Holy Lord Yun Shang's eyes were sharp, and the dagger in his hand was like a rainbow. His limbs and head were flying around, and they were chopped into pieces by the sword energy before they even hit the ground.

Yun Shuixian, Liu Qingqing and Vivian are now at the top of the list, with unparalleled fighting power. Tie Xin is surrounded by the three of them in the middle. Although his fighting power is slightly weaker, his body is bursting with boundless power, like a An unbreakable protective shield greatly weakened the intensity of the attacks on the four people.

Tian Wuxin made a move, and the mighty demonic body rose into the sky. The huge demonic palm was shot across the sky, and the pieces of iron corpses were shot and flew out. They were then corroded by the demonic energy and turned into piles of charred corpses.

The four disciples of the sect, Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan, had suffered a lot before, but now they were already murderous. Kong Ming, who had taken off his monk clothes, turned into a crazy demon monk, and Shi Yiren was no longer as good as before. The mist came out of the dust, and the whole body was boiling with murderous intent.

Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan were already going crazy. They bombarded them with powerful attacks one after another, like two murderous gods trapped in madness!

Several of the strongest men in the Chinese martial arts took action, and their disciples followed behind them, their fighting spirit rushing upwards, soaring above the sky.

The disciples of Jialuo Temple also participated in the battle, but Wuchen remained still, standing not far away from Ji Wufeng. Although she had always been cold to Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng knew that she was protecting his own safety.

Although Ji Wu Feng is tyrannical, the current Ji Wu Feng is no longer the Ji Wu Feng before. He has lost the power of his blood and his self-healing ability has been greatly reduced. If Gu Tianyang takes action, how can he resist?

Ji Wufeng's side, led by Murong Wuji and Wu Chang, were like two sharp knives thrust straight into the deepest part of the iron corpse army!

The Long Feng led by Yuwen Tiancheng was divided into two columns, like two wings, blocking a large number of attacks, ensuring the strong lethality of Murong Wuji and Wuchang!

Guhun also came, and the masters from Black Prison Island led by him were equally powerful.

In terms of combat power, Ling Xueliang and Ling Moran should be the weakest among the hundreds of special warfare masters under the two sisters, but they are the strongest in terms of tacit understanding. The three forces in front broke up the iron corpse army, and the hundreds of strong The attacker instantly launched a ruthless massacre and finished.

One party, headed by Xiao Feng, led Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and others, divided into seven groups to form a seven-kill formation, specializing in the masters of the iron corpse army, and clearing out the biggest threat to the four main forces!

The Eastern Expedition army formed by Shenzhou Wulin this time is really tyrannical, but the iron corpse army is too huge. It keeps emerging and is densely packed. It makes people feel that more and more people are killed. Some people are getting injured, and some people are even hit after the word. Kill!

Almost instantly, thousands of the Iron Corpse Army had been killed, but the Chinese martial arts world also paid the price with the lives of nearly a hundred masters.

Everyone's expressions became solemn. There were too many enemies. Even if they were to block ten, they would not be able to kill them. The exhaustion would kill them here. The problem must be solved from the root.

"Haha, kill them all!" The white-haired man laughed crazily.

Yun Shang and Tian Wuxin looked at each other. They had some understanding of the living corpses and war slaves. They knew that the iron corpses were controlled by others. If they could kill the blood demon and the white-haired man, these iron corpses would immediately fall into chaos. During this time, the situation of the battle will also change!


Tian Wuxin shouted violently, the huge demonic body moved like thunder, and the huge demonic palm slammed towards the white-haired man. Yun Shang's sword energy was like a rainbow, tearing apart the sky and slashing

Towards the white-haired man, the two of them wanted to kill the white-haired man in one fell swoop!

The white-haired man was locked by the two young supremes, and he immediately panicked, but soon he laughed ferociously and said, "Kill me so easily, is it possible?"

Two figures rushed out, bombarding them with terrifying force!

boom! boom!

Tian Wuxin's demon body was shaking and almost collapsed, and Yun Shang's sword energy was directly bombarded and dissipated invisible!

The ones who attacked them were two young men, and they had seen them before. They were the young strong men with the blood of the Nie family who had fought against each other in the battle at Tongtian Peak!

In the battle of Tongtian Peak, although these young experts were tyrannical, they were still inferior to Tian Wuxin and Yun Shang. However, the two assassins clearly felt that the strength of these young men had been horribly improved. Not beneath them!

Taking a closer look, the auras of these young and powerful men have changed drastically compared to before. Just like those iron corpses, they exuded a violent and cold aura of death!

Could it be said that these young strong men were also turned into iron corpses?

"Hmph, go to hell!"

Tian Wuxin's arms filled with demonic energy blasted out. A strong young man was thrown away by him. His shirt was directly turned into ashes, revealing his strong upper body. That scene made people gasp. The young man actually had Covered with blood-red scales!

Yun Shang frowned, swung his sword, and a strong young man was sent flying, leaving a terrifying wound on his chest that was as deep as the bone.

Tian Wuxin and Yun Shang's expressions became solemn. They both had a killing blow just now, but they did not cause much damage to their opponents, and the next scene made their expressions change slightly.

More than a dozen strong young men were all dispatched to attack the Chinese martial arts army. They rushed into the army and knocked away more than a dozen masters with one punch. Under the bombardment of this terrifying force, half of them died on the spot. !


"Third brother!"

Everyone roared loudly, and turned around to kill a dozen young experts. However, these dozen people were too strong, and ordinary people couldn't resist them. When the two of them met, dozens of experts were already killed on the spot. Blast and kill!

"I'll fight you!"

A Kunlun disciple roared and rushed towards a young strong man, and then his body exploded with a bang. The young strong man was blown away. After landing, he saw that his body was devastated and bloody, but Scales quickly grew on the wound and soon covered the whole body. The self-healing ability was astonishing.

Yun Shang's expression changed and she yelled: "Back off!"

Ordinary masters are no match for these dozen people. If they step forward, they will die. There is no need to make such a unnecessary sacrifice.

Yun Shang and Tian Wuxin rushed towards the two young strong men, Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan, full of murderous intent. They looked at each other and split into two groups to rush towards the other two.

However, there were still seven people left. Murong Wuji and others, who were rising and killing among the iron corpse army, immediately changed their direction and divided into seven groups of people to rush towards the remaining seven people.

These dozen young warriors were too strong. Zhao Jiaolong, who had an extremely strong physique, was thrown away by a punch. His chest was severely collapsed. After he landed, he vomited blood. If it weren't for the fact that his blood had been modified and strengthened, this punch would have killed him. Killed him! Holy Lord Yun Shang's eyes were sharp, and the dagger in his hand was like a rainbow. His limbs and head were flying around, and they were chopped into pieces by the sword energy before they even hit the ground.

Yun Shuixian, Liu Qingqing and Vivian are now at the top of the list, with unparalleled fighting power. Tie Xin is surrounded by the three of them in the middle. Although his fighting power is slightly weaker, his body is bursting with boundless power, like a An unbreakable protective shield greatly weakened the intensity of the attacks on the four people.

Tian Wuxin made a move, and the mighty demonic body rose into the sky. The huge demonic palm was shot across the sky, and the pieces of iron corpses were shot and flew out. They were then corroded by the demonic energy and turned into piles of charred corpses.

The four disciples of the sect, Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan, had suffered a lot before, but now they were already murderous. Kong Ming, who had taken off his monk clothes, turned into a crazy demon monk, and Shi Yiren was no longer as good as before. The mist came out of the dust, and the whole body was boiling with murderous intent.

Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan were already going crazy. They bombarded them with powerful attacks one after another, like two murderous gods trapped in madness!

Several of the strongest men in China's martial arts world took action, and their disciples followed behind them, their fighting spirit rushing upwards, soaring above the sky.

The disciples of Jialuo Temple also participated in the battle, but Wuchen remained still, standing not far away from Ji Wufeng. Although she had always been cold to Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng knew that she was protecting his own safety.

Although Ji Wu Feng is tyrannical, the current Ji Wu Feng is no longer the Ji Wu Feng before. He has lost the power of his blood and his self-healing ability has been greatly reduced. If Gu Tianyang takes action, how can he resist?

Ji Wufeng's side, led by Murong Wuji and Wu Chang, were like two sharp knives thrust straight into the deepest part of the iron corpse army! ??

The Long Feng led by Yuwen Tiancheng was divided into two columns, like two wings, blocking a large number of attacks, ensuring the strong lethality of Murong Wuji and Wuchang!

Guhun also came, and the masters from Black Prison Island led by him were equally powerful.

In terms of combat power, Ling Xueliang and Ling Moran should be the weakest among the hundreds of special warfare masters under the two sisters, but they are the strongest in terms of tacit understanding. The three forces in front broke up the iron corpse army, and the hundreds of strong The attacker instantly launched a ruthless massacre and finished.

One party, headed by Xiao Feng, led Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and others, divided into seven groups to form a seven-kill formation, specializing in the masters of the iron corpse army, and clearing out the biggest threat to the four main forces!

The Eastern Expedition army formed by Shenzhou Wulin this time is really tyrannical, but the iron corpse army is too huge. It keeps emerging and is densely packed. It makes people feel that more and more people are killed. Some people are getting injured, and some people are even hit after the word. Kill!

Almost instantly, thousands of the Iron Corpse Army had been killed, but the Chinese martial arts world also paid the price with the lives of nearly a hundred masters.

Everyone's expressions became solemn. There were too many enemies. Even if they were to block ten, they would not be able to kill them. The exhaustion would kill them here. The problem must be solved from the root.

"Haha, kill them all!" The white-haired man laughed crazily.

Yun Shang and Tian Wuxin looked at each other. They had some understanding of the living corpses and war slaves. They knew that the iron corpses were controlled by others. If they could kill the blood demon and the white-haired man, these iron corpses would immediately fall into chaos. During this time, the situation of the battle will also change!


Tian Wuxin shouted violently, the huge demonic body moved like thunder, and the huge demonic palm slammed towards the white-haired man. Yun Shang's sword energy was like a rainbow, tearing apart the sky and slashing

Towards the white-haired man, the two of them wanted to kill the white-haired man in one fell swoop!

The white-haired man was locked by the two young supremes, and he immediately panicked, but soon he laughed ferociously and said, "Kill me so easily, is it possible?"

Two figures rushed out, bombarding them with terrifying force!

boom! boom!

Tian Wuxin's demon body was shaking and almost collapsed, and Yun Shang's sword energy was directly bombarded and dissipated invisible!

The ones who attacked them were two young men, and they had seen them before. They were the young strong men with the blood of the Nie family who had fought against each other in the battle at Tongtian Peak!

In the battle of Tongtian Peak, although these young experts were tyrannical, they were still inferior to Tian Wuxin and Yun Shang. However, the two assassins clearly felt that the strength of these young men had been horribly improved. Not beneath them!

Taking a closer look, the auras of these young and powerful men have changed drastically compared to before. Just like those iron corpses, they exuded a violent and cold aura of death!

Could it be said that these young strong men were also turned into iron corpses?

"Hmph, go to hell!"

Tian Wuxin's arms filled with demonic energy blasted out. A strong young man was thrown away by him. His shirt was directly turned into ashes, revealing his strong upper body. That scene made people gasp. The young man actually had Covered with blood-red scales!

Yun Shang frowned, swung his sword, and a strong young man was sent flying, leaving a terrifying wound on his chest that was as deep as the bone.

Tian Wuxin and Yun Shang's expressions became solemn. They both had a killing blow just now, but they did not cause much damage to their opponents, and the next scene made their expressions change slightly.

More than a dozen strong young men were all dispatched to attack the Chinese martial arts army. They rushed into the army and knocked away more than a dozen masters with one punch. Under the bombardment of this terrifying force, half of them died on the spot. !


"Third brother!"

Everyone roared loudly, and turned around to kill a dozen young experts. However, these dozen people were too strong, and ordinary people couldn't resist them. When the two of them met, dozens of experts were already killed on the spot. Blast and kill!

"I'll fight you!"

A Kunlun disciple roared and rushed towards a young strong man, and then his body exploded with a bang. The young strong man was blown away. After landing, he saw that his body was devastated and bloody, but Scales quickly grew on the wound and soon covered the whole body. The self-healing ability was astonishing.

Yun Shang's expression changed and she shouted: "Back off!"

Ordinary masters are no match for these dozen people. If they step forward, they will die. There is no need to make such a unnecessary sacrifice.

Yun Shang and Tian Wuxin rushed towards the two young strong men, Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan, full of murderous intent. They looked at each other and split into two groups to rush towards the other two.

However, there were still seven people left. Murong Wuji and others, who were rising and killing among the iron corpse army, immediately changed their direction and divided into seven groups of people to rush towards the remaining seven people.

These dozen young warriors were too strong. Zhao Jiaolong, who had an extremely strong physique, was thrown away by a punch. His chest was severely collapsed. After he landed, he vomited blood. If it weren't for the fact that his bloodline had been modified and strengthened, this punch would have killed him. Killed him!

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