Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2041 Not enough blood, lend me some more

This is also the reason why only a few supreme elders came from the five super sects, but the sect leader was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe these three people are three of the five sect masters, but they are unwilling to reveal their identities, and even if everyone knows it, as long as they don't see their true appearance, who dares to say that it is them?

Ji Wufeng felt extremely resentful and desolate in his heart. If it weren't for the guardian gods of the four directions who fought desperately to protect the human race, where would the world of cultivation be like today?

But these people actually want to prevent the Dragon God from resurrecting. They are so vicious. They are just like a bunch of white-eyed wolves and a bunch of unfamiliar wild dogs!

The woman in black took action, and the three of them retreated in embarrassment, but said: "You have lost six of the nine clones. It is no longer possible to do anything. You should retreat."

In an instant, six of the nine clones of the woman in black were lost. How to resist?

But then, two figures appeared in the void again. The auras on their bodies were so vast that it was not difficult to guess that they should be the other two of the five sect masters.

The two of them also did not reveal their identities and said to the three of them: "Three Taoist brothers, the Dragon God is a human god with supreme achievements. Since the Dragon God is resurrected, we should do our best to help. It's better to give up."

The five sect masters are not all the same, at least some of them are grateful for the supreme achievements of the guardian gods of the four directions!

Someone among the three sect masters sneered and said: "Talents emerge from generation to generation, and new generations replace old ones. Since they have passed away, we should not continue to linger."

"The Dragon God shouldn't be resurrected. Even if you want to see it, what can you do?"

The two sect masters sighed: "Even if we are unable to save the day, we must still go all out!"

Everyone was shocked. There was no doubt that these five people were the five sect masters, but now they looked like they wanted to turn against each other because of their different departures.

Oh my god, the five most powerful men in the world of cultivation are going to war. Is this okay? I'm afraid the sky will be broken!

Some people couldn't help but tremble and wanted to escape. If the five of them really wanted to fight, the earth would not be saved. If they didn't leave, they would all die here.

Like five elephants fighting, the ants on the ground

Ants can only be trampled to death!

However, before the five major sect masters could start the battle, a big hand suddenly came from the void and said: "Since the Dragon God has passed away, he should not be disturbed anymore and sleep underground forever!"

Everyone was shocked, who is this person?

He dared to intervene in the dispute between the five major sect masters. However, looking at the power of this big hand, it was not weaker than the five major sect masters!

what happened?

Could it be that in this world of cultivation, there are still super powerful people who are comparable to the five major sect masters?

Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp. Maybe everyone in the world knew about the five super sects, but they didn't know that there were also hidden families.

The person coming must be from the Hidden World Family, and most likely from the Di Family!

"Hmph, it's not your turn to make a final decision on whether the Dragon God should sleep underground!"

With a cold snort, another big hand swept across from the sky and slapped the previous big hand hard.


The two big hands collided together and both collapsed!

There is no doubt that some people in the hidden family do not want to see the Dragon God resurrected, but at the same time, there are also people who want to see it.

Two majestic and tall bodies appeared high in the sky, and their appearance could not be seen clearly. One of them bowed to the woman in black and said, "Greetings to Aunt Ninth."

The woman in black looked confused and said, "Aunt Ninth? I didn't expect that a little brat like you would have grown up like this now!"

Being called aunt by the people of the hidden family, this relationship is obviously very unusual and very long-standing.

This made Ji Wufeng even more curious about the identity of the woman in black. Could it really be Ah Jiu?

"No matter how I grow up, I will never forget how kind Aunt Ninth was to me when I was a child. No matter how much Aunt Ninth does today, even if the sky falls and the earth falls, my nephew will still stand in your way!"


The person in front of me said indifferently: "It's just a futile effort, it has no meaning!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's take action!"

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two people began to scatter, because they were just two afterimages.


High in the sky, everyone could only see two faint shadows colliding like lightning, falling across the sky with the power of destruction.

Mountains on the earth collapsed and rivers overturned!

What a terrifying force. The two of them were at least thousands of miles away from the ground, and they could still cause so much damage to the ground. If the battlefield was brought to the ground, the earth would probably be exploded in an instant.

At the same time, the three major sect masters looked at the two major sect masters and said ferociously: "Since you don't know the current affairs, then take action!"

In the flash, five people appeared thousands of miles high in the sky at the same time, and they collided repeatedly, setting off a huge power!

On the ground, countless fragments of the dragon god's soul were condensing little by little. However, the woman in black frowned and said: "It's too slow. The power of true blood is not enough. Lend me some more!"

I saw her waving her hand, poof!

The wounds on Ji Wufeng's body spurted out blood like a fountain, turning into mist and rising up, condensing with the giant dragon above.

The woman in black felt that the soul fragments were condensing too slowly, so she wanted to draw Ji Wufeng's blood to speed up the process.

In an instant, Ji Wufeng's face turned as white as if he had put on a facial mask, and he shouted feebly: "Sister, please be gentle, don't drain me, just bleed some for me!"

According to this method of pumping, it won't take long to drain him dry, and he will be completely dead by then.

Ji Wufeng almost cried. Although he also wanted the Dragon God to be resurrected, he couldn't take my life seriously.

But at this moment, someone suddenly appeared secretly next to Ji Wufeng. It turned out to be Gui Haikui. He had a cruel look on his face and said, "Little beast, you are doomed today!"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. This old dog actually wanted to

Attack him.

"Old man, how dare you!"

Zhao Jiaolong and others were so furious that they rushed over like crazy.

"Get away!"

Gui Haikui shouted loudly, and Zhao Jiaolong and others flew out with blood spurting from their mouths.

However, this bought some time. Fang Xuan reacted and rushed over in an instant, blocking Gui Haikui.

At this moment, Sheng Shanyue showed a sharp look in his eyes, and in a flash he was at Ji Wufeng's side, and said in a ferocious voice: "Little beast, you really deserve to die, I will send you to hell!"

"How dare you, old thief!"

Fang Xuan, the three murderers and others were all furious, but no one had time. They could only watch Ji Wufeng die in the hands of the Holy Mountain.

But what no one expected next was that there was a person standing next to Ji Wufeng strangely, raising a dark object in his hand and hitting the back of the Holy Mountain's head.

It turned out to be Hai Lingfeng holding the Wutian Mirror!

But how is this possible? Even with Wu Tianjing in hand, Hai Lingfeng is only comparable to the combined stage, how could he be the opponent of the Holy Mountain.

"Boy, since you are seeking death, I will send you to hell first..."

Sheng Shanyue smiled coldly and slapped Hai Lingfeng with his backhand, but his expression suddenly changed and he said in shock: "Is it you?"

Hai Lingfeng suddenly stepped aside, and a handsome and tall man appeared behind him, holding the Wutian Mirror in his hand.


Wu Tianjing hit Sheng Shanyue's arm so hard that the whole arm and half of his shoulder exploded, and he retreated violently with a howl.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. This attack at least had the combat power of the Mahayana stage. Who is this person?

Shengshan turned around and was about to run away. The man threw Wutianjing out. Suddenly, a charming and beautiful woman appeared in front of Shengshan. She grabbed Wutianjing and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, Holyshan, Shengtianmen." The supreme elder is about to open the pot today."

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