Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 399 Your whole family is trash

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "Director Yu, I'm here for a fair challenge. I'm just competing with Teacher Songdao."

Seeing Yu Haiming coming, Matsushima Kaede immediately felt as if he had seen a savior. He pointed at Murakami Noyoshi and said: "Director Yu, he said he came for a fair challenge, but he used despicable means to sneak attack. Look at it. , broke the person’s arm.”

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. It seemed that Matsushima Kaede and Murakami Noyoshi were the same, and they would bite back when they got the chance.

The plump girl jumped out immediately and said, "Yes, we just saw him using despicable means to sneak attack, and Teacher Matsushima even gave up, but he still didn't give up!"

The other girls immediately echoed, and all of them said with indignation: "Director Yu, he is simply vicious, let's fire him."

"Is he dismissed? I think we should call the police and arrest him!"

"Yes, I broke the man's arm. This is murder and he should be sentenced!"


Almost all of these girls have fallen under Matsushima Kaede's soul-obsessing spell. In their eyes, Matsushima Kaede is perfect. No matter what he does or says, it is correct and natural.

"Okay, you are really lawless, security guard!"

Director Yu was furious and shouted: "Hurry up and arrest him and send him to the police station!"

In his eyes, Matsushima Kaede and Murakami Noyoshi are both foreign guests. They are the most distinguished people and should receive the highest courtesy. Now that they are being bullied like this, Ji Wufeng is simply heinous!

Firing him is a minor offense, he should be put in jail!

Several security guards rushed over, and Fang Tianhua was furious. He stood up and said, "Who dares to take action?"

Of course, those security guards didn't dare to take action, otherwise the eldest son of the Fang family would have killed them.

Yu Haiming felt so depressed at this time.

Aren't you just a country bumpkin from a small town? Why do so many young masters and ladies favor him so much?

At this time, a handsome young man came over with a group of people and said with a displeased face: "Fang Tianhua, when did you become so worthless?"

Fang Tianhua's expression changed and he said, "Lu Zixuan, what do you mean?"

Yes, it was Lu Zixuan who came.

Lu Zixuan's sinister eyes swept over Ji Wufeng and sneered: "Even if the martial arts club is not the opponent of the martial arts club, you don't need to hire a little loser to use dirty tricks, right?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed slightly. This boy has a big problem. The account he had ordered Peng Jiacheng to deal with the Tianxiang Group has not yet come to him, but now it has suddenly come out again.

And it can be seen that Lu Zixuan has murderous intentions towards him. It is not as simple as just looking for trouble because he dislikes him. He really wants to kill himself.

It's strange, I have nothing to do with him, why do I act like I killed his father and stole his wife?

Seeing Lu Zixuan coming, Yu Haiming breathed out a sigh of relief. He couldn't offend Fang Tianhua, but Lu Zixuan could.

With Lu Zixuan suppressing Fang Tianhua, who can still defend Ji Wufeng?

"Lu Zixuan, what are you farting at? Who used dirty tricks?" Fang Tianhua said angrily.

"Obviously it was you who brought someone here to injure Murakami Noyoshi in despicable ways, and also attempted to assassinate Mr. Matsushima."

Lu Zixuan pointed to a group of girls next to him and said, "With so many people here testifying, do you still want to deny it?"

The plump girl jumped out quickly, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "That's right.

We can all testify that it was he who attacked Murakami Noyoshi and brutally injured him, and then plotted against Mr. Matsushima. Mr. Matsushima had already given in, but he still refused to let go! "

Yu Haiming immediately shouted angrily: "Now that there are so many people testifying, you can't deny it, can you? Arrest me!"

Lu Zixuan looked at Ji Wufeng with a sinister smile on his face.

Ji Wufeng felt helpless for a while, facing the group of girls, he shouted loudly and said, "Do you want to testify?"

This sound rang in the ears of the group of girls, and it was like thunder. It instantly made their whole bodies tremble, and the spiritual stage became clear. ??

Immediately, a girl stood up and said, "I didn't see him attack Teacher Matsushima. It was a fair competition between the two."

"Yes, we didn't see it either."

"Teacher Matsushima gave up on his own, there was no sneak attack at all!"


Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the girls who were so supportive of Matsushima Kaede at the beginning would suddenly change their tune.

Matsushima Kaede's face was extremely horrified at this time, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. His loud shout just now contained real energy, which shocked the minds of those girls and directly broke Matsushima Kaede's soul-obsessing curse!

Before, Matsushima Kaede was perfect in the eyes of these girls, and she would do anything for him, including calling a deer a horse and confusing right and wrong.

Now that the Soul-Absorbing Curse is broken, Matsushima Kaede is just a handsome man, and it is impossible to affect their sense of right and wrong.

Yu Haiming was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the so-called witness would disappear so quickly.

However, the plump girl said viciously: "Ji Wufeng, are you too overbearing? You actually threatened them to change their words."

Fang Tianhua said angrily: "Who threatened them?"

Lu Zixuan said: "Why is there no threat? We all heard him yelling just now. Who at school doesn't know that he often hits people? After he yells like this, do they still dare to testify?"

But at this moment, a voice broke in and said: "I can testify!"

Everyone turned to look and saw a beautiful girl walking over gracefully.


It was Tang Xinyu who came.

Tang Xinyu was willing to testify. Yu Haiming was immediately overjoyed and said, "Xinyu, it would be great if you could testify. I will arrest him right away."

However, Tang Xinyu smiled and said: "I can testify that Ji Wufeng challenged him fairly, without a sneak attack or using any means!"


Tang Xinyu was indeed here to testify, but she was here to give counter-evidence.

Lu Zixuan's eyes were sinister and he said, "You were not even present, how can you testify?"

Tang Xinyu took out her mobile phone and said, "Here is the full video of what happened. I believe it can prove the truth."

Sure enough, when I opened my phone, I found that it contained the entire story of what happened, including the fact that Murakami Noyoshi was arrogant, promoted Dongyang Martial Arts, said martial arts was rubbish, and said that Yuliu was full of rubbish...

The truth is clear.

In an instant, the group of girls all became angry, pointing at Murakami Noyoshi and saying: "Trash, I think you are the rubbish, and your whole family is rubbish!"

"It's so shameless. You obviously attacked someone else and were killed in reverse, but you turned around and framed someone else. Do you still have the shame?"

"And Matsushima Kaede, we respected you so much before, and you actually colluded with this trash. You are not a good person either!"

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