Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2043 The Resurrection of Gods

Whether it is the Thirteen Bandits or the Three Fierce Bandits, although they have had issues with various major forces, they have not reached the point of beating them to death. Today, the Three Fierce Bandits openly confronted several major forces, and the Thirteen Bandits were even killed. The supreme elders of Shengtianmen are destined to be at odds in the future!

And at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the void, pointing towards the sky, and instantly a sharp edge was directed at Ji Wufeng like a divine punishment from heaven!

This finger was so terrifying, it felt like the sky was going to be broken into pieces at that moment. This was definitely an unparalleled powerhouse with super sect master strength, who chose to attack and kill Ji Wufeng at this time.

The woman in black was furious and said, "How dare you?"

The clone behind him stood up and slashed straight at the edge, trying to save Ji Wufeng.

However, another figure appeared, and a huge palm shot down from the sky, blocking the clone of the woman in black. .??.


That sharp edge did not carry the momentum of destroying the world, but directly penetrated Ji Wufeng's chest. The attacker said in a cold voice: "The Dragon God is so powerful that I can't bear to destroy his tomb. I will only take your life today!"


Blood splashed, Ji Wufeng flew out and fell heavily to the ground.


"Old Fourteen!"

"Xiao Si!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed over, only to find that although Ji Wufeng was only penetrated through the chest, the sharp edge had completely destroyed his body and his life was extinct!


Everyone looked up at the sky with great sadness. The attack and killing was too sudden, but so what if it wasn't sudden? The person who came was so powerful that no one doubted that the sharp edge just now was able to penetrate the earth.

If he wasn't worried about the woman in black, even if he faced the attack, no one would be able to stop him!


The woman in black was furious, her long silver hair flying,

The nine clones that had disappeared unexpectedly reappeared again.

The two people who appeared sighed and said: "Aunt Ninth, your body is already seriously injured, why do you need to hurt your original power again? The matter is already here, there is no need!"

"Is it you?"

The woman in black trembled all over, burst into tears and laughed, and said: "I really didn't expect that the guardian gods of the four directions created the Eight Guards, and the last glimmer of hope was destroyed in the hands of the Eight Guards!"

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng, who was already extinct, felt filled with grief and anger. The Eight Guards are now the hidden family.

It was the guardian gods of the four directions who made them so powerful, but they did not expect that they would be the ones to ultimately prevent the Dragon God from resurrecting.

How pathetic!

He hates and complains so much, but now he can't do anything. He knows that his life has been extinguished and his life is not long. What can he do if he hates and complains again?

Looking at the giant dragon high in the sky that was still condensing its soul, Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth, used up his last strength, and suddenly jumped into the sky.

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what he was going to do, but the woman in black guessed it and said: "Boy, what are you doing? Don't do anything stupid. The universe is vast and there is always a way to extend your life!"

Ji Wufeng's face was pale and there was no trace of blood, but his eyes were firm as he said: "Senior, I have made up my mind. I only ask that you protect my family and friends!"

Immediately, he used the Qianlong Ascension Technique to the extreme!


His body suddenly exploded, and his flesh and blood turned into a ball of blood mist and merged into the dragon's body.


The giant dragon instantly turned blood red and raised its head to the sky.

A long chant that resounds throughout the world!


"Old Fourteen!"

"Xiao Si!"


Everyone looked up to the sky and screamed in sorrow. They never thought that Ji Wufeng would end his life in such a tragic way.

Yun Tian was angry, and his eyes were as sharp as flames. He raised the Wutian Mirror and jumped into the sky, trying to kill the man who wanted to kill Ji Wufeng.

The man pointed out.


Yun Tian retreated violently, with blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that the opponent was too strong, even if he was holding a holy weapon, he was no match.

The man said contemptuously: "Xiaotian, from ancient times to the present, the law of the jungle has remained unchanged. You are a genius, and your ridiculous benevolence and morality will only become a stumbling block for you to reach the top."

"It's you?"

Yuntian obviously recognized the other party and said with a sad smile: "I really didn't expect that you would reach this point."

The man waved his hand and said: "Strength is always the king. For the sake of past friendship, retreat and I won't kill you!"

Yuntian's face was full of hatred, and he didn't want to retreat, but what would happen if he didn't retreat? Due to the huge strength gap, he couldn't even get close.

The man suddenly said in a deep voice: "It's time to end!"

He suddenly stretched out his big hand and swung it horizontally towards the giant dragon, completely destroying the hope of the dragon god's soul to recover.

"you dare!"

The woman in black was furious, and another man stood in front of her and said: "Aunt Ninth, the matter has come to this, you can't do anything anymore, just stop!"

The woman in black was blocked, and no one could stop the man. A violent palm slapped the dragon's body hard.

In an instant, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at

Staring at the dragon.

The Dragon God's soul has not yet fully recovered. If this blow continues, it will inevitably collapse and be completely destroyed!


However, there was no earth-shattering situation. After a loud noise, the dragon's body shook for a while, but nothing strange appeared. The man's overwhelming power was like a stone sinking into the ocean.


Everyone's face was full of confusion. The Dragon God should be extremely weak at this time and couldn't block this blow at all.


The giant dragon suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, and the aura on its body suddenly surged, becoming several times more powerful than before.

"Is this so possible?"

"No, he was actually able to swallow it, use the power of that blow for his own use, and become stronger!"

What kind of vision do these unparalleled powerful men have? Instantly I understood what was going on.

The giant dragon suddenly rolled in the air, its breath continued to rise, and its size also increased dramatically. It hovered high in the sky, like the Great Wall taking off, majestic, majestic, and vast!

The fragments of the soul on the ground were gathered at a faster speed, and almost instantly, his body stared!


There was a roar that shook the whole world. At that moment, everyone was shaken physically and mentally, and it felt like the whole world was about to be shattered.

The woman in black looked brilliant and said with great joy: "Success!"

Everyone's faces were filled with shock. Was it successful? Has the Dragon God's soul really recovered?

With the power of the Dragon God, once the soul is revived, there is hope that the physical body can be reshaped and completely reborn!

Once the Dragon God, who once dominated the world and was invincible, is resurrected, does that mean that a god will appear in the world of cultivation from now on?

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