Yes, Ji Wufeng lost his bloodline power because of Ye Linglong. Ji Wufeng is now controlled by Gu Tianyang, which is entirely caused by Ye Linglong.

"I can take away the power of his bloodline, and naturally I can also send the power of bloodline back into his body." Ye Linglong said.

At this moment, one of Ji Wufeng's wounds suddenly stopped bleeding. It was the knife that Mingyue stabbed him with, that nearly fatal knife. However, the wound stopped bleeding and was recovering at an alarming speed.

Gu Tianyang felt it, and a vast force spread from the wound, spreading throughout Ji Wufeng's body in an instant.

In an instant, Ji Wufeng's aura changed. The power was like a fuse, igniting all the power in Ji Wufeng's body and bursting out!

"You..." Gu Tianyang turned to look at the dagger in Mingyue's hand.

There is a drug developed by Ye Linglong on the dagger, which can reawaken the power of blood in Ji Wufeng's body!

Gu Tianyang never underestimated Ye Linglong, because he did not dare, so he turned Ye Linglong into an immortal warrior without his own consciousness, but he did not expect that it would not succeed at all.

Everything was planned by Ye Linglong. Her plan started with attacking Ji Wufeng. Her taking away the power of Ji Wufeng's bloodline was the most important part.

Ji Wufeng is Gu Tianyang's biggest threat. Only when Gu Tianyang feels that this biggest threat has been eliminated, will he relax and reveal his flaws.

Ye Linglong's plan was too thorough, but it was also too risky. Not only did Gu Tianyang not expect it, but even Ji Wufeng was probably kept in the dark.

"I have always regarded Ji Wufeng as my most powerful enemy, but I didn't expect that I was wrong. You are my last threat!" Gu Tianyang said.

Only now did he realize how terrifying Ye Linglong's abilities were. The battle at Tongtian Peak was caused by Ye Linglong's bloodline code experiment that changed the battle situation. Now it was also because of Ye Linglong's plan that everything was disrupted.

"You are wrong again. Your biggest threat is not Ji Wufeng, let alone me, but you!" Ye Linglong said lightly.

"There's never a right answer to this question."

Gu Tianyang smiled again and said: "But do you think this can change everything? The law of the jungle is the eternal law. Whoever is stronger can be superior. In the face of absolute power, any cleverness is vain. !”

He turned to look at Ji Wufeng, feeling the power of his blood reviving, and said with disdain, "He is indeed very strong, but he may not be my opponent. He will also die!"

He was accelerating the devouring in his hands. He wanted to kill Ji Wufeng before he fully recovered. As long as he killed Ji Wufeng, the result would remain the same and there would be no change.

"I don't think so!" Ye Linglong said.


Nie Tianfeng, who was not far away, punched a young strong man away, then kicked another young strong man into the depths of the ground, and rushed towards Gu Tianyang like thunder.

Everyone was shocked. Nie Tianfeng was very strong, but he was almost as strong as Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang and others, but the combat power he showed now was obviously not above the level.

Nie Tianfeng is a disciple of the Nie family. The reason why he was weaker than Ji Wufeng before was because he did not have the blood power of the Nie family. In terms of talent, he was not inferior to anyone else.

Now, Qianye Yu injected the power of blood into his body to make up for this shortcoming, and his combat power soared instantly!

Gu Tianyang said with a cold look on his face: "The mantis' arm is like a chariot!"



Nie Tianfeng arrived and punched Gu Tianyang. Gu Tianyang raised his hand and struck out with his palm. Nie Tianfeng retreated violently, but Gu Tianyang also took several steps back, with a trace of surprise on his face. Apparently he underestimated Nie Tianfeng's strength. strength.

The repulsed Nie Tianfeng roared wildly and stamped his foot on the ground. The vast power of tyranny spread, and the hordes of iron corpses were knocked into the sky and crushed into pieces by the force.

"Gu Tianyang, let him go, or I want you to die!" Nie Tianfeng said solemnly.

He had been seriously injured before, but after injecting the power of blood, his body instantly returned to its best condition and the injuries healed automatically.

"I underestimated you before, but I didn't expect you to become a disaster. But it's okay. You are of the Nie family's bloodline and have the same bloodline as mine. Maybe you are also a treasure to me."

Being of the same bloodline of the Nie family, Nie Tianfeng and Gu Tianyang are closer. They are half-brothers.

Gu Tianyang threw Ji Wufeng into the sky, and a black shadow flew up to catch it, it was the Blood Demon.

He had to give up devouring Ji Wufeng temporarily because he felt the threat brought to him by Nie Tianfeng, who was a powerful enemy.

"Gu Tianyang, go to hell!" Nie Tianfeng roared.

The power of blood all over his body burst out, with blood-colored scales all over his body, roaring to the sky, like an ancient dragon descending into the world!

"You are the one who wants to die!" Gu Tianyang shouted coldly.


The soaring demonic power centered on Gu Tianyang spread between heaven and earth. The void collapsed. Gu Tianyang, who inherited all the skills of Gu Yunfei, reappeared like a demon lord!

The two roared in unison and charged straight at each other!

The two of them were moving at extremely high speeds like two rays of lightning. The surging power kept colliding with each other. The two rays of black and blood energy surged like turbulent waves in the sky above Juebian. Everywhere they passed, the huge mountain peaks collapsed. The beautiful cherry blossoms turned into ashes one after another.

The two of them hit the sky and collided fiercely. The sky was trembling, and the terrible aura was raging in all directions.

I saw lightning and thunder in mid-air, brilliance flashing, and two bodies constantly colliding. However, although Nie Tianfeng had completed the power of his bloodline and was not afraid of Gu Tianyang, he was still lagging behind in terms of skill. After all, Gu Tianyang not only had magic The master's half-body skill and Gu Yunfei's full skill.

Nie Tianfeng was defeated and was hit by an unparalleled energy, causing him to cough up blood.

"go to hell!"

Gu Tianyang's overwhelming demonic palm power broke through Nie Tianfeng's many obstacles and struck his chest solidly.

Nie Tianfeng was hit and vomited blood and flew backwards. Bloody scales suddenly appeared on the injured area, and the blood that had flowed out of the corner of his mouth actually flowed back again.

The most powerful secret of the Nie family's bloodline is self-healing, but after Ye Linglong's improvement, devouring was added.

Nie Tianfeng swallowed the blood that flowed out of him, but felt that it was not enough. He waved his hand and a long bloody dragon rushed out. Pieces of iron corpses were rolled up and exploded in the air, turning into clouds of blood mist. Nie Tianfeng opened his mouth wide. , unexpectedly these blood mist swallowed into the mouth.

Nie Tianfeng's power was soaring, and he returned to his peak state in an instant. This was very similar to an undead warrior!

But his devouring effect is obviously much more advanced than that of the undead warriors. At least he can stay awake, and the degree of power he obtains is not comparable to that of the undead warriors. Yes, Ji Wufeng lost his bloodline power because of Ye Linglong. Ji Wufeng is now controlled by Gu Tianyang, which is entirely caused by Ye Linglong.

"I can take away the power of his bloodline, and naturally I can also send the power of bloodline back into his body." Ye Linglong said.

At this moment, one of Ji Wufeng's wounds suddenly stopped bleeding. It was the knife that Mingyue stabbed him with, that nearly fatal knife. However, the wound stopped bleeding and was recovering at an alarming speed.

Gu Tianyang felt it, and a vast force spread from the wound, spreading throughout Ji Wufeng's body in an instant.

In an instant, Ji Wufeng's aura changed. The power was like a fuse, igniting all the power in Ji Wufeng's body and bursting out!

"You..." Gu Tianyang turned to look at the dagger in Mingyue's hand.

There is a drug developed by Ye Linglong on the dagger, which can reawaken the power of blood in Ji Wufeng's body!

Gu Tianyang never underestimated Ye Linglong, because he did not dare, so he turned Ye Linglong into an immortal warrior without his own consciousness, but he did not expect that it would not succeed at all.

Everything was planned by Ye Linglong. Her plan started with attacking Ji Wufeng. Her taking away the power of Ji Wufeng's bloodline was the most important part. .??.

Ji Wufeng is Gu Tianyang's biggest threat. Only when Gu Tianyang feels that this biggest threat has been eliminated, will he relax and reveal his flaws.

Ye Linglong's plan was too thorough, but it was also too risky. Not only did Gu Tianyang not expect it, but even Ji Wufeng was probably kept in the dark.

"I have always regarded Ji Wufeng as my most powerful enemy, but I didn't expect that I was wrong. You are my last threat!" Gu Tianyang said.

Only now did he realize how terrifying Ye Linglong's abilities were. The battle at Tongtian Peak was caused by Ye Linglong's bloodline code experiment that changed the battle situation. Now it was also because of Ye Linglong's plan that everything was disrupted.

"You are wrong again. Your biggest threat is not Ji Wufeng, let alone me, but you!" Ye Linglong said lightly.

"There's never a right answer to this question."

Gu Tianyang smiled again and said: "But do you think this can change everything? The law of the jungle is the eternal law. Whoever is stronger can be superior. In the face of absolute power, any cleverness is vain. !”

He turned to look at Ji Wufeng, feeling the power of his blood reviving, and said with disdain, "He is indeed very strong, but he may not be my opponent. He will also die!"

He was accelerating the devouring in his hands. He wanted to kill Ji Wufeng before he fully recovered. As long as he killed Ji Wufeng, the result would remain the same and there would be no change.

"I don't think so!" Ye Linglong said.


Nie Tianfeng, who was not far away, punched a young strong man away, then kicked another young strong man into the depths of the ground, and rushed towards Gu Tianyang like thunder.

Everyone was shocked. Nie Tianfeng was very strong, but he was almost as strong as Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang and others, but the combat power he showed now was obviously not above the level.

Nie Tianfeng is a disciple of the Nie family. The reason why he was weaker than Ji Wufeng before was because he did not have the blood power of the Nie family. In terms of talent, he was not inferior to anyone else.

Now, Qianye Yu injected the power of blood into his body to make up for this shortcoming, and his combat power soared instantly!

Gu Tianyang said with a cold look on his face: "The mantis' arm is like a chariot!"



Nie Tianfeng arrived and punched Gu Tianyang. Gu Tianyang raised his hand and struck out with his palm. Nie Tianfeng retreated violently, but Gu Tianyang also took several steps back, with a trace of surprise on his face. Apparently he underestimated Nie Tianfeng's strength. strength.

The repulsed Nie Tianfeng roared wildly and stamped his foot on the ground. The vast power of tyranny spread, and the hordes of iron corpses were knocked into the sky and crushed into pieces by the force.

"Gu Tianyang, let him go, or I want you to die!" Nie Tianfeng said solemnly.

He had been seriously injured before, but after injecting the power of blood, his body instantly returned to its best condition and the injuries healed automatically.

"I underestimated you before, but I didn't expect you to become a disaster. But it's okay. You are of the Nie family's bloodline and have the same bloodline as mine. Maybe you are also a treasure to me."

Being of the same bloodline of the Nie family, Nie Tianfeng and Gu Tianyang are closer. They are half-brothers.

Gu Tianyang threw Ji Wufeng into the sky, and a black shadow flew up to catch it, it was the Blood Demon.

He had to give up devouring Ji Wufeng temporarily because he felt the threat brought to him by Nie Tianfeng, who was a powerful enemy.

"Gu Tianyang, go to hell!" Nie Tianfeng roared.

The power of blood all over his body burst out, with blood-colored scales all over his body, roaring to the sky, like an ancient dragon descending into the world!

"You are the one who wants to die!" Gu Tianyang shouted coldly.


The soaring demonic power centered on Gu Tianyang spread between heaven and earth. The void collapsed. Gu Tianyang, who inherited all the skills of Gu Yunfei, reappeared like a demon lord!

The two roared in unison and charged straight at each other!

The two of them were moving at extremely high speeds like two rays of lightning. The surging power kept colliding with each other. The two rays of black and blood energy surged like turbulent waves in the sky above Juebian. Everywhere they passed, the huge mountain peaks collapsed. The beautiful cherry blossoms turned into ashes one after another.

The two of them hit the sky and collided fiercely. The sky was trembling, and the terrible aura was raging in all directions.

I saw lightning and thunder in mid-air, brilliance flashing, and two bodies constantly colliding. However, although Nie Tianfeng had completed the power of his bloodline and was not afraid of Gu Tianyang, he was still lagging behind in terms of skill. After all, Gu Tianyang not only had magic The master's half-body skill and Gu Yunfei's full skill.

Nie Tianfeng was defeated and was hit by an unparalleled energy, causing him to cough up blood.

"go to hell!"

Gu Tianyang's overwhelming demonic palm power broke through Nie Tianfeng's many obstacles and struck his chest solidly.

Nie Tianfeng was hit and vomited blood and flew backwards. Bloody scales suddenly appeared on the injured area, and the blood that had flowed out of the corner of his mouth actually flowed back again.

The most powerful secret of the Nie family's bloodline is self-healing, but after Ye Linglong's improvement, devouring was added.

Nie Tianfeng swallowed the blood that flowed out of him, but felt that it was not enough. He waved his hand and a long bloody dragon rushed out. Pieces of iron corpses were rolled up and exploded in the air, turning into clouds of blood mist. Nie Tianfeng opened his mouth wide. , unexpectedly these blood mist swallowed into the mouth.

Nie Tianfeng's power was soaring, and he returned to his peak state in an instant. This was very similar to an undead warrior!

But his devouring effect is obviously much more advanced than that of the undead warriors. At least he can stay awake, and the degree of power he obtains is not comparable to that of the undead warriors.

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