Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2101 Let me break through too

"Hahaha... Zhan Wuji is indeed the best in the world. Long Aotian is a country chicken and a dog. How can he fight with him?"

The people in Wuji Sect, as well as everyone who was hostile to Ji Wufeng, burst into excited laughter.

Although the two were equally matched before, Zhan Wuji has now surpassed a realm. The path of cultivation is one step at a time, and Zhan Wuji's combat power at this time is definitely several times that of before.

Ji Wufeng has no chance of winning at all!


Ji Wufeng's eyes condensed, and his body suddenly moved forward quickly. A sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards Zhan Wuji fiercely. The huge sword light, which was dozens of meters long, shattered the void. Several lightning flashes appeared around the blade, which was abnormal. fear.

This sword was extremely stunning, but everyone shook their heads. No matter how stunning the sword was, it could not cross the impossible gap.

Zhan Wuji waved his palm in the air, and a halberd appeared out of thin air, standing beside him, blocking Ji Wufeng's blade!


The euphorbia did not move at all, but the sword in Ji Wufeng's hand shattered, and his body flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Everyone's eyes widened. Isn't this too strong?

Without Zhan Wuji taking action, the big halberd was able to injure Ji Wufeng. This terrifying power was completely different from before.

"Hahaha... A chicken or a dog, there is no suspense. This Long Aotian, no, Gou Aotian is dead!"

Some people laughed happily, while some people who were optimistic about Ji Wufeng shook their heads with regret.

A slight difference can lead to a loss of thousands of miles!

Ji Wufeng was not inferior to Zhan Wuji at all, but in the end it was a step too late, and it was this step that created an insurmountable gap between the two.

Ji Wufeng is destined to lose!

At the same time, the decisive battle between Ye Liangchen and Jianfeng has also reached a fever pitch!

"Flying Immortal with One Sword!"

Ye Liangchen Naman

Miao's body leaped high into the sky, exuding towering domineering power. She slashed into the sword wind with a sword in the air, truly like a peerless swordsman!

Jianfeng stared at you and said: "Looking at your bone age, you are so young and your swordsmanship has reached such a state. It is really scary, but because of this, you lose!"

"Flying Immortal with One Sword!"

Jianfeng's figure also suddenly jumped into the sky, exuding a tyrannical aura, and struck out with a sword in the air, like a sword god descending from the sky!

It turned out to be a sword move that was the same as Ye Liangchen's, a sword move that made him fly to the heavens!

However, Jianfeng's sword was even more sharp and indestructible, eclipsing Ye Liangchen's appearance as a swordsman!

Ye Liangchen has such terrifying combat power at such a young age, it is truly amazing!

However, Jianfeng was right, she was too young!

Talent does not exactly equal combat power. Ye Liangchen may be invincible in the same age group, but when she encounters an opponent who is not inferior to her in talent but has more combat experience than her, she will appear immature.



The swords of the two people collided together, and the sword wind did not move at all. The sword in Ye Liangchen's hand shattered and flew out. After landing, he staggered on his feet and bloodshot eyes flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone looked sad for a while. Although they felt that Ye Liangchen's loss to Jianfeng was completely reasonable, they still felt it was a pity.

As Jianfeng waved his hand, the long sword disappeared, and he smiled and said, "Are you convinced?"

Ye Liangchen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "How old were you when you reached my level?"

"Thirty years old." Jianfeng said.

Everyone exclaimed, at the age of thirty, he has already forged the heart of the sword. This talent is so terrifying, it is absolutely impossible.

Yes, a peerless genius that is rare to see in a thousand years!

Ye Liangchen smiled and said: "And I am under eighteen years old this year!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt the air freeze.

Under 18?

Jianfeng was already known as a peerless genius when he had achieved this level of cultivation at the age of thirty. Ye Liangchen was actually under eighteen years old, more than ten years ahead of him.


Many people gasped. This talent is so terrible. How can this be a genius? Simply a monster!

Jianfeng's expression turned dim instantly, and Ye Liangchen added: "Kendo is not my strong point. For me, Penglai, kendo is just a transitional period for young disciples!"

These words once again made the corners of countless people's mouths twitch. Ye Liangchen clearly meant that he was young and had not yet mastered Penglai's heavenly skills. This swordsmanship was just for fun.

Jianfeng's eyes instantly turned cold. Although he won, he felt extremely aggrieved, even more uncomfortable than losing!


Under the anger of the sword storm, he looked up to the sky and roared, and the aura on his body rose instantly, boundless!

"The ninth level of Heaven and Man Art?"

That's right, Jian Feng has actually broken through to the ninth level. His talent is indeed terrifying, not inferior to Zhan Wuji's at all.

But unfortunately, Ye Liangchen had already lost. He just wanted to use this method to vent his anger.

On the other side, Zhou Xingkong and Yin Lianhai are also fighting in full swing!

Yin Lianhai waved his hand, and a towering demon sword tore through the void. A huge demon palm appeared in the sky, holding the demon sword and slashing at Zhou Xingkong.

Zhou Xingkong stomped on the ground, purple-gold light burst out from all over his body, and an overwhelming wave of energy surged outside his body, and he punched out fiercely.

Kuangba's attack, the world seemed to be shattered by this punch!


The fist and the magic sword collided fiercely!

The demon sword and the demon palm shattered, Yin Lianhai's body shook, bloodshot eyes spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Zhou Xingkong also flew out horizontally, the purple-gold color on his body began to fade away, and his mouth was filled with blood.

It’s an evenly matched situation again!

"Zhou Xingkong, you will definitely die, ah..."

Yin Lianhai looked ferocious and roared suddenly, and his aura was rising sharply.

Everyone was moved, they were about to break through to the ninth level!

Zhou Xingkong smiled coldly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Do you think you are the only one who can break through? Ah..."


Zhou Xingkong's body suddenly straightened up, a towering aura rose into the sky, and he broke through at the same time!

Everyone watching the battle was dizzy for a while, with envy, jealousy, and hatred in their hearts. Damn it, that was the art of heaven and man. Was it just a breakthrough?

But there is no way, because of the talent, people are more annoying than others!

Zhan Wuji looked at Ji Wufeng with cold eyes and said, "As my opponent, I can give you a chance to say your last words."

"Do you think you are really sure of me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Zhan Wuji's eyes turned cold and he said: "Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it, because I will kill you again after I get out, and then I will give you another chance!"

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and said, "You are so crazy!"

Someone in the live broadcast room ridiculed: "You are still being stubborn at this time, this dog Aotian really doesn't know whether to live or die!"

Everyone thought that Ji Wufeng had no chance, and the only outcome would be to be ruthlessly killed by Zhan Wuji!

But Ji Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened his body and said: "Since everyone has broken through, I should also break through to make it more lively!"

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