Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2042 The Unparalleled Fierce Bandit


The Wutian Mirror in the woman's hand hit Shengshan Yue's head hard, and her whole head exploded immediately.

A ray of light rushed out and shouted sternly: "Shameless young man, one day you will be wiped out both physically and mentally!"

The charming woman smiled coldly and said: "Want to keep the soul? If you can't even defeat the soul, what kind of sacred weapon is it?"

The Wutian Mirror in his hand suddenly emitted a strange black light. The light on the light group dissipated instantly, and the Holy Mountain let out a tragic howl: "If you dare to kill me, the Holy Sky Sect will never let you go..."

The young man said in a deep voice: "When did Shengtianmen let us go? But if we don't let us go, what can we do?"

In an instant, everyone's faces were full of horror. The supreme elders of the Holy Mountain, the Holy Sky Gate, and the masters of the Mahayana stage were killed just like that, without even the soul escaping? ??

Who are these two people? What a great courage!

The man's figure is as tall and straight as a mountain, and his sharp aura rises into the sky, like a peerless divine blade that can pierce the sky!

The woman is unparalleled in allure and can enchant anyone with just one look, but the violent murderous intent in her body is enough to make anyone ignore her beauty.

The peerless grace of the two made Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong's blood boil with excitement, and they shouted loudly: "Okay, kill well, this damn old turtle, big brother and big sister are so powerful!"

This man and woman were just too strong. Although they teamed up for a sneak attack, they still killed the Supreme Elder of Shengtianmen. They were so tough and brutal, and they liked it very much.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He looked at the man and woman in front of him and said, "You are..."

The charming woman gave Ji Wufeng a flirtatious look and said, "Hey, I didn't expect your boy to be so handsome. When he grows up in the future, he will definitely be able to seduce the soul of a woman. How about I get there first and follow suit?" Sister."

The young man said solemnly: "Mei'er!"

The charming woman suddenly smiled and said: "Brother, don't be angry, I just want to tease him when we meet for the first time."

Hai Lingfeng came to Ji Wufeng and said, "Old Fourteen, these are our eldest brother and second sister!"

This pair of men and women are none other than Yuntian and Lao Yuemei'er, the bosses of the Thirteen Bandits!

Although both of them are young, they are already strong men in the fusion stage. Their talents are frightening and astonishing. Especially Yuntian, who is nearly invincible among his peers and has never lost a single match against strong men in the fusion stage.

Not only that, Yuntian is holding the sacred weapon Wutian Mirror, he is as powerful as a Mahayana period man, and he has a fierce reputation!

This is the first time for many people to see the Thirteen Bandits. When they saw them today, they all felt chills running down their spines. Oh my god, they are such a group of fierce and ruthless people. Fortunately, they had not celebrated the festival before.

No, even the supreme elders of Shengtianmen and powerful men in the Mahayana period were killed!

After learning the identities of Yuntian and Yue Meier, Ji Wufeng quickly stood up and said, "Greetings to the eldest brother and second sister..."

Yuntian nodded, stopped him from getting up and said, "There is no need to be polite between brothers."

Yue Meier was unparalleled in beauty, and her seductive aura was enough to make any man fall for her. But her face suddenly changed, and she said with a fierce and ferocious light in her eyes: "Even my younger brother Yue Meier dares to bully me. Shengtianmen really deserves it." Is there no one left among my fourteen great bandits?”

As he spoke, he twisted Wu Tianjing and rushed towards Sheng Songbai and others.

Ji Wufeng and others stared straight at him. This eldest sister was too tough, wasn't she?

However, Ji Wufeng felt a warm feeling in his heart. Yue Meier stood up for him despite never having met her before.

The killing of Sheng Shanyue was so sudden and unexpected that almost no one reacted until Yue Meier killed him.

"Yue Mei'er, you bitch, you really deserve to die!"

Sheng Songbai was furious, unable to accept that the Supreme Elder died in front of him like this, and violently attacked Yue Meier.

But unfortunately, he forgot that Yue Meier had the sacred weapon Wu Tianjing in her hand at this time. With one blow, half of his body was blown apart, and he retreated violently with a howl.

Finally, Wu Ming and Gui Wanfu, the supreme elders of Wuji Sect and Hell Sect, became angry and shouted: "Junior, you are too presumptuous!"

Just as he was about to take action against Yue Mei'er, two clones behind the woman in green rose into the sky and stood above the two of them. They sneered disdainfully: "Why don't you guys give it a try too?"

Wu Ming and Gui Wanfu suddenly turned pale, but they did not dare to take action. They had no choice. They were no match for the woman in black. If they really made this crazy woman anxious, they might end up with the same fate as the Holy Mountain.

The two of them didn't dare to make a move, but they wanted to. Yue Mei'er turned her head and snorted coldly: "You two old guys are not good either."

After saying that, he raised the Wutian Mirror and smashed it at Wu Qinghuan and a strong man from the Hell Gate. The limbs of the two men flew away, and they retreated violently with howls!

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were extremely excited and shouted: "The second sister is fierce, the second sister is powerful, just fuck them hard!"

Just now these people had locked them into a dead end, and the boss was holding back his anger. At this time, the serfs finally stood up and started singing.

Yue Mei'er took the Wutian Mirror and frantically chased the masters of Shengtian Sect and Wuji Sect. Under the sacred weapon, her limbs exploded upon contact, and the ground was full of broken bones and pieces of flesh!

Everyone watching the battle from a distance felt dizzy, and some people suffered from high blood pressure.

Oh my god, those were a group of strong men in the combined stage, and they were hunted down by Yue Meier like a chicken.

But then I thought about it, even if I killed the masters in the Mahayana stage, what does the combined stage mean?

It's so cruel!

I had only heard about the vicious names of the Thirteen Bandits before, but now I have seen them with my own eyes. They are really vicious. If I encounter them in the future, I will definitely go around them no matter what. I can't afford to offend them!

Yun Tian glanced around with sharp eyes, and his voice resounded through the sky, saying: "From now on, the Thirteen Bandits are officially renamed as the Fourteen Bandits. Wu Feng is my fourteenth brother, Yuntian, and we share life and death!"

Yun Tian's voice was easy-going, but to everyone's ears, it sounded as domineering as thunder!

Not willing to be left alone, the Blood Buddha chuckled, rolled his fierce eyes and looked around, saying: "I also officially announce that the Three Unparalleled Evils have been renamed the Four Unparalleled Evils. Wu Feng is the fourth child in my family. Who dares to touch him? Just go against the Four Evils!"

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Ji Wufeng. They really didn't expect that a mere consecrated boy could become brothers with these notorious criminals.

But when I think about it carefully, everything today seems to have happened because of him.

He is not very old, and his cultivation level is not high, but his ability to cause trouble is greater than that of the Thirteen Great Bandits and even the Three Unparalleled Evils!

Ji Wufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Now it's better. He was obviously a good young man with a beautiful tree and a graceful demeanor, but he suddenly became an unparalleled murderer! boom!

The Wutian Mirror in the woman's hand hit Shengshan Yue's head hard, and her whole head exploded immediately.

A ray of light rushed out and shouted sternly: "Shameless young man, one day you will be wiped out both physically and mentally!"

The charming woman smiled coldly and said: "Want to keep the soul? If you can't even defeat the soul, what kind of sacred weapon is it?"

The Wutian Mirror in his hand suddenly emitted a strange black light. The light on the light group dissipated instantly, and the Holy Mountain let out a tragic howl: "If you dare to kill me, the Holy Sky Sect will never let you go..."

The young man said in a deep voice: "When did Shengtianmen let us go? But if we don't let us go, what can we do?"

In an instant, everyone's faces were full of horror. The supreme elders of the Holy Mountain, the Holy Sky Gate, and the masters of the Mahayana stage were killed just like that, without even the soul escaping?

Who are these two people? What a great courage!

The man's figure is as tall and straight as a mountain, and his sharp aura rises into the sky, like a peerless divine blade that can pierce the sky!

The woman is unparalleled in allure and can enchant anyone with just one look, but the violent murderous intent in her body is enough to make anyone ignore her beauty.

The peerless grace of the two made Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong's blood boil with excitement, and they shouted loudly: "Okay, kill well, this damn old turtle, big brother and big sister are so powerful!"

This man and woman were just too strong. Although they teamed up for a sneak attack, they still killed the Supreme Elder of Shengtianmen. They were so tough and brutal, and they liked it very much.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He looked at the man and woman in front of him and said, "You are..."

The charming woman gave Ji Wufeng a flirtatious look and said, "Hey, I didn't expect your boy to be so handsome. When he grows up in the future, he will definitely be able to seduce the soul of a woman. How about I get there first and follow suit?" Sister."

The young man said solemnly: "Mei'er!"

The charming woman suddenly smiled and said: "Brother, don't be angry, I just want to tease him when we meet for the first time."

Hai Lingfeng came to Ji Wufeng and said, "Old Fourteen, these are our eldest brother and second sister!"

This pair of men and women are none other than Yuntian and Lao Yuemei'er, the bosses of the Thirteen Bandits!

Although both of them are young, they are already strong men in the fusion stage. Their talents are frightening and astonishing. Especially Yuntian, who is nearly invincible among his peers and has never lost a single match against strong men in the fusion stage.

Not only that, Yuntian is holding the sacred weapon Wutian Mirror, he is as powerful as a Mahayana period man, and he has a fierce reputation!

This is the first time for many people to see the Thirteen Bandits. When they saw them today, they all felt chills running down their spines. Oh my god, they are such a group of fierce and ruthless people. Fortunately, they had not celebrated the festival before.

No, even the supreme elders of Shengtianmen and powerful men in the Mahayana period were killed!

After learning the identities of Yuntian and Yue Meier, Ji Wufeng quickly stood up and said, "Greetings to the eldest brother and second sister..."

Yuntian nodded, stopped him from getting up and said, "There is no need to be polite between brothers."

Yue Meier was unparalleled in beauty, and her seductive aura was enough to make any man fall for her. But her face suddenly changed, and she said with a fierce and ferocious light in her eyes: "Even my younger brother Yue Meier dares to bully me. Shengtianmen really deserves it." Is there no one left among my fourteen great bandits?”

As he spoke, he twisted Wu Tianjing and rushed towards Sheng Songbai and others.

Ji Wufeng and others stared straight at him. This eldest sister was too tough, wasn't she?

However, Ji Wufeng felt a warm feeling in his heart. Yue Meier stood up for him despite never having met her before.

The killing of Sheng Shanyue was so sudden and unexpected that almost no one reacted until Yue Meier killed him.

"Yue Mei'er, you bitch, you really deserve to die!"

Sheng Songbai was furious, unable to accept that the Supreme Elder died in front of him like this, and violently attacked Yue Meier.

But unfortunately, he forgot that Yue Meier had the sacred weapon Wu Tianjing in her hand at this time. With one blow, half of his body was blown apart, and he retreated violently with a howl.

Finally, Wu Ming and Gui Wanfu, the supreme elders of Wuji Sect and Hell Sect, became angry and shouted: "Junior, you are too presumptuous!"

Just as he was about to take action against Yue Mei'er, two clones behind the woman in green rose into the sky and stood above the two of them. They sneered disdainfully: "Why don't you guys give it a try too?"

Wu Ming and Gui Wanfu suddenly turned pale, but they did not dare to take action. They had no choice. They were no match for the woman in black. If they really made this crazy woman anxious, they might end up with the same fate as the Holy Mountain.

The two of them didn't dare to make a move, but they wanted to. Yue Mei'er turned her head and snorted coldly: "You two old guys are not good either."

After saying that, he raised the Wutian Mirror and smashed it at Wu Qinghuan and a strong man from the Hell Gate. The limbs of the two men flew away, and they retreated violently with howls!

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were extremely excited and shouted: "The second sister is fierce, the second sister is powerful, just fuck them hard!"

Just now these people had locked them into a dead end, and the boss was holding back his anger. At this time, the serfs finally stood up and started singing.

Yue Mei'er took the Wutian Mirror and frantically chased the masters of Shengtian Sect and Wuji Sect. Under the sacred weapon, her limbs exploded upon contact, and the ground was full of broken bones and pieces of flesh!

Everyone watching the battle from a distance felt dizzy, and some people suffered from high blood pressure.

Oh my god, those were a group of strong men in the combined stage, and they were hunted down by Yue Meier like a chicken.

But then I thought about it, even if I killed the masters in the Mahayana stage, what does the combined stage mean?

It's so cruel!

I had only heard about the vicious names of the Thirteen Bandits before, but now I have seen them with my own eyes. They are really vicious. If I encounter them in the future, I will definitely go around them no matter what. I can't afford to offend them!

Yun Tian glanced around with sharp eyes, and his voice resounded through the sky, saying: "From now on, the Thirteen Bandits are officially renamed as the Fourteen Bandits. Wu Feng is my fourteenth brother, Yuntian, and we share life and death!"

Yun Tian's voice was easy-going, but to everyone's ears, it sounded as domineering as thunder!

Not willing to be left alone, the Blood Buddha chuckled, rolled his fierce eyes and looked around, saying: "I also officially announce that the Three Unparalleled Evils have been renamed the Four Unparalleled Evils. Wu Feng is the fourth child in my family. Who dares to touch him? Just go against the Four Evils!"

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Ji Wufeng. They really didn't expect that a mere consecrated boy could become brothers with these notorious criminals.

But when I think about it carefully, everything today seems to have happened because of him.

He is not very old, and his cultivation level is not high, but his ability to cause trouble is greater than that of the Thirteen Great Bandits and even the Three Unparalleled Evils!

Ji Wufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Now it's better. He was obviously a good young man with a beautiful tree and a graceful demeanor, but he suddenly became an unparalleled murderer!

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