"This is impossible, it's complete nonsense!"

"Yes, the temple is sacred and inviolable, and it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing."

"This is a naked slander! You actually dare to slander the temple. You are the sinners of Dongyang!"

Some people roared loudly, the Sakura Temple's status in their hearts was too high, and anyone's attack was a blasphemy to their faith.

"I can prove that what he said is true!"

A beautiful woman with peerless elegance appeared in everyone's sight. Her huge and intimidating aura made everyone tremble and retreat. This was an extremely beautiful woman, but no one dared to speak directly to her. See.

"She is...Sakura...Kami-sama!" Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

That's right, the person who came was none other than the former ruler of the Sakura Temple, the most noble Sakura God among all Dongyang people, Qianye Yunzing!

Now even Sakura God has personally come forward to confirm that Sakura Temple is the actual behind-the-scenes controller of all the crimes committed by Dongyang. How is this possible?

"Sakura God... Sir, is this true?" Someone asked with a pale face and a trembling voice, feeling a sense of despair that his faith had collapsed.

Qianye Yunying sighed and said: "Maybe you don't know that the temple has actually fallen into the control of others, and I have been expelled from the temple. I am no longer the Sakura God."


Everyone was instantly shocked. The sacred and inviolable temple in their minds was actually occupied. Even the supreme Sakura God in their hearts was expelled.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Qianye Yunying lowered her proud head, bowed to everyone, and said: "Sakura Temple should belong to Dongyang and all the people of Dongyang. Now my biggest wish is to recapture the temple. Otherwise, I will be ashamed of Jiuquan." The sages of the past generations of the temple!”

Her words were like a lit fuse, erupting in an instant.

"Kill the intruders and take back the Sakura Temple!" All the Dongyang people present shouted angrily.

They never thought that the culprit would be the Sakura Temple, and the temple was actually occupied. This made every Dongyang people furious. In an instant, the Sakura Temple became the target of conquest by the entire Dongyang.

At the same time, China made a voice: "China and Dongyang will always be brotherly states, seeking development together, and firmly support Her Royal Highness Princess Mu Tianxiaoyu!"

In an instant, everyone realized this. This was someone recognizing Mu Tian Wanyu's powerful position. Could she become the female emperor? And is she still a female emperor who holds real power?

The cabinet collapsed and the Sakura Temple fell off the altar, but Mu Tianwanyu stepped forward and left an excellent impression on all Dongyang people. She is the best candidate.

Not only that, the international media also had a very good impression of Mu Tianwanyu, expressing their support and willingness to help Mu Tianwanyu resolve the Dongyang crisis.

At the beginning, many people had great complaints about Mu Tian Wanyu's taking power. After all, Dongyang is a country where men are supreme. It is impossible for a woman to take her turn to ride on their head. However, in the eyes of many people This time Dongyang's crisis was resolved entirely due to the contributions of Mu Tianwanyu's brother and sister. After Mu Tianxiaoyu died, Mu Tianwanyu became their new top leader.

Although Mu Tian Wanyu has not been crowned, her status as female emperor can no longer be shaken.

"Ha ha

...It’s really a wonderful show! " Usef clapped his hands and laughed.

In less than three days, Ji Wufeng actually ordered the cabinet to step down and promoted Mu Tianwanyu, a dispensable princess, to the position of empress. What's even more rare is that the sacred place of Sakura Temple has also become Get to the root of evil and let people get rid of it quickly!

Link after link, extremely fast and seamless, it has to be amazing!

"Do you want to surprise me?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"It definitely gave me a scare!"

Usef said: "But this also makes me think that it would be better to get rid of this serious problem of yours now while you are sick and can kill you!"

"Damn it, you've already been frightened by me, how dare you provoke me?" Ji Wufeng glared.

Usef shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that if you do this to me in the future, I'm really afraid that I'll end up like Gu Tianyang."

Ji Wufeng immediately smiled and said: "I'm actually not as powerful as you think, I'm just bragging in front of you. Gu Tianyang's current situation is far from as bad as you think. Who do you think he is? No. Do you think my plan was too easy to succeed?"

"It's indeed a bit simple. What's the reason?" Usef nodded.

A tall and straight figure strode in. With the two people's cultivation, they didn't even notice the person approaching from a hundred meters away. Usef smiled slightly and said: "Since we don't know the reason, let the person involved explain it in person. Bar."

Gu Tianyang sat down, took the initiative to pour a glass of wine, and chuckled: "Good wine goes with good drama, and life is fun."

"Are you here to kill me?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said, "I'm not as miserable as you think."

"But your methods have always been despicable." Ji Wufeng shook his head.

"It's hard to find an opponent, and it's not easy to get together. I'm afraid I'll never have the chance to have a good time over wine again."

Ji Wufeng knew that Gu Tianyang was no longer Gu Tianyang, but Gu Tianyang was still Gu Tianyang, still so unparalleled and calm!

I am afraid that I will never have another chance in the future, because it is time to decide the final outcome, and this time the outcome is decided by life and death. Only one of the two can leave the field alive, and no one can change this ending.

Usef didn't seem to be surprised at all by Gu Tianyang's appearance. It seemed that he had known that Gu Tianyang would come. He clapped his hands, and immediately a large group of people poured in, and the secluded courtyard was immediately filled. Food and wine!

A burly young man in black clothes who exuded a fierce aura strode in and said with a big smile: "Haha, good wine!"

It was Tian Wuxin who saw him grabbing a wine bottle without any courtesy and said to Gu Tianyang: "Good rival, I'll toast you!"

Putting aside the grievances and grudges, Gu Tianyang is indeed an excellent opponent. The few people among his peers who have reached the top, whether they are brothers or opponents, should be cherished.

Gu Tianyang picked up the wine glass and said, "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Tian Wuxin put down the wine bottle, his expression became indifferent and said: "But what I am looking forward to more is tomorrow!"

Tomorrow is the day when Qianye Yu succeeds the Sakura God, and it is also the day when Qianye Yu and Mingyue get engaged. However, the Sakura Temple has now become the target of public criticism. Can Gu Tianyang's plan continue? However, no matter what, tomorrow will be the day that determines the final outcome. "This is impossible, it's complete nonsense!"

"Yes, the temple is sacred and inviolable, and it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing."

"This is a naked slander! You actually dare to slander the temple. You are the sinners of Dongyang!"

Some people roared loudly, the Sakura Temple's status in their hearts was too high, and anyone's attack was a blasphemy to their faith.

"I can prove that what he said is true!"

A beautiful woman with peerless elegance appeared in everyone's sight. Her huge and intimidating aura made everyone tremble and retreat. This was an extremely beautiful woman, but no one dared to speak directly to her. See.

"She is...Sakura...Kami-sama!" Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

That's right, the person who came was none other than the former ruler of the Sakura Temple, the most noble Sakura God among all Dongyang people, Qianye Yunzing!

Now even Sakura God has personally come forward to confirm that Sakura Temple is the actual behind-the-scenes controller of all the crimes committed by Dongyang. How is this possible?

"Sakura God... Sir, is this true?" Someone asked with a pale face and a trembling voice, feeling a sense of despair that his faith had collapsed.

Qianye Yunying sighed and said: "Maybe you don't know that the temple has actually fallen into the control of others, and I have been expelled from the temple. I am no longer the Sakura God."


Everyone was instantly shocked. The sacred and inviolable temple in their minds was actually occupied. Even the supreme Sakura God in their hearts was expelled.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Qianye Yunying lowered her proud head, bowed to everyone, and said: "Sakura Temple should belong to Dongyang and all the people of Dongyang. Now my biggest wish is to recapture the temple. Otherwise, I will be ashamed of Jiuquan." The sages of the past generations of the temple!”

Her words were like a lit fuse, erupting in an instant.

"Kill the intruders and take back the Sakura Temple!" All the Dongyang people present shouted angrily.

They never thought that the culprit would be the Sakura Temple, and the temple was actually occupied. This made every Dongyang people furious. In an instant, the Sakura Temple became the target of conquest by the entire Dongyang.

At the same time, China made a voice: "China and Dongyang will always be brotherly states, seeking development together, and firmly support Her Royal Highness Princess Mu Tianxiaoyu!"

In an instant, everyone realized this. This was someone recognizing Mu Tian Wanyu's powerful position. Could she become the female emperor? And is she still a female emperor who holds real power?

The cabinet collapsed and the Sakura Temple fell off the altar, but Mu Tianwanyu stepped forward and left an excellent impression on all Dongyang people. She is the best candidate.

Not only that, the international media also had a very good impression of Mu Tianwanyu, expressing their support and willingness to help Mu Tianwanyu resolve the Dongyang crisis.

At the beginning, many people had great complaints about Mu Tian Wanyu's taking power. After all, Dongyang is a country where men are supreme. It is impossible for a woman to take her turn to ride on their head. However, in the eyes of many people This time the crisis in Dongyang was resolved entirely due to the contributions of Mu Tianwanyu's brother and sister. After Mu Tianxiaoyu died, Mu Tianwanyu became their new top leader.

Although Mu Tian Wanyu has not been crowned, her status as female emperor can no longer be shaken.

"Ha ha

...It’s really a wonderful show! " Usef clapped his hands and laughed.

In less than three days, Ji Wufeng actually ordered the cabinet to step down and promoted Mu Tianwanyu, a dispensable princess, to the position of empress. What's even more rare is that the sacred place of Sakura Temple has also become Get to the root of evil and let people get rid of it quickly!

Link after link, extremely fast and seamless, it has to be amazing!

"Do you want to surprise me?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"It definitely gave me a scare!"

Usef said: "But this also makes me think that it would be better to get rid of this serious problem of yours now while you are sick and can kill you!"

"Damn it, you've already been frightened by me, how dare you provoke me?" Ji Wufeng glared.

Usef shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that if you do this to me in the future, I'm really afraid that I'll end up like Gu Tianyang."

Ji Wufeng immediately smiled and said: "I'm actually not as powerful as you think, I'm just bragging in front of you. Gu Tianyang's current situation is far from as bad as you think. Who do you think he is? No. Do you think my plan was too easy to succeed?"

"It's indeed a bit simple. What's the reason?" Usef nodded.

A tall and straight figure strode in. With the two people's cultivation, they didn't even notice the person approaching from a hundred meters away. Usef smiled slightly and said: "Since we don't know the reason, let the person involved explain it in person. Bar."

Gu Tianyang sat down, took the initiative to pour a glass of wine, and chuckled: "Good wine goes with good drama, and life is fun."

"Are you here to kill me?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said, "I'm not as miserable as you think."

"But your methods have always been despicable." Ji Wufeng shook his head.

"It's hard to find an opponent, and it's not easy to get together. I'm afraid I'll never have the chance to have a good time over wine again."

Ji Wufeng knew that Gu Tianyang was no longer Gu Tianyang, but Gu Tianyang was still Gu Tianyang, still so unparalleled and calm!

I am afraid that I will never have another chance in the future, because it is time to decide the final outcome, and this time the outcome is decided by life and death. Only one of the two can leave the field alive, and no one can change this ending.

Usef didn't seem to be surprised at all by Gu Tianyang's appearance. It seemed that he had known that Gu Tianyang would come. He clapped his hands, and immediately a large group of people poured in, and the secluded courtyard was immediately filled. Food and wine!

A burly young man in black clothes who exuded a fierce aura strode in and said with a big smile: "Haha, good wine!"

It was Tian Wuxin who saw him grabbing a wine bottle without any courtesy and said to Gu Tianyang: "Good rival, I'll toast you!"

Putting aside the grievances and grudges, Gu Tianyang is indeed an excellent opponent. The few people among his peers who have reached the top, whether they are brothers or opponents, should be cherished.

Gu Tianyang picked up the wine glass and said, "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Tian Wuxin put down the wine bottle, his expression became indifferent and said: "But what I am looking forward to more is tomorrow!"

Tomorrow is the day when Qianye Yu succeeds the Sakura God, and it is also the day when Qianye Yu and Mingyue get engaged. However, the Sakura Temple has now become the target of public criticism. Can Gu Tianyang's plan continue? However, no matter what, tomorrow will be the day that determines the final outcome.

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