Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 398 I have already given up, what else do you want?

A cold aura emanated from Matsushima Kaede's body, and it was also mixed with the smell of blood.

It seems that this Matsushima Kaede has also killed people, and more than Murakami Noyoshi. Not only that, his strength is also far above Murakami Noyoshi, the peak of the ninth level warrior, half-step innate!

If coupled with the elusive Five Elements Shield Technique, it is even possible to kill an innate strong man instantly in a sneak attack.

what happened?

This is a school, how could such a person appear?

This made Ji Wufeng very puzzled. A person with this kind of strength could be successful outside, but he was hiding in the campus as a small coach. There must be something wrong.

"If you want to compete with me, you can, but there must be conditions. The condition Murakami Noyoshi just proposed is that whoever loses has to get under the opponent's crotch. What about you?" Ji Wufeng said.

It's easy to deal with Matsushima Feng, but this is a school, and he has the reputation of being a foreign teacher, and he can't be killed. If he just beats him up, Ji Wufeng feels that it's not worth it.

As soon as these words came out, the group of girls immediately became angry and said, "Bald Bald, you are so brave, you actually let Teacher Matsushima do such a thing."

"Sure enough, it's not a good thing. You can even make such an unreasonable request."

"Bah, what a scum."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. It seemed that the request to penetrate the crotch was not made by him, but by Murakami Noyoshi. Why should he scold himself?


Immediately, another girl said: "It's true, Teacher Matsushima is so powerful, you just wait to get into my crotch."

Ji Wufeng added: "I have one more condition, that is, if you lose, the Martial Arts Club will have to get out of here. From now on, this will be the territory of the Chinese Martial Arts Club."

The plump girl immediately said angrily: "Bald guy, don't you think you are too arrogant?"

Ji Wufeng took a deep look at the plump girl and showed an intriguing smile. There was something wrong with this girl.

Fang Tianhua stood up and said: "If we lose, the martial arts club will be disbanded and never reunite again!"

"Okay, I will agree to your conditions. If the martial arts club is in the hands of people without martial arts ethics like you, there will indeed be no need for its existence." Matsushima Kaede said.

Matsushima Kaede was seen crossing the field, and he was immediately greeted by the cheers of countless girls. He was handsome, tall, and wearing a white samurai uniform, just like a rich man from a Toyang manga.

Looking at Ji Wufeng, he is a little shorter and has a big bald head. He looks both vulgar and fierce.

In fact, Ji Wufeng was not ugly, but it was just because those girls hated him in their hearts.

"Let's take action." Matsushima Kaede stood there with a smile on his face.

Such a smile immediately made the group of girls scream, and even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but secretly sigh, this guy is so handsome.

But he was suddenly shocked. He had seen too many handsome men and beautiful women in the world of cultivation, so he had no deep concept of beauty and ugliness at all. How could he think this guy was so handsome?

The Soul-Absorbing Curse?

That's right, this guy actually knows the Demon Sect's soul-stirring curse. If this kind of magic skill is practiced to a high level, it can confuse people's minds and make people obey his words without regrets.

This kind of insidious and despicable technique can only be used by those young people in the world of cultivation. Even people in the Demon Sect disdain to use it, because it will be looked down upon by the entire world of cultivation.

However, Matsushima Kaede is obviously just getting started, but it is enough to make people unconsciously like him. No wonder so many girls are fascinated by him.

"Teacher, then I'm not welcome!"

Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, jumped up high, and rushed over like a cannonball.

There was a trace of surprise in Matsushima Feng's eyes. He had just cast the soul-obsessing spell on Ji Wufeng, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The surprise in his eyes immediately turned into a gloomy cold light. It was obvious that Ji Wufeng was very powerful and was not affected by the Soul-Destroying Curse at all. If it was not removed, it would be a big trouble in the future.

Ji Wufeng's attack came, but Matsushima Feng's figure disappeared instantly, Five Elements Shield Technique!

Matsushima Feng's figure appeared beside him, her five fingers turned into claws, and she fiercely grabbed the back of Ji Wufeng's neck.

Sure enough there is a problem!

Ji Wufeng noticed that two completely different qi energies were bombarding him at the same time, one was extremely hot, and the other was extremely cold.

Nine-turn Yin Yang Kung Fu?

Originally, Ji Wufeng would not give him a chance to use the Five Elements Shield Technique. He let him go just to see what else he could do unexpectedly.

Nine Turns of Yin and Yang Kung Fu is also an evil martial art. It relies on gathering yin and replenishing yang to cultivate strange true energy. Once this true energy is injected into the body, it will separate the yin and yang in the human body, disrupt the five elements of essence, and cause People are in great pain, ranging from being disabled to being tortured to death, which is extremely vicious.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and slapped him with his backhand.


Ji Wufeng didn't move at all, but Songdao Feng kept retreating.

"What?" Matsushima Feng's face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with horror.

On the surface, he was not injured, but Ji Wufeng's palm just now actually injected the energy of the Nine Turns of Yin and Yang Kung into his own body.

The group of girls who were watching didn't know the truth and shouted: "Come on, Teacher Matsushima, give that damn bald guy a good lesson!"

But Matsushima Kaede stood there, motionless, with a face ashen as death, and said: "I give up!"


Everyone was stunned. Matsushima Kaede actually gave in like that?

Of course he had to admit defeat. The true Qi of the Nine Turns Yin and Yang Kung was now running wild in his body. If he tried again, his Five Elements Qi would be out of control. By then, his meridians would be cut off, and he would become a useless person even if he didn't die.

Of course this was Ji Wufeng's intention, but he didn't expect Matsushima Feng to be so straightforward and admit defeat directly.

"Teacher, we haven't officially started yet, how can we just admit defeat? Come on, let's continue!" Ji Wufeng said.

Do you want to just admit defeat? impossible!

Matsushima Kaede immediately backed away in fright and screamed: "Baga, I have already given up, what else do you want?"

"What don't you want? I just want the teacher to give me some guidance." Ji Wufeng chuckled.

No need to guess, you know it is Yu Haiming from the Political and Education Department. Is this old boy mentally ill? Always looking for trouble! A cold aura emanated from Matsushima Kaede's body, and it was also mixed with the smell of blood.

It seems that this Matsushima Kaede has also killed people, and more than Murakami Noyoshi. Not only that, his strength is also far above Murakami Noyoshi, the peak of the ninth level warrior, half-step innate!

If coupled with the elusive Five Elements Shield Technique, it is even possible to kill an innate strong person instantly in a sneak attack.

what happened?

This is a school, how could such a person appear?

This made Ji Wufeng very puzzled. A person with this kind of strength could be successful outside, but he was hiding in the campus as a small coach. There must be something wrong.

"If you want to compete with me, you can, but there must be conditions. The condition Murakami Noyoshi just proposed is that whoever loses has to get under the opponent's crotch. What about you?" Ji Wufeng said.

It's easy to deal with Matsushima Feng, but this is a school, and he has the reputation of being a foreign teacher, and he can't be killed. If he just beats him up, Ji Wufeng feels that it's not worth it.

As soon as these words came out, the group of girls immediately became angry and said, "Bald Bald, you are so brave, you actually let Teacher Matsushima do such a thing."

"Sure enough, it's not a good thing. You can even make such an unreasonable request." ??

"Bah, what a scum."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. It seemed that the request to penetrate the crotch was not made by him, but by Murakami Noyoshi. Why should he scold himself?


Immediately, another girl said: "It's true, Teacher Matsushima is so powerful, you just wait to get into my crotch."

Ji Wufeng added: "I have one more condition, that is, if you lose, the Martial Arts Club will have to get out of here. From now on, this will be the territory of the Chinese Martial Arts Club."

The plump girl immediately said angrily: "Bald guy, don't you think you are too arrogant?"

Ji Wufeng took a deep look at the plump girl and showed an intriguing smile. There was something wrong with this girl.

Fang Tianhua stood up and said: "If we lose, the martial arts club will be disbanded and never reunite again!"

"Okay, I will agree to your conditions. If the martial arts club is in the hands of people without martial arts ethics like you, there will indeed be no need for its existence." Matsushima Kaede said.

Matsushima Kaede was seen crossing the field, and he was immediately greeted by the cheers of countless girls. He was handsome, tall, and wearing a white samurai uniform, just like a rich man from a Toyang manga.

Looking at Ji Wufeng, he is a little shorter and has a big bald head. He looks both vulgar and fierce.

In fact, Ji Wufeng was not ugly, but it was just because those girls hated him in their hearts.

"Let's take action." Matsushima Kaede stood there with a smile on his face.

Such a smile immediately made the group of girls scream, and even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but secretly sigh, this guy is so handsome.

But he was suddenly shocked. He had seen too many handsome men and beautiful women in the world of cultivation, so he had no deep concept of beauty and ugliness at all. How could he think this guy was so handsome?

The Soul-Absorbing Curse?

That's right, this guy actually knows the Demon Sect's soul-stirring curse. If this kind of magic skill is practiced to a high level, it can confuse people's minds and make people obey his words without regrets.

This kind of insidious and despicable technique can only be used by those young people in the world of cultivation. Even people in the Demon Sect disdain to use it, because it will be looked down upon by the entire world of cultivation.

However, Matsushima Kaede is obviously just getting started, but it is enough to make people unconsciously like him. No wonder so many girls are fascinated by him.

"Teacher, then I'm not welcome!"

Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, jumped up high, and rushed over like a cannonball.

There was a trace of surprise in Matsushima Feng's eyes. He had just cast the soul-obsessing spell on Ji Wufeng, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The surprise in his eyes immediately turned into a gloomy cold light. It was obvious that Ji Wufeng was very powerful and was not affected by the Soul-Destroying Curse at all. If it was not removed, it would be a big trouble in the future.

Ji Wufeng's attack came, but Matsushima Feng's figure disappeared instantly, Five Elements Shield Technique!

Matsushima Feng's figure appeared beside him, her five fingers turned into claws, and she fiercely grabbed the back of Ji Wufeng's neck.

Sure enough there is a problem!

Ji Wufeng noticed that two completely different qi energies were bombarding him at the same time, one was extremely hot, and the other was extremely cold.

Nine-turn Yin Yang Kung Fu?

Originally, Ji Wufeng would not give him a chance to use the Five Elements Shield Technique. He let him go just to see what else he could do unexpectedly.

The Nine Turns of Yin and Yang Kung Fu is also an evil martial art. It relies on gathering yin and replenishing yang to cultivate strange true qi. Once this true qi is injected into the body, it will separate the yin and yang qi in the human body, disrupt the five elements of essence, and cause People are in great pain, ranging from being disabled to being tortured to death, which is extremely vicious.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and slapped him with his backhand.


Ji Wufeng didn't move at all, but Songdao Feng kept retreating.

"What?" Matsushima Feng's face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with horror.

On the surface, he was not injured, but Ji Wufeng's palm just now actually injected the energy of the Nine Turns of Yin and Yang Kung into his own body.

The group of girls who were watching didn't know the truth and shouted: "Come on, Teacher Matsushima, give that damn bald guy a good lesson!"

But Matsushima Kaede stood there, motionless, with a face ashen as death, and said: "I give up!"


Everyone was stunned. Matsushima Kaede actually gave in like that?

Of course he had to admit defeat. The true Qi of the Nine Turns Yin and Yang Kung was now running wild in his body. If he tried again, his Five Elements Qi would be out of control. By then, his meridians would be cut off, and he would become a useless person even if he didn't die.

Of course this was Ji Wufeng's intention, but he didn't expect Matsushima Feng to be so straightforward and admit defeat directly.

"Teacher, we haven't officially started yet, how can we just admit defeat? Come on, let's continue!" Ji Wufeng said.

Do you want to just admit defeat? impossible!

Matsushima Kaede immediately backed away in fright and screamed: "Baga, I have already given up, what else do you want?"

"What don't you want? I just want the teacher to give me some guidance." Ji Wufeng chuckled.

No need to guess, you know it is Yu Haiming from the Political and Education Department. Is this old boy mentally ill? Always looking for trouble!

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