Looking at Gu Tianyang again, his chest was directly pierced by the Dragon Subduing Stick and he was nailed to a huge rock behind him. He also suffered heavy trauma, and the effect of the power of blood was very weak.

The power of blood is very powerful, but it cannot be truly immortal!

Everyone felt that the extremely hot aura on the two of them was weakening. This collision caused injuries to both of them. Such a fierce battle was destined to end in a lose-lose situation for both parties!

The battle was so tragic, but the two of them were unusually calm. A group of people came over and tried to help Ji Wufeng up, but he refused. He stood up with his nearly disintegrated body, looked at Gu Tianyang and said, "This battle has already ended." it's over."

Gu Tianyang nodded and said: "It's over, you are the winner!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I didn't win, it's just that you lost, but you didn't lose to me, you lost to yourself."

Yes, Gu Tianyang lost, but he did not lose to Ji Wufeng, but to himself. With Gu Tianyang's amazing talent, he will definitely be invincible in the future.

However, he chose a path that was impossible to win, and his ending was already doomed!

Brothers are precious, and opponents are equally hard to find. Xiao Mingyu before, Gu Tianyang in front of him, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel sad. Even standing in the position of the final winner, he couldn't help but feel sad.

How exciting would it be if the three of them were not enemies and could fight side by side?

However, this expectation will never be realized.

"Longwei family, haha..." Gu Tianyang suddenly burst into crazy laughter, tears of laughter falling down.

Will Gu Tianyang cry too? But everyone clearly saw his tears.

For a moment, everyone fell silent. Is Gu Tianyang really an evil person? He was once the crown prince of China, the leader of the dragon group, and made numerous illustrious military exploits for China. He was once the young god of war in the martial arts world of China. He traveled far away from home and never failed, and he showed the power of China!

I don’t know how many people here were once loyal admirers of Gu Tianyang, but now they are going to fight with him!

It's fate, if Gu Tianyang was not the son of the Longwei family or Gu Yunfei, maybe nothing would change today, right?

In fact, Dragon Guard, evil dragon? Is it really that important?

Is the Longwei family really just the Nie family? No, the people who died in the battle on the East China Sea were Dragon Guards, the people who died in the Battle of Tongtian Peak were Dragon Guards, and the people who died in the Sakura Temple were also Dragon Guards!

All those who protect Shenzhou are Dragon Guards. Wasn't even Gu Tianyang also a Dragon Guard?

It's just that he was forcibly shackled, and it was a shackles that he couldn't break free from!

"Tianyang, Tianyang, where are you?"

A faint voice sounded, and the Sakura Temple collapsed. A woman covered in blood crawled out of the ruins. Many people had seen her. She was Nie Juexian, Gu Tianyang's biological mother!

This woman who was so jealous that she even wanted to harm her own sister has now ended up in such a miserable end!

Nie Juexian's legs seemed to have been smashed. She could only crawl on the ground with two hands. Her eyes were bleeding and she had become blind.

"Tianyang, Yangyang, don't be afraid, mom is here, mom is here..."

Nie Juexian crawled while exploring with his hands. What is incredible is that Nie Juexian, who was blind, accurately found the direction of Gu Tianyang and climbed to Gu Tianyang's feet.

Touched the ancient

Nie Juexian was shocked by the blood flowing from Tianyang's body and said: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, son? Are you injured? Where are you injured? Hurry up and let mom take a look..."

This mother and son can be said to be one of the culprits of this catastrophe, but now no one can hate them.

At this time, Gu Tianyang's anger had completely disappeared. He looked at his biological mother at his feet and said indifferently: "No need, I have failed, and I will die soon!"

"No, you won't die. It's all my fault. It's all caused by mom. It's me who deserves to die, not you..."

With a look of panic on his face, Nie Juexian knelt on the ground and turned around: "Please let him go, he was forced to do so. I beg you, let him go. If you want to kill him, come and kill me." Okay, Ji Wufeng, I know you should hate me, but Tianyang is not wrong, he has no choice at all, he is forced, if you want to kill, just kill me, I beg you..."


Nie Juexian's head hit the ground hard. She was actually kowtowing. She was begging Ji Wufeng. She was Ji Wufeng's aunt, but now she had to kneel down and kowtow to her nephew!

Regardless of right or wrong, everyone felt sad. No matter how vicious a woman may be in her heart, there is selfless maternal love hidden deep in her bones.

"Mom..." Gu Tianyang was trembling.

"Tianyang, don't say anything. Mom owes you. I owe you too much. Mom is sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

Nie Juexian touched Gu Tianyang's face, and transparent liquid overflowed from his bleeding eyes, and suddenly he hit the stone next to Gu Tianyang.


Blood splashed!

Nie Jue He once..."

Everyone was shocked. Nie Juexian actually pretended to be dead on the spot, hoping to use this method to exchange for Gu Tianyang's chance of survival!

Gu Tianyang was stunned, hugged Nie Juexian's body, looked up to the sky and said sadly: "Mom, mom..."

This mother and son have never had a stable day together, and have never felt the slightest affection between mother and son. Now Gu Tianyang feels it, but everything is too late.


Gu Tianyang suddenly pulled out the Dragon Subduing Stick stuck in his chest, blood spurted out, and roared: "Ji Wufeng, I owe you everything I owe you, now I'll give it back to you!"


Gu Tianyang's flesh and blood suddenly exploded, and blood spread all over his body, turning into a thick mist of blood.

Ming Yue on the side raised her eyebrows, flew forward and swallowed the blood mist in one gulp.

Gu Tianyang has lost all his blood power, his essence and blood are exhausted, his oil is exhausted, his life is hanging by a thread!

"I beg you, bury me and her together. I haven't been able to fulfill my filial piety in this life. I hope I can be by her side after death!" Gu Tianyang said to Ji Wufeng with a plea.

"Don't worry, I will do as you are told!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

"Thank you. I hope I can have another chance to drink with you." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Tian Wuxin walked away with a wine jar in his hand. The Sakura Temple collapsed, but the underground wine cellar was still well preserved and contained the existing fine wine.

After taking three large bowls and filling them, Tian Wuxin said: "Do it!"

The three of them picked up the big bowl and drank it all. Gu Tianyang laughed wildly and said: "Haha, it's so happy, haha..." Looking at Gu Tianyang again, his chest was directly pierced by the Dragon Subduing Stick, and he was nailed to a huge stone behind him. On the other hand, he was also severely injured, and the effect of bloodline power was very weak.

The power of blood is very powerful, but it cannot be truly immortal!

Everyone felt that the extremely hot aura on the two of them was weakening. This collision caused injuries to both of them. Such a fierce battle was destined to end in a lose-lose situation for both parties!

The battle was so tragic, but the two of them were unusually calm. A group of people came over and tried to help Ji Wufeng up, but he refused. He stood up with his nearly disintegrated body, looked at Gu Tianyang and said, "This battle has already ended." it's over."

Gu Tianyang nodded and said: "It's over, you are the winner!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I didn't win, it's just that you lost, but you didn't lose to me, you lost to yourself."

Yes, Gu Tianyang lost, but he did not lose to Ji Wufeng, but to himself. With Gu Tianyang's amazing talent, he will definitely be invincible in the future.

However, he chose a path that was impossible to win, and his ending was already doomed!

Brothers are precious, and opponents are equally hard to find. Xiao Mingyu before, Gu Tianyang in front of him, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel sad. Even standing in the position of the final winner, he couldn't help but feel sad.

How exciting would it be if the three of them were not enemies and could fight side by side?

However, this expectation will never be realized.

"Longwei family, haha..." Gu Tianyang suddenly burst into crazy laughter, tears of laughter falling down.

Will Gu Tianyang cry too? But everyone clearly saw his tears.

For a moment, everyone fell silent. Is Gu Tianyang really an evil person? He was once the crown prince of China, the leader of the dragon group, and made numerous illustrious military exploits for China. He was once the young god of war in the martial arts world of China. He traveled far away from home and never failed, and he showed the power of China!

I don’t know how many people here were once loyal admirers of Gu Tianyang, but now they are going to fight with him!

It's fate, if Gu Tianyang was not the son of the Longwei family or Gu Yunfei, maybe nothing would change today, right?

In fact, Dragon Guard, evil dragon? Is it really that important?

Is the Longwei family really just the Nie family? No, the people who died in the battle on the East China Sea were Dragon Guards, the people who died in the Battle of Tongtian Peak were Dragon Guards, and the people who died in the Sakura Temple were also Dragon Guards!

All those who protect Shenzhou are Dragon Guards. Wasn't even Gu Tianyang also a Dragon Guard?

It's just that he was forcibly shackled, and it was a shackles that he couldn't break free from!

"Tianyang, Tianyang, where are you?"

A faint voice sounded, and the Sakura Temple collapsed. A woman covered in blood crawled out of the ruins. Many people had seen her. She was Nie Juexian, Gu Tianyang's biological mother!

This woman who was so jealous that she even wanted to harm her own sister has now ended up in such a miserable end!

Nie Juexian's legs seemed to have been smashed. She could only crawl on the ground with two hands. Her eyes were bleeding and she had become blind.

"Tianyang, Yangyang, don't be afraid, mom is here, mom is here..."

Nie Juexian crawled while exploring with his hands. What is incredible is that Nie Juexian, who was blind, accurately found the direction of Gu Tianyang and climbed to Gu Tianyang's feet.

Touched the ancient

Nie Juexian was shocked by the blood flowing from Tianyang's body and said: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, son? Are you injured? Where are you injured? Hurry up and let mom take a look..."

This mother and son can be said to be one of the culprits of this catastrophe, but now no one can hate them.

At this time, Gu Tianyang's anger had completely disappeared. He looked at his biological mother at his feet and said indifferently: "No need, I have failed, and I will die soon!"

"No, you won't die. It's all my fault. It's all caused by mom. It's me who deserves to die, not you..."

With a look of panic on his face, Nie Juexian knelt on the ground and turned around: "Please let him go, he was forced to do so. I beg you, let him go. If you want to kill him, come and kill me." Okay, Ji Wufeng, I know you should hate me, but Tianyang is not wrong, he has no choice at all, he is forced, if you want to kill, just kill me, I beg you..."


Nie Juexian's head hit the ground hard. She was actually kowtowing. She was begging Ji Wufeng. She was Ji Wufeng's aunt, but now she had to kneel down and kowtow to her nephew!

Regardless of right or wrong, everyone felt sad. No matter how vicious a woman may be in her heart, there is selfless maternal love hidden deep in her bones.

"Mom..." Gu Tianyang was trembling.

"Tianyang, don't say anything. Mom owes you. I owe you too much. Mom is sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

Nie Juexian touched Gu Tianyang's face, and transparent liquid overflowed from his bleeding eyes, and suddenly he hit the stone next to Gu Tianyang.


Blood splashed!

Nie Jue He once..."

Everyone was shocked. Nie Juexian actually pretended to be dead on the spot, hoping to use this method to exchange for Gu Tianyang's chance of survival!

Gu Tianyang was stunned, hugged Nie Juexian's body, looked up to the sky and said sadly: "Mom, mom..."

This mother and son have never had a stable day together, and have never felt the slightest affection between mother and son. Now Gu Tianyang feels it, but everything is too late.


Gu Tianyang suddenly pulled out the Dragon Subduing Stick stuck in his chest, blood spurted out, and roared: "Ji Wufeng, I owe you everything I owe you, now I'll give it back to you!"


Gu Tianyang's flesh and blood suddenly exploded, and blood spread all over his body, turning into a thick mist of blood.

Ming Yue on the side raised her eyebrows, flew forward and swallowed the blood mist in one gulp.

Gu Tianyang has lost all his blood power, his essence and blood are exhausted, his oil is exhausted, his life is hanging by a thread!

"I beg you, bury me and her together. I haven't been able to fulfill my filial piety in this life. I hope I can be by her side after death!" Gu Tianyang said to Ji Wufeng with a plea.

"Don't worry, I will do as you are told!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

"Thank you. I hope I can have another chance to drink with you." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Tian Wuxin walked away with a wine jar in his hand. The Sakura Temple collapsed, but the underground wine cellar was still well preserved and contained the existing fine wine.

After taking three large bowls and filling them, Tian Wuxin said: "Do it!"

The three of them picked up the big bowl and drank it all in one gulp. Gu Tianyang laughed wildly and said: "Haha, it's so enjoyable, haha..."

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