
The wine bowl fell to the ground and smashed into pieces, and Gu Tianyang's life had come to an end. The once crown prince of China, the three supreme youths, and the invincible god of war... had come to an end sadly!

It's over, the dust has settled, it should be a scene of celebration, but everyone's face shows disappointment!

Everyone is collecting the bodies of the casualties, gathering them together without missing a beat. This is Dongyang. Although they died here, their remains must be brought back to China and their homeland!

Mingyue took a step forward, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "It's time for me to leave."

Mingyue is not Gu Tianyang, she is just an obsession that will dissipate sooner or later.

"Have a good trip!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

Mingyue suddenly opened her mouth, and a ball of blood mist spurted out. All the casualties were enveloped in it, and then submerged into the bodies of the casualties.

Ye Linglong's expression changed and she said to Ji Wufeng: "If you add your Nirvana blood, they may still have a glimmer of hope!"

Although these people are already dead, if they have the power of blood to repair their bodies, and then have Nirvana to break through the blood and stand up again, they may be able to give birth to life again!

Without any hesitation, Ji Wufeng immediately burst open his own flesh and blood, and a cloud of blood mist spurted out. Not only was there Nirvana blood, he also stimulated the power of chaos, hoping it would have an effect.

"That's all I can do."

Mingyue lost all her blood power, her obsession dissipated, and finally collapsed to the ground. Ji Wufeng rushed over and hugged her.

Mingyue opened her eyes and saw Nie Tianfeng with a surprised expression on his face: "Feng!"

Ji Wufeng was so excited that he almost cried, Mingyue finally came back.

The power of the bloodline plus the phoenix blood really had an effect. Half of the large number of casualties showed signs of life again, which was surprising.

Ye Linglong said: "The next step is up to them. Some people may be able to wake up relying on their own strong willpower, but some people may never wake up in their lifetime."

Although there will always be regrets, it is always a hope that allows everyone to see the light.

The Shenzhou Wulin East Expedition has been a complete victory and will return to China soon. However, Ji Wufeng's battle is not over yet. He has not forgotten that there is Usef waiting for him.

Qianye Yunying was seriously injured, but still alive. The Sakura Temple had been wiped out, and even the entire Dongyang Wulin was wiped out. The once peerless Sakura God looked at the ruins with an extremely sad expression.

Everyone no longer hates this peerless Holy Lord who once led an army to conquer China, because she has been punished enough, and she is just a poor woman now.

"What are your plans next?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Qianye Yunying smiled and said: "He said that the vastness of China is definitely not comparable to that of Xiao Dongyang. Regardless of the region and the mind of the people of China, I really want to go and experience it!"

he? who?

Ji Wufeng soon knew who Qianye Yunying was talking about. If it weren't for the hostile stance, maybe this gorgeous woman in front of him might become his aunt.

"Then I will wait for the arrival of the Sakura God." Ji Wufeng said.

Qianye Yunying waved her hand and said: "The Sakura God no longer exists. From now on, my name is Wuwang!"


Are you no longer delusional? This should be Qianye Yunying's mockery of herself.

Dongyang Wulin was almost destroyed, and only the remaining

It is impossible for the three major families to cause any more troubles. Ji Qingzi chose to stay in Dongyang. Mu Tianwanyu wanted to establish a new core of power. Ji Qingzi was the only person she trusted, so naturally she wanted to stay and assist her.

Mu Tian Wanyu has established a new core of power, and Ji Qingzi and Kagura Liuying are his right-hand men. With the full assistance of the two, the Dongyang royal family will bloom again.

On the stone bench under the cherry blossom tree, Ji Wufeng half-squinted his eyes and said, "You missed the best opportunity."

Usef did not take it seriously and said: "Gu Tianyang once thought that he had seized the best opportunity."

Yes, Gu Tianyang thought he had seized the best opportunity, but he failed miserably.

"Are you afraid?"

"I will go to China soon to send you a message of war!"

"Then I'll wait for you!"

After saying that, Ji Wufeng turned around and said, "Why do I feel that you didn't come to Dongyang for Alina at all? You came to Dongyang just for me, right?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Usef said with a smile.

"Nima, just wait for me. If you dare to come to China, I'll beat the crap out of you!"

"How do you put it in the words of you Chinese people? Will I be afraid of you?"

Although the two had a fight, it had nothing to do with grudges. No matter what purpose Usef had in mind before, at least now Usef has obviously given up on his previous plan.

This time the Shenzhou Wulin returned with a great victory, but more than half of the people lost their young lives. When they set foot on the territory of Shenzhou, countless people were already waiting there to welcome the heroes who returned in triumph, as well as the heroic souls.

Waiting there were older masters, as well as young men and women who still had childish looks on their faces. This was an incomparable moment in the history of China's martial arts world that needed to be witnessed.

" child..."

An old man touched the body of his own son, trembling all over but unable to shed tears. Although his son did not come back alive, he brought back a piece of glory.

Yun Shang is the Holy Master of the Heavenly Palace. He stands proudly and loudly says: "All their names will be engraved on the top of Tongtian Peak, and their deeds will be remembered by future generations forever!"

Yes, each of their names should last forever!

Finally, they rushed back to Ji Mansion. A group of people, led by Lu Shuangshuang and Jiang Ruoshui, stood outside the gate to greet him. When they saw Ji Wufeng returning, everyone burst into tears.

They took the initiative to make way, and Ji Hongtu and Qin Yi walked out.


Ji Wufeng knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

"Xiao Feng, my son, you are finally back, woo woo woo..."

Qin Yi couldn't control it anymore, rushed over to hug Ji Wufeng and cried loudly. Her mother was worried after her son traveled thousands of miles, and Ji Wufeng went to a life and death battle. You can imagine how much suffering she suffered during this time.

At night, the father and son were sitting in the yard. Ji Hongtu said, "Have you ever hated me?"

How could a father and son from an ordinary family not be resentful? Ji Wufeng and others narrowly escaped death, while Ji Hongtu and others had great strength but hid behind to watch the show.

If Ji Hongtu, Chu Tianshu, Nie Qingcheng and others had taken action, Gu Tianyang would have been slaughtered long ago, and the Sakura Temple would have been destroyed long ago, right? There will not be countless young heroes buried in Dongyang.

But Ji Wufeng said: "There is nothing to hate. If the new generation wants to hold up the sky, it must grow up, and the fastest way to grow is to shed blood and sacrifice." Bang!

The wine bowl fell to the ground and smashed into pieces, and Gu Tianyang's life had come to an end. The once crown prince of China, the three supreme youths, and the invincible god of war... had come to an end sadly!

It's over, the dust has settled, it should be a scene of celebration, but everyone's face shows disappointment!

Everyone is collecting the bodies of the casualties, gathering them together without missing a beat. This is Dongyang. Although they died here, their remains must be brought back to China and their homeland!

Mingyue took a step forward, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "It's time for me to leave."

Mingyue is not Gu Tianyang, she is just an obsession that will dissipate sooner or later.

"Have a good trip!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

Mingyue suddenly opened her mouth, and a ball of blood mist spurted out. All the casualties were enveloped in it, and then submerged into the bodies of the casualties. .??.

Ye Linglong's expression changed and she said to Ji Wufeng: "If you add your Nirvana blood, they may still have a glimmer of hope!"

Although these people are already dead, if they have the power of blood to repair their bodies, and then have Nirvana to break through the blood and stand up again, they may be able to give birth to life again!

Without any hesitation, Ji Wufeng immediately burst open his own flesh and blood, and a cloud of blood mist spurted out. Not only was there Nirvana blood, he also stimulated the power of chaos, hoping it would have an effect.

"That's all I can do."

Mingyue lost all her blood power, her obsession dissipated, and finally collapsed to the ground. Ji Wufeng rushed over and hugged her.

Mingyue opened her eyes and saw Nie Tianfeng with a surprised expression on his face: "Feng!"

Ji Wufeng was so excited that he almost cried, Mingyue finally came back.

The power of the bloodline plus the phoenix blood really had an effect. Half of the large number of casualties showed signs of life again, which was surprising.

Ye Linglong said: "The next step is up to them. Some people may be able to wake up relying on their own strong willpower, but some people may never wake up in their lifetime."

Although there will always be regrets, it is always a hope that allows everyone to see the light.

The Shenzhou Wulin East Expedition has been a complete victory and will return to China soon. However, Ji Wufeng's battle is not over yet. He has not forgotten that there is Usef waiting for him.

Qianye Yunying was seriously injured, but still alive. The Sakura Temple had been wiped out, and even the entire Dongyang Wulin was wiped out. The once peerless Sakura God looked at the ruins with an extremely sad expression.

Everyone no longer hates this peerless Holy Lord who once led an army to conquer China, because she has been punished enough, and she is just a poor woman now.

"What are your plans next?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Qianye Yunying smiled and said: "He said that the vastness of China is definitely not comparable to that of Xiao Dongyang. Regardless of the region and the mind of the people of China, I really want to go and experience it!"

he? who?

Ji Wufeng soon knew who Qianye Yunying was talking about. If it weren't for the hostile stance, maybe this gorgeous woman in front of him might become his aunt.

"Then I will wait for the arrival of the Sakura God." Ji Wufeng said.

Qianye Yunying waved her hand and said: "The Sakura God no longer exists. From now on, my name is Wuwang!"


Are you no longer delusional? This should be Qianye Yunying's mockery of herself.

Dongyang Wulin was almost destroyed, and only the remaining

It is impossible for the three major families to cause any more troubles. Ji Qingzi chose to stay in Dongyang. Mu Tianwanyu wanted to establish a new core of power. Ji Qingzi was the only person she trusted, so naturally she wanted to stay and assist her.

Mu Tian Wanyu has established a new core of power, and Ji Qingzi and Kagura Liuying are his right-hand men. With the full assistance of the two, the Dongyang royal family will bloom again.

On the stone bench under the cherry blossom tree, Ji Wufeng half-squinted his eyes and said, "You missed the best opportunity."

Usef did not take it seriously and said: "Gu Tianyang once thought that he had seized the best opportunity."

Yes, Gu Tianyang thought he had seized the best opportunity, but he failed miserably.

"Are you afraid?"

"I will go to China soon to send you a message of war!"

"Then I'll wait for you!"

After saying that, Ji Wufeng turned around and said, "Why do I feel that you didn't come to Dongyang for Alina at all? You came to Dongyang just for me, right?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Usef said with a smile.

"Nima, just wait for me. If you dare to come to China, I'll beat the crap out of you!"

"How do you put it in the words of you Chinese people? Will I be afraid of you?"

Although the two had a fight, it had nothing to do with grudges. No matter what purpose Usef had in mind before, at least now Usef has obviously given up on his previous plan.

This time the Shenzhou Wulin returned with a great victory, but more than half of the people lost their young lives. When they set foot on the territory of Shenzhou, countless people were already waiting there to welcome the heroes who returned in triumph, as well as the heroic souls.

Waiting there were older masters, as well as young men and women who still had childish looks on their faces. This was an incomparable moment in the history of China's martial arts world that needed to be witnessed.

" child..."

An old man touched the body of his own son, trembling all over but unable to shed tears. Although his son did not come back alive, he brought back a piece of glory.

Yun Shang is the Holy Master of the Heavenly Palace. He stands proudly and loudly says: "All their names will be engraved on the top of Tongtian Peak, and their deeds will be remembered by future generations forever!"

Yes, each of their names should last forever!

Finally, they rushed back to Ji Mansion. A group of people, led by Lu Shuangshuang and Jiang Ruoshui, stood outside the gate to greet him. When they saw Ji Wufeng returning, everyone burst into tears.

They took the initiative to make way, and Ji Hongtu and Qin Yi walked out.


Ji Wufeng knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

"Xiao Feng, my son, you are finally back, woo woo woo..."

Qin Yi couldn't control it anymore, rushed over to hug Ji Wufeng and cried loudly. Her mother was worried after her son traveled thousands of miles, and Ji Wufeng went to a life and death battle. You can imagine how much suffering she suffered during this time.

At night, the father and son were sitting in the yard. Ji Hongtu said, "Have you ever hated me?"

How could a father and son from an ordinary family not be resentful? Ji Wufeng and others narrowly escaped death, while Ji Hongtu and others had great strength but hid behind to watch the show.

If Ji Hongtu, Chu Tianshu, Nie Qingcheng and others had taken action, Gu Tianyang would have been slaughtered long ago, and the Sakura Temple would have been destroyed long ago, right? There will not be countless young heroes buried in Dongyang.

But Ji Wufeng said: "There is nothing to hate. If the new generation wants to hold up a future, it must grow up, and the fastest way to grow up is to shed blood and sacrifice."

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