"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. I'll see the results within half an hour!" Ji Wufeng said with his eyes shining.

Originally, Ji Wufeng's visit to Dongyang this time was considered to be his personal grudge. This is equivalent to Ji Wufeng having a backing from now on, giving him full confidence.

"Leave it to me, instructor, don't worry." Zhong Tianmin patted his chest and said with confidence.

After sending Zhong Tianmin away, Ji Wufeng was waiting. He felt that that person should have arrived.

There were two wine glasses on the table in front of him. As soon as the wine glasses were filled, a burly body appeared in front of Ji Wufeng. He picked up the wine in the glass and drank it all, saying: "What a good wine!"

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and smiled: "If there is no good show, this good wine will be wasted."

Usef put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "I'm really surprised. Now that your strength has been greatly reduced, you are no longer qualified to be my opponent. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you in anger?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "You won't do that!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because you have so few opponents, you are not willing to kill me. Before you completely lose confidence in me, you are not willing to kill me. What if I get better again?" Ji Wufeng said with great confidence.

"You guys are really..."

Usef stretched out his finger and tapped Ji Wufeng, shook his head and said: "But what you said is indeed the truth. I really want to see what qualifications you have to continue to entangle with Gu Tianyang now, because in my opinion , you are no match for him now."

"But he hasn't taken the initiative to kill me yet, don't you think it's strange?" Ji Wufeng asked.

After Usef pondered for a moment, he said, "I feel strange, but why?"

Since he is here to target Ji Wufeng, he naturally knows Ji Wufeng very well and knows very well the grudge between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang, which must be a life-or-death situation.

However, Ji Wufeng's bloodline power has disappeared and his combat power has dropped sharply. It is the best time to get rid of him. However, Gu Tianyang has been reluctant to take action. This is a bit unscientific. If it were him, he would have run away non-stop. Come and kill this henchman.

"Because Gu Tianyang doesn't dare!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "As long as I'm not dead, he won't dare to provoke me easily!"

"Are you so confident?" Usef asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You can wait and see!" Ji Wufeng's smile filled Usef's face again.

Usef picked up the wine glass in front of him and said, "Okay, the good wine is already here, I'm just waiting for a good show, don't let me down."

Half an hour passed quickly. Even in the quiet courtyard where the two of them were, they could hear the noise outside. The noise was getting more and more loud, and it was like a commotion.

Usef looked strange, but Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "The show has begun!"

Suddenly, the international media were frantically reporting on the criminal acts of the Chiba family. Back then, the Wushen Group developed biological and chemical weapons, conducted experiments on living people, and killed countless innocent people. The evidence was conclusive.

The Chiba family is the largest family in Dongyang and almost dominates the secular people. Behind the Chiba family is the Sakura Temple.

All the crimes committed by the Chiba family were controlled by the Sakura Temple behind the scenes. In other words, the Sakura Temple was responsible for

He is the chief culprit of these heinous crimes!

In an instant, the people of Dongyang were angry. They never thought that the totem they worshiped in their hearts could be so evil and commit such a heinous crime. This was unacceptable to them.

So the protests began and the marches began.

Countless people took to the streets, held up banners, and denounced and condemned the Sakura Shrine.

There was no response from the temple, but the cabinet was in chaos. The temple was their backbone. Once it collapsed, it would be their turn.

Immediately, news spread that the temple ordered the Chiba family to release the biochemical virus developed, which would sweep Dongyang instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Dongyang was in chaos, and all the people became restless in fear, and riots could appear at any time.

At the cabinet meeting, everyone looked solemn and didn't know what to do.

So far, the temple has not expressed any expression. Without the support of the temple, they have no ability to turn the tide.

At this time, someone came to report and said: "His Royal Highness Xiaoyu and His Highness Wanyu are here to visit together!"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu and Mu Tian Wanyu are here?

Everyone was stunned. The royal family has been just a decoration for many years and has no real power at all. What are they doing here at this time?

But no matter what, the relationship is nominally between monarch and minister, and they always have to meet. The brother and sister Mu Tianwanyu were brought into the conference room. Following them were an oriental woman dressed in red, and a Enchanting Western woman.

The leader of the cabinet, An Yufengxiao, looked at the two women with a strange expression and said, "Who are these two ladies?"

Mu Tian Wanyu said with a smile: "These two ladies are my guards."

"Oh, I wonder if there is any important matter for your two highnesses to come here this time?" An Yufengxiao asked.

"Of course there is something very important. This time I am here to ask Mr. An Yu to announce that the cabinet will hand over power starting today and the royal family will take over again." Mu Tian Wanyu sat down and said calmly.

Let the cabinet hand over real power? The royal family takes over?

In an instant, everyone in the cabinet present looked sulky. The cabinet has held real power for hundreds of years. During this period, I don’t know how many members of the royal family wanted to seize power, but they were never able to do so. These two juniors have not yet shed their fetal hair. Did he eat the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?

"Hmph, I think you can just be your princess and your highness comfortably. We respect your ancestor, the emperor. Otherwise, do you think you can still live comfortably in the palace now?"

Everyone was feeling angry as if they were an ant on the hot pot. Now Mu Tian Wanyu suddenly appeared and asked them to hand over power. This made them instantly angry, and they even gave up the minimum respect they usually showed on the surface.


A cold light flashed through, and the woman in red wiped the blood on the sword in her hand. The minister who just spoke suddenly stiffened up, his neck cracked, blood spilled out, and his body slowly collapsed on the ground. .

Everyone was shocked, An Yufengxiao said sternly: "You are so brave, you dare to kill people here!"

Someone screamed: "Guard..."


The enchanting Western woman moved and punched the yelling man on the head. The good head was immediately smashed to pieces, and the headless body slowly slid from the chair to the ground. "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. I'll see the results within half an hour!" Ji Wufeng said with his eyes shining.

Originally, Ji Wufeng's visit to Dongyang this time was considered to be his personal grudge. This is equivalent to Ji Wufeng having a backing from now on, giving him full confidence.

"Leave it to me, instructor, don't worry." Zhong Tianmin patted his chest and said with confidence.

After sending Zhong Tianmin away, Ji Wufeng was waiting. He felt that that person should have arrived.

There were two wine glasses on the table in front of him. As soon as the wine glasses were filled, a burly body appeared in front of Ji Wufeng. He picked up the wine in the glass and drank it all, saying: "What a good wine!"

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and smiled: "If there is no good show, this good wine will be wasted."

Usef put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "I'm really surprised. Now that your strength has been greatly reduced, you are no longer qualified to be my opponent. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you in anger?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "You won't do that!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because you have so few opponents, you are not willing to kill me. Before you completely lose confidence in me, you are not willing to kill me. What if I get better again?" Ji Wufeng said with great confidence.

"You guys are really..."

Usef stretched out his finger and tapped Ji Wufeng, shook his head and said: "But what you said is indeed the truth. I really want to see what qualifications you have to continue to entangle with Gu Tianyang now, because in my opinion , you are no match for him now."

"But he hasn't taken the initiative to kill me yet, don't you think it's strange?" Ji Wufeng asked.

After Usef pondered for a moment, he said, "I feel strange, but why?"

Since he is here to target Ji Wufeng, he naturally knows Ji Wufeng very well and knows very well the grudge between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang, which must be a life-or-death situation.

However, Ji Wufeng's bloodline power has disappeared and his combat power has dropped sharply. It is the best time to get rid of him. However, Gu Tianyang has been reluctant to take action. This is a bit unscientific. If it were him, he would have run away non-stop. Come and kill this henchman.

"Because Gu Tianyang doesn't dare!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "As long as I'm not dead, he won't dare to provoke me easily!"

"Are you so confident?" Usef asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You can wait and see!" Ji Wufeng's smile filled Usef's face again.

Usef picked up the wine glass in front of him and said, "Okay, the good wine is already here, I'm just waiting for a good show, don't let me down."

Half an hour passed quickly. Even in the quiet courtyard where the two of them were, they could hear the noise outside. The noise was getting more and more loud, and it was like a commotion.

Usef looked strange, but Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "The show has begun!"

Suddenly, the international media were frantically reporting on the criminal acts of the Chiba family. Back then, the Wushen Group developed biological and chemical weapons, conducted experiments on living people, and killed countless innocent people. The evidence was conclusive.

The Chiba family is the largest family in Dongyang and almost dominates the secular people. Behind the Chiba family is the Sakura Temple.

All the crimes committed by the Chiba family were controlled by the Sakura Temple behind the scenes. In other words, the Sakura Temple was responsible for

He is the chief culprit of these heinous crimes!

In an instant, the people of Dongyang were angry. They never thought that the totem they worshiped in their hearts could be so evil and commit such a heinous crime. This was unacceptable to them.

So the protests began and the marches began.

Countless people took to the streets, held up banners, and denounced and condemned the Sakura Shrine.

There was no response from the temple, but the cabinet was in chaos. The temple was their backbone. Once it collapsed, it would be their turn.

Immediately, news spread that the temple ordered the Chiba family to release the biochemical virus developed, which would sweep Dongyang instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Dongyang was in chaos, and all the people became restless in fear, and riots could appear at any time.

At the cabinet meeting, everyone looked solemn and didn't know what to do.

So far, the temple has not expressed any expression. Without the support of the temple, they have no ability to turn the tide.

At this moment, someone came to report and said: "His Royal Highness Xiaoyu and His Highness Wanyu are here to visit together!"

Mu Tian Xiaoyu and Mu Tian Wanyu are here?

Everyone was stunned. The royal family has been just a decoration for many years and has no real power at all. What are they doing here at this time?

But no matter what, the relationship is nominally between monarch and minister, and they always have to meet. The brother and sister Mu Tianwanyu were brought into the conference room. Following them were an oriental woman dressed in red, and a Enchanting Western woman.

Cabinet leader An Yufengxiao looked at the two women with a strange look on his face and said, "Who are these two ladies?"

Mu Tian Wanyu said with a smile: "These two ladies are my guards."

"Oh, I wonder if there is any important matter for your two highnesses to come here this time?" An Yufengxiao asked.

"Of course there is something very important. This time I am here to ask Mr. An Yu to announce that the cabinet will hand over power starting today and the royal family will take over again." Mu Tian Wanyu sat down and said calmly.

Let the cabinet hand over real power? The royal family takes over?

In an instant, everyone in the cabinet present looked sulky. The cabinet has held real power for hundreds of years. During this period, I don’t know how many members of the royal family wanted to seize power, but they were never able to do so. These two juniors have not yet shed their fetal hair. Did he eat the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?

"Hmph, I think you can just be your princess and your highness comfortably. We respect your ancestor, the emperor. Otherwise, do you think you can still live comfortably in the palace now?"

Everyone was feeling angry as if they were an ant on the hot pot. Now Mu Tian Wanyu suddenly appeared and asked them to hand over power. This made them instantly angry, and they even gave up the minimum respect they usually showed on the surface.


A cold light flashed through, and the woman in red wiped the blood on the sword in her hand. The minister who just spoke suddenly stiffened up, his neck cracked, blood spilled out, and his body slowly collapsed on the ground. .

Everyone was shocked, An Yufengxiao said sternly: "You are so brave, you dare to kill people here!"

Someone screamed: "Guard..."


The enchanting Western woman moved and punched the yelling man on the head. The good head was immediately smashed to pieces, and the headless body slowly slid from the chair to the ground.

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