
Yang Lin couldn't help but take a breath of air. Oh my god, is this guy a human or a ghost?

But the scary thing is not this, but that the jounin has not died within a period of time. He looked at Ji Wufeng with malicious eyes and said: "Just wait, our plan will succeed soon, and you will all become Our slaves, haha.”

Ji Wufeng took a step forward, stepped on his head, and immediately crushed his head to pieces. He said disdainfully: "How dare a bunch of clowns dare to talk so shamelessly? Yelang is arrogant!"

Yang Feiyun on the side looked at this scene and almost vomited, but after hearing Ji Wufeng's words, he couldn't help but look at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. He looked like the young hero in that video.

"Okay, let's go. If it's any later, I'm afraid Wushen Group won't be able to wait." ??

Ji Wufeng and the other two strode towards the door. This was just the first stop. Their real target was the Wushen Group.


Yang Feiyun, who had been stunned for a long time, suddenly shouted, rushed to Ji Wufeng and knelt down with a plop.

Ji Wufeng glared and said, "Stand up, who is your master? Get out!"

"You are my master, and I want to worship you as my master." Yang Feiyun howled.

Ji Wufeng looked disdainful and said, "Are you worthy of being my apprentice?"

Yang Feiyun was stunned, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want from me to be my apprentice?"

"Men are treated as murderers!"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the dead bodies on the ground and said: "It's very simple, kill people. If one day you kill enough people, you will be qualified to be my apprentice!"

After saying that, he strode out of the door, leaving Yang Feiyun kneeling there with a dull face.

After leaving Shenwu Dojo, they got in the car and rushed to Wushen Group, but Jin Yu took out his phone halfway, dialed and said: "We are on the road now, let's meet at Nanpu Bridge."

"Who is it?" Murong Wuji asked.

Jin Yu shrank his neck, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "It's Tienan and Linglong."


There was a harsh sound of braking, and the inertia directly pushed Wen Jingtao, who was sitting in the front row, onto the windshield. Six murderous eyes were fixed on Jin Yu.

Jin Yu almost cried and said: "Boss, you can't blame me. We didn't hide anything from anyone when we went to do things. That little aunt must know that she is coming. Can I stop her? Do I dare to stop her? ?If I don't inform her, can you imagine how miserable I will die?"

Thinking of that little girl, everyone shuddered. Ji Wufeng was scary enough, but he was definitely not the ultimate BOSS, because not only them, but even Ji Wufeng shrank under her hands. Seeing her and the mouse. Like cats.

Therefore, Ji Wufeng did not call her during this operation.

Jin Yu added: "Besides, the most important thing about our mission this time is to bring back those materials. Her coming is also the intention of the superiors."

Everyone immediately understood that with so much information, we couldn't just move it back to someone else's laboratory. We had to have a professional follow us, but the little witch was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

When the car arrived at Nanpu Bridge, Ji Wufeng and the others opened the door, jumped out, and ran away. They shouted to Murong Wuji, "We'll go first, you're responsible for picking them up."

Murong Wu

He was stunned for a moment and immediately yelled: "You three bastards, I'm not done with you anymore. It's too bad. I'm the only one left. I don't know if that little witch will take it out on me."

"Little witch? Are you talking about me?"

Suddenly a voice sounded in his ears, and Murong Wuji couldn't help but shudder. He was too familiar with this voice that was scarier than the devil.

He tried hard to put a smile on his face and turned his head stiffly, only to see a girl with braids and a lollipop in her mouth looking at him with a smile.

The girl's face was pink and delicate, just like a fairy in a cartoon. Her cuteness was enough to instantly kill thousands of men, women and children. But no matter how he looked at it, the girl's smile was not cute, but rather eerie. .

Because he knew that this girl was basically a little witch dressed in a fairy costume.

Murong Wuji forced a smile and said: "Ah, haha, beautiful Miss Linglong, what a coincidence, why are you still up so late?"

Linglong took the lollipop out of her mouth, stuck out her little tongue and licked it, then put it back.

"Yes, I was at home about to take a shower and go to bed, when I heard a certain guy call me a little witch. I wanted to ask him why he called me a little witch."

Murong Wuji's face suddenly turned green, and he said with a sneer: "Little witch? Who dares to say that my super invincible beautiful girl Linglong is a little witch? You must have heard wrong. He must have said that you are a little fairy."

"Really?" Linglong asked, tilting her little head.

"Yeah, yeah! Absolutely, I dare to vouch for it with my personality." Murong Wuji raised his hand and swore.

Linglong said with a smile: "But do you have personality?"


After saying that, he raised his hand. Murong Wuji immediately screamed like a ghost. He quickly turned his upper body and grabbed the back of the chair with both hands, and he got into the back.

Linglong rolled her eyes, scratched her neck, and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm just scratching."

At this time, Zhuang Zhiling came over and said, "Okay, stop playing. If you don't go there, it might be too late."

Linglong glared at Murong Wuji fiercely and said, "You're lucky. I'm going to settle a score with that gangster Ji Wufeng later, so I'm too lazy to talk to you. Just drive for me. If you're late, I'll let you try mine." New test subject.”

"Yes, yes, Miss Linglong has a lot of people, how can she care about a little person like me? Are you right?"

Murong Wuji felt like he was being pardoned, and quickly got into the cab. After the two of them were seated, he stepped on the accelerator and the car suddenly sped out.

Wushen Building, a thirty-five-story high-rise building, is not too tall in Yuzhou, but because of Wushen Group's high achievements in biomedicine, Wushen Building is very famous in Asia and even the world.

However, who could know that there is a sinister and sinister thing hidden here?

When they arrived at the venue of the round, Ji Wufeng and the other three were squatting there smoking. When they saw Linglong getting out of the car, the three of them subconsciously ran away.

"Stop, if you dare to run away again, I will include you all in my new experimental plan!"

The three of them suddenly felt as if their acupoints had been tapped. They all stood there and did not dare to move anymore. Then they slowly turned around and said with a flattering smile: "Oh, isn't this our super invincible beautiful girl Linglong Da?" Miss? It’s been a long time since I last saw you, I miss you so much!” Hiss!

Yang Lin couldn't help but take a breath of air. Oh my god, is this guy a human or a ghost?

But the scary thing is not this, but that the jounin has not died within a period of time. He looked at Ji Wufeng with malicious eyes and said: "Just wait, our plan will succeed soon, and you will all become Our slaves, haha.”

Ji Wufeng took a step forward, stepped on his head, and immediately crushed his head to pieces. He said disdainfully: "How dare a bunch of clowns dare to talk so shamelessly? Yelang is arrogant!"

Yang Feiyun on the side looked at this scene and almost vomited, but after hearing Ji Wufeng's words, he couldn't help but look at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. He looked like the young hero in that video.

"Okay, let's go. If it's any later, I'm afraid the Wushen Group won't be able to wait."

Ji Wufeng and the other two strode towards the door. This was just the first stop. Their real target was the Wushen Group.


Yang Feiyun, who had been stunned for a long time, suddenly shouted, rushed to Ji Wufeng and knelt down with a plop.

Ji Wufeng glared and said, "Stand up, who is your master? Get out!"

"You are my master, and I want to worship you as my master." Yang Feiyun howled.

Ji Wufeng looked disdainful and said, "Are you worthy of being my apprentice?"

Yang Feiyun was stunned, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want from me to be my apprentice?"

"Men are treated as murderers!"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the dead bodies on the ground and said: "It's very simple, kill people. If one day you kill enough people, you will be qualified to be my apprentice!"

After saying that, he strode out of the door, leaving Yang Feiyun kneeling there with a dull face.

After leaving Shenwu Dojo, they got in the car and rushed to Wushen Group, but Jin Yu took out his phone halfway, dialed and said: "We are on the road now, let's meet at Nanpu Bridge."

"Who is it?" Murong Wuji asked.

Jin Yu shrank his neck, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "It's Tienan and Linglong."


There was a harsh sound of braking, and the inertia directly pushed Wen Jingtao, who was sitting in the front row, onto the windshield. Six murderous eyes were fixed on Jin Yu.

Jin Yu almost cried and said: "Boss, you can't blame me. We didn't hide anything from anyone when we went to do things. That little aunt must know that she is coming. Can I stop her? Do I dare to stop her? ?If I don't inform her, can you imagine how miserable I will die?"

Thinking of that little girl, everyone shuddered. Ji Wufeng was scary enough, but he was definitely not the ultimate BOSS, because not only them, but even Ji Wufeng shrank under her hands. Seeing her and the mouse. Like cats.

Therefore, Ji Wufeng did not call her during this operation.

Jin Yu added: "Besides, the most important thing about our mission this time is to bring back those materials. Her coming is also the intention of the superiors."

Everyone immediately understood that with so much information, we couldn't just move it back to someone else's laboratory. We had to have a professional follow us, but the little witch was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

When the car arrived at Nanpu Bridge, Ji Wufeng and the others opened the door, jumped out, and ran away. They shouted to Murong Wuji, "We'll go first, you're responsible for picking them up."

Murong Wu

He was stunned for a moment and immediately yelled: "You three bastards, I'm not done with you anymore. It's too bad. I'm the only one left. I don't know if that little witch will take it out on me."

"Little witch? Are you talking about me?"

Suddenly a voice sounded in his ears, and Murong Wuji couldn't help but shudder. He was too familiar with this voice that was more terrifying than the devil.

He tried hard to put a smile on his face and turned his head stiffly, only to see a girl with braids and a lollipop in her mouth looking at him with a smile.

The girl's face was pink and delicate, just like a fairy in a cartoon. Her cuteness was enough to instantly kill thousands of men, women and children. But no matter how he looked at it, the girl's smile was not cute, but rather eerie. .

Because he knew that this girl was basically a little witch dressed in a fairy costume.

Murong Wuji forced a smile and said: "Ah, haha, beautiful Miss Linglong, what a coincidence, why are you still up so late?"

Linglong took the lollipop out of her mouth, stuck out her little tongue and licked it, then put it back.

"Yes, I was at home about to take a shower and go to bed, when I heard a certain guy call me a little witch. I wanted to ask him why he called me a little witch."

Murong Wuji's face suddenly turned green, and he said with a sneer: "Little witch? Who dares to say that my super invincible beautiful girl Linglong is a little witch? You must have heard wrong. He must have said that you are a little fairy."

"Really?" Linglong asked, tilting her little head.

"Yeah, yeah! Absolutely, I dare to vouch for it with my personality." Murong Wuji raised his hand and swore.

Linglong said with a smile: "But do you have personality?"


After saying that, he raised his hand, and Murong Wuji immediately screamed like a ghost. He quickly turned his upper body and grabbed the back of the chair with both hands, and he got into the back.

Linglong rolled her eyes, scratched her neck, and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm just scratching."

At this time, Zhuang Zhiling came over and said, "Okay, stop playing. If you don't go there, it might be too late."

Linglong glared at Murong Wuji fiercely and said, "You're lucky. I'm going to settle a score with that gangster Ji Wufeng later, so I'm too lazy to talk to you. Just drive for me. If you're late, I'll let you try mine." New test subject.”

"Yes, yes, Miss Linglong has a lot of people, how can she care about a little person like me? Are you right?"

Murong Wuji felt like he was being pardoned, and quickly got into the cab. After the two of them were seated, he stepped on the accelerator and the car suddenly sped out.

Wushen Building, a thirty-five-story high-rise building, is not too tall in Yuzhou, but because of Wushen Group's high achievements in biomedicine, Wushen Building is very famous in Asia and even the world.

However, who could know that there is a sinister and sinister thing hidden here?

When they arrived at the venue of the round, Ji Wufeng and the other three were squatting there smoking. When they saw Linglong getting out of the car, the three of them subconsciously ran away.

"Stop, if you dare to run away again, I will include you all in my new experimental plan!"

The three of them suddenly felt as if their acupoints had been tapped. They all stood there and did not dare to move anymore. Then they slowly turned around and said with a flattering smile: "Oh, isn't this our super invincible beautiful girl Linglong Da?" Miss? It’s been a long time since I last saw you, I miss you so much!”

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