"you dare!"

Ji Wufeng was so furious that he rushed towards Gu Tianyang as if he was going crazy!

However, at this moment, a beautiful figure came out of the air and stood in front of Ji Wufeng, blocking his way.

"Mingyue, you..."

Ji Wufeng's face was full of astonishment. The person blocking him turned out to be Mingyue. However, Ji Wufeng clearly felt that Mingyue was not Mingyue because the aura on her body was too strong.

"Feng...how could this happen? Why am I here? Why am I not under my control..." Mingyue's face was full of panic.

"You finally came!"

Chen Feng looked at Mingyue, with enthusiasm in his eyes and an extremely excited expression.

I saw him pop out with a finger, and a ray of energy poured into Mingyue's body.

"Feng...save me!"

Mingyue suddenly screamed in horror, but then her voice disappeared, and her expression became cold and unusual. It was like she was a different person at that moment.

"Mingyue...who are you?"

Ji Wufeng asked sternly. There was no need to confirm, he was sure that the bright moon in front of him was not the bright moon, at least the person controlling this body at this time was not the bright moon!

Using the mind of the soul to control other people's bodies is not a difficult task for cultivators!

Mingyue stared at Ji Wufeng and said indifferently: "I am Mingyue, but I am not Mingyue, but this is not important to you at all!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes were focused, and he said with murderous intent: "I don't care who you are, if Mingyue makes any mistake, I will destroy your soul!"

Mingyue shook her head and said: "Mingyue's soul has been scattered for nine days because of you. You care about her so much now. Don't you think it's too late?"

Ji Wufeng's heart trembled. Although Gu Mingyue and Mingyue were very similar, he knew from the beginning to the end that they were two people. The reason why he cared about Mingyue was because he felt guilty about Mingyue for thousands of years.

However, the words of this mysterious woman at this time made him certain that the two people were by no means as similar as each other.

Gu Mingyue must have some kind of involvement with Mingyue!

He had a feeling that he was reborn a thousand years ago, and this shocking secret

, someone has long had insight into it, and has been paying close attention to himself.

With the recent events and the opening of Tianmen, the real target is most likely himself!

However, how is this possible?

This period spanned a full thousand years. Mingyue was not yet born. Even the five immortals who plotted to attack him were just fledgling monks. How could they know of his existence?

"If I still have a chance, I will never let Mingyue get hurt again, but now, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Ji Wufeng's body is boiling with murderous intent!

As for Mingyue's debt, as long as there is still a chance, he will break into pieces to make up for it.

But at this time, his children are being hurt, and whoever stands in his way will die!

"Don't worry, you will have such a chance!"

Mingyue looked indifferent, and suddenly waved her hand, and a force so huge that Ji Wufeng couldn't resist came overwhelmingly!

Restricted by the earth, Ji Wufeng's cultivation had reached its peak at this time and he was unable to break the shackles. He simply could not withstand such power and was directly thrown away.

And the next scene made everyone stand on the spot!


The blood power of Ji Tianlin's three brothers and sister poured into Gu Tianyang's body, and he could only hear howling in agony. He was obviously suffering from great pain!

"Ji Wufeng..."

Gu Tianyang opened his eyes, and at this time he was no longer dull and lifeless, and his eyes burst out with a sharp aura that seemed to be able to break through the sky.

At that moment, everyone realized that Gu Tianyang was resurrected, truly resurrected from the dead!

As both geniuses, Gu Tianyang was defeated at the hands of Ji Wufeng. This was undoubtedly his biggest obsession!

Only the real Gu Tianyang would have such an obsession that even death can't erase!

Chen Feng shouted: "

Gu Tianyang, if you don't want to lose to him again, you should know what you want to do now! "

Gu Tianyang calmed down, turned to look at Chen Feng, and said indifferently: "I don't care who you are, you will die in my hands in the end."

Chen Feng sneered: "But you can't do it now!"

Gu Tianyang glanced at Ji Wufeng and said: "Ji Wufeng, I lost to you once, but I will never lose to you a second time. I will wait for you in another world!"

Ji Wufeng said in a deep voice: "Gu Tianyang, you'd better think clearly. The world of cultivation is a world where the weak eat the strong. Once the gate of heaven is opened, the earth's only fate other than surrender will be destruction."


Gu Tianyang laughed wildly and said, "What does that have to do with me?"

Ji Wufeng was silent. Indeed, Gu Tianyang had lost everything about himself. Even if the earth was destroyed, what would it have to do with him?

"Open it for me!"

Gu Tianyang looked up to the sky and roared, raising his fist and smashing it into the void.

At this time, the power of the Nie family's bloodline and the blood of the Phoenix Nirvana gathered in his body, and the fierce fist power transformed into a golden dragon and a fire phoenix, charging upward into the sky!

Chen Feng did not hesitate, waved his hand, and the power gathered by the Sky Swallowing Dafa rushed over, becoming one with the dragon and the phoenix!


Boundless, the power with a destructive aura soared into the sky.


Some people couldn't bear the pressure and were seriously injured and vomited blood. Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang and others were thrown away, and even Ji Hongtu and others quickly retreated.

This power is so terrifying that not even the strongest person on earth can contend with it!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions suddenly sounded in the air, and terrifying energy swept wildly around.

Puff puff……

Everyone below was spitting blood from the impact, their faces were pale, and their eyes were horrified.

An extremely horrifying scene appeared, and I saw something actually appearing in the void

There were cracks, just like a huge piece of glass had been cracked!

"how so?"

"There is a barrier. What's on the other side of the barrier?"

"Is there really a different world?"


Some young disciples who had no understanding of the world of cultivation were in disbelief at the scene before them.

Ji Wufeng suddenly sensed a strange aura. When he breathed it into his body, he could clearly feel that his skill was improving.

It's spiritual energy, the rich spiritual energy in the world of cultivation!

It's opened, the gate of heaven has really been opened, and the earth is about to be connected to the world of cultivation!

"Go, go quickly, go quickly..." Ji Wufeng turned around and yelled crazily.

The gate of heaven is about to open, the earth will be exposed to the world of cultivation, and then it will undergo the baptism of heavenly calamity.

With the strength of the earth's warriors, it is impossible to withstand the catastrophe. Once hit, it will end in ashes!


There was a shocking loud noise, the cracks in the air completely exploded, overwhelming spiritual energy surged in, and all the earth warriors stood stunned on the spot.

Because they all felt the benefits brought by the spiritual energy, their cultivation was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.


However, suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck a group of people.

It's a catastrophe!


There were nearly a hundred people. Among them was a strong man in the Holy Realm. Several people who were half-stepping into the Holy Realm were instantly turned into ashes and scattered in the wind!

Ji Hongtu immediately yelled: "Exit this area immediately, as far away as possible, and don't look back!"

Everyone finally reacted and ran wildly into the distance, trying to escape the area as quickly as possible.

Click! Click! Click!

Thunder and lightning continued to fall from the sky at extremely fast speeds. In an instant, half of the Earth warriors who came to climb the ladder were reduced to ashes.

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