It was a young man, a very handsome young man. The moment he appeared, everyone went into a state of stillness, with disbelief on their faces!

The so-called Fengshen is like jade, the dragon among men!

The current Ji Wufeng, Tian Wuxin, Wan Jinglei... and even the previous Xiao Mingyu and Gu Tianyang all perfectly interpreted these two words.

But at this moment, everyone thought that these two words were enough to describe the young man in front of them.

The facial features are exquisite to perfection, and the figure is as tall and straight as a peerless sword!

What's more important is the temperament in him, which is arrogant, aloof, contemptuous of all living beings, and arrogant!

This is simply no longer a person, but a god that transcends mortals, making everyone feel ashamed!

This is a cultivator, whose understanding of the mysteries of life is superior to that of all living beings on earth, and is no longer on the same level.

"Who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

The young man in white said with a smile: "I, Chen Feng, am just a nobody, so the Immortal King doesn't have to worry about my identity!"

Nobody? How could such a person be a nobody?

And he actually called Ji Wufeng the Immortal King. What's going on?

Ji Wufeng's eyes instantly focused. No matter who this Chen Feng was, it was certain that he knew Ji Wufeng's identity very well.

However, after a thousand years of time, Ji Wufeng was instantly on guard!

"I don't care who you are? Hand over my children and I can spare your life!" Ji Wufeng said.

The smile on Chen Feng's face did not change and he said: "If I return to the world of cultivation, I will naturally not dare to disobey the Immortal King's orders, but in this small ruins, it will be difficult for me to obey!"

"you wanna die!"


The vast and sharp edge suddenly erupted and overwhelmingly pressed towards Chen Feng.

Tian Wuxin and others standing next to Ji Wufeng immediately

They all retreated violently, and they could all feel the anger in their hearts at this moment, which directly increased their combat power to the extreme.

With Ji Wufeng's current strength, he can sweep everything with all his strength!

However, Chen Feng slowly raised his palm and lifted it into the air!


The turbulent momentum surrounding Ji Wufeng collapsed in an instant!


Everyone was shocked again. Wan Jinglei was able to block Ji Wufeng's blast, which shocked everyone.

But this Chen Feng actually broke through Ji Wufeng's power with a single finger. There is no doubt that there is a clear gap in strength!

But how is this possible?

How could there be such a tyrannical person in the world? Even Nie Changkong and others, who are known as the best in the world, will never have such terrifying combat power!

Chen Feng's smile did not change and he said: "Master Immortal King, you should know very well that in such a nearly abandoned land, there is absolutely no way you can do anything to me!"

Ji Wufeng's face was gloomy, and he knew that Chen Feng was right.

No matter how strong he is, he is still just a warrior on earth, not on the same level as a cultivator at all.

Chen Feng may really be just a nobody in the world of cultivation, but on earth, he is invincible!

"I want to know how you got here?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Since you dare to call it the Immortal King Palace, you will naturally have some extraordinary means. The Immortal King will naturally understand it clearly by then."

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the void surged again, and three figures appeared out of thin air.

"Dad, dad, please save us..."

It was Ji Tianlin, Ji Tianqi and Ji Chenghuan, three brothers and sisters, shouting and struggling desperately

It's open, but it's like being shrouded in the void by a big invisible net.

"Let them go!"

Ji Wufeng roared violently and rushed towards him violently.

Chen Feng was motionless, and suddenly a tall and straight body appeared out of thin air, blocking in front of him.


Everyone present was once again horrified, with incredible expressions on their faces!

"Gu...Gu Tianyang?"

"It's really him. Is he still alive?"

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"


However, the fact is right in front of him. The person standing in front of Chen Feng is none other than Gu Tianyang, a person who was originally dead!

But how is it possible?

People cannot be resurrected after death, so how did Gu Tianyang come back to life?

"It's time to start!" Chen Feng said slowly.

Gu Tianyang's expression was dull, and his body suddenly rose into the air, leaping over Ji Tianlin's brother and sister, waving his palms!

Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique!

The vast and infinite energy surged out overwhelmingly, and the three brothers and sisters Ji Tianlin suddenly burst out with a violent aura.



There were loud roars and sharp screams coming from the three of them.

Immediately, a cloud of blood mist rose up from the three people. The blood mist continued to roll, and finally condensed and transformed. It turned out to be two dragons and a mighty divine bird!

" this a divine dragon and a phoenix?" Someone made a horrified voice.

Ji Wufeng became furious in an instant, rushed forward and shouted: "I want your life!"

Those are not dragons and phoenixes, but the blood of the Nie family and the blood of Nirvana in the bodies of Ji Tianlin's brother and sister. Gu Tianyang is extracting the power of their blood!

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "

I said, you can't do anything to me here! "

As soon as he waved his hand, Ji Wufeng was blocked by a strong force!


Wuchen rolled up the sword shadow that filled the sky and attacked Chen Feng. Yun Shang and others also immediately started to attack Chen Feng together.

However, eight bodies flew through the air, like Ten Thousand Thunders, blocking everyone's attacks!

"You dare to touch my grandchildren, you are so brave!"

With a cold snort, Ji Hongtu came through the air. At the same time, several figures rushed towards Chen Feng like thunder.

They are Yun Tiankong, Chu Tianshu, Qingyue, Hong Yanling... and other Saint Realm experts, the absolute peak combat power on earth.

These people had already been hiding in the dark place for a long time. When Chen Feng appeared, he would naturally not miss this opportunity.


A world-shattering battle began, with violent energy rising all over the sky, and the sky seemed to be shattered.

"Hahaha... thank you all for your support!"

However, at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly burst out laughing, and his body mysteriously disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already hovering over Gu Tianyang.

As soon as he pointed towards the void, the air suddenly surged, and then a vortex was formed, and the energy in the sky was sucked into it!

"Swallow the sky!"

It’s the Heaven-Swallowing Dharma!


The Heaven-Swallowing Technique is the magical power of Sunflower Sect, an ancient sect on Earth. How could Chen Feng do it?

Not only does he know it, but his techniques are more proficient, and his power is even more incomparable!

However, Chen Feng did not inhale all the overwhelming energy into his body. Instead, he waved his palm and the vast power surged toward Gu Tianyang!


Gu Tianyang looked up to the sky and let out a thundering roar, and saw the blood power of the three brothers and sisters Ji Tianlin pouring into his body.

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