"I'm waiting for you!" Gu Tianyang said very seriously.

Two stunningly beautiful women with unparalleled elegance and heroic spirit walked in. They were the two strongest women among the young generation, Yun Shang, the Holy Lord of Tiangong, and Wuchen, the Saint of Jialuo Temple!

Yun Shang picked up a glass of wine, walked towards Gu Tianyang and said, "Although I am an opponent, it is undeniable that you are an opponent worth cherishing."

"It is my honor, Gu Tianyang, to be so favored by Miss Yunshang!" Gu Tianyang said with a smile on his face.

Wuchen just glanced at Gu Tianyang, nodded slightly and sat aside, but was too lazy to look at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng wanted to walk over and get close to him with a happy face, but Wuchen turned his back to him and said coldly: "Get away!"

Ji Wufeng immediately rubbed his nose and walked away with a face full of anger. What's there to pull? You have already given birth to a baby for me, how can I still let you fly? One day I will openly push you down again.

Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan came. The four of them are the most outstanding young masters in the Chinese martial arts world at the moment, and they were also invited by Usef.

Five years have passed, and Kong Ming has become more or less like an eminent monk. However, when he saw the table full of fine wine and delicacies, his true colors were revealed in an instant. He grabbed a pickled pork elbow and a wine bottle and started to feast on it. Xia Luofeng had a look on his face. He said disdainfully: "Nima, bald donkey, can't you be more polite? After all, you are now a senior monk. Don't you think it's a loss of status to be so rude?"

"How much is it worth to drop a hammer? I've learned so much these days, it's rare to meet such a generous idiot serving wine and meat. If I don't have a good time, wouldn't I have let down other people's good intentions?" Kong Ming rolled his eyes and said.

Xia Luofeng immediately turned around and left. He felt it was so embarrassing to be with this dead bald donkey.

"No matter what, I want to toast you. Although your moral character is corrupt, I really can't beat you!" Xia Luofeng ran to Gu Tianyang with the wine glass and said.

Gu Tianyang smiled and said nothing, drinking with Xia Luofeng.

Lin Tiannan also walked over, raised his wine glass and nodded: "Have a drink!"

"Drink a drink!" Gu Tianyang said.

Shi Yiren stepped forward and sighed: "What a pity."

Her words silenced everyone present for an instant. They were all strong men who had reached the top. They were invincible at high places, and it was hard to find opponents.

Even though he was an opponent, Gu Tianyang still impressed many people. Not only did he fight side by side, but he also fought to the death. How could it not be regrettable?

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "There is nothing to regret. Everyone's fate is doomed. It has been doomed from the moment he was born. Since I am Nie Chongxiao's grandson and Gu Yunfei's son, this I have to take this road sooner or later!"

That's right, it's a destined fate and a destined path. Even if you don't want to see it, who can change it?

Catherine is here, and so is Kagura Ryukage.

"I have already heard about your brother, please forgive me!" Gu Tianyang said.

"I'm determined."

Catherine held the wine glass and said, "I will definitely take back my brother's revenge!"

"I hope your wish comes true." Gu Tianyang said.

Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong are here, Yue Kunpeng, Wu Chang, Jin Yu, Rong Tianhe, Wen Jingtao, Yuwen Tiancheng, Fang Tianhua... all of them are here.

As soon as Zhao Jiaolong saw Kong Ming holding the wine jar, he jumped over and slapped his bald head hard, saying: "Damn bald head.

There was no winner last time, let's do it again today. "

"Come on, come on, Buddha, I have to drink you under the table today!" Kong Ming rolled up his sleeves and shouted as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Fang Tianhua secretly glanced at Wuchen in the distance, then sneaked up to Ji Wufeng and whispered: "Boss, have you captured this sister-in-law again?"

"Isn't that right? Is there any woman I can't win?" Ji Wufeng said with his chest puffed out.

Fang Tianhua nodded and said: "That's right, if a woman is disobedient, she needs to be punished... Oops..."

Fang Tianhua suddenly covered his buttocks and screamed. A hole was opened in it, and blood spurted out. It was obvious that he had been pierced by the sword energy.

"Damn it, who attacked me..."

He jumped up in anger and cursed his mother. Suddenly he came into contact with two cold eyes. His anger instantly withered as if he had been drowned by a flood. He ran away and said: "Haha, I'm talking nonsense. Sister-in-law, please don’t take it seriously, I will disappear immediately..."

Seeing Fang Tianhua running away, Ji Wufeng looked at Wuchen, touched his nose and chuckled, "You're still jealous, little girl, you can't escape."

Alina is here, and with her are Mu Tian Wanyu and Ji Qingzi. Although the three of them are not martial arts practitioners, they are definitely dazzling beauties among the younger generation.

However, the scene in front of me was a bit strange. It was obviously a life-and-death hostility. Kong Ming, with his bald head, wanted to have a drink with Gu Tianyang, but no one stepped forward to stop him, because everyone knew that after today, everyone would be together tomorrow. What are you facing?

Let's drink and talk happily today, and let's enjoy the grudges tomorrow!

After everyone drank too much, a big battle was inevitable. Legs of lamb, grilled fish... delicacies were flying all over the sky, and no one in the small courtyard was spared. Wu Chen and Yun Shang The superior queen was angry, rolled up her sleeves and joined the battlefield. In an instant, pots, pans and spoons flew up.

Gu Tianyang had a piece of cream cake on his head and looked very embarrassed. He glared, grabbed a plate of braised pork chop and threw it at Tian Wuxin. The figure flickered, and Tian Wuxin quickly dodged, but he was still hit. Eye sockets.

"Hahaha... black eyes are blue!" Usef couldn't help laughing when he saw such a scene.

Tian Wuxin was so angry that he picked up a plate of peanuts and smashed it out, cursing: "You are laughing at me!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Usef was unprepared, and half of the plate of peanuts was thrown into his mouth, with a few stuck in his nostrils, which looked very funny.

"Ha ha……"

The whole audience burst into laughter, and Usef became furious and roared: "Wait for me!"

He suddenly lifted the table, and all the dishes on the table flew up, hitting everyone's heads like rain.

The only quiet figure was sitting in the corner, watching everything quietly. Finally, Gu Tianyang withdrew from the battle circle and walked over.

"It seems you are very happy today!"

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "Indeed, today is the happiest day in my life, because I have never been so unscrupulous as I am today. I don't have to guard against anyone or plot against anyone. No matter what I say or do, I just want to be happy. It requires any scheming and government!”

"Isn't this good?" Nie Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang with a complicated expression.

"Although this is good, it doesn't belong to me." Gu Tianyang said lightly. "I'm waiting for you!" Gu Tianyang said very seriously.

Two stunningly beautiful women with unparalleled elegance and heroic spirit walked in. They were the two strongest women among the young generation, Yun Shang, the Holy Lord of Tiangong, and Wuchen, the Saint of Jialuo Temple!

Yun Shang picked up a glass of wine, walked towards Gu Tianyang and said, "Although I am an opponent, it is undeniable that you are an opponent worth cherishing."

"It is my honor, Gu Tianyang, to be so favored by Miss Yunshang!" Gu Tianyang said with a smile on his face.

Wuchen just glanced at Gu Tianyang, nodded slightly and sat aside, but was too lazy to look at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng wanted to walk over and get close to him with a happy face, but Wuchen turned his back to him and said coldly: "Get away!"

Ji Wufeng immediately rubbed his nose and walked away with a face full of anger. What's there to pull? You have already given birth to a baby for me, how can I still let you fly? One day I will openly push you down again.

Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan came. The four of them are the most outstanding young masters in the Chinese martial arts world at the moment, and they were also invited by Usef.

Five years have passed, and Kong Ming has become more or less like an eminent monk. However, when he saw the table full of fine wine and delicacies, his true colors were revealed in an instant. He grabbed a pickled pork elbow and a wine bottle and started to feast on it. Xia Luofeng had a look on his face. He said disdainfully: "Nima, bald donkey, can't you be more polite? After all, you are now a senior monk. Don't you think it's a loss of status to be so rude?"

"How much is it worth to drop a hammer? I've learned so much these days, it's rare to meet such a generous idiot serving wine and meat. If I don't have a good time, wouldn't I have let down other people's good intentions?" Kong Ming rolled his eyes and said.

Xia Luofeng immediately turned around and left. He felt it was so embarrassing to be with this dead bald donkey.

"No matter what, I want to toast you. Although your moral character is corrupt, I really can't beat you!" Xia Luofeng ran to Gu Tianyang with the wine glass and said.

Gu Tianyang smiled and said nothing, drinking with Xia Luofeng.

Lin Tiannan also walked over, raised his glass and nodded: "Drink!"

"Drink a drink!" Gu Tianyang said.

Shi Yiren stepped forward and sighed: "What a pity."

Her words silenced everyone present for an instant. They were all strong men who had reached the top. They were invincible and their opponents were hard to find.

Even though he was an opponent, Gu Tianyang still impressed many people. Not only did he fight side by side, but he also fought to the death. How could it not be regrettable?

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "There is nothing to regret. Everyone's fate is doomed. It has been doomed from the moment he was born. Since I am Nie Chongxiao's grandson and Gu Yunfei's son, this I have to take this road sooner or later!"

That's right, it's a destined fate and a destined path. Even if you don't want to see it, who can change it?

Catherine is here, and so is Kagura Ryukage.

"I've heard about your brother, please forgive me!" Gu Tianyang said.

"I'm determined."

Catherine held the wine glass and said, "I will definitely take back my brother's revenge!"

"I hope your wish comes true." Gu Tianyang said.

Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong are here, Yue Kunpeng, Wu Chang, Jin Yu, Rong Tianhe, Wen Jingtao, Yuwen Tiancheng, Fang Tianhua... all of them are here.

As soon as Zhao Jiaolong saw Kong Ming holding the wine jar, he jumped over and slapped his bald head hard, saying: "Damn bald head.

There was no winner last time, let's do it again today. "

"Come on, come on, Buddha, I have to drink you under the table today!" Kong Ming rolled up his sleeves and shouted as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Fang Tianhua secretly glanced at Wuchen in the distance, then sneaked up to Ji Wufeng and whispered: "Boss, have you taken down this sister-in-law again?"

"Isn't that right? Is there any woman I can't win?" Ji Wufeng said with his chest puffed out.

Fang Tianhua nodded and said: "That's right, if a woman is disobedient, she needs to be punished... Oops..."

Fang Tianhua suddenly covered his buttocks and let out a scream. A hole was opened in it, and blood spurted out. It was obvious that he had been pierced by the sword energy.

"Damn it, who attacked me..."

He jumped up in anger and cursed his mother. Suddenly he came into contact with two cold eyes. His anger instantly withered as if he had been drowned by a flood. He ran away and said: "Haha, I'm talking nonsense. Sister-in-law, please don’t take it seriously, I will disappear immediately..."

Seeing Fang Tianhua running away, Ji Wufeng looked at Wuchen, touched his nose and chuckled, "You're still jealous, little girl, you can't escape."

Alina is here, and with her are Mu Tian Wanyu and Ji Qingzi. Although the three of them are not martial arts practitioners, they are definitely dazzling beauties among the younger generation.

However, the scene in front of me was a bit strange. It was obviously a life-and-death hostility. Kong Ming, with his bald head, wanted to have a drink with Gu Tianyang, but no one stepped forward to stop him, because everyone knew that after today, everyone would be together tomorrow. What are you facing?

Let's drink and talk happily today, and let's enjoy the grudges tomorrow!

After everyone drank too much, a big battle was inevitable. Legs of lamb, grilled fish... delicacies were flying all over the sky, and no one in the small courtyard was spared. Wu Chen and Yun Shang The superior queen was angry, rolled up her sleeves and joined the battlefield. In an instant, pots, pans and spoons flew up.

Gu Tianyang had a piece of cream cake on his head and looked very embarrassed. He glared, grabbed a plate of braised pork chop and threw it at Tian Wuxin. The figure flickered, and Tian Wuxin quickly dodged, but he was still hit. Eye sockets.

"Hahaha... black eyes are blue!" Usef couldn't help laughing when he saw such a scene.

Tian Wuxin was so angry that he picked up a plate of peanuts and smashed it out, cursing: "You are laughing at me!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Usef was unprepared, and half of the plate of peanuts was thrown into his mouth, with a few stuck in his nostrils, which looked very funny.

"Ha ha……"

The whole audience burst into laughter, and Usef became furious and roared: "Wait for me!"

He suddenly lifted the table, and all the dishes on the table flew up, hitting everyone's heads like rain.

The only quiet figure was sitting in the corner, watching everything quietly. Finally, Gu Tianyang withdrew from the battle circle and walked over.

"It seems you are very happy today!"

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "Indeed, today is the happiest day in my life, because I have never been so unscrupulous as I am today. I don't have to guard against anyone or plot against anyone. No matter what I say or do, I just want to be happy. It requires any scheming and government!”

"Isn't this good?" Nie Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang with a complicated expression.

"Although this is good, it doesn't belong to me." Gu Tianyang said lightly.

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