Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2100 Full Level Heaven and Man Art

Immediately, almost everyone was ready to make a move. Some of them had lost their money before and wanted to make up for it. Some were extremely fascinated by this decisive battle. They all placed bets, and the bets increased exponentially.

In the end, the bet for the decisive battle between Ji Wufeng and Zhan Wuji alone exceeded one billion, and the people in the commercial association were frightened.

Not counting this, other battlefields have also attracted much attention, and bets have been placed on them. The total number has exceeded one billion. If nothing unexpected happens, the final total will be at least no less than three billion.

This is simply crazy, three billion, even a super sect can't come up with it. No matter who loses or wins, there will be a group of rich people and a group of paupers.

However, at this time, Qian Duoduo, the Fourteen Great Bandits, Dengfeng Zaoji Pavilion, Yu Tianming and others all received mysterious news and were not allowed to place bets.

Zhan Wuji's majestic body jumped into the sky, and the halberd in his hand slashed down towards Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng raised his knife to block. The terrifying pressure made him feel like a huge mountain was pressing down on him, almost crushing him. The muscles on his body were shaking, and his bones were making creaking sounds, as if they were about to collapse.

He had never underestimated Zhan Wuji, but at this moment he still felt that this guy was too scary, and the violent energy in his body seemed to be endless.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being called the Unparalleled Immortal Lord a thousand years later. Even in his youth, he was so powerful that he was almost invincible!


Ji Wufeng looked up to the sky and roared, the sword in his hand shot out with sharpness, bounced off the halberd, flew up into the air, and collided with the halberd again.


The dazzling golden light was as dazzling as the scorching sun, and the terrifying energy was raging crazily for hundreds of miles around.

Zhan Wuji was slashed hundreds of miles into the sky with a knife, while Ji Wufeng's feet were cracked by his step, and a huge ravine spread rapidly, covering hundreds of miles.

Immediately, Zhan Wuji held a big halberd and descended from the sky again. This time, the power was more than twice as powerful as before. The void around him was surging.

No one has arrived yet, but the terrifying pressure has already deformed the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The boulders on the ground could not withstand the pressure and exploded one after another.


This time Zhan Wuji was as if possessed by the God of War, and Ji Wufeng also felt a strong pressure that he had never felt among his peers.

Zhan Wuji, this madman, will be his eternal enemy no matter in future generations or in this life!

Ji Wufeng's heart boiled with fighting spirit. He pointed the sword in his hand at Zhan Wuji and said loudly: "Zhan Wuji, you want to kill me, your skills are not enough!"

"In heaven and on earth, there is no limit to your dignity!"

Zhan Wuji roared violently, and his figure suddenly turned into nothingness. He carried the sharp edge of the euphorbia towards Ji Wufeng like a comet.


Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, and swung the sword in his hand into the sky. Suddenly, the sky was covered with golden light, and the overwhelming aura rose up all over the sky, like a mighty golden cloud, shrouding it.

Immediately, a fierce light that made everyone feel dazzling across the screen rose into the sky. It was a sword light that was hundreds of meters long, and it slashed towards Zhan Wuji fiercely.


Explosions sounded in the void one after another, and Zhan Wuji was like thunder, rushing through the golden light in the sky, and the halberd in his hand struck hard at Ji Wufeng's sword.



After a sharp and harsh metal clash, Ji Wufeng's sword and Zhan Wuji's halberd shattered into pieces. Ji Wufeng was blasted to the ground, and the terrifying force bombarded a huge sinkhole in the ground.

Zhan Wuji flew upside down into the sky, and then

, the euphorbia transformed from his hand again, like a divine punishment, and stabbed Ji Wufeng fiercely in the sinkhole.

Ji Wufeng turned sideways to avoid the sharp edge of the euphorbia.

The sharp edge of the euphorbia penetrates directly into the ground. It is impossible to calculate how deep it penetrates.

I saw hot yellow liquid spurting out, and this blow actually pierced the surface of the earth, causing magma to spurt out.


Ji Wufeng squatted on the ground with his feet and suddenly straightened up. His body was like a cannonball soaring into the sky. He came to Zhan Wuji's side. The sword in his hand turned away and slashed straight towards Zhan Wuji's head.

Zhan Wuji stared intently, waved his backhand, and the halberd appeared in his hand, slashing at Ji Wufeng domineeringly.



The halberd and the sword clashed together, bursting out with overwhelming energy. Both of them felt their bodies fly upside down, and only stabilized their bodies after landing.

Almost instantly, the two of them started to collide repeatedly, but there was no result.

Different momentum, different fighting methods, but possessing the same powerful power, evenly matched, between equals!

Everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded. The younger generation felt deeply powerless. They used to think that they were the proud ones and the best among their peers.

However, the strength shown by Zhan Wuji and Ji Wufeng made them feel that they were weak and not on the same level at all.

Some of the elders and strong men were also amazed and lamented.

They believed that when they were at their age, they were definitely not so powerful.

If they were in the same era, they would not have the qualifications to compete with the two of them!

Zhan Wuji landed on the ground, with his feet a little lower, his body suddenly stood horizontally, holding a big halberd and pounced on Ji Wufeng like lightning.

Ji Wufeng stomped the ground with one foot, leaped into the sky, and slashed at the attacking Zhan Wuji with the force of the sword in his hand.



After the heart-piercing sound of metal clashing, the collision between the two caused an explosion, kicking up thousands of dust.

When the dust settled, everyone saw that the weapons they had hit had shattered, and they were kneeling on one knee, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

The two of them were finally injured, but the injuries were almost the same. There was no difference between them!

Zhan Wuji stood up and said with sharp eyes: "I admit that I underestimated you before, you are qualified to die under my full strength!"

From the beginning to the end, Zhan Wuji regarded Ji Wufeng as a country chicken and a dog who could easily kill him anytime and anywhere. However, now he had to admit Ji Wufeng's power.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. What did Zhan Wuji mean? Could it be that he hasn't tried his best before?

Suddenly, a wisp of breath slowly spread out from Zhan Wuji's body. It was like a trickle at first, but it became stronger and stronger, turning into a big river. The big river surged with waves, and finally rose up to be boundless. , like a vast ocean!


The monstrous momentum soars into the sky, and it is so majestic between heaven and earth. Even through the screen, you can feel the terrifying power that stretches across the sky!

Someone exclaimed: " this the ninth level of the Art of Heaven and Man?"

Zhan Wuji made a breakthrough at this time, stepping from the eighth level of Tianrenjue to the ninth level!

Everyone was shocked. This was too scary. Zhan Wuji had reached the full level of Tianrenjue at this time.

And judging by what he said, he could have broken through long ago, but he just despised Ji Wufeng and didn't want to use all his strength.

After seeing how powerful Ji Wufeng was, he finally had no reservations and wanted to kill Ji Wufeng in his full glory!

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