"I once thought it didn't belong to me." Nie Wufeng said.

"I'm different from you."

"What's the difference? You and I are both his sons, we are brothers!" Nie Wufeng said excitedly.

Gu Tianyang smiled, but he smiled very coldly, and said: "This is the difference between you and me. You can treat me as a brother, but I can't!"

"Do you really have the heart to let those brothers and sisters perish with you?" Nie Wufeng asked.

"Wrong, it is impossible for me to perish!"

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "I just said that you regard me as a brother, but I am not your brother. Neither of them are. They are just tools in my hands."

Nie Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang's back with a dull expression. He didn't believe that Gu Tianyang would really say such things.

Ji Wufeng walked over and said, "I told you that he is different from you!"

"Yes, he is different from me, but what about those brothers and sisters? What's wrong with them?"

Nie Wufeng looked at Ji Wufeng with a look of grief and anger and asked, "How will you treat them?"


Ji Wufeng said without hesitation: "I know what you are going to say? You think they are just tools controlled by fate. They are not wrong, but they stand in front of Gu Tianyang."

Yes, Gu Tianyang is going to die, but many people will be buried with Gu Tianyang, and no one can stop him.



Nie Wufeng smashed the wine bottle in his hand, the broken glass pierced his palms, and bright red blood dripped on the ground. Nie Wufeng said with a sad face: "You have no idea, you have never seen it, and you don't understand what they went through? "

"Have you ever seen a child who was only a few years old holding a knife and cutting out the heart of a person while he was screaming miserably, and cutting off the head before the person died?"

"Do you know who the child killed? They grew up together, lived together, but failed the test. They were brothers and sisters connected by blood!"

"They were living people, but they were deprived of their souls and trained into zombies who only know how to kill!"

boom! boom! boom!

Nie Wufeng banged his head on the table in front of him, blood flowed out, but he couldn't feel any pain, and his face was ferocious, like a madman!

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He had thought that the dozen young masters with the blood of the Nie family must have gone through extremely harsh training, but he never thought that Gu Yunfei's methods were so cruel and ruthless.

They were all his biological children connected by blood, but they were trained and cultivated like wild beasts. Maybe in Gu Yunfei's eyes, those people were really just tools.

Unknowingly, the night passed and it was almost dawn. Everyone drank a lot of wine. However, when the first ray of light suddenly appeared in the east, everyone suddenly woke up and the life-and-death battle was about to begin.

At this moment, Kagura Liuying received a call, his face instantly turned pale, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground.

Just now, three major families, including the Kagura family, were attacked and brutally massacred.

There were at least thousands of people from the three families, whether direct or collateral, old, weak, women, children, and even babies in their infancy, none of them survived!

Now, except for Kagura Liuying, there is no one alive among the three major families, standing tall in Dongyang.

The three major families that had survived for a hundred years were completely eliminated and perished!

Mu Tianxiaoyu also received the call and collapsed on the ground. At the same time, the cabinet and the royal family were attacked, and thousands of people were attacked!

After getting the news, everyone present couldn't help but gasped in horror!

What a cold-blooded method, even the old, weak, women, children, and even infant babies are not spared. How cold-hearted does this require?

Ji Wufeng had long guessed that Gu Tianyang would have a counterattack, but he didn't expect it to be so ruthless, but it had to be said that this method was extremely effective.

The royal family, the three major families, and the entire cabinet were wiped out. It can be said that all the high-level officials were now taken advantage of by Gu Tianyang.

However, in this way, Gu Tianyang completely overturned the Sakura Temple and turned it against the people of Dongyang, and the two sides completely broke apart.

But this is even more chilling, because this is Gu Tianyang's desperate method, which shows his determination to fight for life and death.

The sun shone through the clouds. Ji Wufeng looked at the lost Mu Tian Wanyu and Kagura Liuying, and said with a bright light in his eyes: "It's time for us to set off!"

Fierce fighting spirit burst out from everyone, and Ji Wufeng stepped forward. Today was the ultimate battle, the day when he and Gu Tianyang finally ended.

The Sakura Shrine is located on the top of the mountain. Because the mountains are covered with beautiful cherry blossoms, the Sakura Shrine is named after it. Along the way, we saw cherry blossoms flying all over the mountains and fields. The pink petals are beautiful, but they will soon be stained red with blood.

The cherry blossoms in Dongyang are beautiful, one of the famous beautiful scenery in the world, but today it will be reduced to a blood-flowing Shura field!

A young girl saw a pink cherry blossom tree and couldn't help walking over. Girls always love beautiful things. She gently touched the beautiful petals with her hands and said, "It's so beautiful!"

Shi Yiren's expression changed and she shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

The soil at the base of the cherry blossom tree suddenly stirred up, and a hand that was rotten enough to reveal the white bones stretched out and grabbed the girl's chest like lightning.

Shi Yiren waved the silver needle in his hand and shot it out.

A rotting corpse like a skeleton sprang out of the soil. Shi Yiren's silver needle stabbed him, but he was not affected at all. The skeleton's claws penetrated straight into the girl's chest. .


Her chest was torn apart, and a young girl died like this!

"Little Junior Sister..." Someone roared sadly.

Kong Ming rushed over, with a trace of anger in his eyes, and punched out, smashing the rotting corpse into powder.

"Ah...save me!"

Almost at the same time, someone let out a shrill scream. It was a Kunlun disciple. A claw suddenly stretched out from his feet, and the bone-like claw pierced directly into his calf like a sharp blade.

Lin Tiannan slapped the ground with his palm. The corpse on the ground was beaten to pieces before he could crawl out. But looking at the Kunlun disciple, the injured calf gradually turned into light green, and the green color was spreading rapidly, spreading all over the body in an instant. The Kunlun disciple lost his voice in a fit of convulsions.

The body of the girl who died before also turned light green.

"Zombie poison?" Shi Yiren asked in shock.

These corpses are actually poisonous. As long as they touch the body and have wounds, they will be poisoned and die quickly even if they are not killed on the spot. "I once thought it didn't belong to me." Nie Wufeng said.

"I'm different from you."

"What's the difference? You and I are both his sons, we are brothers!" Nie Wufeng said excitedly.

Gu Tianyang smiled, but he smiled very coldly, and said: "This is the difference between you and me. You can treat me as a brother, but I can't!"

"Do you really have the heart to let those brothers and sisters perish with you?" Nie Wufeng asked.

"Wrong, it is impossible for me to perish!"

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "I just said that you regard me as a brother, but I am not your brother. Neither of them are. They are just tools in my hands."

Nie Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang's back with a dull expression. He didn't believe that Gu Tianyang would really say such things.

Ji Wufeng walked over and said, "I told you that he is different from you!"

"Yes, he is different from me, but what about those brothers and sisters? What's wrong with them?"

Nie Wufeng looked at Ji Wufeng with a look of grief and anger and asked, "How will you treat them?"


Ji Wufeng said without hesitation: "I know what you are going to say? You think they are just tools controlled by fate. They are not wrong, but they stand in front of Gu Tianyang."

Yes, Gu Tianyang is going to die, but many people will be buried with Gu Tianyang, and no one can stop him.



Nie Wufeng smashed the wine bottle in his hand, the broken glass pierced his palms, and bright red blood dripped on the ground. Nie Wufeng said with a sad face: "You have no idea, you have never seen it, and you don't understand what they went through? "

"Have you ever seen a child who was only a few years old holding a knife and cutting out the heart of a person while he was screaming miserably, and cutting off the head before the person died?"

"Do you know who the child killed? They grew up together, lived together, but failed the test. They were brothers and sisters connected by blood!"

"They were living people, but they were deprived of their souls and trained into zombies who only know how to kill!"

boom! boom! boom!

Nie Wufeng banged his head on the table in front of him, blood flowed out, but he couldn't feel any pain, and his face was ferocious, like a madman!

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He had thought that the dozen young masters with the blood of the Nie family must have gone through extremely harsh training, but he never thought that Gu Yunfei's methods were so cruel and ruthless.

They were all his biological children connected by blood, but they were trained and cultivated like wild beasts. Maybe in Gu Yunfei's eyes, those people were really just tools.

Unknowingly, the night passed and it was almost dawn. Everyone drank a lot of wine. However, when the first ray of light suddenly appeared in the east, everyone suddenly woke up and the life-and-death battle was about to begin.

At this moment, Kagura Liuying received a call, his face instantly turned pale, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground.

Just now, three major families, including the Kagura family, were attacked and brutally massacred.

There were at least thousands of people from the three families, whether direct or collateral, old, weak, women, children, and even babies in their infancy, none of them survived!

Now, except for Kagura Liuying, there is no one alive among the three major families, standing tall in Dongyang.

The three major families that had survived for a hundred years were completely eliminated and perished!

Mu Tianxiaoyu also received the call and collapsed on the ground. At the same time, the cabinet and the royal family were attacked, and thousands of people were attacked!

After getting the news, everyone present couldn't help but gasped in horror!

What a cold-blooded method, even the old, weak, women, children, and even infant babies are not spared. How cold-hearted does this require?

Ji Wufeng had long guessed that Gu Tianyang would have a counterattack, but he didn't expect it to be so ruthless, but it had to be said that this method was extremely effective.

The royal family, the three major families, and the entire cabinet were wiped out. It can be said that all the high-level officials were now taken advantage of by Gu Tianyang.

However, in this way, Gu Tianyang completely overturned the Sakura Temple and turned it against the people of Dongyang, and the two sides completely broke apart.

But this is even more chilling, because this is Gu Tianyang's desperate method, which shows his determination to fight for life and death.

The sun shone through the clouds. Ji Wufeng looked at the lost Mu Tian Wanyu and Kagura Liuying, and said with a bright light in his eyes: "It's time for us to set off!"

Fierce fighting spirit burst out from everyone, and Ji Wufeng stepped forward. Today was the ultimate battle, the day when he and Gu Tianyang finally ended.

The Sakura Shrine is located on the top of the mountain. Because the mountains are covered with beautiful cherry blossoms, the Sakura Shrine is named after it. Along the way, we saw cherry blossoms flying all over the mountains and fields. The pink petals are beautiful, but they will soon be stained red with blood.

The cherry blossoms in Dongyang are beautiful, one of the famous beautiful scenery in the world, but today it will be reduced to a blood-flowing Shura field!

A young girl saw a pink cherry blossom tree and couldn't help walking over. Girls always love beautiful things. She gently touched the beautiful petals with her hands and said, "It's so beautiful!"

Shi Yiren's expression changed and she shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

The soil at the base of the cherry blossom tree suddenly stirred up, and a hand that was rotten enough to reveal the white bones stretched out and grabbed the girl's chest like lightning.

Shi Yiren waved the silver needle in his hand and shot it out.

A rotting corpse like a skeleton sprang out of the soil. Shi Yiren's silver needle stabbed him, but he was not affected at all. The skeleton's claws penetrated straight into the girl's chest. .


Her chest was torn apart, and a young girl died like this!

"Little Junior Sister..." Someone roared sadly.

Kong Ming rushed over, with a trace of anger in his eyes, and punched out, smashing the rotting corpse into powder.

"Ah...save me!"

Almost at the same time, someone let out a shrill scream. It was a Kunlun disciple. A claw suddenly stretched out from his feet, and the bone-like claw pierced directly into his calf like a sharp blade.

Lin Tiannan slapped the ground with his palm. The corpse on the ground was beaten to pieces before he could crawl out. But looking at the Kunlun disciple, the injured calf gradually turned into light green, and the green color was spreading rapidly, spreading all over the body in an instant. The Kunlun disciple lost his voice in a fit of convulsions.

The body of the girl who died before also turned light green.

"Zombie poison?" Shi Yiren asked in shock.

These corpses are actually poisonous. As long as they touch the body and have wounds, they will be poisoned and die quickly even if they are not killed on the spot.

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