Tiangong led the crowd to annihilate the demon sect. Everyone thought that the demon lord and several major demon kings had died in the battle, but somehow the blood demon still escaped.

"Let him go!" Ji Wufeng looked at the Blood Demon with devilish aura in his eyes.

The Blood Demon smiled coldly and said, "If it's Nie Changkong and Ji Hongtu who come here, they might still be qualified for me to let them go!"


A long sword rose from the ground, and a figure rushed towards the Blood Demon like lightning, aiming to assassinate Queen Shangguan Yao. A sharp light flashed in the Blood Demon's eyes, and his white claws suddenly popped out, and the demonic aura soared into the sky.

The expressions of Murong Wuji and Wu Chang changed at the same time, and they rose into the sky, filling the sky with sword energy!


Shangguan Yao flew out upside down, and Murong Wuji and Wu Chang landed on the ground. If they hadn't rescued them in time, the blood demon's claw would have killed Shangguan Yao.

After landing, Shangguan Yao stared at the Blood Demon. She had been immersed in the art of assassination for many years and was worthy of the title of Queen of the Night. However, the violence in her body was far behind that of the Blood Demon.

"Do it!"

Wu Chen shouted coldly, and Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong, who were the fastest, turned into two streams of light and rushed towards the mountain wall, trying to rescue Nie Tianfeng as soon as possible!

"You want to save people in front of me? You really don't know how to live or die!" Gorefiend sneered, completely unmoved.

Suddenly, two chills that chilled people to the core broke out. Yun Shang's face changed and she said: "Quickly retreat!"

There were two bodies, rushing toward Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong like lightning. The aura emanating from their bodies made the hairs on the hair stand on end. Sensing the crisis, they could only give up rescuing them and send out a powerful blow.

boom! boom!

Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong both retreated violently. After landing, they staggered. Their fighting power was no longer what it used to be. The person who came was very powerful!

However, when the visitors landed, they found that they were just two extremely ordinary young men, but the auras emanating from them were too terrifying, with a cold air of death and blood, and their gray eyes were not living people at all!


Yuan Dongdong suddenly cried out in pain, and saw that his palms had turned green, and it was rapidly spreading throughout his body, and his entire arm instantly turned green.

Shi Yiren rushed over in one stride, and the silver needle in her hand quickly pierced Yuan Dongdong's arm. The green color stopped spreading instantly, but Yuan Dongdong was sweating profusely and his face was pale. He was obviously suffering from great pain.

These people's bodies are actually covered with terrible biochemical corpse poison!

"Jie Jie... I've finally waited for you!" A skinny man with long white hair, like a skeleton, appeared beside the Blood Demon.

Ji Wufeng recognized him. They had fought before the battle on the East China Sea. He was a remnant of the Corpse Exorcism Sect. Everyone immediately understood that the living corpses that had just walked along the way were undoubtedly the work of the white-haired man.

"I let you run away last time, but you will definitely die today!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

When Ji Wufeng let this guy run away last time, he thought he was just a minor character, but he didn't expect that he would become a serious problem today.

The white-haired weirdo smiled ferociously and said, "What a shameless statement. The lowest living zombies under my command have caused heavy casualties to you, so why are you able to resist the iron zombies?"

Iron corpse?

Everyone looked at the two weirdos who just attacked Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong. Could this be the Iron Corpse? Very scary indeed!



A bolt of thunder fell from the sky. It was someone from the Taoist disciples who struck hard at the two iron corpses!

The two iron corpses were immediately knocked out, but they were not blown to pieces like before. After quickly getting up from the ground, green liquid was flowing from the wounds on their bodies. What was even more terrifying was that the green liquid actually It also automatically flows back into the wound, and the wound heals again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, what kind of monster is this?

"Jiejie, have you seen it? These iron corpses are not just ordinary living corpses, they are all war slaves and undead warriors!" the Blood Demon laughed.

It turned out that these two iron corpses were refined into living corpses, a combination of war slaves and undead warriors. They possessed the characteristics of these three terrifying creatures at the same time, but this was not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is that they can be controlled at will by the blood demon and the white-haired man. Their power far exceeds that of ordinary living zombies and war slaves, and the flexibility of control is not comparable to that of ordinary undead warriors.

"Whatever the hell it is, kill it!"

Xiao Feng snorted coldly, a cold light pierced the void, and struck the two iron corpses with a shocking knife!

The sharp flying knives cut the two men into two pieces. Yue Kunpeng followed up and blasted out with an unparalleled attack. The two iron corpses were turned into pieces and scrapped.

Yue Kunpeng said coldly: "What iron corpse? It's vulnerable!"

Although the war slave is tyrannical, he can also be easily killed by a thunderous strike with absolute power!

"Hehe, of course two iron corpses can't do anything to you, but I don't just have two iron corpses!" the white-haired man said with a smile.

A gloomy aura suddenly rose around everyone, and strange figures surged in from all directions. A large area of ​​darkness, thousands of them, surrounded everyone.

It can be seen from the aura emanating from their bodies that these people are all iron corpses!

Everyone felt their scalps tingling, there were so many!

Moreover, Ji Wufeng saw that some people's services were very familiar to him. They were the same as those of Yingmu Ao, Yingmu Liao and Yingmu Huan. Among them were people familiar to Ji Wufeng, the temple saint who had chased him when he first came to Dongyang. Realm experts, these people are all from Sakura Temple.

Gu Tianyang actually turned the entire Sakura Temple into iron corpses!

Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang, Wuchen and others also looked shocked. Gu Tianyang destroyed the three major families, and the royal family and the cabinet could still get away with it, but even the Sakura Temple was not spared. This was too cruel. Some.

The Sakura Temple is the supreme holy place in the eyes of Dongyang martial arts people. Now it exists in name only. No, it can be said to have been destroyed!

Even though they were in a hostile relationship, Yun Shang and Wu Chen, who were both born in the Holy Land, felt a sense of sadness and regret!

"Kill me, leave no chickens or dogs behind!" the white-haired man gave the order ruthlessly.

Immediately, all the iron zombies began to attack, like locusts crossing the border, rushing towards the Chinese army like crazy. This is a group of walking zombies without fear. Their only consciousness is to kill all the people in front of them!


A child of the Yun family was stabbed in the chest, and blood spurted out. Most of the Chinese warriors who came to Dongyang this time had undergone Ye Linglong's bloodline transformation experiment, and were no longer ordinary masters. However, facing the almost indestructible iron corpse, There is absolutely no way to stop it! Tiangong led the crowd to annihilate the demon sect. Everyone thought that the demon lord and several major demon kings had died in the battle, but somehow the blood demon still escaped.

"Let him go!" Ji Wufeng looked at the Blood Demon with devilish aura in his eyes.

The Blood Demon smiled coldly and said, "If it's Nie Changkong and Ji Hongtu who come here, they might still be qualified for me to let them go!"


A long sword rose from the ground, and a figure rushed towards the Blood Demon like lightning, aiming to assassinate Queen Shangguan Yao. A sharp light flashed in the Blood Demon's eyes, and his white claws suddenly popped out, and the demonic aura soared into the sky.

The expressions of Murong Wuji and Wu Chang changed at the same time, and they rose into the sky, filling the sky with sword energy!

boom! .??.

Shangguan Yao flew out upside down, and Murong Wuji and Wu Chang landed on the ground. If they hadn't rescued them in time, the blood demon's claw would have killed Shangguan Yao.

After landing, Shangguan Yao stared at the Blood Demon. She had been immersed in the art of assassination for many years and was worthy of the title of Queen of the Night. However, the violence in her body was far behind that of the Blood Demon.

"Do it!"

Wu Chen shouted coldly, and Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong, who were the fastest, turned into two streams of light and rushed towards the mountain wall, trying to rescue Nie Tianfeng as soon as possible!

"You want to save people in front of me? You really don't know how to live or die!" Gorefiend sneered, completely unmoved.

Suddenly, two chills that chilled people to the core broke out. Yun Shang's face changed and she said: "Quickly retreat!"

There were two bodies, rushing toward Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong like lightning. The aura emanating from their bodies made the hairs on the hair stand on end. Sensing the crisis, they could only give up rescuing them and send out a powerful blow.

boom! boom!

Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong both retreated violently. After landing, they staggered. Their fighting power was no longer what it used to be. The person who came was very powerful!

However, when the visitors landed, they found that they were just two extremely ordinary young men, but the auras emanating from them were too terrifying, with a cold air of death and blood, and their gray eyes were not living people at all!


Yuan Dongdong suddenly cried out in pain, and saw that his palms had turned green, and it was rapidly spreading to his whole body, and his entire arm instantly turned green.

Shi Yiren rushed over in one stride, and the silver needle in her hand quickly pierced Yuan Dongdong's arm. The green color stopped spreading instantly, but Yuan Dongdong was sweating profusely and his face was pale. He was obviously suffering from great pain.

These people's bodies are actually covered with terrible biochemical corpse poison!

"Jie Jie... I've finally waited for you!" A skinny man with long white hair, like a skeleton, appeared beside the Blood Demon.

Ji Wufeng recognized him. They had fought before the battle on the East China Sea. He was a remnant of the Corpse Exorcist Sect. Everyone immediately understood that the living corpses that had just walked along the way were undoubtedly the work of the white-haired man.

"I let you run away last time, but you will definitely die today!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

When Ji Wufeng let this guy run away last time, he thought he was just a minor character, but he didn't expect that he would become a serious problem today.

The white-haired weirdo smiled ferociously and said, "What a shameless statement. The lowest living zombies under my command have caused heavy casualties to you, so why are you able to resist the iron zombies?"

Iron corpse?

Everyone looked at the two weirdos who just attacked Wu Chang and Yuan Dongdong. Could this be the Iron Corpse? Very scary indeed!

boom! .??.


A bolt of thunder fell from the sky. It was someone from the Taoist disciples who struck hard at the two iron corpses!

The two iron corpses were immediately knocked out, but they were not blown to pieces like before. After quickly getting up from the ground, green liquid was flowing from the wounds on their bodies. What was even more terrifying was that the green liquid actually It also automatically flows back into the wound, and the wound heals again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, what kind of monster is this?

"Jiejie, have you seen it? These iron corpses are not just ordinary living corpses, they are all war slaves and undead warriors!" the Blood Demon laughed.

It turned out that these two iron corpses were refined into living corpses, a combination of war slaves and undead warriors. They possessed the characteristics of these three terrifying creatures at the same time, but this was not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is that they can be controlled at will by the blood demon and the white-haired man. Their power far exceeds that of ordinary living zombies and war slaves, and the flexibility of control is not comparable to that of ordinary undead warriors.

"Whatever the hell it is, kill it!"

Xiao Feng snorted coldly, a cold light pierced the void, and struck the two iron corpses with a shocking knife!

The sharp flying knives cut the two men into two pieces. Yue Kunpeng followed up and blasted out with an unparalleled attack. The two iron corpses were turned into pieces and scrapped.

Yue Kunpeng said coldly: "What iron corpse? It's vulnerable!"

Although the war slave is tyrannical, he can also be easily killed by a thunderous strike with absolute power!

"Hehe, of course two iron corpses can't do anything to you, but I don't just have two iron corpses!" the white-haired man said with a smile.

A gloomy aura suddenly rose around everyone, and strange figures surged in from all directions. A large area of ​​darkness, thousands of them, surrounded everyone.

It can be seen from the aura emanating from their bodies that these people are all iron corpses!

Everyone felt their scalps tingling, there were so many!

Moreover, Ji Wufeng saw that some people's services were very familiar to him. They were the same as those of Yingmu Ao, Yingmu Liao and Yingmu Huan. Among them were people familiar to Ji Wufeng, the temple saint who had chased him when he first came to Dongyang. Realm experts, these people are all from Sakura Temple.

Gu Tianyang actually turned the entire Sakura Temple into iron corpses!

Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang, Wuchen and others also looked shocked. Gu Tianyang destroyed the three major families, and the royal family and the cabinet could still get away with it, but even the Sakura Temple was not spared. This was too cruel. Some.

The Sakura Temple is the supreme holy place in the eyes of Dongyang martial arts people. Now it exists in name only. No, it can be said to have been destroyed!

Even though they were in a hostile relationship, Yun Shang and Wu Chen, who were both born in the Holy Land, felt a sense of sadness and regret!

"Kill me, leave no chickens or dogs behind!" the white-haired man gave the order ruthlessly.

Immediately, all the iron zombies began to attack, like locusts crossing the border, rushing towards the Chinese army like crazy. This is a group of walking zombies without fear. Their only consciousness is to kill all the people in front of them!


A child of the Yun family was stabbed in the chest, and blood spurted out. Most of the Chinese warriors who came to Dongyang this time had undergone Ye Linglong's bloodline transformation experiment, and were no longer ordinary masters. However, facing the almost indestructible iron corpse, There is absolutely no way to stop it!

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