One of the guards sneered and said: "It's no wonder we are sent here to seek death. Anyway, the vigil is so boring, so we just sent two bitches to relieve our boredom."

After saying that, they gathered around with ferocious smiles on their faces. The vigil was indeed very boring, and this kind of interlude could effectively pass the time.

"First destroy their two legs. I like to see such lowly pigs lying on the ground screaming." A guard said with a fierce look on his face.

The four guards were all masters. One of them raised his foot and kicked the short young man's thigh. If an ordinary person received this kick, one of his legs would be destroyed directly.

But his foot was not kicked out, but was grabbed by a hand. It was the short young man. How could the short young man still look like he was drunk at this time? There was a cold glare in his eyes.

"You..." The guard suddenly panicked.

I saw a flash of cold light, and a dragon-shaped sharp blade appeared in the hand of the short young man. With one clean cut, the guard's foot was cut off, and blood gushed out!


The guard suddenly screamed like a slaughtering pig and collapsed to the ground.

The tall young man got angry and said, "You fat man, you have no shame in using the knife!"

The short young man put away the sharp blade and said with squinting eyes: "Okay, we have the same old rules, even if you don't use the knife, whoever kills more will win!"

"Is there any need to compete? You will definitely lose!"

The tall young man smiled coldly, and suddenly punched a guard next to him on the head with his fist as big as a casserole. It was like a hammer hitting a watermelon. Red blood and white brains sprayed everywhere. .

The short young man moved, looked at the guard on the ground who had his feet cut off and was howling miserably, and said in a cold voice: "It's so noisy, shut up!"


Stomping down hard, one foot sank directly into the chest of the guard, and blood spurted out like a fountain...

The remaining two guards were stunned for a moment. They never thought that they were just two drunkards from China, but they never thought that they were actually two gods of death.



Before the two guards had time to make a sound, one of them was punched through the chest, and the other's neck was clawed with five bloody holes, and blood overflowed.

The commotion was so loud that a large number of guards immediately rushed over. Seeing the scene in front of them, they suddenly shouted murderously and asked: "Who are you?"

"The person who wants your life!"

The two men smiled coldly. With the enemy outnumbered, instead of retreating, they rushed towards the large crowd of guards like wild beasts. The tall young man was like an armored warrior, and his attacks were like a mountain falling apart. Every time The punch would either smash the person's head or punch through the person's chest.

The short young man was like a strange whirlwind blowing by, leaving phantoms wherever he went. All the guards would have fatal wounds on their necks, and blood would spray out.

A group of elite guards were all turned into corpses in an instant, and no one was alive.

These two were none other than Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong. They had to defeat their boss to snatch this attack mission.

A stunning woman walked over, it was Wuchen. Looking at the scene in front of her, she frowned slightly and said, "Don't use such bloody methods next time."

Yuan Dongdong immediately said with a smile: "Sister-in-law is soft-hearted, let's remember it, and we must be gentler next time."


Zhao Jiaolong rushed to the door like a bulldozer and punched it down. The huge iron door was smashed into pieces.

This is an important stronghold of the Chiba family, and it is also the place where the most elites gather. When someone breaks in like this, a large number of experts rush over instantly.

Wuchen said calmly: "Kill them all!"

When Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up and they shouted excitedly: "Kill!"

Groups of guards rushed over, and the two of them rushed forward with howling screams as if they were beaten to death. The two of them had not entered the holy realm, but their physiques and the mysterious skills they practiced were very special.

Zhao Jiaolong majored in horizontal kung fu, and his body had long been trained to be as strong as steel. Ordinary swords would not be able to hurt him at all.

As for Yuan Dongdong, all martial arts in the world are invincible, but speed is indestructible. His weird and extremely fast body skills make it difficult for even ordinary Saint Realm experts to catch up.

The two of them cooperated in an incomparable tacit understanding and pounced into the crowd like tigers, like a meat grinder. Wherever they passed, blood sprayed and heads flew everywhere!

A black shadow rushed out like a ghost, very fast, looming, Wuchen raised his eyebrows and said: "Dark Sky Ninja?"

The Dark Sky Ninja is undoubtedly the king of assassinations in the dark night. However, once the trajectory of his actions is discovered, his true combat power is barely comparable to the Half-Step Saint Realm. With a flick of Wuchen's finger, a fierce energy shot towards In the void.


A black shadow appeared in the void, his head was pierced, and his body was lying on the spot. His face was full of disbelief. Maybe until his death, he never thought that he would be killed so easily.

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were killing, Wuchen strode forward, walking in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. She said that if they wanted to kill everyone, there would not be a single living person here today.

At this time, Qianye Zhao was having a good time in a box. Although Qianye Zhao was not as popular as Qianye in the Qianye family, he was the most outstanding person besides Qianye Zhong.

It is difficult to support a tree alone. Qianye Zhao will be in charge of the Qianye family, but it is impossible without helpers. Since Qianye Zhao is the only person who can get on the stage, he naturally receives the attention of the Qianye family and knows many secrets.

Qianye Zhao's box was completely soundproofed, and until Wuchen had killed everyone in the club, he still didn't notice anything and was in the midst of excitement.


The door of the box was kicked open violently, which made Qianye Zhao tremble. He was instantly relieved and roared angrily: "Baga..."

When he saw Wuchen outside the door, his eyes were instantly full of lust, but with a wave of Wuchen's hand, Qianye Zhao's neck was pinched in his hand, and three big men rushed over.

Wuchen flicked his fingers, and fierce energy shot out, and the three big men were beheaded instantly!

"Tell me the current position of all the direct male descendants of the Qianye family!" Wuchen said coldly and ruthlessly.

The time given by Ji Wufeng was very tight, and the plan was completed overnight. After Qianye Zhao gave the answer Wuchen wanted, there was no one alive in the entire club except the humiliated Chinese woman.

It was dawn, but the Chiba family was in a state of excitement. One night, no, all the direct male members of the Chiba family died unexpectedly. Except for Chiba Shige, the old man and the children who could not walk on the old road, the Chiba family No more men.

The Chiba family is going to die! One of the guards sneered and said: "It's no wonder we are sent here to seek death. Anyway, the vigil is so boring, so we just sent two bitches to relieve our boredom."

After saying that, they gathered around with ferocious smiles on their faces. The vigil was indeed very boring, and this kind of interlude could effectively pass the time.

"First destroy their two legs. I like to see such lowly pigs lying on the ground screaming." A guard said with a fierce look on his face.

The four guards were all masters. One of them raised his foot and kicked the short young man's thigh. If an ordinary person received this kick, one of his legs would be destroyed directly.

But his foot was not kicked out, but was grabbed by a hand. It was the short young man. How could the short young man still look like he was drunk at this time? There was a cold glare in his eyes.

"You..." The guard suddenly panicked.

I saw a flash of cold light, and a dragon-shaped sharp blade appeared in the hand of the short young man. With one clean cut, the guard's foot was cut off, and blood gushed out!


The guard suddenly screamed like a slaughtering pig and collapsed to the ground.

The tall young man got angry and said, "You fat man, you have no shame in using the knife!"

The short young man put away the sharp blade and said with squinting eyes: "Okay, we have the same old rules, even if you don't use the knife, whoever kills more will win!"

"Is there any need to compete? You will definitely lose!"

The tall young man smiled coldly, and suddenly punched a guard next to him on the head with his fist as big as a casserole. It was like a hammer hitting a watermelon. Red blood and white brains sprayed everywhere. .

The short young man moved, looked at the guard on the ground who had his feet cut off and was howling miserably, and said in a cold voice: "It's so noisy, shut up!"


Stomping down hard, one foot sank directly into the chest of the guard, and blood spurted out like a fountain...

The remaining two guards were stunned for a moment. They never thought that they were just two drunkards from China, but they never thought that they were actually two gods of death.



Before the two guards had time to make a sound, one of them was punched through the chest, and the other's neck was clawed with five bloody holes, and blood overflowed.

The commotion was so loud that a large number of guards immediately rushed over. Seeing the scene in front of them, they suddenly shouted murderously and asked: "Who are you?"

"The person who wants your life!"

The two men smiled coldly. With the enemy outnumbered, instead of retreating, they rushed towards the large crowd of guards like wild beasts. The tall young man was like an armored warrior, and his attacks were like a mountain falling apart. Every time The punch would either smash the person's head or punch through the person's chest.

The short young man was like a strange whirlwind blowing by, leaving phantoms wherever he went. All the guards would have fatal wounds on their necks, and blood would spray out.

A group of elite guards were all turned into corpses in an instant, and no one was alive.

These two were none other than Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong. They had to defeat their boss to snatch this attack mission.

A stunning woman walked over, it was Wuchen. Looking at the scene in front of her, she frowned slightly and said, "Don't use such bloody methods next time."

Yuan Dongdong immediately said with a smile: "Sister-in-law is soft-hearted, let's remember it, and we must be gentler next time."


Zhao Jiaolong rushed to the door like a bulldozer and punched it down. The huge iron door was smashed into pieces.

This is an important stronghold of the Chiba family, and it is also the place where the most elites gather. When someone breaks in like this, a large number of experts rush over instantly.

Wuchen said calmly: "Kill them all!"

When Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up and they shouted excitedly: "Kill!"

Groups of guards rushed over, and the two of them rushed forward with howling screams as if they were beaten to death. The two of them had not entered the holy realm, but their physiques and the mysterious skills they practiced were very special.

Zhao Jiaolong majored in horizontal kung fu, and his body had long been trained to be as strong as steel. Ordinary swords would not be able to hurt him at all.

As for Yuan Dongdong, all martial arts in the world are invincible, but speed is indestructible. His weird and extremely fast body skills make it difficult for even ordinary Saint Realm experts to catch up.

The two of them cooperated in an incomparable tacit understanding and pounced into the crowd like tigers, like a meat grinder. Wherever they passed, blood sprayed and heads flew everywhere!

A black shadow rushed out like a ghost, very fast, looming, Wuchen raised his eyebrows and said: "Dark Sky Ninja?"

The Dark Sky Ninja is undoubtedly the king of assassinations in the dark night. However, once the trajectory of his actions is discovered, his true combat power is barely comparable to the Half-Step Saint Realm. With a flick of Wuchen's finger, a fierce energy shot towards In the void.


A black shadow appeared in the void, his head was pierced, and his body was lying on the spot. His face was full of disbelief. Maybe until his death, he never thought that he would be killed so easily.

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were killing, Wuchen strode forward, walking in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. She said that if they wanted to kill everyone, there would not be a single living person here today.

At this time, Qianye Zhao was having a good time in a box. Although Qianye Zhao was not as popular as Qianye in the Qianye family, he was the most outstanding person besides Qianye Zhong.

It is difficult to support a tree alone. Qianye Zhao will be in charge of the Qianye family, but it is impossible without helpers. Since Qianye Zhao is the only person who can get on the stage, he naturally receives the attention of the Qianye family and knows many secrets.

Qianye Zhao's box was completely soundproofed, and until Wuchen had killed everyone in the club, he still didn't notice anything and was in the midst of excitement.


The door of the box was kicked open violently, which made Qianye Zhao tremble. He was instantly relieved and roared angrily: "Baga..."

When he saw Wuchen outside the door, his eyes were instantly full of lust, but with a wave of Wuchen's hand, Qianye Zhao's neck was pinched in his hand, and three big men rushed over.

Wuchen flicked his fingers, and fierce energy shot out, and the three big men were beheaded instantly!

"Tell me the current position of all the direct male descendants of the Qianye family!" Wuchen said coldly and ruthlessly.

The time given by Ji Wufeng was very tight, and the plan was completed overnight. After Qianye Zhao gave the answer Wuchen wanted, there was no one alive in the entire club except the humiliated Chinese woman.

It was dawn, but the Chiba family was in a state of excitement. No, all the direct male members of the Chiba family died unexpectedly overnight. Except for Chiba Shige, the old man and the children who could not walk on the old road, the Chiba family No more men.

The Chiba family is going to die!

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