Gu Tianyang raised his eyebrows and said: "I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful. You must have been one of my strongest opponents in the past, but it is a pity that you rose too late!"

Gu Tianyang jumped up, and with the overwhelming demonic energy, he stepped fiercely towards Nie Tianfeng. Nie Tianfeng punched the sky, and the energy all over his body surged!


Nie Tianfeng's fist collided with Gu Tianyang's foot. There was a crunching sound, and one of Nie Tianfeng's fists was crushed to pieces. The palm of his hand became bloody and bloody, revealing the white bones.

Gu Tianyang's offensive continued unabated, and he stomped down hard again. Nie Tianfeng raised his other fist and struck forward. The bones made a cracking sound again. This time, Nie Tianfeng's entire arm was crushed to pieces by the stamp, leaving a trail of blood. The flowers flew out.

Nie Tianfeng is very powerful, but Gu Tianyang is too strong. Nie Tianfeng can block it, but not for long!

Ji Wufeng was controlled by the blood demon, and the power of his blood was still recovering. Ye Linglong's eyes were sharp, her body suddenly surged, and she rushed over like lightning!

A cold light flashed in the blood demon's eyes, and his skinny white claws slashed across the air. Ye Linglong was immediately knocked away by a sharp and terrifying cold force, with surprise on her face.


She knew that the Blood Demon was very strong. After all, he was one of the strongest Demon Lords that the Demon Lord ever had. She had never underestimated him. But now Ye Linglong found that she had underestimated the Blood Demon because the Blood Demon was too strong and completely beyond his control. Within the range of her expectations.

"Hehe, you stinky girl, you almost ruined my good deeds, but it doesn't matter. After my plan succeeds, you will be my most perfect slave!"

The blood demon smiled sinisterly, and wisps of black demonic energy emerged from Senbai's claws and penetrated into Ji Wufeng's seven orifices. He was actually extracting the demonic power from Ji Wufeng's body!

how so? Isn't it Gu Tianyang's idea of ​​Ji Wufeng possessing magical powers? Now that the Blood Demon is doing this, where does he get the courage?

Seeing the surprise on Ye Linglong's face, the Blood Demon said with a ferocious smile: "Haven't you guessed it yet?"

Ye Linglong understood everything in an instant. How could a majestic devil be willing to succumb to others? And he is still a mere junior.

The reason why he was willing to surrender to Gu Tianyang naturally had his unknown purpose, and his purpose turned out to be the same as Gu Tianyang's, coveting the demon lord's supreme magic power that could reach heaven and earth.

"Do you dare, Gu Tianyang will let you go?" Ye Linglong asked coldly.

The Blood Demon looked disdainful and said, "You don't think I'm really afraid of that young boy, do you? If I hadn't imprisoned Shen Ao for decades and couldn't find a way to devour him, would I be willing to live under someone else's roof?"

Ye Linglong was shocked, because the imprisonment that the Blood Demon mentioned was actually him imprisoning the Demon Lord for decades. Could it be that the Demon Lord's madness had something to do with him?

Yes, the Demon Lord's madness was indeed related to the Blood Demon, and the Demon Lord's body eventually fell into his hands. But it was a pity that he could not find a way to obtain the Demon Lord's magic power for decades. All failed.

Finally, Gu Yunfei appeared, and the immortal warrior gave him hope, so the Demon Sect chose to cooperate with the Nine-Headed Insect. However, Gu Yunfei was too strong, and seeking skin from a tiger was always dangerous, so he approached Gu Tianyang.

Now he has finally achieved his goal and obtained the method to devour the demon master's magic power. He no longer needs to hide it!

The white-haired man was furious and shouted: "

Blood Demon, you are so brave, you actually dare to betray the Lord! "

"Hmph, you clown. If it weren't for the fact that you still have some use value, you would have been dead long ago." The blood demon said with contempt on his face.

"I kill you!"

The white-haired man became angry and was about to take action against the blood demon when he suddenly let out a scream and collapsed on the ground, with a painful expression on his face and a fearful look on his face: "What have you done to me?"

"Actually, it's nothing, but I have long expected that such a day would come, so I planted a demon seed in your body a long time ago. You have become my war slave. I will give birth to you as soon as I ask you to. , if you are asked to die, you will die, and it will even make your life worse than death!"

Two gleams of light suddenly appeared in the blood demon's eyes, and the white-haired man suddenly howled miserably and rolled desperately on the ground, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

"Stop, stop, I was wrong, Lord Blood Demon, please let me go. I already know I was wrong. I am willing to be your loyal dog..." The white-haired man couldn't bear the pain at all and chose to give in.

The dim light in the blood demon's eyes disappeared and he said: "Very good. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I said you are still valuable. As long as you are loyal to me, after I become the supreme demon lord, you will be my second subordinate." One Demon Lord!”

"But Lord Blood Demon... No, the Demon Lord ordered!" The white-haired man prostrated on the ground and shouted.

The Blood Demon clenched his hands tightly, and Ji Wufeng immediately let out a roar of pain. The Blood Demon said excitedly: "Great, the demon master's half-body supreme skill, the power of the Nie family's blood, the blood of Nirvana, the power of chaos, Ji Wufeng, you It is simply a priceless treasure. If I swallow you, who else in the world will be my opponent?"

"Let him go!"

Ye Linglong's body surged up, and she rushed towards the Blood Demon. The Blood Demon swung out his other palm and caught Ye Linglong in the air. He said with evil eyes: "Gu Tianyang is such a waste of resources. A top-notch beauty like you should not be left behind." I didn’t even take a bite while I was around, but this just made it easier for me.”

Suddenly, a body flew through the air, and a pitch-black stick fell from the sky. It brought up an unparalleled strong wind like a dragon roaring, and hit the blood demon's head tyrannically.

"Dragon subduing stick!"

Gorefiend was startled, let go of Ye Linglong, struck out with a palm, and hit the black stick. Gorefiend's body quickly retreated.

It's Nie Wufeng, holding the dragon-subduing stick to kill!

"Let my brother go!" Nie Wufeng said with a fierce expression.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" the blood demon said angrily.

The Gang Qi came out from the Dragon Subduing Stick. The Blood Demon was obviously a little afraid of the Dragon Subduing Stick. He laughed ferociously and said: "Little bastard, I know your background. Don't you want your brothers and sisters to become normal?" person?"

The blood demon is talking about the dozen or so young strong men who possess the power of the Nie family's bloodline, but have now turned into walking corpses.


Nie Wufeng's expression changed and he said, "Can we still make them normal people?"

"Of course I can!"

"Don't believe him!"

Ye Linglong said coldly: "They were first turned into undead warriors, and then turned into iron corpses. They have long lost their humanity, and there is absolutely no possibility of returning to normal."

"Why not? Don't you know that the person who ties the bell needs to be tied to untie the bell? Whether it is the plan of the undead warrior or the iron corpse, I am fully involved in it. Naturally, I have a way to restore them to normal." Gorefiend said. Gu Tianyang raised his eyebrows and said: "I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful. You must have been one of my strongest opponents in the past, but it is a pity that you rose too late!"

Gu Tianyang jumped up, and with the overwhelming demonic energy, he stepped fiercely towards Nie Tianfeng. Nie Tianfeng punched the sky, and the energy all over his body surged!


Nie Tianfeng's fist collided with Gu Tianyang's foot. There was a crunching sound, and one of Nie Tianfeng's fists was crushed to pieces. The palm of his hand became bloody and bloody, revealing the white bones.

Gu Tianyang's offensive continued unabated, and he stomped down hard again. Nie Tianfeng raised his other fist and struck forward. The bones made a cracking sound again. This time, Nie Tianfeng's entire arm was crushed to pieces by the stamp, leaving a trail of blood. The flowers flew out.

Nie Tianfeng is very powerful, but Gu Tianyang is too strong. Nie Tianfeng can block it, but not for long!

Ji Wufeng was controlled by the blood demon, and the power of his blood was still recovering. Ye Linglong's eyes were sharp, her body suddenly surged, and she rushed over like lightning!

A cold light flashed in the blood demon's eyes, and his skinny white claws slashed across the air. Ye Linglong was immediately knocked away by a sharp and terrifying cold force, with surprise on her face.


She knew that the Blood Demon was very strong. After all, he was one of the strongest Demon Lords that the Demon Lord ever had. She had never underestimated him. But now Ye Linglong found that she had underestimated the Blood Demon because the Blood Demon was too strong and completely beyond his control. Within the range of her expectations.

"Hehe, you stinky girl, you almost ruined my good deeds, but it doesn't matter. After my plan succeeds, you will be my most perfect slave!"

The blood demon smiled sinisterly, and wisps of black demonic energy emerged from Senbai's claws and penetrated into Ji Wufeng's seven orifices. He was actually extracting the demonic power from Ji Wufeng's body!

how so? Isn't it Gu Tianyang's idea of ​​Ji Wufeng possessing magical powers? Now that the Blood Demon is doing this, where does he get the courage?

Seeing the surprise on Ye Linglong's face, the Blood Demon said with a ferocious smile: "Haven't you guessed it yet?"

Ye Linglong understood everything in an instant. How could a majestic devil be willing to succumb to others? And he is still a mere junior.

The reason why he was willing to surrender to Gu Tianyang naturally had his unknown purpose, and his purpose turned out to be the same as Gu Tianyang's, coveting the demon lord's supreme magic power that could reach heaven and earth.

"Do you dare, Gu Tianyang will let you go?" Ye Linglong asked coldly.

The Blood Demon looked disdainful and said, "You don't think I'm really afraid of that young boy, do you? If I hadn't imprisoned Shen Ao for decades and couldn't find a way to devour him, would I be willing to live under someone else's roof?"

Ye Linglong was shocked, because the imprisonment that the Blood Demon mentioned was actually him imprisoning the Demon Lord for decades. Could it be that the Demon Lord's madness had something to do with him?

Yes, the Demon Lord's madness was indeed related to the Blood Demon, and the Demon Lord's body eventually fell into his hands. But it was a pity that he could not find a way to obtain the Demon Lord's magic power for decades. All failed.

Finally, Gu Yunfei appeared, and the immortal warrior gave him hope, so the Demon Sect chose to cooperate with the Nine-Headed Insect. However, Gu Yunfei was too strong, and seeking skin from a tiger was always dangerous, so he approached Gu Tianyang.

Now he has finally achieved his goal and obtained the method to devour the demon master's magic power. He no longer needs to hide it!

The white-haired man was furious and shouted: "

Blood Demon, you are so brave, you actually dare to betray the Lord! "

"Hmph, you clown. If it weren't for the fact that you still have some use value, you would have been dead long ago." The blood demon said with contempt on his face.

"I kill you!"

The white-haired man became angry and was about to take action against the blood demon when he suddenly let out a scream and collapsed on the ground, with a painful expression on his face and a fearful look on his face: "What have you done to me?"

"Actually, it's nothing, but I have long expected that such a day would come, so I planted a demon seed in your body a long time ago. You have become my war slave. I will give birth to you as soon as I ask you to. , if you are asked to die, you will die, and it will even make your life worse than death!"

Two gleams of light suddenly appeared in the blood demon's eyes, and the white-haired man suddenly howled miserably and rolled desperately on the ground, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

"Stop, stop, I was wrong, Lord Blood Demon, please let me go. I already know I was wrong. I am willing to be your loyal dog..." The white-haired man couldn't bear the pain at all and chose to give in.

The dim light in the blood demon's eyes disappeared and he said: "Very good. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I said you are still valuable. As long as you are loyal to me, after I become the supreme demon lord, you will be my second subordinate." One Demon Lord!”

"But Lord Blood Demon... No, the Demon Lord ordered!" The white-haired man prostrated on the ground and shouted.

The Blood Demon clenched his hands tightly, and Ji Wufeng immediately let out a roar of pain. The Blood Demon said excitedly: "Great, the demon master's half-body supreme skill, the power of the Nie family's blood, the blood of Nirvana, the power of chaos, Ji Wufeng, you It is simply a priceless treasure. If I swallow you, who else in the world will be my opponent?"

"Let him go!"

Ye Linglong's body surged up, and she rushed towards the Blood Demon. The Blood Demon swung out his other palm and caught Ye Linglong in the air. He said with evil eyes: "Gu Tianyang is such a waste of resources. A top-notch beauty like you should not be left behind." I didn’t even take a bite while I was around, but this just made it easier for me.”

Suddenly, a body flew through the air, and a pitch-black stick fell from the sky. It brought up an unparalleled strong wind like a dragon roaring, and hit the blood demon's head tyrannically.

"Dragon subduing stick!"

Gorefiend was startled, let go of Ye Linglong, struck out with a palm, and hit the black stick. Gorefiend's body quickly retreated.

It's Nie Wufeng, holding the dragon-subduing stick to kill!

"Let my brother go!" Nie Wufeng said with a fierce expression.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" the blood demon said angrily.

The Gang Qi came out from the Dragon Subduing Stick. The Blood Demon was obviously a little afraid of the Dragon Subduing Stick. He laughed ferociously and said: "Little bastard, I know your background. Don't you want your brothers and sisters to become normal?" person?"

The blood demon is talking about the dozen or so young strong men who possess the power of the Nie family's bloodline, but have now turned into walking corpses.


Nie Wufeng's expression changed and he said, "Can we still make them normal people?"

"Of course I can!"

"Don't believe him!"

Ye Linglong said coldly: "They were first turned into undead warriors, and then turned into iron corpses. They have long lost their humanity, and there is absolutely no possibility of returning to normal."

"Why not? Don't you know that to untie the bell, you need the person who tied it? Whether it is the plan of the undead warrior or the iron corpse, I am fully involved in it. Naturally, I have a way to restore them to normal." The blood demon said.

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