
Before everyone could react, someone else screamed and was attacked by corpses crawling out from the ground.

Everyone's expressions changed. They saw the soil under their feet constantly being turned over, and corpses crawling out one after another. They were unprepared to launch sneak attacks on the people around them. If they were not prepared or were not strong enough, they would easily be attacked.

In the main hall of Sakura Temple, the man in black robe said: "They are already here?"

Standing aside was a man with white hair and as skinny as a mummy. He stretched out his blood-red tongue and licked his lips, revealing two rows of white teeth. He smiled ferociously and said, "Just in time, the method of exorcising corpses taught me by the Dragon Emperor has been completed." , I will kill half of them before they reach the temple!"


Wuchen slashed out with her sword, and a corpse with outstretched claws was smashed to pieces by her sword energy. She shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone gathers back to back, the strong ones stand on the outside, pay close attention to your steps!"

These corpses emerged from under everyone's feet and were extremely difficult to defend.

"The art of exorcising corpses?"

Tian Wuxin's face changed slightly and he said: "Actually, the Corpse Exorcist Sect also originated from the Demon Sect. After the Corpse Exorcist Sect was destroyed, the corpse exorcism method was lost. Although the Demon Sect had secrets, the Demon Lord was also burned after his death. , why did it appear again?"

These corpses are living corpses, which are the special skills of the corpse extermination sect. However, these corpses are too rotten and have too little spiritual energy gathered. Except for the legendary corpse exorcism method, it is impossible to turn these corpses into loess. Corpses come to life.

Ji Wufeng had a cold look on his face and said: "Gu Tianyang has received half of the Demon Lord's inheritance and knows how to drive away corpses. It's not surprising!"

Yun Shang turned to Kagura Liuying who was following him and asked: "How many corpses are there here?"

Kagura Liuying said with a very serious expression: "Legend has it that when the Sakura Temple was first established, the first several generations of Sakura Gods accepted challenges from the strongest men in the Dongyang world here. For nearly a hundred years, this place was a Shura field. , the killing has never stopped, and the number of corpses is simply difficult to estimate."

The rise of a holy land must go through countless powerful killings to establish its prestige.

"Not only that, the Sakura Temple is a sacred place in Dongyang Wulin. Every year, a large number of strong men die and ask their descendants to bury their bodies here. Maybe every step we take, we are stepping on a corpse!"

Kagura Liuying's words caused everyone's expressions to change drastically again. Looking at the calm and quiet beautiful cherry blossom forest in front of them, their scalps felt numb. It turned out to be a mountain of corpses. It is not difficult to imagine what they would do once they stepped into it. Something terrible happened.

At this moment, an even weirder scene appeared. The corpses of the Shenzhou disciples who had been killed before suddenly opened their eyes after turning completely green. Their eyes were full of deathly gray, and they hissed and roared at the people around them. People rushed over.

No longer caught off guard, several people were thrown to the ground. The blue corpses were like crazy beasts, biting the people who fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

Someone immediately rushed forward and killed the resurrected green corpses with a knife. However, the wounds of those who had been bitten quickly spread green, spreading throughout their bodies, and they died instantly.

Shi Yiren rushed over, looked at the green corpses and his expression changed greatly, and said: "This corpse poison also has a biochemical virus. The person who is bitten will soon die from the poison. When the poison enters the brain, it will immediately complex

Live and become a walking zombie that only knows how to attack! "

Everyone's scalps instantly went numb, and even if Shi Yiren didn't explain, they understood what was going on. It was like zombies or zombies in movies. Whether they were bitten to death or bitten, they would be infected with the virus.

The method is so vicious, should it stop here? But if we continue to move forward, there will inevitably be extremely tragic casualties.

At this moment, the fire suddenly appeared, and a burning yellow paper talisman floated in the air, emitting a dazzling golden light. The originally stable ground stirred for an instant, and a large number of rotting corpses sprang out from the soil. They roared like crazy, like a group of frightened beasts.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of dazzling thunder and lightning rushed up to the sky and slashed down across the sky. Those corpses were hit by lightning and lightning, just like being hit by bombs. They were instantly shattered and completely dead.

"This is my job!"

Ma Tianlin was pushed out in a wheelchair by a disciple of the Taoist sect, and he said with a proud face: "Although the Taoist master is lame, he is a real zombie Taoist priest!"

In terms of force, no one from the Taoist sect can keep up with the warriors, no matter how flattering they are, but no matter whether these corpses are living corpses or zombies, as long as they are dead objects, they will be defeated by the power of the Taoist sect!

"Taoist disciples open the way!"

Ma Tianlin gave an order, and a large number of Taoist disciples took action. Various Taoist spells emerged one after another. Under the repeated bombardment, groups of living corpses hidden in the ground were forced out and burned into piles of ashes!

Everyone continued to move forward. The Taoist disciples took action and the road was cleared. However, as Kagura Liuying said, there were too many corpses underground, and many people were still attacked and killed or injured.

There was a team of thousands of people, and along the way, nearly a hundred people stayed in the Sakura Mountain forever. There were too many living corpses. Even if there were Taoist disciples to protect them, some fish would inevitably slip through the net.

Everyone finally arrived at the temple, and everyone put away their heavy hearts and prepared to start the final battle!

There was a sound of shaking iron chains, and a mighty and tall body fell from the sky. Yuan Dongdong said with sharp eyes, "It's Brother Nie Tianfeng!"

The burly body like an iron tower, the long snow-white hair, and the handsome face are none other than Nie Tianfeng!

Nie Tianfeng did not fall to the ground, but was hung on the high mountain wall, his head hung low, and two thick iron chains passed through his bones.

This scene was very similar to Tongtianfeng's dodge before. Everyone was shocked and angry, but they could see that Nie Tianfeng was still alive, but as angry as a thread.

"Brother Tianfeng!"

This scene made Ji Wufeng's heart sting. He roared to the sky, and his body exuded a terrifying aura full of hostility.


A harsh and ferocious laughter sounded, and a man in black robe appeared on the top of the mountain. His face was thin and sinister, and he had an evil aura all over his body. At a glance, he knew that he was evil.

This was not the first time that Ji Wufeng had seen this man. Before he had a decisive battle with Yun Shang for the Heavenly Demon Order, he had made a sneak attack and kidnapped himself. He was one of the supreme demon kings under the demon lord, the Blood Demon!

Back then, the Demon Lord's magical power was unparalleled in the world. Except for the four heavenly kings, it was difficult to find any rival in the world!

However, although the Demon Lord entered the Demonic Way and was eventually destroyed, as for the harm done by the Demon Sect to the Chinese martial arts world, the several major Demon Lords under his command were definitely worse. "ah……"

Before everyone could react, someone else screamed and was attacked by corpses crawling out from the ground.

Everyone's expressions changed. They saw the soil under their feet constantly being turned over, and corpses crawling out one after another. They were unprepared to launch sneak attacks on the people around them. If they were not prepared or were not strong enough, they would easily be attacked.

In the main hall of Sakura Temple, the man in black robe said: "They are already here?"

Standing aside was a man with white hair and as skinny as a mummy. He stretched out his blood-red tongue and licked his lips, revealing two rows of white teeth. He smiled ferociously and said, "Just in time, the method of exorcising corpses taught me by the Dragon Emperor has been completed." , I will kill half of them before they reach the temple!"


Wuchen slashed out with her sword, and a corpse with outstretched claws was smashed to pieces by her sword energy. She shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone gathers back to back, the strong ones stand on the outside, pay close attention to your steps!"

These corpses emerged from under everyone's feet and were extremely difficult to defend.

"The art of exorcising corpses?"

Tian Wuxin's face changed slightly and he said: "Actually, the Corpse Exorcist Sect also originated from the Demon Sect. After the Corpse Exorcist Sect was destroyed, the corpse exorcism method was lost. Although the Demon Sect had secrets, the Demon Lord was also burned after his death. , why did it appear again?"

These corpses are living corpses, which are the special skills of the corpse extermination sect. However, these corpses are too rotten and have too little spiritual energy gathered. Except for the legendary corpse exorcism method, it is impossible to turn these corpses into loess. Corpses come to life.

Ji Wufeng had a cold look on his face and said: "Gu Tianyang has received half of the Demon Lord's inheritance and knows how to drive away corpses. It's not surprising!"

Yun Shang turned to Kagura Liuying who was following him and asked: "How many corpses are there here?"

Kagura Liuying said with a very serious expression: "Legend has it that when the Sakura Temple was first established, the first several generations of Sakura Gods accepted challenges from the strongest men in the Dongyang world here. For nearly a hundred years, this place was a Shura field. , the killing has never stopped, and the number of corpses is simply difficult to estimate."

The rise of a holy land must go through countless powerful killings to establish its prestige.

"Not only that, the Sakura Temple is a sacred place in Dongyang Wulin. Every year, a large number of strong men die and ask their descendants to bury their bodies here. Maybe every step we take, we are stepping on a corpse!"

Kagura Liuying's words caused everyone's expressions to change drastically again. Looking at the calm and quiet beautiful cherry blossom forest in front of them, their scalps felt numb. It turned out to be a mountain of corpses. It is not difficult to imagine what they would do once they stepped into it. Something terrible happened.

At this moment, an even weirder scene appeared. The corpses of the Shenzhou disciples who had been killed before suddenly opened their eyes after turning completely green. Their eyes were full of deathly gray, and they hissed and roared at the people around them. People rushed over.

No longer caught off guard, several people were thrown to the ground. The blue corpses were like crazy beasts, biting the people who fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

Someone immediately rushed forward and killed the resurrected green corpses with a knife. However, the wounds of those who had been bitten quickly spread green, spreading throughout their bodies, and they died instantly.

Shi Yiren rushed over, looked at the green corpses and his expression changed greatly, and said: "This corpse poison also has a biochemical virus. The person who is bitten will soon die from the poison. When the poison enters the brain, it will immediately complex

Live and become a walking zombie that only knows how to attack! "

Everyone's scalps instantly went numb, and even if Shi Yiren didn't explain, they understood what was going on. It was like zombies or zombies in movies. Whether they were bitten to death or bitten, they would be infected with the virus.

The method is so vicious, should it stop here? But if we continue to move forward, there will inevitably be extremely tragic casualties.

At this moment, the fire suddenly appeared, and a burning yellow paper talisman floated in the air, emitting a dazzling golden light. The originally stable ground stirred for an instant, and a large number of rotting corpses sprang out from the soil. They roared like crazy, like a group of frightened beasts.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of dazzling thunder and lightning rushed up to the sky and slashed down across the sky. Those corpses were hit by lightning and lightning, just like being hit by bombs. They were instantly shattered and completely dead.

"This is my job!"

Ma Tianlin was pushed out in a wheelchair by a disciple of the Taoist sect, and he said with a proud face: "Although the Taoist master is lame, he is a real zombie Taoist priest!"

In terms of force, no one from the Taoist sect can keep up with the warriors, no matter how flattering they are, but no matter whether these corpses are living corpses or zombies, as long as they are dead objects, they will be defeated by the power of the Taoist sect!

"Taoist disciples open the way!"

Ma Tianlin gave an order, and a large number of Taoist disciples took action. Various Taoist spells emerged one after another. Under the repeated bombardment, groups of living corpses hidden in the ground were forced out and burned into piles of ashes!

Everyone continued to move forward. The Taoist disciples took action and the road was cleared. However, as Kagura Liuying said, there were too many corpses underground, and many people were still attacked and killed or injured.

There was a team of thousands of people, and along the way, nearly a hundred people stayed in the Sakura Mountain forever. There were too many living corpses. Even if there were Taoist disciples to protect them, some fish would inevitably slip through the net.

Everyone finally arrived at the temple, and everyone put away their heavy hearts and prepared to start the final battle!

There was a sound of shaking iron chains, and a mighty and tall body fell from the sky. Yuan Dongdong said with sharp eyes, "It's Brother Nie Tianfeng!"

The burly body like an iron tower, the long snow-white hair, and the handsome face are none other than Nie Tianfeng!

Nie Tianfeng did not fall to the ground, but was hung on the high mountain wall, his head hung low, and two thick iron chains passed through his bones.

This scene was very similar to Tongtianfeng's dodge before. Everyone was shocked and angry, but they could see that Nie Tianfeng was still alive, but as angry as a thread.

"Brother Tianfeng!"

This scene made Ji Wufeng's heart sting. He roared to the sky, and his body exuded a terrifying aura full of hostility.


A harsh and ferocious laughter sounded, and a man in black robe appeared on the top of the mountain. His face was thin and sinister, and he had an evil aura all over his body. At a glance, he knew that he was evil.

This was not the first time that Ji Wufeng had seen this man. Before he had a decisive battle with Yun Shang for the Heavenly Demon Order, he had made a sneak attack and kidnapped himself. He was one of the supreme demon kings under the demon lord, the Blood Demon!

Back then, the Demon Lord's magical power was unparalleled in the world. Except for the four heavenly kings, it was difficult to find any rival in the world!

However, although the Demon Lord entered the Demonic Way and was eventually destroyed, as for the harm done by the Demon Sect to the Chinese martial arts world, the several major Demon Lords under his command were definitely worse.

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