Before Chiba Yuichi could react, someone jumped up and said angrily: "What did you say? Let this bitch be the master of the Chiba family?"

"This is absolutely impossible! Her mother is a filthy bitch, and she is also dirty and filthy. How can she be allowed to take charge of the Chiba family!"

"Bitch, you are so promising. You actually want to control the Chiba family unless I die!"

Seeing these old guys jumping so hard, Ji Wufeng was not surprised at all. He smiled and said: "You want to die so much? I will help you!"


An old man suddenly flew up, and his head hit the wall hard. It cracked open, and his brains and blood spurted everywhere. His eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

If he were still alive, he would definitely slap his thigh and curse, Damn, I was just talking, why did you really mean it?

Ji Wufeng glanced coldly and said: "Is there anyone else who wants to die? I will follow Lei Feng's example and do good deeds, and I will send you away too!"

Sensing the murderous intent in Ji Wufeng, the old men who just called Ji Qingzi a bitch trembled all over, lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word again.

Seeing that there were no more objections, Ji Wufeng looked at Qianye Yuichi again and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

"No, Haruko will be the master of the Chiba family from now on." Chiba Xiong said straightforwardly.

There was no way, this was the only way to protect the Qianye family at present. He could see that if he didn't agree, Ji Wufeng would really kill everyone here.

Ji Qingzi became the master of the Chiba family in this way, which made her feel a little unbelievable. She and her mother had lived here for decades. In her heart, this place was an endless hell, and the people in the Chiba family were all devils.

But now she has become the master of this hell, controlling the life and death of these demons.

"But there is one condition. If you don't agree, I won't agree even if you destroy the Chiba family." Chiba Yuichi said again.

This old man's heart is not too bad, Ji Wufeng said: "Go ahead, as long as I think it's not too much, I will naturally agree to you."

"I want you to save his life!" Chiba Yuichi pointed at Chiba and said.

All the men in the Chiba family have died, leaving only a group of old women and children. In other words, Chiba Chong is the only hope for the Chiba family. If even this only hope is gone, the Chiba family will With his always ruthless style, even if he is not destroyed by Ji Wufeng today, he will be destroyed by his enemies sooner or later.

Ji Wufeng looked at Qianye Zhong, his eyes narrowed slightly, he spread his fingers, and five black energy penetrated into Qianye Zhong's nostrils.

"This is the magic root seed of the magic sect. It won't kill you, but it can kill you at any time."

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "If you want to survive, there is only one way. Leave Qianye's house immediately and go to Sakura Temple."

Qianye Chong's expression changed drastically, but after hesitating for a moment, he stood up and left in stride. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he had to show his worth.

Seeing that the situation was over, Chiba Yuichi sighed and said: "I will declare Haruko to be the person in charge of the Chiba family. She can mobilize all the power under the Chiba family unconditionally!"

After expressing his stance, Chiba Yuichi left with a group of old guys. All they can do now is live for two more days.


Ji Qingzi suddenly collapsed on the ground, holding her head and squatting

People there burst into tears, and Ji Wufeng could understand that their mother and daughter had endured too much humiliation at the Qianye family, and now they could finally vent their anger.

Ji Wufeng gently stepped forward and hugged her. Ji Qingzi fell into his arms and said, "Feng, thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me? You are Ji Qingzi, my sister Ji Wufeng, we are a family." Ji Wufeng patted her shoulder.

Ji Qingzi wiped away her tears and said: "Before night and day, I will sort out the crimes committed by the Chiba family and all the forces involved with the Chiba family."

The Chiba family was the vanguard of Dongyang's infiltration into China. They also controlled the largest intelligence organization. Everything the Chiba family did was recorded.

Every super family has its own history, and all of this is undoubtedly the most glorious history that the Chiba family considers. It is the glory of the Chiba family in the hearts of Dongyang people. Of course, it must be well preserved.

Ji Wufeng used thunderous means to control the Qianye family. Before the subordinate forces of the Qianye family could react, Ji Qingzi issued irreversible orders. In less than half a day, he collected what Ji Wufeng wanted. s things.

Almost all the inhumane crimes of the Qianye family were recorded in the records. After reading these things, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but burst into rage. There were too many unknown secrets recorded in them.

If these things are made public to the world, the Chiba family will be completely destroyed in an instant.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to announce these things, someone came who was an acquaintance of Ji Wufeng.

"Instructor, what you have in your hand is really shocking." Zhong Tianmin looked at the thing in his hand and said dumbfounded.

Zhong Tianmin, the former deputy captain of Yuzhou Longfeng Brigade, was also the one who recruited Ji Wufeng into Longfeng.

After many years, Zhong Tianmin followed Mr. Long Si and came into contact with senior officials, but he always had respect for Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng asked: "You came to me at this time, does Long Laosi have any instructions?"

"Mr. Four has been paying attention to this since the temple incident. Mr. Four said that since you are going to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, you must have amazing gains. I didn't expect it to be true. Do you know what these things are like?" Does it mean anything?" Zhong Tianmin couldn't restrain his excitement.

The temple incident was such a lively matter that the state of China had long been abuzz. Anyone who was interested guessed that it was Ji Wufeng who did it. Too many people were watching, and Long Si was naturally paying more attention to it.

"Mr. Fourth's instruction is that I, as the representative, support all the instructor's actions, no matter the cost!" Jin Dong said again.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, no matter the cost?

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and felt that this was indeed a great opportunity!

It's like a mad dog. If you kick it, it won't dare to approach you anymore, but it will bark at you every time it encounters you.

The people above had spotted the opportunity and wanted to cripple this mad dog in one fell swoop so that they would not dare to show their teeth again if they encountered him again.

"If I give you all these things, how far can you go?" Ji Wufeng asked.

He planned to hand these over to Zhong Tianmin and operate them in the name of China.

"Instructor, don't worry. Although I don't do much fighting now and have a civilian job, my mind is much more flexible. I guarantee that within half an hour, news media around the world will report this matter, regardless of the truth or the The rendering effects are absolutely the best." Zhong Tianmin said with a gleam in his eyes. Before Chiba Yuichi could react, someone jumped up and said angrily: "What did you say? Let this bitch be the master of the Chiba family?"

"This is absolutely impossible! Her mother is a filthy bitch, and she is also dirty and filthy. How can she be allowed to take charge of the Chiba family!"

"Bitch, you are so promising. You actually want to control the Chiba family unless I die!"

Seeing these old guys jumping so hard, Ji Wufeng was not surprised at all. He smiled and said: "You want to die so much? I will help you!"


An old man suddenly flew up, and his head hit the wall hard. It cracked open, and his brains and blood spurted everywhere. His eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

If he were still alive, he would definitely slap his thigh and curse, Damn, I was just talking, why did you really mean it?

Ji Wufeng glanced coldly and said: "Is there anyone else who wants to die? I will follow Lei Feng's example and do good deeds, and I will send you away too!"

Sensing the murderous intent in Ji Wufeng, the old men who just called Ji Qingzi a bitch trembled all over, lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word again.

Seeing that there were no more objections, Ji Wufeng looked at Qianye Yuichi again and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

"No, Haruko will be the master of the Chiba family from now on." Chiba Xiong said straightforwardly.

There was no way, this was the only way to protect the Qianye family at present. He could see that if he didn't agree, Ji Wufeng would really kill everyone here.

Ji Qingzi became the master of the Chiba family in this way, which made her feel a little unbelievable. She and her mother had lived here for decades. In her heart, this place was an endless hell, and the people in the Chiba family were all devils.

But now she has become the master of this hell, controlling the life and death of these demons.

"But there is one condition. If you don't agree, I won't agree even if you destroy the Chiba family." Chiba Yuichi said again.

This old man's heart is not too bad, Ji Wufeng said: "Go ahead, as long as I think it's not too much, I will naturally agree to you."

"I want you to save his life!" Chiba Yuichi pointed at Chiba and said.

All the men in the Chiba family have died, leaving only a group of old women and children. In other words, Chiba Chong is the only hope for the Chiba family. If even this only hope is gone, the Chiba family will With his always ruthless style, even if he is not destroyed by Ji Wufeng today, he will be destroyed by his enemies sooner or later.

Ji Wufeng looked at Qianye Zhong, his eyes narrowed slightly, he spread his fingers, and five black energy penetrated into Qianye Zhong's nostrils.

"This is the magic root seed of the magic sect. It won't kill you, but it can kill you at any time."

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "If you want to survive, there is only one way. Leave Qianye's house immediately and go to Sakura Temple."

Qianye Chong's expression changed drastically, but after hesitating for a moment, he stood up and left in stride. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he had to show his worth.

Seeing that the situation was over, Chiba Yuichi sighed and said: "I will declare Haruko to be the person in charge of the Chiba family. She can mobilize all the power under the Chiba family unconditionally!"

After expressing his stance, Chiba Yuichi left with a group of old guys. All they can do now is live for two more days.


Ji Qingzi suddenly collapsed on the ground, holding her head and squatting

People there burst into tears, and Ji Wufeng could understand that their mother and daughter had endured too much humiliation at the Qianye family, and now they could finally vent their anger.

Ji Wufeng gently stepped forward and hugged her. Ji Qingzi fell into his arms and said, "Feng, thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me? You are Ji Qingzi, my sister Ji Wufeng, we are a family." Ji Wufeng patted her shoulder.

Ji Qingzi wiped away her tears and said: "Before night and day, I will sort out the crimes committed by the Chiba family and all the forces involved with the Chiba family."

The Chiba family was the vanguard of Dongyang's infiltration into China. They also controlled the largest intelligence organization. Everything the Chiba family did was recorded.

Every super family has its own history, and all of this is undoubtedly the most glorious history that the Chiba family considers. It is the glory of the Chiba family in the hearts of Dongyang people. Of course, it must be well preserved.

Ji Wufeng used thunderous means to control the Qianye family. Before the subordinate forces of the Qianye family could react, Ji Qingzi issued irreversible orders. In less than half a day, he collected what Ji Wufeng wanted. s things.

Almost all the inhumane crimes of the Qianye family were recorded in the records. After reading these things, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but burst into rage. There were too many unknown secrets recorded in them.

If these things are made public to the world, the Chiba family will be completely destroyed in an instant.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to announce these things, someone came who was an acquaintance of Ji Wufeng.

"Instructor, what you have in your hand is really shocking." Zhong Tianmin looked at the thing in his hand and said dumbfounded.

Zhong Tianmin, the former deputy captain of Yuzhou Longfeng Brigade, was also the one who recruited Ji Wufeng into Longfeng.

After many years, Zhong Tianmin followed Mr. Long Si and came into contact with senior officials, but he always had respect for Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng asked: "You came to me at this time, does Long Laosi have any instructions?"

"Mr. Four has been paying attention to this since the temple incident. Mr. Four said that since you are going to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, you must have amazing gains. I didn't expect it to be true. Do you know what these things are like?" Does it mean anything?" Zhong Tianmin couldn't restrain his excitement.

The temple incident was such a lively matter that the state of China had long been abuzz. Anyone who was interested guessed that it was Ji Wufeng who did it. Too many people were watching, and Long Si was naturally paying more attention to it.

"Mr. Fourth's instruction is that I, as the representative, support all the instructor's actions, no matter the cost!" Jin Dong said again.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, no matter the cost?

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and felt that this was indeed a great opportunity!

It's like a mad dog. If you kick it, it won't dare to approach you anymore, but it will bark at you every time it encounters you.

The people above had spotted the opportunity and wanted to cripple this mad dog in one fell swoop so that they would not dare to show their teeth again if they encountered him again.

"If I give you all these things, how far can you go?" Ji Wufeng asked.

He planned to hand these over to Zhong Tianmin and operate them in the name of China.

"Instructor, don't worry. Although I don't do much fighting now and have a civilian job, my mind is much more flexible. I guarantee that within half an hour, news media around the world will report this matter, regardless of the truth or the The rendering effects are absolutely the best." Zhong Tianmin said with a gleam in his eyes.

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