As long as I'm good, hello everyone, if you know each other better, agree to be my slave and my dog." , I might even find a way to save your lives."

As he said that, he looked at Ji Qingzi with a lustful look on his face.

Ji Wufeng laughed, but his smile was very cold, and said: "Since I said I won't kill you, you won't die for the time being, but you seemed to be talking about dogs just now, and now I really want to know what it would be like for a prince to turn into a dog. !”

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, there was a trace of black energy in his eyes. He slapped Mu Tianxiaoyu on the head with his palm. Black energy emerged from his five fingers and penetrated into Mu Tianxiaoyu's seven orifices. Mu Tianxiaoyu immediately let out an inhuman and tragic howl. Screaming, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

However, the pain disappeared quickly. Mu Tianxiaoyu fell to the ground with a twisted face, and said with a horrified expression: "What did you do?"

"Lie down on the ground and learn how to bark!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

"How dare you..." Mu Tianxiaoyu was angry.

A trace of black light appeared in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and Mu Tianxiaoyu immediately twitched all over. His body seemed to be gnawed by countless insects, and his soul seemed to be torn to pieces. It was not a pain that a human being could bear.

"As a prince, you should have heard of the Demonic Root Seed of the Demon Sect. From now on, I can torture you anytime I want. If I want you to die, you can't live. If I want you to live, you can't die. I If you die, the Demonic Root Seed will automatically attack, and you will be eaten away bit by bit and turned into blood. During this time, you will be alive and conscious, and you will be able to feel everything!"

Ji Wufeng felt that it would be too cheap to kill a beast like Mu Tianxiaoyu. Such a scumbag would not be tolerated if he was not tortured!

" hurts so much. Stop, stop quickly, ah..." Mu Tianxiaoyu rolled on the ground desperately. Because he was in too much pain, his face became distorted and the muscles all over his body twitched crazily.

"What did I say just now, did you forget it?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Woof woof woof... woof woof woof... please spare me, it's so painful... woof woof woof..."

Mu Tianxiaoyu screamed and knelt on the ground to imitate the barking of a dog. Now let alone let him imitate the barking of a dog, even if he was asked to stab himself with a knife, he would not hesitate at all.

Now that Mu Tianxiaoyu compromised, Ji Wufeng stopped, but this kid's endurance was so poor that he fainted as soon as he relaxed.

After someone dragged Mu Tianxiaoyu down, Ji Wufeng turned to Ji Qingzi and said, "I need you to do something about the Qianye family next."


What do you want me to do? "Ji Qingzi's eyes were bright. She had always wanted to do something for Ji Wufeng, but she just didn't have the chance.

"I want you to control the Qianye family!" Ji Wufeng said.

Although Kiharuko was born in the Chiba family, she has no feelings for the Chiba family at all. On the contrary, she only has endless resentment. Her mother lived a life worse than a pig or dog in the Chiba family, and she was also trained to be a tool.

If she hadn't met Ji Wufeng, she would either have become a bargaining chip for the Qianye family to exchange interests, or become a plaything of the Qianye family. Although the Qianye family is her home, it is a devil's cave and the source of all evil in her heart.

Chiba Shige is a name that has been around for a long time, but he was once a man of great influence.

In addition to sending talents to the Sakura Temple, the Qianye family also needs people at the helm, who spare no effort to train them. The most outstanding one was Qianye Ming, who even made Ji Wufeng suffer a lot. His level of surprise is not necessarily as impressive as that of Gu Tianyang and others. How inferior the flow is.

In the Qianye family, under Qianye Ming, the most outstanding one is Qianye Zhong.

The first time Ji Wufeng met him was at the International Gambling King Competition. Qianye Zhong represented the Qianye family, and he was also Ji Qingzi's half-brother.

At that time, Ji Wufeng didn't pay much attention to Qianye Zhong, but this kid also caused some trouble for Ji Wufeng. He kidnapped Alina before, which caused a lot of turmoil internationally.

In the end, Qianye Zhong fell into the hands of Ji Wufeng. It was supposed to be a fatal situation, but unfortunately he let him run away.

There is no other way. Qianye Yu asked Sakura Temple to make an internal decision, and Qianye Ming asked Ji Wufeng to kill him. The only one who can take advantage of it is Qianye Zhong. If there is no more, then the Qianye family will not even have a decent heir. , naturally we must do our best to rescue.

Qianye Zhong, who returned to Dongyang, was in the limelight for a while. The heir to the Qianye family and the most powerful person in Dongyang in the future, he was extremely proud of himself!

Screams rang out from the box of a club owned by the Chiba family. A woman wailed: "Please let me go, no, wuwu..."

The woman was very young, and the miserable voice must have been undergoing inhuman torture. The words she spoke were words, and she must be from China.

In the box, a fierce and strong man held a whip and whipped the woman's body so hard that her skin was torn.

A short young man held a water gun in his hand, but what came out of the water gun was not water, but hot wax oil. A stream of wax oil sprayed on the woman's wound, and the woman suddenly twitched in pain and screamed miserably.

It was early in the morning, and there were very few people coming in and out of the club, but there were still a large number of guards guarding the door, with sharp eyes, and they were all well-trained masters.

Two young men, one tall and one short, staggered towards the gate as if they were drunk. Four guards immediately surrounded them and asked in a loud voice: "Who are you?"

The tall young man squinted his eyes and said, "Don't be nervous, we just drank too much and wanted to find a place to pee. This place is good."

"Chinese people?"

Hearing that the young man was speaking Chinese, the faces of the four guards immediately changed slightly and shouted: "This is not a place for lowly people like you, get out of here right now!"

The short young man suddenly became upset and glared: "Damn it, why are you talking? Who has become so lowly?" Ji Qingzi was furious and rushed over to Mu Tianxiaoyu, punching and kicking him. Mu Tianxiaoyu was completely beaten. He risked his life, and said in a ferocious voice with blood on his face: "Kill, kill me, as long as you kill me, the video will be automatically uploaded to the Internet, bitch, haha... Even if I die, you will never recover."

Mu Tian Xiaoyu is really a beast, with no humanity at all. He is on the verge of death, but he still doesn't let Mu Tian Wanyu go.

But if those videos were really leaked, the damage to Mu Tian Wanyu would be too deep. If Ji Wufeng really cared about Mu Tian Wanyu, he really couldn't kill Mu Tian Xiaoyu.

"Do you think I won't dare to touch you? Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being." Ji Wufeng said.

When Mu Tianxiaoyu heard what Ji Wufeng said, he immediately became arrogant again and said with a proud smile: "That's right. As long as I'm good, hello everyone, if you know each other better, agree to be my slave and my dog." , I might even find a way to save your lives."

As he said that, he looked at Ji Qingzi with a lustful look on his face.

Ji Wufeng laughed, but his smile was very cold, and said: "Since I said I won't kill you, you won't die for the time being, but you seemed to be talking about dogs just now, and now I really want to know what it would be like for a prince to turn into a dog. !”

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, there was a trace of black energy in his eyes. He slapped Mu Tianxiaoyu on the head with his palm. Black energy emerged from his five fingers and penetrated into Mu Tianxiaoyu's seven orifices. Mu Tianxiaoyu immediately let out an inhuman and tragic howl. Screaming, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

However, the pain disappeared quickly. Mu Tianxiaoyu fell to the ground with a twisted face, and said with a horrified expression: "What did you do?"

"Lie down on the ground and learn how to bark!" Ji Wufeng said coldly. .??.

"How dare you..." Mu Tianxiaoyu was angry.

A trace of black light appeared in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and Mu Tianxiaoyu immediately twitched all over. His body seemed to be gnawed by countless insects, and his soul seemed to be torn to pieces. It was not a pain that a human being could bear.

"As a prince, you should have heard of the Demonic Root Seed of the Demon Sect. From now on, I can torture you anytime I want. If I want you to die, you can't live. If I want you to live, you can't die. I If you die, the Demonic Root Seed will automatically attack, and you will be eaten away bit by bit and turned into blood. During this time, you will be alive and conscious, and you will be able to feel everything!"

Ji Wufeng felt that it would be too cheap to kill a beast like Mu Tianxiaoyu. Such a scumbag would not be tolerated if he was not tortured!

" hurts so much. Stop, stop quickly, ah..." Mu Tianxiaoyu rolled on the ground desperately. Because he was in too much pain, his face became distorted and the muscles all over his body twitched crazily.

"What did I say just now, did you forget it?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Woof woof woof... woof woof woof... please spare me, it's so painful... woof woof woof..."

Mu Tianxiaoyu screamed and knelt on the ground to imitate the barking of a dog. Now let alone let him imitate the barking of a dog, even if he was asked to stab himself with a knife, he would not hesitate at all.

Now that Mu Tianxiaoyu compromised, Ji Wufeng stopped, but this kid's endurance was so poor that he fainted as soon as he relaxed.

After someone dragged Mu Tianxiaoyu down, Ji Wufeng turned to Ji Qingzi and said, "I need you to do something about the Qianye family next."


What do you want me to do? "Ji Qingzi's eyes were bright. She had always wanted to do something for Ji Wufeng, but she just didn't have the chance.

"I want you to control the Qianye family!" Ji Wufeng said.

Although Kiharuko was born in the Chiba family, she has no feelings for the Chiba family at all. On the contrary, she only has endless resentment. Her mother lived a life worse than a pig or dog in the Chiba family, and she was also trained to be a tool.

If she hadn't met Ji Wufeng, she would either have become a bargaining chip for the Qianye family to exchange interests, or become a plaything of the Qianye family. Although the Qianye family is her home, it is a devil's cave and the source of all evil in her heart.

Chiba Shige is a name that has been around for a long time, but he was once a man of great influence.

In addition to sending talents to the Sakura Temple, the Qianye family also needs people at the helm, who spare no effort to train them. The most outstanding one was Qianye Ming, who even made Ji Wufeng suffer a lot. His level of surprise is not necessarily as impressive as that of Gu Tianyang and others. How inferior the flow is.

In the Qianye family, under Qianye Ming, the most outstanding one is Qianye Zhong.

The first time Ji Wufeng met him was at the International Gambling King Competition. Qianye Zhong represented the Qianye family, and he was also Ji Qingzi's half-brother.

At that time, Ji Wufeng didn't pay much attention to Qianye Zhong, but this kid also caused some trouble for Ji Wufeng. He kidnapped Alina before, which caused a lot of turmoil internationally.

In the end, Qianye Zhong fell into the hands of Ji Wufeng. It was supposed to be a fatal situation, but unfortunately he let him run away.

There is no other way. Qianye Yu asked Sakura Temple to make an internal decision, and Qianye Ming asked Ji Wufeng to kill him. The only one who can take advantage of it is Qianye Zhong. If there is no more, then the Qianye family will not even have a decent heir. , naturally we must do our best to rescue.

Qianye Zhong, who returned to Dongyang, was in the limelight for a while. The heir to the Qianye family and the most powerful person in Dongyang in the future, he was extremely proud of himself!

Screams rang out from the box of a club owned by the Chiba family. A woman wailed: "Please let me go, no, wuwu..."

The woman was very young, and the miserable voice must have been undergoing inhuman torture. The words she spoke were words, and she must be from China.

In the box, a fierce and strong man held a whip and whipped the woman's body so hard that her skin was torn.

A short young man held a water gun in his hand, but what came out of the water gun was not water, but hot wax oil. A stream of wax oil sprayed on the woman's wound, and the woman suddenly twitched in pain and screamed miserably.

It was early in the morning, and there were very few people coming in and out of the club, but there were still a large number of guards guarding the door, with sharp eyes, and they were all well-trained masters.

Two young men, one tall and one short, staggered towards the gate as if they were drunk. Four guards immediately surrounded them and asked in a loud voice: "Who are you?"

The tall young man squinted his eyes and said, "Don't be nervous, we just drank too much and wanted to find a place to pee. This place is good."

"Chinese people?"

Hearing that the young man was speaking Chinese, the faces of the four guards immediately changed slightly and shouted: "This is not a place for lowly people like you, get out of here right now!"

The short young man suddenly became unhappy, stared and said, "Damn it, why are you talking? Who is being humbled?"

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