Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1899 Her Royal Highness the Princess

In an instant, the entire cabinet meeting room fell into dead silence, with panic on their faces. They had already seen that Mu Tianxiaoyu came with bad intentions this time. Since he had started killing, he would definitely not mind killing a few more.

"Your Highness, what do you want?" An Yufengxiao asked coldly.

"As I said just now, the cabinet will hand over power and the royal family will take over!"

Mu Tian Wanyu pointed to the two corpses on the ground and said: "If any of you have objections, they will be your fate now!"

Half an hour later, the cabinet leader An Yufengxiao, who had never had a clear attitude, finally responded and appeared in front of the public for the first time.

"Since the cabinet neglected its duties and caused such chaos in Dongyang, I decided to take the blame and resign!" An Yu said filial piety.

Not only him, but more than half of the cabinet ministers standing behind him have expressed their intention to step down. They were all powerful figures in the cabinet before.

They actually want to step down en masse, then who will control the cabinet?

At this moment, a beautiful and elegant woman strode out. Everyone knew this person. It was Her Royal Highness the Princess, Mu Tian Wanyu!

"Everyone, my name is Mu Tian Wanyu. On behalf of the entire Dongyang royal family, I apologize for this incident and the victims caused by the Qianye family!" Mu Tian Wanyu bowed deeply.

The whole audience was in an uproar. Everyone knew that the royal family had no real power, but in this case Mu Tian Wanyu stood up. Did the royal family want to regain power?

But even if the royal family wants to regain power, it should be Mu Tianxiaoyu who steps forward. How could it be Mu Tianwanyu?

"As a descendant of the royal family, the Mu Tian family has an unshirkable responsibility for the rise and fall of Dongyang. The royal family should shoulder the full responsibility for this mistake. My royal brother feels guilty and has committed suicide. I would like to apologize to all Dongyang people on behalf of ancestor Mu Tian. !”

An already cold corpse was carried out, it was Mu Tianxiaoyu!


The whole place exploded instantly. This was earth-shattering news. Mu Tianxiaoyu actually committed suicide by committing suicide!

Usef, who was sitting in the small courtyard, was stunned for a long time after receiving the news, because even he did not expect such a result.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "How is it? This good show is barely worthy of a good bar? But don't worry, this is foreplay, the real show is yet to come."

Usef smiled and said: "If my prediction is correct, your next step should be to put the blame on Sakura Temple's head, right?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you see it?"

"With your character, you will never take care of innocent people. You will never make things worse and affect the people of Dongyang. All you do is to push the Sakura Temple to the forefront of public opinion and make Gu Tianyang Become the target of public criticism!”

"Haha, you are indeed worthy of being a divine master, not just a martial artist!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Usef also smiled and said: "Aren't you also the same as a man of martial arts and superb martial arts?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu's death shocked everyone. Since ancient times, there were many princes who committed suicide, but Mu Tianxiaoyu was the first to commit suicide in order to apologize. Mu Tianxiaoyu set a precedent.

The princes are dead, and most of the anger of the people has dissipated in an instant. After all, in their minds, the royal family is supreme, and the princes have died to apologize. What else do they want? \u003c


However, both the royal family and the cabinet are empty now. Someone has to take over. Who is the most suitable?

Mu Tian Wanyu, the only remaining bloodline of the Dongyang royal family, Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Mu Tian Wanyu stood up and faced all the people directly!

"I, Mu Tian Wanyu, as a descendant of the royal family, actually let my people live in dire straits. I am ashamed of my ancestors and am willing to apologize to all those who were persecuted. My royal brother has already died. If that is not enough , you can add me!"

Everyone was shocked again. Mu Tian Wanyu was showing that if Mu Tian Xiaoyu's death could not relieve the people's hatred, she was willing to follow in Mu Tian Xiaoyu's footsteps and use her own blood to wash away her sins!

No one thought that Mu Tian Wanyu, the always low-key princess, could be so generous and willing to give up her life for her people.

"Your Highness!"

Some people knelt down and worshiped. The royal family was the belief in their hearts, and the only remaining bloodline of the royal family was actually willing to sacrifice like this for them!

"Your Highness!"

Almost all the Dongyang people present knelt down, and some even cried uncontrollably. Their faith was so humiliating, which was more painful for them than taking away their lives.

For a time, Mu Tian Wanyu's image became extremely sacred and inviolable throughout Dongyang!

"Her Royal Highness Princess Wanyu, the Qianye family, and the Wushen Group have destroyed humanity, killed innocent people, and repeatedly threatened world peace in order to achieve ulterior motives. Please hand over the culprit and let him be punished!" Some international media made a sound.

Mu Tian Wanyu hesitated a little and said: "Such a sin must be borne by someone. As a descendant of the royal family, I have no shirking responsibility!"

Seeing Mu Tian Wanyu looking forward to death, the people of Dongyang were unwilling to do so. Some people said angrily, "This has nothing to do with His Highness. It is all a collusion between the cabinet and the Qianye family. Even if someone is responsible for it, it should be the criminals in the cabinet!"

Indeed, such a heinous crime would not have been possible without the approval of the cabinet.

Mu Tian Wanyu sighed and said: "The cabinet does have responsibilities, but both the cabinet and the Qianye family are just following orders!"

Are the cabinet and the Chiba family just following orders? Who else is qualified to make them do their bidding?

Many people didn't believe it, but at this time someone stood up and spoke out. It was Kagura Ryukage who was supporting Kagura Chiai, the head of the three major families, the Kagura family!

"I can prove what Your Highness said. The cabinet is only following orders. All decisions made by the cabinet must be adjudicated by the three major families!" Kagura said wisely.

After hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar. Everyone knew that the three major families were extremely powerful in Dongyang, but they never expected that they would be so powerful and could affect the cabinet decision-making. However, when everyone calmed down and thought about it, all the cabinet ministers The families behind them are basically dependent on the three major families.

The cabinet members are basically people from the three major families, and the cabinet is the back garden of the three major families.

But Kagura Chiai continued: "But in fact, the three major families also obey orders, and the three major families obey the orders of the temple!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked, but after the shock, they were all relieved. The Sakura Temple is the holy land of Dongyang Wulin, worshiped by everyone. The three major families control the cabinet, and the Sakura Temple controls the three major families. The ultimate commander behind the scenes. Isn't it the temple? In an instant, the entire cabinet meeting room fell into dead silence, with panic on their faces. They had already seen that Mu Tianxiaoyu came with bad intentions this time. Since he had started killing, he would definitely not mind killing a few more.

"Your Highness, what do you want?" An Yufengxiao asked coldly.

"As I said just now, the cabinet will hand over power and the royal family will take over!"

Mu Tian Wanyu pointed to the two corpses on the ground and said: "If any of you have objections, they will be your fate now!"

Half an hour later, the cabinet leader An Yufengxiao, who had never had a clear attitude, finally responded and appeared in front of the public for the first time.

"Since the cabinet neglected its duties and caused such chaos in Dongyang, I decided to take the blame and resign!" An Yu said filial piety.

Not only him, but more than half of the cabinet ministers standing behind him have expressed their intention to step down. They were all powerful figures in the cabinet before.

They actually want to step down en masse, then who will control the cabinet? .??.

At this moment, a beautiful and elegant woman strode out. Everyone knew this person. It was Her Royal Highness the Princess, Mu Tian Wanyu!

"Everyone, my name is Mu Tian Wanyu. On behalf of the entire Dongyang royal family, I apologize for this incident and the victims caused by the Qianye family!" Mu Tian Wanyu bowed deeply.

The whole audience was in an uproar. Everyone knew that the royal family had no real power, but in this case Mu Tian Wanyu stood up. Did the royal family want to regain power?

But even if the royal family wants to regain power, it should be Mu Tianxiaoyu who steps forward. How could it be Mu Tianwanyu?

"As a descendant of the royal family, the Mu Tian family has an unshirkable responsibility for the rise and fall of Dongyang. The royal family should shoulder the full responsibility for this mistake. My royal brother feels guilty and has committed suicide. I would like to apologize to all Dongyang people on behalf of ancestor Mu Tian. !”

An already cold corpse was carried out, it was Mu Tianxiaoyu!


The whole place exploded instantly. This was earth-shattering news. Mu Tianxiaoyu actually committed suicide by committing suicide!

Usef, who was sitting in the small courtyard, was stunned for a long time after receiving the news, because even he did not expect such a result.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "How is it? This good show is barely worthy of a good bar? But don't worry, this is foreplay, the real show is yet to come."

Usef smiled and said: "If my prediction is correct, your next step should be to put the blame on Sakura Temple's head, right?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you see it?"

"With your character, you will never take care of innocent people. You will never make things worse and affect the people of Dongyang. All you do is to push the Sakura Temple to the forefront of public opinion and make Gu Tianyang Become the target of public criticism!”

"Haha, you are indeed worthy of being a divine master, not just a martial artist!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Usef also smiled and said: "Aren't you also the same as a man of martial arts and superb martial arts?"

Mu Tianxiaoyu's death shocked everyone. Since ancient times, there were many princes who committed suicide, but Mu Tianxiaoyu was the first to commit suicide in order to apologize. Mu Tianxiaoyu set a precedent.

The princes are dead, and most of the anger of the people has dissipated in an instant. After all, in their minds, the royal family is supreme, and the princes have died to apologize. What else do they want? \u003c


However, both the royal family and the cabinet are empty now. Someone has to take over. Who is the most suitable?

Mu Tian Wanyu, the only remaining bloodline of the Dongyang royal family, Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Mu Tian Wanyu stood up and faced all the people directly!

"I, Mu Tian Wanyu, as a descendant of the royal family, actually let my people live in dire straits. I am ashamed of my ancestors and am willing to apologize to all those who were persecuted. My royal brother has already died. If that is not enough , you can add me!"

Everyone was shocked again. Mu Tian Wanyu was showing that if Mu Tian Xiaoyu's death could not relieve the people's hatred, she was willing to follow in Mu Tian Xiaoyu's footsteps and use her own blood to wash away her sins!

No one thought that Mu Tian Wanyu, the always low-key princess, could be so generous and willing to give up her life for her people.

"Your Highness!"

Some people knelt down and worshiped. The royal family was the belief in their hearts, and the only remaining bloodline of the royal family was actually willing to sacrifice like this for them!

"Your Highness!"

Almost all the Dongyang people present knelt down, and some even cried uncontrollably. Their faith was so humiliating, which was more painful for them than taking away their lives.

For a time, Mu Tian Wanyu's image became extremely sacred and inviolable throughout Dongyang!

"Her Royal Highness Princess Wanyu, the Qianye family, and the Wushen Group have destroyed humanity, killed innocent people, and repeatedly threatened world peace in order to achieve ulterior motives. Please hand over the culprit and let him be punished!" Some international media made a sound.

Mu Tian Wanyu hesitated a little and said: "Such a sin must be borne by someone. As a descendant of the royal family, I have no shirking responsibility!"

Seeing Mu Tian Wanyu looking forward to death, the people of Dongyang were unwilling. Some people said sadly and angrily: "This has nothing to do with His Highness. It is all a collusion between the cabinet and the Qianye family. Even if someone is responsible for it, it should be the criminals in the cabinet!"

Indeed, such a heinous crime would not have been possible without the approval of the cabinet.

Mu Tian Wanyu sighed and said: "The cabinet does have responsibilities, but both the cabinet and the Qianye family are just following orders!"

Are the cabinet and the Chiba family just following orders? Who else is qualified to make them do their bidding?

Many people didn't believe it, but at this time someone stood up and spoke out. It was Kagura Ryukage who was supporting Kagura Chiai, the head of the three major families, the Kagura family!

"I can prove what Your Highness said. The cabinet is only following orders. All decisions made by the cabinet must be adjudicated by the three major families!" Kagura said wisely.

After hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar. Everyone knew that the three major families were extremely powerful in Dongyang, but they never expected that they would be so powerful and could affect the cabinet decision-making. However, when everyone calmed down and thought about it, all the cabinet ministers The families behind them are basically dependent on the three major families.

The cabinet members are basically people from the three major families, and the cabinet is the back garden of the three major families.

But Kagura Chiai continued: "But in fact, the three major families also obey orders, and the three major families obey the orders of the temple!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked, but after the shock, they were all relieved. The Sakura Temple is the holy land of Dongyang Wulin, worshiped by everyone. The three major families control the cabinet, and the Sakura Temple controls the three major families. The ultimate commander behind the scenes. Isn't it the temple?

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